I was originally going to post this... Oh well. It's here now. Originally posted on Y!Gallery on 2010-11-30. Though I DID edit this to give Romano a bit more... Emotion.

Aaand this is actually the first part of a three-part (as of so far) saga.

Himayura Hidekaz owns Axis Power Hetalia

Warning- May contain some racial slurs or "speaking the lord(s) name in vain." I don't mean to offend ANYONE! Thank you.


"Mmmh..." France hugged Romano tightly, making the Italian shift around. "Bon matin,* Romano." Romano groaned and shifted around some more. "I think it's bath time with France, don't you?"

"Leave me alone..." Romano groaned again.

France left Romano in the bed to run water in his tub. When he thinks that the water was high and warm enough, he left to get Romano.

"L'heure du bain,* Romano." Romano was hugging a pillow as best as he could. That is, until France tried picking him up, then he thrased around in the blond's grip.

"Let me go, accidenti a te!* I was SLEEPING!"

"Non. You need to get cleaned up before you leave. If you leave, I mean. Though so far, you're staying here for the next twenty-four hours!"

"Che cosa?!* You said-"

"How many times did I have to slap you again last night? Three times?"

"Because you kidnapped me just to have sex with me!"

"That's not the only reason." France lowered him down into the tub. "Too hot? Too cold?" Romano shook his head. "Bon." France climbed in the tub with Romano. Romano brought his knees up to his face.

"I'm afraid that I can't use any soap or shampoo, or otherwsie someone might be able to detect the scent and find out who took you, but atleast you can get a least a little clean." France filled a plastic cup up with water. "Close your eyes for a minute."

Romano covered his eyes with his hands to avoid every drop of water possible from getting into his eyes. He felt the hot-warm water flattening his hair to his head, besides his curl, which bounced back up.

"One more time..." France poured water over the Italian's head again. "There. It's too bad I can't properly bathe you, but atleast I can get you clean with water." He crawled over Romano to kiss him. The first instinct for Romano was to bite the blond's tongue off, but he remembered France's promise to keep him trapped here longer.

France pulled back, leaving a long trail of saliva connected their tongues. "Let me make you something to eat." The saliva broke when France started talking. "But first, let's dry you up. If you continue being a good boy, I'll give you a robe instead of a thin blanket."

Romano got out of the bathtub first. He grabbed a towel to dry himself off with it as much as the cuffs would let him.

"I got it." France got out of the tub and started rubbing Romano's head and skin with the white towel, then he dried off Romano's ass- groping it in the process, of course.

Romano jumped. "You fucking said that you were drying me off!"

"I'm trying, but I'm not done yet. Quit moving around." France got the towel around Romano's testicals.

"Wh-What?! What are doing...?" France just chuckled and quickly dried off Romano's legs.

"Here." France wrapped the towl around Romano's shoulders, who took it to tie it around his hips for coverage.

He had to wait on France drying himself off before he could get out of the bathroom. "Follow me if you want that robe." Romano complied quietly. "You haven't been talking very much today." Romano didn't say anything still.

France held out the robe he was talking about to show Romano. He was relieved that the robe was just a plain, white robe. Nothing too girly or overall embarrassing. "You're going to have to ask for it, if you want it."

Romano gritted his teeth. "I'm cold... Can I wear that robe?"

"There's that voice of yours! Of course you may!" France grabbed the key for the cuffs out of his pocket from the jacket he was wearing the night previous. "Let me see your hands." Romano held them out and let one of his wrists be unshackled. Romano took and put the robe on. This time, his wrists were bounded behind his back.

"I bought that robe, just for you! Of course, again I couldn't properly wash it." France got dressed in new clothes as well. Spain is one of his best friends, after all, so he could tell that France took Romano just by the boy's scent.

"You can wait in the dining room while I make petit déjeuner."* Romano followed France into said dining room, where France pulled out a chair for him. "You may sit here while waiting."

Romano sat down, waiting like a good boy, but keeping quiet still to piss the Frenchman off. Almost ten minutes later,(1) France walked in with a plate of... 'Fruit wrapped around a tortilla?' He guessed to himself.

France smiled at Romano's confused face. "Crêpe." He cut a piece and held a forkful of fruit and crepe to Romano's mouth. He accepted the food, knowing what will happen if he didn't. "Is it good?" He nodded slowly.

Suddenly, the doorbell rang. "Merde!"* He put the fork down and grabbed a hankerchief from his pocket to tie around Romano's mouth. "If you make any noise, I'll keep you forever." The doorbell ringing continued. "Je suis à venir!"*

France ran closed the door almost all the way that connects the dining room to the living room, just in case, before running to the front door. "Allo? Ah, Espagne! Salut!"*

Spain looked worried. "Yeah, hi... Um... Have you happened to have seen Romano since yesterday?"

"Romano? Non, I haven't." He lied. "Didn't you see him after the world meeting yesterday?"

"No... We agreed on meeting each other at the hotel we were staying at, but he never showed up."

France chuckled a little. "He's a grown boy. He probably wanted to get away from his "mother," madame Espagne."*

"This is no time to joke around, France!" France chuckled again, and almost said something, before hearing a loud 'thump' and some quiet, high-pitched groaning. "What was that?"

"That was my son!" France looked panicked.

"What?! And you call me-"

"I actually have a son, who's probably hurt. Good luck. Bye!" France shut and locked the door before running across the living room, hissing.

"Well, guess what, Romano..." He opened the door all the way to see Romano curled up and groaning, with the chair lying sideway next to him. He ran to Romano's side and ungagged him. "Romano?"

Romano groaned some more before saying "Stomach..." in a very weak tone. France placed a hand inside the robe, on where Romano's stomach would be, to feel it rumbling.

"Did you ever eat something small, or a bite of something, and then stop right in the middle for something with food still in sight or smell?"

"I... I don't think so..." Romano answered. 'Of course I have.' He thought to himself.

"Well, your stomach's saying that it needs more food, after just having that one piece. I've felt this way before a few times."

"W-Was that all...?"

France smiled gently. "Yes, Romano. That's all. The only solution is to eat more." France picked Romano up and seated him backed up infront of his food.

"D-Does this mean... I-I-I'm g-going to... T-To sss-stay..."

"Non, Romano. Unless you want to stay with me forever. You weren't feeling good, and you didn't know what was happening to you." France brought another forkful of food up to Romano's face, which he ate happily, though he tried not to show it.

'I can't believe that idiot fell for it... Too bad though... It didn't... Wait, what does he mean, "son?"' "You called me your son."

"As an excuse to get... Him away." France wasn't sure if Romano knew that it was Spain at the door or not. "But, I do actually have a son. Two, actually. They're twins, but I don't spend time with them very often. I try, but as nations themselves, they're really busy most of the time."

"Nations?" Romano asked with a full mouth.

"I've said too much. Here." France held up a glass of cider to Romano's lips. France needed a new topic to talk about. "Um... If you can tell me a word in French, and translated for me- in English- I'll let you go earlier. "Oui" doesn't count."

Romano perked up at the opportunity. "Madame" means "miss," right...?"

"Yes, that's right." France reached over to pat his head. "Bon garçon."

When they both finished eating, France dragged Romano in the living room, on the couch. He turned on the average size television.

"Wait a fucking minute. We're watching T.V.?! Why don't you just let me go right now?!"

"Pour quoi?"* France pinned Romano down on the couch. "Would you rather do something else?"

Romano's eyes widen in fear. "N-N-N-No! No! T.V.'s fine, I just can't understand. Th-Th-That's all..."

"Too late now." France leaned over to steal Romano's lips- and tongue- for the second time that morning. Romano struggled to break it.

"No! Stop it!" He started kicking around. "Viol!"*

France stopped and started at him. "...What? How did you learn that word?!"

He was told to scream that if he's ever in France, and if something like this happens. Of course, he wasn't about to tell the Frenchman that. "I-I can't tell you..."

"Then I'll pin the blame on cher Espagne."

"...Fine..." 'Of course he knows.'

France smirked at this reaction. "Well, if you're going to be screaming things like that, than I suppose I'll have to gag you."

Romano shook his head. "No, don't..."

France took out the piece of cloth from his pocket again. "Désolé."

"Ah! Wh-Why can't we go to your room... It will be more comfortable at least, and you won't-!" France shoved the cloth in Romano's mouth and tied it around his head.

"Again, sorry, mais, I can't take any chances." He got off and picked up the Italian. "But I don't see why we can't do it in the bedroom."

Romano was dropped carelessly on the bed. France crawled over him again, placing his hands in the robe, his fingers teasing the pink buds and his mouth on Romano's neck. France can feel Romano moan against his lips from his throat.

"Someone's enjoying this..." He ran his tongue across the other's cheek. Romano tried his best to raise his hands high enough to remove the cloth from his mouth. "Here, let me help with that." France untied the cloth for Romano.

Romano took some deep breaths before France could take his mouth again. France leaned over, but instead of just taking the wet cavern right away, he licked Romano's lips, tracing them with his tongue.

"Open up, cher. Let me inside." Romano barely parted his lips, but that was a good enough invitation for the Frenchman. He kept his eyes closed and pretended this was a lot more experienced Spain. They were both moaning quietly, before Romano bucked his hips up, catching France's attention right away.

"Seems like someone's enjoying themself a little too much." France sat up.

"N-No... I-I just want you to get off of me..."

"Really?" France smiled and rubbed Romano's penis gently with his palm, making him moan in surprise. "I think this part of you says otherwise."

"C-Could you just get this over with? I'm tired and I just want to be done pleasuring your filthy, perverted "needs." France's smile grew wider, and he unzipped his pants.

"Of course, mon plus cher!" France grabbed the bottle of lubricant off of the side table he placed it last night to prepare himself for Romano. He spread Romano's legs and placed them on his shoulders before sheathing himself inside Southern Italy completely.

He kept on going until he heard Romano moan loudly. France chuckled, please with himself for finding his prostate so quickly, and aimed right for it, hitting almost every time, making Romano scream. "F-Fuck! T-Touch me, damn it..."

"Gladly!" France's hand wrapped around the Italian's member before pumping it quickly. Romano didn't last long until he came all over himself. "I guess another bath will be necessary. Ngh! Ah- Or, I could just wash you off with a wet wash cloth..." France kept on going until he was close and pulled out to finish.

"Bon garçon... Very good. Now just wait here for France, d'accord?* Bon."

When France came back with the promised wash cloth soaked in hot water, he found Romano sleeping. "Oh yeah... What are those called again? A "siesta?"(2) Regardless of Romano, he still ran the warm-hot rag over his body, making him mumble some nonsense France couldn't understand.

He left the boy alone for now to make them lunch. He tied his hair back and hummed a little tune to himself. When he was done, he woke Romano up by shaking his shoulder. "Romano~! Time to eat~!"

"Already...?" Romano asked, mumbling. "Five more minutes..."

"Mais, Romano, if you eat all of what I have made for you, I will bring you home after lunch." Romano got up right away after hearing that, head-butting France by accident. He layed back down in pain while France crouches down and holds his forehead.

"F-Fuck..." Romano curled up almost into a ball. "Your head is fucking hard!"

France was in too much pain to smile right now. "No... Not yet, anyway..."

"What...? That's not what I meant, you pervert! Damn it!" Romano got up the best he could with his hands still chained behind his back.

"Anyway... Lunch is ready and waiting on the table." France help the Italian get up to his feet, who decided to stay quiet once again.

Lunch was big, so it took awhile to finish. France would spoon-feed him, asking every now and then if the food was good, but Romano would only nod. "You know I don't like it when you refuse to talk. Maybe I should keep you until dinner."

Romano's eyes widen a little. "No! Per favore! I want to go home..." He slightly looked away from France.

France smiled gently. "Then finish eating." Romano did just that. He was quiet again, but he wasn't talked to this time, so he didn't have anything to say. When they were both finished, France brought him his clothes from when he first got here.

"Change into these, then we can go." As soon as Romano was changed, he was gagged, blindfolded, and his wrists and ankles were bounded with chains. He was shoved into the back of a car, and he could hear a garage opening. He was still awkwardly buckled in, just in case.

"Don't bother trying to sit up. This car has tinted windows, so no one outside can see you." France started the car up. "It will take a few hours, and I may go a little fast for you, but I can at least get you to Germany before midnight."

Romano made a displeased sound through the gag, but apparently either France didn't hear it, or he chose to ignore it. Romano tried sleeping throughout the whole trip to pass the time. He woke up when the car stopped and he heard the driver's door open.

"Here we are." France undid every thing and picked the younger boy up. It was dark outside. "Right now, we are in between the borders of Belgium and Germany. If you run just a little east, you'll be in Germany. There's a gas station near by. It would probably take about twenty minutes on foot if ran for that long. I slipped some Deutsche Mark(3) in your back pocket."

France squeezed Romano's ass once last time before slapping it. As soon as he was released, Romano ran east as fast as he could. France chuckled and got back in the car. "And who knows. I might be lucky enough to get you in a closet after a world meeting and knock you out with chloroform again."


SEEMINGLY RUSHED ENDING SEEMS RUSHED! But I don't really enjoy being overly repetitive, SO!...

Himayura Hidekaz owns Hetalia.

(1) In French class, it didn't take very long to make a plain crepe at all.

(2) It's a nap that people in Mexico, Spain, and Italy will take in the middle of the day.

(3) Apparently it's the currency in Germany.

Translations, biotches!*

"Bon matin" - "Good morning"

"L'heure du bain" - "Bath time"

(Italian) "Accidenti a te" - "Damn you"

"Che cosa" - "What"

"Petit déjeuner" - "Breakfast" (Or "little lunch")

"Merde" - "Damn"

"Je suis à venir" - "I'm coming"

"Salut" - Another way to greet a (male) friend. Like, "Hi!"

"Pour quoi?" - "Why?" (Or "for what?")

"Viol" - "Rape"

"D'accord" - "Okay"

"Espagne" - "Spain"