I think there's something wrong with me. Time is slipping away from me, and I can't remember what I did yesterday or the day before that. I've been having dreams too, dreams of needles and machines and men with blue hands.
I have needle marks on my arms but why? There are scars on my head and cuts on my spine. They said I tripped and hurt myself. Why don't I remember?
There was a smear on the floor of the cafeteria today. It looked like blood, and one of the older students is missing. An hour later it was gone and when I asked the staff all I got were blank looks. None of the other students know what I'm talking about. They look away from me whenever I get close, flinch if I ask them something. Did I say something wrong?
There's a bird living under my bed. It's green and blue and red. I'll have to move it soon, it won't survive too long without proper nutrition and nowhere to fly or build a nest.
Why didn't you talk to me when I saw you today? Are you angry at me?
Words trip off my tongue, two by two, Noah's ark. No, wrong, have to fix it. Two by two, hand of blue. They come for you in class now, no longer skulk at night. No one will talk to me now. Simon, dam gniog m'I kniht I. I think I'm going mad.
There's blood, so much blood. It drips in streams and rivulets onto the floor. Drip, drip, drip. Why won't it stop? It's eating away at me, riddling me with holes until I'm swiss cheese! I'm covered with it and no matter what I do it just keeps coming back. Keeps coming back, they always come back. Come back for more sessions and needles and take and take until I'm all gobbled up by the evil witch in her house of gingerbread! Where are you Simon?
The mattress is evil. I cut it up but they just put it back together again. They don't know my reasons, think River girl's crazy when I'm the only sane one among them! I see them all even though they wear masks to try and hide from me.
It hurts. Ithurtsithurtsithurts! Make it stop, please god make it stop! They drill you full of little holes and put their medicine in but it doesn't help. It's poison and it burns and they won't leave me alone! Leave me alone! Why won't anyone go away? Crowding my head full of thoughts and noises and words that don't have meaning and make the pretty bird sing their songs. Feed them lies and release them among the wild. We're doing such good work.
It's the pax.