That special someone

AUTHORS NOTE: Hey everyone! I am so excited to hear what you all think of this new story. Umm if you could please check out my other Fanfic , The Ones Who Brought The Fire. I promise I will try to make this story and that one as enjoyable as any other. So Review and Tell me what you think!

Chapter 1 KPOV

As I walk through the town with my hood up I wonder. Why me? Why do I have to be the freak in town? The one who will never be loved or fit in. Well I am glad it was me and not Prim. Ever since my father died in that horrid mining explosion my mother fell into a state of shock. Not caring if we died with him. So I took the lead role in the family and hunted for food. I have never had many friends. People call our group the misfits. As I walk to the school I notice a scrawny guy in a grey jacket just like my own walking towards the school also. Must be new. God, I hope he will fit in. I don't want anyone to endure the pain we go through everyday. As I walk up to our usual meeting place at the tree I noticed that I am early and the new kid is silently studying his schedule. So I stand next to him and wait. When he notices my presents I get a good look at his face. He has these amazing green eyes but if you look close enough you can see there are specks of dark blue in them. Then all of a sudden, the wind decides to blow really hard and knock the hoods of our heads. We both gasp at the same time noticing the absents of hair.

"Your just like me…" we whisper at the same time. I look at him in disbelief. There is no way someone as handsome as him would be served the same fate as me also. Wait did I just think that… really Katniss you haven't even fully met him and anyways everyone you have ever loved has been taken away from you so don't go there!

"I'm Finnick…Finnick Odair." He extends his outstretched hand towards mine. I take it in my cold one and am immediately filled with warmth.

"Katniss… Katniss Everdeen." I say the same way but in a breathy voice. He smiles so I try and smile back. NO! Don't smile back Katniss. You can't be hurt if you lose someone else. Oh well I guess it couldn't hurt to get to know him but as long as I don't develop any feelings for him it's ok. I tell myself and sit down next to him. I pull the hood back over my head and adjust his.

"So Finnick… I want to warn you. Do not go anywhere near those people over there sitting on top of the table," I say as I point towards the tormentors, " They have made our lives like hell and you don't need any of that. So don't take any shit from them." I say. Then a shadow starts to loom up above us. I look up to see Glimmer and her wanna be tramps following closely behind.

"What's up Catpiss Neverclean?" She teases.

"That's the best you can come up with bitch?" Finnick says beside me. I look over to him in shock. I never knew a new kid would have the guts to stand up to Glimmer like that. I mean, I do it all the time but a new kid? Never seen it. Especially for someone like me. Glimmer looks over to him, eyebrows raised up to her hairline.

"What did you just say?" She says flipping her dyed blonde hair over her shoulder.

"You heard me Malibu tramp. Leave her alone." He states, anger clearly heard through his voice. I look back to Glimmer and she seems to be angry as well.

" Why would you want to be with.. That!? Especially when you can have all this!" Glimmer states pointing her finger at me then back to her while she pulls her shirt down some more to show him some cleavage. He doesn't look her way. He looks at me and says,

"Because she is perfect in everyway possible. And she's just like me." He states as he pulls down his hood to reveal his hairless head. Glimmer gasps then smirks.

"Only the people with something seriously wrong with them could like you Katniss. Isn't that sad?" She looks back to me giving me one of her sinister smiles. Then two knifes find themselves pinning Glimmer to the tree behind her by her shirt. Clove. Glimmer shrieks in fear.

"And the only people who could like you Glimmer are homeless people desperate for anything they can get their hands on. Isn't that sad?" Clove says standing by my side playing with the knife that has the most wicked curve possibly in it.

"G-g-get me out of here guys-s pl-e-ease!" She screams out to her minions as they try to dislodge the knifes from the bark of the tree. Clove walks over after many of the barbies fail at pulling at the knife. She pulls them both back in one swift motion then call out,

"Get lost before I ruin your fake little face." She states as she walks towards me. After my father died and my mother fell out of her state of depression she started seeing her old high school sweetheart. His wife died in a plane crash. They got married shortly after and I now have two step brothers, a step sister, and a real sister. My two step brothers are named Cato and Marvel. Clove is my step sister, and Primrose is my real sister. I wouldn't let a soul touch her. She's too perfect for anyone. She doesn't deserve to see me in the state I have been in getting chemo and all. She cried herself to sleep every night since she found out I had gotten cancer. Clove, Cato, and Marvel love me like an actual sister. And I am glad to have them. After Clove gets back I notice Finnick eyeing my jacket. Well it's not mine, it's Cato's but Marvel uses it sometimes. When he is using this one I steal one of Marvels. Then Finnick starts to fidget. Probably nervous so I wait until Cato and Marvel get here to introduce them.

"Finnick this is Cato," I state pointing to Cato as he walks up to hug me. "That is Clove," I say pointing to Clove as she starts throwing her knifes at a poor lizard. " And this is Marvel." I say as he pulls me into a hug then Cato and him tell me we should be going inside so we don't get to cold. We walk up to the school then enter through the doors when I ask Finnick to see his schedule. He hands it over to me and I read it.

"We have the exact same rooms together. Come on we don't want to be late." I say as I grab Finnick's hand, guiding him through the sea of kids trying to get to their next classes. When we make it to homeroom we are greeted with a pink tornado. Like, seriously her hair is twisted up on her head like a tornado and her clothes have winkles in them making it look like an actual tornado. Finnick stands there probably slightly blinded by the bright pink. You get used to it after a while. When he thinks he has regained all of his sight we go and pick a seat in the back.

" So Katniss… Are we friends?" He asks rubbing the back of his neck. Do I want to be friends with someone that can leave me at anytime? To become so close to them that when they die I would completely break? No I don't. But… there is just something about him that makes me want to say yes.

"You promise you won't leave me if we become close?" I ask. He's eyes light up in understanding.

"Only if you do to." He states. Wait has he lost people he loved? Of coarse he must of. He might know what I have been going through too. Maybe…

"I promise." I say. He sticks out his pinkie finger and I laugh. Actually laugh. I haven't done that in years. Everyone is looking at me shocked. No one has ever heard me laugh. Except for Prim because she was there before my father died. I stick out my pinky and wrap it around his shaking. He is laughing to. It was so childish. No one has ever succeeded in making me laugh but him. Finnick. He just has this ability that makes me safe around him and that makes me scared to no end.

AUTHORS NOTE: Hey so what do you think? Do you like it? Tell me what you think! :D PLEASE! I'm trying to take this slow and I will also be doing another Cancer story and it will be Marvel/Katniss. I will probably put it up either this week or next week because I will be going to the Pirates game tomorrow! I really don't care for baseball but I'm rooting for the Braves :D My cousins a freak about it Lol. Bet your jealous now Jacob :P Lol. Ok so message me and tell me if you want something specific to happen and the next chapter will be in Finnick's POV. Do you guys want it to be showing his thoughts and stuff this morning and then continue where it left off here or just pick up from there and keep going but in Finnick's POV? You guys tell me. I'm writing this for both my enjoyment and yours J Review, Follow and Favorite please!