Disclaimer: I don't own anything.

audacity |ôˈdasitē|


1 the willingness to take bold risks.

Scorpius Malfoy was the contrary of brave. He was more of a coward, to put things simply.

So, he stood there leaning against a rickety bookcase pondering on how to go on with his plan.

Why did I tell myself to do this again?

Oh, yeah.

Curse you, Albus Severus Potter.

Yes, I got into a bet with one of the Gryffindor Golden Boys or a.k.a my bestmate. I had to kiss a girl in front of the Great Hall.

I know that isn't so hard because I've had my fair share of mademoiselles.

The condition was that it had to be a girl I liked. But some deity up there despises me so much that I just had to like Lily Luna Potter.

Yes, answering your question. I could just have paid him with Malfoy gold. But I didn't want to prove to Al that Malfoys' were, I quote 'sissies'.

That's how I got myself in this knotty situation.

I am in DEEP SHIT.

Help me.

I am in desperate need of help to get out of this shit I got myself in.

I groaned and banged my head on the bookcase and ended up being covered in dust. I coughed and sneezed as I tried to emit the dust from my system. I mustered up my courage or lack of thereof and sauntered out of the library.

I was swaggering and whistling while my hands were in my pockets when I almost tripped.


She's here.

Bloody hell.

I kept up my façade and just kept walking.

"Hey Scorp!"

My body was probably in hysteria by that time.


Not 'probably'.

IS IN HYSTERIA PANIC, ANXIETY and any other word that I couldn't conjure up.

I feigned surprise and met her eyes.

Her mesmerizing eyes.

Stop it!

"Hey Lil!" I replied, surprised that my voice wasn't akin to a mouse's.

"Headed to the Great Hall?" I queried.

"Yep. Want to come with?" she asked.


Time to take my 'courageous' plan into action.

I took a deep breath and headed towards her. I helped her with the load of books she was carrying and set out for the Great Hall.

When we were at the entrance of the hall, my mind was whizzing with excitement, fear and anxiety.

"So, Scorp. How's life treating you?" She said in a exaggerated theatrical voice.

"Very well indeed," I replied in a dramatic tone.

She laughed that melodious and sexy laugh—


When did I call her sexy?

Since ever.


We were halfway towards the Gryffindor table when I put my plan into action.

I pressed my lips on to hers in a gentle manner. I could sense her bewilderment from the response or lack of it of her lips.

But I suddenly felt a slight pressure against my mouth and found her responding. I heard the books she was carrying topple onto the floor with several thuds. I dropped my own share and wrapped my arms around her waist. Her hands found my neck and entwined them at my nape.

I could hear the gasps flutter across the room at the very sight of them kissing. But that couldn't cease the pleasure emitting from both forces.

"Oi! That's my sister!"

That stopped the kiss.

I opened my eyes and saw her face contorted into a smile.

"What?" she replied to Albus' protest.

"You were the one who told me to kiss her, Albus," I countered.

"You—You—You like her?" Albus was at the loss of words at the moment.

"Merlin. No, Albus," I replied mockingly.

"What do you mean Al asked you to kiss me?" Lily asked curiously.

"We had a bet."

"Oh. So you like me then?"

I felt a slight heat radiate on my cheeks.

"Yes," I replied quietly.

"Perfect. I like you too."

I grinned and head to the Gryffindor table.


AN: How is it? I made it in 20-30 minutes tops. So, not exactly my best. But still. :DD