Disclaimer: I don't own Supernatural.

Sam was wearing a hole in the floor due to his pacing up and down it. He would occasionally stop and stare at Dean his eyes begging 'Can we go now.' Dean response was always a look that said 'no he's coming back.' then Sam would just start to pace again.

Dean hoped he was right, that Bobby was coming back, because if he didn't then he wasn't sure how well it was going to go over with Sam. Sam trusted very few people, really only him and Bobby. If Bobby didn't come back he was sure he'd probably see a little regression into his less than fun personality.

He also wouldn't like it because it would mean that he had been wrong about Bobby and Bobby wasn't the person that he had always thought that he was. It would also mean that he and Sam would be alone again like they had been for two years before they had come into contact with Bobby. While Dean had thought that he had been fine with it just being him and Sam he really liked Bobby. He was a great hunter, a great friend, someone he had grown used to being close to and looking up to.

He couldn't think of what it would be like if he were wrong and he was never able to talk to talk Bobby again in the way that he had before. Sam though, Sam was a huge part of his worry as well. They hadn't told Bobby in the past because Sam had been so against it and right now if Bobby didn't come back Sam would be proven right. Sam would probably never ever think of telling another person ever again. Not that he had exactly had a choice in the matter. Dean looked down at the hotel carpet that Sam was working on wearing down and then back to the door hoping to see Bobby walking through it. Or rather knocking on the door since the two of them had separate hotel rooms and Bobby didn't have a key to their room.

It was supposed to be just a simple salt and burn, only Bobby had wanted in on it. Sam had tried to refuse at first, giving excuses, but when it became apparent pretty quickly that they were in fact excuses Sam had had to either let Bobby come or offend him terribly. Sam in the end had agreed to let him come. It had a been a little bit of a tense case with Sam making very little conversation and checking everything he said very carefully whenever Bobby had been in the room. Which he was sure Bobby noticed, he was pretty sure everyone had noticed as Sam hadn't not been very covert about it. Sam was usually very good at pretending to be anything and everything, but having Bobby there had made him nervous he guessed. Anyways, they had managed to find out where the body, was which happened to be an abandoned house that was slated to be demolished in a few months. They had even manged to find the spot where the body was and Dean had been working on destroying it. Dean flashed back to the moment.

The house smelt damp and mildewy, which was probably because half the roof was missing and the other half looked about seconds away from caving in. All in all not a very comfortable and safe place to be. But at least now the familiar smell of gasoline was in the air. The pile of bones they found in the wall was drenched in the liquid.

Bobby and Sam were covering him looking all around for the ghost which had already made a few appearances. Dean opened his lighter and was about to drop it when he saw out of the corner of his eye the ghost appearing and throwing Bobby. Dean dropped it and spun to see Bobby flying backwards through the house and heading straight for the wall. It might have been okay if that particular stretch of the wall had been whole, but it was only a couple of jagged boards and metal. Dean's eyes widened as he realized that if Bobby hit that the likelihood of his surviving such a thing was next to nothing. Right when Dean thought Bobby was going to hit he suddenly stopped inches away from the jagged boards and metal. Dean shot a surprised look at Sam, because Bobby was hanging in mid-air and Sam was the only way that was possible. Sam's eyes were wide and full of panic and were staring at Bobby most likely afraid of his reaction.

Bobby's eyes on the other hand were full of shock. Neither of them moved for a long moment.

"Sam, you should let him down." Dean said and Sam blinked a few times before slowly lowering Bobby to the floor his expression not changing in the slightest. Bobby's eyes only further widened in shock as he was lowered to the ground. When his feet touched the rotting wooden boards nothing changed, neither moved, it was like there were both frozen in shock and waiting for the other to react first. Eventually Bobby did after blinking quite a few times and that was only to leave the room. The moment Bobby left the room Sam hunched over like it was the end and like nothing would ever be good again.

"Sam he just needs some time to think." he said and Sam didn't look like he believed him.

"He'll come back let's go back to the motel and wait for him." Dean had insisted.

And so they had. They had been waiting in their motel room for over an hour and if they waited much longer Dean was half convinced that Sam would really wear a hole in the carpet.

There was a knock on the door and Sam and Dean's eyes both went to the other and then to the door simultaneously.

"Do you...?" Sam asked but trailed off nervously.

"I'll get it." Dean said, he got up from the bed and made his way over to the door. He looked at Sam who looked nervous and then unsuccessfully tried to hide it. He looked through the peephole briefly just long enough to make sure that it was Bobby before he opened the door and backed up to the bed. Bobby stood in the doorway for a long moment before entering and Sam and Bobby had another stare off, during which Dean closed the door all the while still looking at the two. Sam was hiding his shock and nerves slightly more effectively now. Bobby stepped a few steps closer to Sam and he could see Sam tense up.

"How long?" Bobby asked. Sam swallowed nervously.

"I've always had them, ever since I can remember. I was taught how to use them pretty early on." Sam admitted nervously. Bobby nodded.

"So how did you get these powers?" Bobby asked after another few moments of silence that seemed more like hours. Sam started to explain about Azazel and their search and some facts about his childhood. Sam spoke for about a half an hour when Bobby interrupted him.

"That's enough." Bobby said and got off the bed. Sam looked down at his feet and Dean looked shocked. Had Bobby really come back only to abandon them now? Bobby rolled his eyes as he caught their looks.

"Sam saved my life. It's three o'clock in the morning and I ain't no spring chicken. We can finished the rest of this conversation tomorrow after I've had some sleep okay?" he said and Dean and Sam both nodded quickly. Bobby shook his head as he turned around and headed for the door. "Idjits." he said under his breath.

A/N: This is the end. Oh my gosh it's been such a wild ride. This is my longest completed story and it only took me two years to write, okay that probably nothing to brag about...Anyways I want to thank everyone who has stuck with me even though I didn't necessarily update very regularly. I want to really thank Souless666 and ncsupnatfanand baby reaper for reviewing so much, I really appreciate it. I also want to especially thank Sarah my anonymous reviewer who has reviewed every or nearly every chapter. Anyways you all have been very awesome and I really appreciate you. I hope you've like my story and I hope that you liked this ending :)