Fine and Rein in Wonderland Chapter: 6

A/N: Been a while, huh? Forgive me, please! But all that matters is that I'm happy to be here—updating… Right? I'm updating from my Granny's house, too~!

Disclaimer: I don't own Fushigi-boshi no Futago-hime. But, hm. I remember when the fanfictions in this, what do you call it, community were very… Small. Now look at us!

~Rein's POV~

I stared up at the flowers, the colors varied from yellows, pinks, oranges, greens and blues. Of course the blues! Blue is a very nice color, isn't it? Maybe I should compliment that and not make any enemies, but the other flowers could take that wrong, right? Ugh.

The flowers were all beautiful, of course- no flower could be ugly every flower has its own beauty. However, something seemed off about them… Not in a monstrous way, besides the fact that they talked, but as in a familiar way.

Shaking the thoughts of such away, I glanced again up at the flowers, curtseying.

"Hello! I am Princess Rein of the Sunny Kingdom, I have lost my sister, Princess Fine of the Sunny Kingdom, and have here only Peridot-kun guiding and protecting my person," I politely explained myself, not wanting to make any enemies while I was searching for my lost sister. I hope she's ok, while she can have her share of politeness, she can also be very untrusting.

"-Are you?" Shaking my head, I looked up at the flowers.

"Pardon?" I blinked and blushed as the flowers went silent, I could practically just feel the sneers and shocked reactions. Did I say something wrong? It was only one word of misunderstanding something… Well, misunderstandings can be confusing, and lead to even more dangerous things… But more as… Confusing.

Like I'm confused right now.

One flower that was pink and stood out from the rest brought itself down to me, its petals getting into my face, as I looked questionably at Peridot-kun. He shrugged, and I stifled a sigh.

"Um… Ms. Flow-"

"Ooooooh! So you think I am not married?!" The pink flower squealed and the other flowers shook and echoed her. "Aren't I a beautiful flower?! Who says I am not married?!"

I shifted from foot to foot, "n-no, madam! You are a very pretty flower, and I'm sure you are wedded to a very handsome Chrysanthemum! I was just-!"

"A Chrysanthemum! Have you no shame?!" A blue flower crowed, green flowers raged with the flower, making me want to shrink away, the pink flower had pulled away, thankfully.

"A Rose would be much more romantic. Wouldn't it?" A yellow flower asked thoughtfully, and orange flowers with her swooned at that, happily. What's with these flowers?

"Uh… Yes, very well…" I sighed, and shut my mouth immediately after. Sighing is rude when you're trying not to make enemies! Especially seeing how… Flamboyant and extravagant these flowers are.

"Did… You just sigh?" The pink flower returned to invading my bubble, seething at me.

"Uh! N-"

"'Uh!' You know 'Uh' is oh so very rude, little flow—can we even call this… This… Filth a flower?" The pink flower looked to its pals, ok! That was it!

"Excuse me! But I am not filth! If anything, you flowers have been the rude ones here!" I huffed, glaring up through those petals, if I could see through the flowers, I'd only see sky, right? Matter-of-fact… How do these flowers speak?


They must be magic, of course, but either way.


But, these flowers are the most rudest of the rude ever! Honestly!

"Rein!" I was suddenly tackled to the ground, grunting, I opened my eyes.

"P-Peridot-kun?" I stuttered, and blushed, looking down at where his head had landed.

"Um… We have to run!" He quickly stood up, grabbing my hand and running, looking back I saw flowers raging with fury.

However you would even see a flower rage with anger.

~Shade's POV~

I quickly walked and checked the surrounding around us, pretty safe. Nothing trespassing. This whole… Game, I guess you'd call it? Is actually being held in a forest, with the help of everyone what's been happening so far is because of all the work everyone's put into this.

Fine struggled to keep up behind me, and I held in a smirk, maybe I should slow down for her but her struggling to keep up is just too cute. Not that I'd enjoy to see her struggle but-


Did I just fucking say… Cute? Worse yet… Too cute?

I shook my head, shocked that I, Shade, unknown to the idiot behind me, would even think something like that.

Shade does not use cute.


Not at all. Only idiots use… Cute.

"Eclipse-kun!" My eyes widened, and I looked back to find that Fine wasn't there.

"Fine? Fine?!" I looked around quicker, getting worried- how could I take my eyes off the idiot?! She's a fucking klutz and-!


"I'm right here!"

"AHHHHHHHHH!" I ran to her scream, trying my best to find her, what happened?! Something just might be scaring the scaredy-cat, right! She does hate scary things, so there's no way she can be hurt.

I picked up my pace and continued to try and find her, every time it seemed that I got close to her, it was as if I was redirected, and her screams only got more anguished.

Why did I take my eyes off of her?! This is all my fault.


~Fine's POV *Short*~

I didn't know what was happening as I continued running, trying to find Shade, scared out of my mind and confused as all chaos.

Everything scared me, it was as if all of my worst nightmares were all fused into one big scary horror house, wherever I went, there was a fear of mine waiting right there for me.

Monsters, ghosts, Shade kissing Rein, GIGANTIC spiders chasing after me, and even more terrors.

I can't take it anymore! Everything is so confusing and terrifying! Why am I so afraid of Shade kissing Rein anyway?! Everything's confusing!

I sat down, something you never do when you're being chased by your worst nightmares, right? But I can't take it anymore! I just want to go home!

Pulling my legs to my chest, I cried. I can't do it anymore. I'm scared. I'm sad. I'm confused.

Great, this is a really pitiful sight now, isn't it?

Rocking myself gently, I trembled and cried even more, yawning slightly at the exhaustion that crying gives you.

I promised myself that I would never fall asleep in dangerous situations, this would be one of those dangerous situations right?

But somehow in this warped world, the exhaustion felt as heavy as bricks, even heavier, and heavier.

And I gave into sleep.

Well… Hiya everyone!

I'm late, I know I know, but I'm happy to be updating now! So that counts, right? It has been a long while though.

But I wanna thank everyone for your continuous support!


Thank you!

I'll get to reviews when I get to them (sorry, sorry) and well~!

Magic cupcakes to all and to all a good year~!

*Happy Late New Year!*