Disclaimer: I don't and can't own Gakuen Alice even if I wanted too. It belongs to Tachibana-sensei.



After my talk with Ken, I went back to my apartment feeling crap. I lied down the couch, placing my arm on my forehead. I was finally bearing the consequences of my actions back then. My wife and son went back to Japan without saying anything to me. Ken doesn't think I deserve Mikan. It was a bitter pill to swallow but he was right. I don't deserve Mikan. After everything I did, why should she welcome me back with open arms? She had every right to hate me. I realized my wrong doings a little too late and now I might lose everything that ever mattered to me. But even with everything that had happened, I wouldn't give up. I don't want to lose Mikan or my family.

Mikan... If I confessed everything that had happened would she ever forgive me? Would my family still accept me? I shook my head. This wasn't right. I shouldn't be here thinking about things that would make me hate myself even more. I should be there asking for their forgiveness. I shouldn't be wallowing in self pity with something that I did to myself.

Finding a little bit of resolve, I quickly stood up and grabbed my suitcase, filled it with clothes before leaving. I should have followed Mikan the moment Ken said that she was already in Japan. I should have focused all of my attention into following Mikan rather than wasting time here, thinking about what ifs. What's done is done, all I could do is confess to Mikan everything that I've done and pray to god that she find it in herself to forgive me.

I also have to ask forgiveness from my children. They deserve to know what I did to their mother. I don't know if they'll forgive me because I can't even forgive myself from what I've done.

I was dashing down the stairs when I saw Ken and Mei outside of their unit.

"You're going to Japan?" Ken immediately asked upon seeing my suitcase.


"And then what?" I heaved a sigh.

"I don't really have a concrete plan. All I know is that I want to go where Mikan is. I'm going to confess everything, beg for her and my children's forgiveness. I know I lost their trust and I don't deserve them after everything I've done but even so, I don't want to lose them. I'll do everything in my power so I can be in their lives again."

"Hmm.. at the least you know what you want now."

"Yeah, thank you for everything." I gave him a slight bow and was about to take my leave when I remembered. "About work—"

"Don't worry about it. I'll handle everything. It's the least I could do to help you out. I'm still your friend. As much as I hate you at the moment for making Mikan miserable, you're the person who could also mend it."

"Thank you, boss." He chuckled slightly.

"Now run along, you have a lot of things to do."

"Good luck, Hyuuga!" Mei said with a small smile.

"Hn," I nodded gratefully.

"Oh, Natsume, if I found out you hurt Mikan again; I'll bury you alive," Ken threatened.

"Good luck!" They both bid as I continued running downstairs.

Here I come, Japan.


A few hours after mom spilled everything to my sisters, they, Mimi-nee and Minami-nee, asked, more like dragged mom outside, saying that they should have some girl time out. I, of course, have no say in this, seeing as both of them were determined to take dad out of mom's mind, so I was left alone in our house.

This time is crucial in our family, if dad follows us quickly here, that means that he wants mom back, but if he doesn't that just means that he doesn't consider us important in his life. It's been a few hours since we arrived here, if he took the flight back home as soon as he heard of our departure, then he should probably be here by now, or have just arrived.

My thoughts were interrupted when someone knocked on our door. Was it dad already? I slowly went to the door and opened it, only to find the familiar blue eyes looking at me in shock.

"K-ko? What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be in Chi—" I flicked her forehead.

"Ouch! Why'd you do that?" She mumbled angrily as she touched her forehead.

"You wouldn't stop babbling," I nonchalantly replied.

"But really what are you doing here?" She asked, eyebrows rose at me questioningly. I sighed.

"I could ask you the same thing," I countered.

"Oh, I was supposed to meet Mimi-nee and Minami-nee, we're going to go out shopping," she cheerfully answered, completely forgetting about her own question. I smirked, how I miss this idiot.


"Ouch, what was that for?" I asked as I rubbed my head.

"Tell me what you are doing here?" she demanded. I heaved a sigh, there was no way she'd let this go, she can be as stubborn as Auntie Hotaru when she wants to be.

"Alright, wait for me at the living room, I'll just go change and we'll go somewhere else," I said as I ushered her inside before going to my room to change. After a few minutes of changing and messaging mom and my sisters that I was out with Shizuka, I went downstairs and find Shizuka sitting patiently on the couch.

"Finally, I was beginning to think you were sleeping already," she teased.

"Pft, whatever rabbits, I wasn't that long," I retorted as I head to the door. She quickly followed me. I clasped our hands together and her face turned red immediately, giving me a smile. I smiled back as I led her to my favorite place.


"Hey, I remember this place," Shizuka mumbled as she let go of my hand and head towards the railings. I took her to the old park where we usually played when we were kids, from here you can see the entire city.

"I'm glad you remember," I replied as I smiled.

"Of course! We used to play here when we were kids!" She cheerfully exclaimed. I nodded as I took a seat on the bench. She followed the suit and took a seat beside me. I stayed silent, not knowing how to start telling her what happened during our stay there. She didn't make any comment though, she just waited. I heaved a sigh and decided to tell her everything, and I meant it, starting from the time I knew dad was cheating on mom.

"Dad, he was cheating on mom," I exasperatedly stated. Shizuka gasped in surprise.

"Uncle… did what…?"

"I knew before we flew there, I've known before we left, I just… I didn't have the heart to tell it to mom, so I talked to dad instead, I told him to snap out of it," I began. Shizuka stayed quiet, looking at me worriedly.

"We talked and I figured that he would go do the right thing, but everything went haywire when we went there…" I closed my eyes as I buried my face on my hands, remembering every detail of the incident that broke mom's heart.

"At first it was alright, heck we were having fun, then she had to come… that lunatic just have to ruin it all, but damn it all, I fell right into her trap, I just lost it, the last thing I knew I punched dad on the face, mom looking broken," I babbled as I try not to tear up.

I can't help but feel at fault at what happened. If I just shrugged her off, then maybe, just maybe I wouldn't have punched dad, and he would have had the chance to explain it to mom with less damage, it was just all messed up.

"Ko-kun…" Shizuka whispered as she gently placed my head on her shoulder.

"Don't blame yourself… I'm sure Auntie doesn't blame you for whatever happened," she softly mumbled as she brushed my hair.

"But still I can't help but feel responsible for it, I can't help but think that maybe if I didn't listen to that woman then maybe—"

"Ko-kun," Shizuka started as she held my face. "if you keep thinking like that, then you'd end up getting consumed by something that wasn't even your fault, okay you were used by that woman but that doesn't mean that it's all your fault, you're just a kid, we're just kids, we make mistakes and we learn from them, that's just life, life isn't fair after all," she finished.

"But—" She glared at me.

"If you really think that it's your fault then stop acting like this and do something about it, make auntie happy for instance, that way you—" I didn't let her finish as I hugged her tightly.

"K-ko-kun!" She stammered, blushing slightly. How come Shizuka knows the words I wanted to hear at this moment? Ever since we were kids, she knows how to handle me, how to push my buttons, this girl really… this is why I have come to love her.



"Thank you," I gratefully mumbled as I buried my face on the crook of her neck. She shook her head and hugged me back.

"It's nothing, Ko-kun, anything for you, besides I'm really glad you told me. When we chatted, I could tell something was bothering you. I was really worried since you won't tell me anything." She replied softly as she played with my hair. Her touch kept me relaxed.

"I'm sorry... I just didn't want to burden you with my family problems."

"You know that I'd never be burdened by it. We've been friends for years and us being in a relationship won't change the fact that I care for you, Natsuhiko. If anything else it made me care for you even more. So don't hesitate to tell me anything, I'm always going to be here for you." I hugged her tighter. How can I not love this girl? I'd be damned if I let her slip away from me.


After I told them what happened during Natsu and I's stay at their dad's place, they just hauled me towards the mall saying that we should have some girl time. I tried to decline saying I wanted to rest, but then they pulled the puppy dog eye pout which made me giggle. Why do my children grew up to be so cute?

"So mom, what do you want to do?" Minami asked cheerfully. I really don't know, so I let her decide.

"Hmm, you two pick where we go—"

"Aww, mom that's no fun," Mimi butted, frowning slightly. I giggled; she sometimes acts like her father. After all, Mimi was the combination of me and Natsume.

"Alright, how about we go watch some movies?" I suggested.

"No way," They both answered, I raised an eyebrow at them. What's wrong with movies?

"We both know mom that you'll just sleep there," they both replied, eyes rolling at me. I sheepishly smiled at them, like Natsuhiko they just know me so well.

"Okay, you got me," I said as I raised my hands in defeat. They laughed and asked me where again. I really can't think of somewhere to go, the usual places I go to are just grocery store and market.

"I know, why don't we go to a spa!" Minami said enthusiastically.

"That's a great idea, Minami-nee!" Mimi agreed. They both looked at me. I smiled. A spa seemed to be a great place, besides I needed relaxation and spas are definitely for relaxing.

"Spa it is then," I replied. They beamed happily and lead me out of the mall.


"This was definitely the best idea," Minami exclaimed soothingly. The three of us were currently at the spa, being massaged by a professional. I hummed softly; it was definitely a great idea. I can feel that some of the stress accumulated by my body left me.

"Yeah, Minami-nee, all those volleyball practices are hard on the body you know, I need a well deserve massage," Mimi slurred.

After that massage, it was very soothing and relaxing that I swear I would go back with Hotaru there someday. Speaking of Hotaru, I wonder what would she do if she finds out I'm in Japan right now. And as if my mind was playing tricks on me, in front of me was Hotaru, eyes slightly widened at the sight of me.

"Mikan?" She inquired, her violet irises staring at me intently.

"Uh… hi Hotaru?" I sheepishly replied.

"Auntie," Mimi greeted her aunt, hugging her quickly. Minami did the same, although a little bit cheerfully than her younger sister. Hotaru nodded at them, and then her face was filled with confusion.

"Girls, weren't you supposed to be meeting with Shizuka today? She even left early," Hotaru inquired. Mimi and Minami's eyes widened. I inwardly chuckled, they totally forgot about it.

"Crap, we're sorry mom, auntie; we need to meet Shizuka now!" Mimi exclaimed, as they both bid goodbye before hurriedly going outside of the building, leaving me with Hotaru. Hotaru looked at me blankly.

"It seems that we need to have a nice long chat, Mikan," She mumbled devilishly. I gulped; I'm up for some serious interrogating from Hotaru and it appears I'm going to need another spa treatment after this.

"I… uh…"

"Let's go, Mikan," She stated authoritatively and went outside, I slowly followed her. Nothing can get past Hotaru anyways, might as well spill everything to her, but I know that I would have another breakdown.

It's not easy remembering and telling the story that your husband cheated on you, and you even saw his mistress. I sighed, I just hope that Hotaru won't rush to China right now and killed Natsume, and after all he's still my husband and the father of my children.

Who am I kidding? I still love Natsume, even after everything that he's done my heart is forever his, no matter how hard I try to forget him, I'll see something that reminds me of him. It's like every little thing; I can associate it with him. Others say that time would make me forget but I doubt it would, because I was irrevocably in love with him.


Hotaru dragged me to the nearest café. I sat in front of her, looking down at my fingers, nervously playing with handle of the tea cup. Well, with Hotaru's scrutinizing gaze upon me, how could I relax?

"Mikan," Hotaru deadpanned. I went still and gulped before slowly looking at her.

"Yes, Hotaru?" I anxiously replied. She raised a delicate eyebrow as if saying, you know what I want to hear, so spill. I sighed softly, ever since when we were children, Hotaru always has a knack of finding out things that I wanted to hide. I thought that when we grow up I'll be better at keeping things from her, but unfortunately it doesn't work that way.

"Natsume… h-he cheated on me," I whispered, looking down at my hands. My eyes were starting to get blurry; I knew I was on the verge of crying again.

"What," she blurted out in surprise.

"Yup, you heard me alright, Natsume cheated on me," I tried to make it sound like a joke, but my voice cracked at the end.

"I'll murder that guy," Hotaru muttered furiously. I smiled a bit at her statement, Hotaru rarely openly shows her emotions like this and when she does I can't feel but happy. But happiness comes and goes, and here am I looking at Hotaru sadly while thinking about the things that I have been thinking ever since I knew of his affair.

Why did Natsume have to cheat on me? Why me? Did he get bored with me? Was he tired of his life with me? Was I a horrible wife? How long was he cheating on me? Will he get divorce? Will I get divorce? What will happen to our family?

I felt droplets of water on my hand, that's when I realized that I was crying again. I quickly wiped my tears away but they just kept on flowing.


"Hotaru… What did I do wrong?" I miserably asked, cutting her off. Hotaru looked at me despondently. I didn't even give Hotaru the chance to respond to my question as I spoke again.

"Why? Why did he cheat on me? Was I never enough? Was twenty four years a short time? Does he regret marrying me? What will happen to our family? Answer me, Hotaru… please…," I bawled out, gripping my cup tightly, even though I know she wasn't the one who's supposed to be answering these questions.

"Mikan, you've done nothing wrong," Hotaru whispered, looking at me dejectedly.

"Then why! Why must I get hurt like this? I don't understand, Hotaru… I just do—" I didn't get to finish what I was saying because Hotaru was already at my side, hugging me.

"Hotaru… I really don't understand… Why do—"

"Hush, Mikan, it's not your fault," Hotaru whispered, patting my back comfortably. I continued to let my emotions out on Hotaru, every single thought pertaining to Natsume, that girl he was having affair with, my family, everything. She just quietly listened to my pent up frustrations while comforting me.


"Thank you, Hotaru," I gratefully muttered, wiping my tears as I broke the hug. I didn't know how long I bawled my eyes out, but I was grateful Hotaru listened through it all. It took a big load off of my shoulders.

"Just deposit a thousand yen on my account idiot," Hotaru said, smiling slightly.

"Oh, Hotaru," I pouted at first before giggling. Hotaru then looked at me.

"What is it?"

"What are you going to do?" Hotaru asked calmly.

"I don't know," I honestly replied. She raised a brow.

"Divorce him," Hotaru mumbled exasperatedly. I heaved a sigh, Mimi asked me if I was going to divorce Natsume, but I didn't know what to answer. Who am I kidding; I know what the answer to that question is. Hotaru sighed.

"Idiot," Hotaru said as she flicked my forehead.

"Ouch! What was that for," I scowled.

"For being an idiot"


"I know you Mikan, you're just too in love with that moron to actually divorce him," Hotaru stated, shaking her head slightly. I fidgeted on my seat, nothing really gets past Hotaru.

"I can't hide anything from you, can I?" I smiled slightly. Hotaru just rolled her eyes.

"Idiot, well, we've been here long enough, let's go," Hotaru said, leaving some bill before standing up and walking towards the exit.

"Wait up, Hotaru!" I called out.

Talking to Hotaru made me realize a lot of things, and one of those is that I'm not too keen on the idea of divorcing Natsume. Some of you may think that I am an idiot for not divorcing him, but is it wrong to try to learn to forgive Natsume? I mean, I haven't even heard his side of the story yet. With those thoughts, I quickly followed Hotaru outside.


After a few years of staying away from my home country, it's good to be finally back for good. I stood there, staring at my home, home, where my family resides. The nostalgia I felt whenever I come home after months of work, without seeing my family, grew. I shook my head, there's another time to reminisce but for now I need to find Mikan.

I slowly made my way to the front door. I rang the doorbell, but nobody answered. I tried knocking on the door too, but no reply. I paled slightly, did they leave this house? Did they leave the house where we shared a lot of memories?

I didn't have the keys of my own house because whenever I do go home, they always know and besides, Mikan doesn't have a job so she's always at the house. I looked around the lot; the lights were turned off and nobody seemed to be inside, but there were still furniture and all.

I felt a little relieved, maybe they just went out. Or maybe they left you all alone, my mind chided. No, anything but that, I thought grimly. Should I wait? Maybe— scratch that, they just went out or something, they'll come back a little later, don't over think Hyuuga. Be calm, I chanted like it was a mantra to keep me sane.

I took a seat on the stairs of the front porch; they'll be here any minute now. And it seems that I was right, because a few seconds later, I heard a gasp. I quickly whipped my head towards the voice.


Standing in front of me were my precious daughters, Mimi and Minami. They have sure grown from the last time I've seen them. Minami was looking a lot like Mikan that I thought for a second she was Mikan. Mimi on the other hand, she's become a fine girl. With her hair that has grown longer than that I remembered, her crimson eyes that can be expressive when she wants too, how can she not become so fine?

"What are you doing here?" Minami asked, more like demanded, glaring at me. I was taken aback by the tone of her voice but it was understandable. Mikan must've told them what happened.

"Mina-nee," Mimi mumbled quietly. I resisted the urge to smile, ever since they were children Mimi's the one who'll liked to keep the peace, like Mikan.

"You guys have every right to ask me that question," I said, standing up and dusting off my pants.

"Dad…" I heard Mimi whisper. I gave her a small smile.

"I know I've done something unforgivable to your mother—"

"Pft!" Minami scoffed.

"—and that you probably loathe me now, but please… give me the chance to explain," I pleaded, looking at the two of them seriously.

"Dad, make sure that you'll explain it well," Minami said before walking past through me and entering the house. It hurts that my own family was giving me the cold shoulder, but it's my entire fault anyways.

"Dad… let's go inside," Mimi said, patting my back slightly before following her sister inside. At least, Mimi's still talking to me normally, or was she waiting for the right time to say what she has to say? I shook my head as I carried my luggage and went inside.


As soon as I took a seat in front of my oldest daughter, she looked at me expectantly.

"Explain," Minami said crossing her arms. I bit the inside of my cheek; Minami was a combination of me and Mikan and I think the side that's overpowering now is my traits.

"Mina-nee, I know you're angry at dad, I am too, but dad's still our dad, give him some respect," Mimi mumbled, giving me a glass of water, before taking a seat beside her sister. I muttered a thank you to her to which she smiled slightly.

"Mimi, you're such a saint."

I heard Minami mumble, rolling her eyes at her sister. I gulped the glass full of water down before looking at them.

"For the past few years, I've been cold to your mother. It started when I was still assigned at Russia. My boss manage to convince me to go to his employee's night. I always decline because I didn't want to miss a call from your mom just for some party. Ever since then, he always bugs me to join with him. He was a known womanizer and before I knew it..." I took a deep breath. "I was out every night with him, making out with random women, I didn't sleep with any of them."

"A few months later at some bar, a woman approached me, her name was Luna. The same night I met her, I slept with her. Then after that, we went out on dates. And then I was transferred to China, I thought I was finally going to wake up but no, Luna followed me. I... I did nothing to stop her."

"What the hell, dad!" Minami shouted, slamming her hands to the table. She was glaring at me so heatedly that if looks could kill I must be dead by now. I look at her desolately; I must finish my side of the story.

"And then, Natsuhiko found out about my affair, I received a messaged from him, containing a lot of things but it knocked me out back to my senses, so I decided to break my affair off, but then again, I kept telling myself an excuse that I need to find the right timing for it, even my boss was frustrated with it," I continued, looking down at my clasp hands.

"Eventually, I told Luna…" I closed my eyes as I remembered that scene when she told me that she already knew. "I told her that I already have a family and I love my wife very much so, but she told me that she already knew, but you know what the crazy part was?" I laughed hollowly. Mimi and Minami were listening to me intently.

"She told me that she thought I was going to get divorce and that she'll steal me from Mikan! She was unreasonable," Natsume said, shaking his head. Now, that he thinks about it, how could he date such a lunatic?

"The day that I was supposed to fetch your mom and brother at the airport, I went to meet up with her to finally break up because I had time and I thought if I didn't do it then she would show up." Minami looked at me in disbelief, as if saying, you're stupid dad. Mimi's face was usually readable, but now it was unusually blank. I gripped my hands anxiously

"Natsuhiko was the first one I saw when I arrived at the apartment, he and I talked and he agreed to help me fix my mess, I didn't tell him what happened though, so for a day we were fine, we were happy… but at the end of that day, Luna just ruined it all, she must've told something to Natsuhiko cause I was punched by him that evening, Mikan knew of my affair and the rest is what your mom told you," I finished. My hands were shaking from the anger I felt for myself.

"Dad…" Mimi whimpered, she was already crying. Minami was glaring at me; there were tears in her eyes too.

"I really regret what happened, if I could turn back the time, I wouldn't have done that to your mom—"

"But you can't dad! You can't! The damage's already been done, mom's so hurt by your actions," Mimi cried. I lowered my head, she's right.

"Mimi's right dad, not only mom, we're hurt by what you did too, I can't believe that you did that to us," Minami sobbed.

"…" I don't have anything to say for myself, I was guilty as charged.

"With what you did, I don't think you even have the right to come back here." I heard a familiar voice say. I whipped my head towards the direction of the voice and I found myself staring at my son's crimson eyes.