I sat on my bed with my bedroom door open listening and waiting for the front door to open, I knew that the moment the door opened my brother would be home from the few days of travelling he does with his work and unfortunately being a college student he won't let me go with him like I used to because this semester I had classes on Monday and Wednesdays. I stared at my laptop screen that had a word document open that was 5 pages down of my Final Project that was due tonight, which is my last class for the semester and for college period because I will be graduating next Thursday. All I had to do was write my conclusion and do my works cited page but I was more excited about my brothers arrival home than wanting to finish this essay. Every time I heard a passing car I would look out the window I had in my room that I had drawn the blinds open on knowing that the passing car that time wasn't him nor the other goons he travelled with.

"Come on Julie, you need to finish this!" I said slightly smacking myself in the face trying to concentrate on my essay, I was able to get the conclusion finished pushing the little floppy disc symbol to save it to my desktop when I heard the front door open knowing that must be my brother. I got up from my bed running out of the room only to see my brother walking into the house turning to look at his suitcase that had rolled in behind him. "WADE!" I exclaimed running and jumping into his embrace for a hug, even though he wasn't born a Wade and it was his stage name but it fitted him more than Stuart so I stuck to calling him Wade and only called him by his real full name when I got angry with him and he never seemed to mind.

"Hey sis, did you finish that essay?" He asked, he was and always has been the fatherly kind whenever I was around but I guess that is his protective older brother taking over.

"Almost…" I said.

"Isn't it due tonight?" He asked.

"Yeah, it'll be done…trust me…" I said as out of the corner of my eye I saw the Scottish man that was wearing the normal tight jeans and black tank top.

"Do I not get a hello?" Drew asked in his Scottish accent.

"I didn't see you there! Hey Drew! How'd you do this weekend?" I asked walking over wrapping him into a hug, I have known him for years mainly since he had tagged with my brother during that Indy promotions they did however many years ago and we became instant best friends.

"Got two wins, which was better than what your brother could say…" Drew said smirking getting me to chuckle at the goofy smile he always had on his face when he tried to get under my brother's skin.

"It doesn't matter how many wins or loses you have…what does matter is Julie finishing that essay, tonight's your last class and I don't need you failing it and not being able to walk your butt across that stage next week to get the diploma you and I both promised our parents you would get to allow you to come stay with me in the states." Wade said.

"Wade, it's almost done and it'll be done by class…I already have a B+ in the class and even if I fail this essay I'll still have a C+ the lowest…" I said.

"C+ is not something to be proud of…" Wade said.

"You graduate next week?" Drew asked.

"Yeah, wait…I have your invitation in my room, where's Stephen?" I asked usually seeing the pale white Irish man with them.

"He's waiting in the car for me and Wade…"

"Why is he waiting for you?" I asked towards Wade as I headed past him to head towards my room again to grab the graduation invitations for the two men.

"We were going to go get lunch, we stopped by here to see if you wanted to join us but since you haven't finished your homework I guess you won't come…" Wade said as I walked back out of my room with the two invitations.

"What do you mean I won't come? I want to go!" I said handing Drew the invitation allowing him to rip the envelope containing the invitation open and he pulled it out to begin reading over the contents as Wade and I continued our normal little argument, we are both stubborn which we had gotten from our father.

"You're not done with your homework missy." Wade said.

"All I need to do is the works cited and it's not due until 6 PM and it's what? 2 PM?" I asked sarcastically.

"Yes, you got 4 hours and you also need to drive the hour to the campus and shower and Lord knows you take forever to pamper yourself to get ready…" Wade said as I let out a deep breath knowing he was right because I had that hour drive, I had to pack up my backpack that was prepared for my Monday class not my Wednesday class along with showering and other things.

"May I at least go out and say hi to Stephen? I miss that pale man." I said.

"Yeah…" Wade said as I followed the two men out to the car that I recognized as Stephen's, he climbed out of the driver's side allowing me to hug the bigger man.

"Are you coming with us for lunch?" Stephen asked.

"No, my brother insists I don't…." I said glaring at Wade not letting it on that I had given in and let the man win.

"Sorry Julie, homework comes first…" Wade said.

"You take after Drew too much, you two always wait until the last minute…" Stephen whispered as I chuckled knowing he was right.

"It's not last minute, I have a few more hours…anyways, here…" I said handing him the invitation.

"What's this?" He asked.

"I graduate next Thursday, it's an invitation." I said smiling wide.

"Count me in…" Stephen said.

"Count me in too, Stephen is my designated driver." Drew said.

"I never said I was picking up your Scottish arse." Stephen said as he looked behind him slightly into the car behind him.

"Just pick him up, please?" I asked in a begging manner giving him the best puppy dog look.

"Fine, for old time sakes…" Stephen said as I wrapped my arms around him for another hug.

"No fair, he got two hugs!" Drew said as I bent over into the car after hugging Stephen.

"You never asked for two and he is playing nice…have fun you guys…" I said smiling.

"Text me when you get to class…" Wade said.

"I'll think about it." I said smirking as he gave me that finger our parents always gave us as I stepped out of the way letting Stephen get back into the car and made my way up onto the sidewalk watching them pull away pissed I couldn't go with them but it wasn't worth the fight, knowing Wade was probably right and if anything they needed more man time. I headed back inside finishing up the works cited page before I read over the essay correcting anything that needed it and printed it from my wireless printer that was on my desk that I never used but it was covered with picture frames filled with pictures I had took and my different portfolios I had made to give out for potential jobs along with classes I had over the years at the college. I went over to the printer picking up my essay stapling it with the blue stapler I had before I set my stapler back down sliding my essay into my backpack that I was to take tonight going back over to my desk picking up the picture frame that held a photo of Stephen, Wade, Drew and I from an Indy promotion before Wade and Drew were to go on, I knew this because they were wearing the black hood things and the kilts that matched one another that I helped them pick out, I was their valet/flag carrier and I was wearing my little outfit, I still know the wrestling moves that I don't put to use as much as the three of them do. I was sitting on the hood of a truck, to this day I still have no idea who owned that truck but Wade and Stephen leant beside Drew and I, I was dying in laughter as Drew was really into the story he was telling as Stephen and Wade both had smirks on their faces as if they were laughing too but boy was I laughing harder than they were. I knew that the times we had then changed since we had moved to the states when all three of them got offered the job in the big time company WWE, little ole me didn't get to move on with them and I had to grow up myself. I was about to become a Junior in high school when this photo was taken and Wade had promised my parents that I'll be back by the time school started at the end of August, and I promised that I was going along to practice photography which I was and still am passionate about considering I'm about to graduate college with a degree in it, but little did our parents know was that I was actually doing a round of Indy promotions with my brother and Drew. A lot of the Indy promotions took Drew, Wade and Stephen during the summer while they were in high school but since I was and always will be about two years younger than the three of them I still had high school to attend after they graduated, so while I was in school they were off wrestling but when summer hit I had hit the road with them and 9 times out of 10 the promotions would take me, even if I was playing valet for Drew and Wade. I chuckled about the crazy web of lies Wade and I had told our parents during those summers, heck even now we occasionally tell a few white lies to cover our butts. I set the picture down in its spot before I went to my closet pulling down a hanger with a pair of jeans on it and grabbed the hanger that held the t-shirt that Wade got me from WWE that was his first shirt from his Nexus days knowing that this was always my good luck shirt even though I didn't need luck. I carried it into the bathroom to shower getting ready for class before I went out to the kitchen eating a quick lunch while my hair dried up in my towel going back to my room packing what needed to be packed in my backpack and took out what didn't need to be in there before I went back into the bathroom where I finished getting ready for my last class, and honestly I didn't really want to go to class but I think it was mainly because I knew my brother was home from the road and I hadn't seen him for a few days and it was the last class, no one wants to go on the last day of school. I went back into my room grabbing my backpack pulling it onto my back along with grabbing my house keys and cell phone opening it to see a text or two from Stephen with photos attached of Drew and Wade being their normal crazy selves at the restaurant, Drew having his straws in his mouth like he was a walrus and Wade had the same with fries and in the one photo Wade and Drew made a heart which wasn't very manly. I rolled my eyes as I walked out of the house locking the door behind me for Wade to unlock later, I texted Wade as I walked to my car that I was heading to class driving the hour to the campus for the last time knowing I don't have to waste gas anymore to go to the campus for class and I walked from the parking lot to class thinking about the fun I had on the road with the boys, even when they got to WWE I was sometimes able to do the weekend tour with them where I could hang out with some girls like Beth and Natalya who I have spent time with during the Indy scenes and I'm sure there are girls that I've met in the Indys that are in WWE now but haven't gotten to know as much as I did those two. I got to the classroom pulling the door open letting myself in handing over my essay finding my seat in the back row in the far corner furthest away from the teacher as I pulled out the paper to take notes for remainder of the class which I thought was ironic for us to do on the last night of the class. I begun to think about going on the road with Wade, maybe Wade will take me with him this weekend and I would love to give it another go to see some friends I have made on the road that I haven't seen in months since I begun this semester. I begun to think about the times while on the road and what was to happen this weekend if Wade would let me go with them, after class ended I eagerly drove home to see my brother again and to listen to whatever I missed because I miss so much on the road and miss my brother so much.