WALLS: Chapter I
By: Sailor E
Disclaimer: I cant spell disclaimer. HA. As I wasn't saying, I don't own Sailormoon. I'm living a lie, in this dark hole of materialism.
Author's Totes: this is really dark and evil, so watch out. Its not so bad in this first part, but it will get violent and have some sick, suggestive dialogue, but I think thats only in one part. I think.
Its kinda weird, it takes place in between the actual Sailormoon stuff and Crystal Tokyo. Ok, so I'm not quite sure where its going yet. Maybe its in an entire different universe. Who knows what will happen, but that's what makes a story interesting, right?
This is Rei's POV and shes OOC, yo! What?? It sounds like a rap doesn't it? So don't "flame" me sailor homies. (ooh, I'm bad)
Walls I
I'm awake now. I'm all alone. I don't remember anything. It just hurts, really badly. I'm in an empty white room. A bright, throbbing white that brings tears to my eyes.
And I can feel the walls closing in on me.
I hear a voice from out of nowhere.
"Where are you?" it asks me.
"Me?" I look around for the owner of the voice. I can't find anyone.
"Yes, you. And you can't see me, no matter how hard you look."
"I'm in the hospital," I say softly. What else can I do but trust this thing? "The Men's Ward actually." I realize this when I see the labels around the room and the tags on my wrist. Why am _I_ in the Men's Ward? Not only that, but it is definitely not an average hospital room. I'm not even in hospital dress. I am in my normal clothing. It seems secluded and deserted here. There are cobwebs, as if it hasn't been used in years. Why would someone put me here? With all these boxes and stored away items. There is one rusty sink in the back. And ever present is the one flooding white light fixture hanging from the ceiling.
"What does it look like?" it asks.
"The walls are white," I answer. I'm finding it hard to form complete, intelligent sentences.
"Why are you in the hospital?" it says.
"I'm not sure. I think I broke something. It hurts." I croak in reawakened pain.
"No it doesn't," it says simply.
I blink at the strange remark, "Yes. It does."
"No it doesn't," it says.
"But I can feel the blood running down my back," I say.
"That's not blood, its water," it says
"It is?" I ask, still unbelieving.
"Yes, your hair isn't dry," it says.
"Okay," I find myself accepting the argument.
"Get up." It commands. I try to get up, but I feel an incredible pain in my back.
"I can't, it hurts too much," I whimper.
"I told you, it doesn't hurt," it says.
I get up from the bed. The voice is right, it doesn't hurt.
"Is anyone in the hospital besides you?" it asks.
"No," I reply.
"What's your name?" it inquires.
"I'm not sure," I say, my memory still weak, "I think its Nikki."
"Hello, Nikki, how old are you?" it asks.
"I don't know," I say.
"What do you look like?" the voice asks me.
"I have long dark hair and violet eyes," I answer.
"What is two plus two?" it asks.
My mind draws a blank, "I don't know, eight?"
"Do you remember anything?" it asks.
"Hmm," I think aloud, "I remember Slakk."
"What's Slakk?" it asks.
"He's my friend. He's funny," I say.
"Go outside."
"No," I say.
"Why not?"
"It's too cold," I say.
"Put on a blanket," it suggests.
"It's colder than that," I say.
"Put on more blankets," it says.
"It's below zero," I explain. "I can't go out in that!"
"Oh." The voice seems to think for a moment. Then it says, "Nikki, do you remember anything about the 'Sailor Senshi'?"
Sailor Senshi, Senshi...
The word runs through my mind. It sounds so familiar. But I just can't put my finger on what it means.
"Sailor Senshi, a name for a special combat unit..." I murmur in deep thought. The little bit of information jumped out of my blurred memory.
"That's right, they were elite soldiers of the Ancient Moon Kingdom. They use different types magic to fight," the voice says.
"I'm...I'm..." it's right on the tip of my tongue...
"The Sailor Senshi of fire," the voice finishes for me.
"Yes, yes! I am the Senshi of fire! I remember!" I shout happily. Finally, the past is coming back to me! I am a member of the Inner Sailor Senshi. A group that protects the princess of the Ancient Moon Kingdom. What is this planet called again? Is this even a planet, or is it a moon? Alas, my memory is not completely restored.
"And as a Senshi of fire, the cold shouldn't be a problem for you," it says.
Yes, the voice is right, it must be. So far it hasn't been wrong. I step outside.
"Is it cold?" it says once I'm out of the hospital.
"No. I feel warm," I say.
"I told you. See, you should trust me. What's it like outside?" it asks.
"It's snowing a lot," I catch a snowflake on my bare hand. It melts instantly and lets off steam, as if my palm were a stove.
"Are there any people outside?" it asks.
"No," I say and look at the ground.
"Why not?" it asks.
"Because they know I'm out here," I say.
"So?" it says.
"Everyone's afraid of me."
"Why?" it asks.
"I'm different," I say.
"How so?" the voice asks.
"I-," I begin, but then pause. Should I trust this thing with everything?
"You can trust me," it says. The tranquility of its voice scatters my fear.
"I can do things other people don't understand," I say.
"Well you are a Sailor Senshi. Of course you have magnificent powers. Why do they fear the protector of their beloved princess?"
"I can almost see the future sometimes, and pick up on other peoples thoughts. Everyone thinks I'm some kind of freak," I say. More memories fly to me stirred by the voices last remark. Princess....princess what? Something was hammering in the back of my brain. Was there a princess? Or were we looking for the princess...or running away from her......
"I don't think you're a freak. Your just a very special person," it interrupts my thoughts. "I can read thoughts too, sometimes."
"Thank you. Hey, I remember now, how I got in the hospital, I mean. I fell off a building. I think I was trying to get a better look at something," I say.
"No you didn't," it says lightly.
"Yes I did," I frown. "I can still feel the pain in my back. It hurts."
"It doesn't hurt," it says firmly.
"Okay," the pain goes away. Now I see how this works.
"Do you remember anything else?" it asks.
"Yes. I'm in the middle of a fight with some friends," I say with bitterness. Some things I wish I didn't have to remember.
"Why?" it asks.
"They made fun of me when I made a mistake in a fight. They're Senshi too," I reply.
"What mistake did you make?" it asks.
"My magic wouldn't work," I say.
"Then it's not your fault. You didn't make any mistake. Your friends are just stupid," it says.
"They are stupid," I agree.
"Your magic will work now, trust me," it says smoothly.
"Okay," I know I can trust this. And at the moment, it's the only thing I have to trust.
"Who are your friends?" it asks.
"I can't quite remember. I only know there are four of them," I say.
"Please try to remember," it says
"Okay," I say. I look at the surrounding buildings. The whole town looks asleep. A breeze lifts my hair. I can feel something evil in the wind. The evil reminds me a little more about where I am. I'm pretty sure this town is called Ascohyl, a town known for nearby forests full of terrible creatures. I tell the voice about the evil I sense.
I look around. It's strange that I can see the icicles and the wind blowing through the empty streets, yet I do not feel the cold. Off in the distance I can see something stirring.
"What do you see?" it asks.
"A tall mound of mud is coming towards me. It's forming into something. I sense its evil."
"Kill it," it says.
"How?" I ask, realizing I don't even remember how to use my magic.
"Point your fingers like a gun and shout out Fire Soul!" it directs.
The monster looks like it's getting larger every second. It looks down at me. I am just a grain of sand in its eyes. I point my shaking fingers at it, "Fire Soul!"
"What happened?" the voice asks after a few moments. I pry open my tightly closed eyes.
"It turned to dust," I say, amazed at my own power.
"Great job, Nikki. Very good," it says almost too sweetly.
"Thank you," I say.
"Where do you live?" it asks.
"At the Bunk," I tell it.
"Go to the Bunk," it says.
"Okay," I walk through the cold night, down the wide empty streets. Yes...the Bunk. Where the Senshi had been staying for the year...or had it been only months, weeks, days? It was like a school. There were classes and dorms and dining halls. It was very strict and not very comfortable. There were no luxuries there, it was meant to toughen your spirit. The Bunk only has one light on when I approach it. I go inside.
"Do you see anyone?" it asks.
"No," I answer.
"Do you know where they are?" it asks.
"They're probably in the kitchen eating dinner," I say.
I can hear the voice's breath. The voice sounds annoyed at how I didn't go there right away. It scares me. I have to wonder where it is coming from still. I can hear its deep breaths, but I don't feel them. "Go to the kitchen," it says.
I gulp. I go to the kitchen. I pick up a tray and get myself some meat.
"Where should I sit?" I ask.
"Can you see your friends?" it asks.
"Yeah," I say glumly.
"Do you remember their names?" it asks.
"Yes, Usagi, Ami, Makoto, and Minako. I don't want to sit with them," I say.
"Sit with Slakk," it says.
"Okay," I say. I make my way to the farthest corner of the room. I blush how this is one of the few things I remember. Sure enough, there was Slakk. Alone at a table with his back to everyone. Those who didn't know him would think this bad tactics. How would he know if someone were to sneak up on him or fire something at him? But the few who were close to him knew he did this for fun. A taunting dare for anyone to take. And a few dumb newbunkers had tried to surprise him a few times. Nothing got by Slakk. He destroyed their toys: the bows and arrows, the catapults. He beat the crap out of one kid while having a dove perched on his finger that was meant as his distraction.
But there was an unusual dark somberness about him this evening. He lacked the usual vitality and alertness. He chewed his meat from one cheek to the other. The thing that disturbed me most was that I actually made him jump when I sat down beside him. I made him swallow his meat too soon and he began to cough. He recovered but beheld me with the same wide-eyed expression as before. He reached out as if to touch my face but hesitated. There was a painful longing in his eyes as he probed deep into mine.
"What's he doing?" it asks.
"He's looking at me funny," I say.
"Why?" it asks.
"I don't know," I answer.
"Ask him why," it says.
"Hey Slakk, what's wrong?" I ask him. He just opens and closes his mouth, unable to speak. He looks shocked. Like he saw a ghost or something. Well, I guess that's because of that little fall I took from that building. Oh, wait! The voice said I didn't fall from a building...so why is he still looking at me like that? Did the voice lie? I shrug and start eating my dinner. Slakk turns away from me and stares at his plate with his hands clenching fistfuls of his hair.
"You know what you should do?" says the voice.
"What?" I ask.
"Jump up and down," it says. I almost laugh out loud at the idea. "Jump up and down," it repeats.
"Okay," the idea doesn't sound dumb anymore. I want to jump. I REALLY want to jump. I get up from my seat and Slakk looks at me weird again. My other friends glance at me from their table in the middle of the room. I start jumping up and down. It's fun. It's REALLY fun.
"Now spin around," it says.
"Okay," Everyone is watching me. They all must think I'm crazy. But I'm not crazy. They're just stupid.
"I feel sick," I say to my only friend, the little voice in my head.
"Stop spinning," it says.
"I feel like I'm gonna vomit," I put my hands over my mouth.
"Then vomit," it says.
"Okay," I say. I look up afterwards and see Usagi and the others. "My friends are rushing over to me now," I say.
"What are they doing?" it asks.
"They're trying to help me," I say.
"Why?" It asks.
"I just puked," I remind it. "But I can help myself," I say arrogantly.
"You're right," it says. "They must be stupid to think they need to help you,"
"Yes, they are stupid," I say as I watch them trying to take my hand, trying so hard to help me. I push them away.
"They should die," it says suddenly.
"What??" I exclaim.
"Kill them," it says nonchalantly.
"No! They're not that bad! We just had a little fight!" I protest.
"Kill them," it says again.
"No! Leave me alone! This has gone far enough!" Now I am crying out loud. I cover my ears, but it's no use. I glimpse Slakk. He just shakes his head.
I know, deep down, this thing won't leave me alone and a familiar dread grows inside me. I feel a tightening in my skull as I hear the voice screaming at me.
"How dare you talk to me in such away! Haven't you remembered yet? I am the master of this body! I have been ever since I created it. Do you remember how unimportant you are? You're just my window to the world. You have no real life! You can't do anything without me telling you to. You're not even supposed to exist!"
"No!" I cry and fall to the floor, "Get out of my head!" Everyone's staring at me. Why won't they help me? Ami-chan? Mako-chan? Mina-chan? Usagi.....! I reach out for them. They back away in fright. They're all afraid of me. No, not of me, of this demon. This demon controlling me.
"Nikki," the voice calls me softly.
"What?" I sob.
"You don't want me to leave you," it says calmly.
"Yes I do..." I can feel my mind weakening.
"No. You don't," it says.
The voice has trapped me. Again. I remember it now. More memories fly through my mind. This thing conquered me before, and it is doing it again. I'm not supposed to have a mind and soul anymore. This thing entered the body and gained control of my mind. Once it had control of my mind it had control of the body just by telling me what to do. I can only see what happens in the world through a little window in the white room this voice trapped me in. My attempted suicide off the building was to free myself. But it didn't work.
"Okay," I hear myself accepting its most recent order. The word rings in my ears. I pick myself up from the ground and face my terrified friends.
And I can feel the walls closing in on me.
That's not it, there's more! Just wait a day, all the chapters are really short.
So what do you think? I love Rei so much, I really didn't mean to upset anyone. Um, yeah, there.
By: Sailor E
Disclaimer: I cant spell disclaimer. HA. As I wasn't saying, I don't own Sailormoon. I'm living a lie, in this dark hole of materialism.
Author's Totes: this is really dark and evil, so watch out. Its not so bad in this first part, but it will get violent and have some sick, suggestive dialogue, but I think thats only in one part. I think.
Its kinda weird, it takes place in between the actual Sailormoon stuff and Crystal Tokyo. Ok, so I'm not quite sure where its going yet. Maybe its in an entire different universe. Who knows what will happen, but that's what makes a story interesting, right?
This is Rei's POV and shes OOC, yo! What?? It sounds like a rap doesn't it? So don't "flame" me sailor homies. (ooh, I'm bad)
Walls I
I'm awake now. I'm all alone. I don't remember anything. It just hurts, really badly. I'm in an empty white room. A bright, throbbing white that brings tears to my eyes.
And I can feel the walls closing in on me.
I hear a voice from out of nowhere.
"Where are you?" it asks me.
"Me?" I look around for the owner of the voice. I can't find anyone.
"Yes, you. And you can't see me, no matter how hard you look."
"I'm in the hospital," I say softly. What else can I do but trust this thing? "The Men's Ward actually." I realize this when I see the labels around the room and the tags on my wrist. Why am _I_ in the Men's Ward? Not only that, but it is definitely not an average hospital room. I'm not even in hospital dress. I am in my normal clothing. It seems secluded and deserted here. There are cobwebs, as if it hasn't been used in years. Why would someone put me here? With all these boxes and stored away items. There is one rusty sink in the back. And ever present is the one flooding white light fixture hanging from the ceiling.
"What does it look like?" it asks.
"The walls are white," I answer. I'm finding it hard to form complete, intelligent sentences.
"Why are you in the hospital?" it says.
"I'm not sure. I think I broke something. It hurts." I croak in reawakened pain.
"No it doesn't," it says simply.
I blink at the strange remark, "Yes. It does."
"No it doesn't," it says.
"But I can feel the blood running down my back," I say.
"That's not blood, its water," it says
"It is?" I ask, still unbelieving.
"Yes, your hair isn't dry," it says.
"Okay," I find myself accepting the argument.
"Get up." It commands. I try to get up, but I feel an incredible pain in my back.
"I can't, it hurts too much," I whimper.
"I told you, it doesn't hurt," it says.
I get up from the bed. The voice is right, it doesn't hurt.
"Is anyone in the hospital besides you?" it asks.
"No," I reply.
"What's your name?" it inquires.
"I'm not sure," I say, my memory still weak, "I think its Nikki."
"Hello, Nikki, how old are you?" it asks.
"I don't know," I say.
"What do you look like?" the voice asks me.
"I have long dark hair and violet eyes," I answer.
"What is two plus two?" it asks.
My mind draws a blank, "I don't know, eight?"
"Do you remember anything?" it asks.
"Hmm," I think aloud, "I remember Slakk."
"What's Slakk?" it asks.
"He's my friend. He's funny," I say.
"Go outside."
"No," I say.
"Why not?"
"It's too cold," I say.
"Put on a blanket," it suggests.
"It's colder than that," I say.
"Put on more blankets," it says.
"It's below zero," I explain. "I can't go out in that!"
"Oh." The voice seems to think for a moment. Then it says, "Nikki, do you remember anything about the 'Sailor Senshi'?"
Sailor Senshi, Senshi...
The word runs through my mind. It sounds so familiar. But I just can't put my finger on what it means.
"Sailor Senshi, a name for a special combat unit..." I murmur in deep thought. The little bit of information jumped out of my blurred memory.
"That's right, they were elite soldiers of the Ancient Moon Kingdom. They use different types magic to fight," the voice says.
"I'm...I'm..." it's right on the tip of my tongue...
"The Sailor Senshi of fire," the voice finishes for me.
"Yes, yes! I am the Senshi of fire! I remember!" I shout happily. Finally, the past is coming back to me! I am a member of the Inner Sailor Senshi. A group that protects the princess of the Ancient Moon Kingdom. What is this planet called again? Is this even a planet, or is it a moon? Alas, my memory is not completely restored.
"And as a Senshi of fire, the cold shouldn't be a problem for you," it says.
Yes, the voice is right, it must be. So far it hasn't been wrong. I step outside.
"Is it cold?" it says once I'm out of the hospital.
"No. I feel warm," I say.
"I told you. See, you should trust me. What's it like outside?" it asks.
"It's snowing a lot," I catch a snowflake on my bare hand. It melts instantly and lets off steam, as if my palm were a stove.
"Are there any people outside?" it asks.
"No," I say and look at the ground.
"Why not?" it asks.
"Because they know I'm out here," I say.
"So?" it says.
"Everyone's afraid of me."
"Why?" it asks.
"I'm different," I say.
"How so?" the voice asks.
"I-," I begin, but then pause. Should I trust this thing with everything?
"You can trust me," it says. The tranquility of its voice scatters my fear.
"I can do things other people don't understand," I say.
"Well you are a Sailor Senshi. Of course you have magnificent powers. Why do they fear the protector of their beloved princess?"
"I can almost see the future sometimes, and pick up on other peoples thoughts. Everyone thinks I'm some kind of freak," I say. More memories fly to me stirred by the voices last remark. Princess....princess what? Something was hammering in the back of my brain. Was there a princess? Or were we looking for the princess...or running away from her......
"I don't think you're a freak. Your just a very special person," it interrupts my thoughts. "I can read thoughts too, sometimes."
"Thank you. Hey, I remember now, how I got in the hospital, I mean. I fell off a building. I think I was trying to get a better look at something," I say.
"No you didn't," it says lightly.
"Yes I did," I frown. "I can still feel the pain in my back. It hurts."
"It doesn't hurt," it says firmly.
"Okay," the pain goes away. Now I see how this works.
"Do you remember anything else?" it asks.
"Yes. I'm in the middle of a fight with some friends," I say with bitterness. Some things I wish I didn't have to remember.
"Why?" it asks.
"They made fun of me when I made a mistake in a fight. They're Senshi too," I reply.
"What mistake did you make?" it asks.
"My magic wouldn't work," I say.
"Then it's not your fault. You didn't make any mistake. Your friends are just stupid," it says.
"They are stupid," I agree.
"Your magic will work now, trust me," it says smoothly.
"Okay," I know I can trust this. And at the moment, it's the only thing I have to trust.
"Who are your friends?" it asks.
"I can't quite remember. I only know there are four of them," I say.
"Please try to remember," it says
"Okay," I say. I look at the surrounding buildings. The whole town looks asleep. A breeze lifts my hair. I can feel something evil in the wind. The evil reminds me a little more about where I am. I'm pretty sure this town is called Ascohyl, a town known for nearby forests full of terrible creatures. I tell the voice about the evil I sense.
I look around. It's strange that I can see the icicles and the wind blowing through the empty streets, yet I do not feel the cold. Off in the distance I can see something stirring.
"What do you see?" it asks.
"A tall mound of mud is coming towards me. It's forming into something. I sense its evil."
"Kill it," it says.
"How?" I ask, realizing I don't even remember how to use my magic.
"Point your fingers like a gun and shout out Fire Soul!" it directs.
The monster looks like it's getting larger every second. It looks down at me. I am just a grain of sand in its eyes. I point my shaking fingers at it, "Fire Soul!"
"What happened?" the voice asks after a few moments. I pry open my tightly closed eyes.
"It turned to dust," I say, amazed at my own power.
"Great job, Nikki. Very good," it says almost too sweetly.
"Thank you," I say.
"Where do you live?" it asks.
"At the Bunk," I tell it.
"Go to the Bunk," it says.
"Okay," I walk through the cold night, down the wide empty streets. Yes...the Bunk. Where the Senshi had been staying for the year...or had it been only months, weeks, days? It was like a school. There were classes and dorms and dining halls. It was very strict and not very comfortable. There were no luxuries there, it was meant to toughen your spirit. The Bunk only has one light on when I approach it. I go inside.
"Do you see anyone?" it asks.
"No," I answer.
"Do you know where they are?" it asks.
"They're probably in the kitchen eating dinner," I say.
I can hear the voice's breath. The voice sounds annoyed at how I didn't go there right away. It scares me. I have to wonder where it is coming from still. I can hear its deep breaths, but I don't feel them. "Go to the kitchen," it says.
I gulp. I go to the kitchen. I pick up a tray and get myself some meat.
"Where should I sit?" I ask.
"Can you see your friends?" it asks.
"Yeah," I say glumly.
"Do you remember their names?" it asks.
"Yes, Usagi, Ami, Makoto, and Minako. I don't want to sit with them," I say.
"Sit with Slakk," it says.
"Okay," I say. I make my way to the farthest corner of the room. I blush how this is one of the few things I remember. Sure enough, there was Slakk. Alone at a table with his back to everyone. Those who didn't know him would think this bad tactics. How would he know if someone were to sneak up on him or fire something at him? But the few who were close to him knew he did this for fun. A taunting dare for anyone to take. And a few dumb newbunkers had tried to surprise him a few times. Nothing got by Slakk. He destroyed their toys: the bows and arrows, the catapults. He beat the crap out of one kid while having a dove perched on his finger that was meant as his distraction.
But there was an unusual dark somberness about him this evening. He lacked the usual vitality and alertness. He chewed his meat from one cheek to the other. The thing that disturbed me most was that I actually made him jump when I sat down beside him. I made him swallow his meat too soon and he began to cough. He recovered but beheld me with the same wide-eyed expression as before. He reached out as if to touch my face but hesitated. There was a painful longing in his eyes as he probed deep into mine.
"What's he doing?" it asks.
"He's looking at me funny," I say.
"Why?" it asks.
"I don't know," I answer.
"Ask him why," it says.
"Hey Slakk, what's wrong?" I ask him. He just opens and closes his mouth, unable to speak. He looks shocked. Like he saw a ghost or something. Well, I guess that's because of that little fall I took from that building. Oh, wait! The voice said I didn't fall from a building...so why is he still looking at me like that? Did the voice lie? I shrug and start eating my dinner. Slakk turns away from me and stares at his plate with his hands clenching fistfuls of his hair.
"You know what you should do?" says the voice.
"What?" I ask.
"Jump up and down," it says. I almost laugh out loud at the idea. "Jump up and down," it repeats.
"Okay," the idea doesn't sound dumb anymore. I want to jump. I REALLY want to jump. I get up from my seat and Slakk looks at me weird again. My other friends glance at me from their table in the middle of the room. I start jumping up and down. It's fun. It's REALLY fun.
"Now spin around," it says.
"Okay," Everyone is watching me. They all must think I'm crazy. But I'm not crazy. They're just stupid.
"I feel sick," I say to my only friend, the little voice in my head.
"Stop spinning," it says.
"I feel like I'm gonna vomit," I put my hands over my mouth.
"Then vomit," it says.
"Okay," I say. I look up afterwards and see Usagi and the others. "My friends are rushing over to me now," I say.
"What are they doing?" it asks.
"They're trying to help me," I say.
"Why?" It asks.
"I just puked," I remind it. "But I can help myself," I say arrogantly.
"You're right," it says. "They must be stupid to think they need to help you,"
"Yes, they are stupid," I say as I watch them trying to take my hand, trying so hard to help me. I push them away.
"They should die," it says suddenly.
"What??" I exclaim.
"Kill them," it says nonchalantly.
"No! They're not that bad! We just had a little fight!" I protest.
"Kill them," it says again.
"No! Leave me alone! This has gone far enough!" Now I am crying out loud. I cover my ears, but it's no use. I glimpse Slakk. He just shakes his head.
I know, deep down, this thing won't leave me alone and a familiar dread grows inside me. I feel a tightening in my skull as I hear the voice screaming at me.
"How dare you talk to me in such away! Haven't you remembered yet? I am the master of this body! I have been ever since I created it. Do you remember how unimportant you are? You're just my window to the world. You have no real life! You can't do anything without me telling you to. You're not even supposed to exist!"
"No!" I cry and fall to the floor, "Get out of my head!" Everyone's staring at me. Why won't they help me? Ami-chan? Mako-chan? Mina-chan? Usagi.....! I reach out for them. They back away in fright. They're all afraid of me. No, not of me, of this demon. This demon controlling me.
"Nikki," the voice calls me softly.
"What?" I sob.
"You don't want me to leave you," it says calmly.
"Yes I do..." I can feel my mind weakening.
"No. You don't," it says.
The voice has trapped me. Again. I remember it now. More memories fly through my mind. This thing conquered me before, and it is doing it again. I'm not supposed to have a mind and soul anymore. This thing entered the body and gained control of my mind. Once it had control of my mind it had control of the body just by telling me what to do. I can only see what happens in the world through a little window in the white room this voice trapped me in. My attempted suicide off the building was to free myself. But it didn't work.
"Okay," I hear myself accepting its most recent order. The word rings in my ears. I pick myself up from the ground and face my terrified friends.
And I can feel the walls closing in on me.
That's not it, there's more! Just wait a day, all the chapters are really short.
So what do you think? I love Rei so much, I really didn't mean to upset anyone. Um, yeah, there.