I'm really sorry I haven't been updating for this story. I hope people are still interested in this and aren't too mad. Here's chapter 3!



Robin took me for a outing around the De Noir land showing me his favorite places. We had intended to picnic in a nearby meadow but rain put a damper on our plans.

"Race you back to the castle." He challenged galloping away on his horse. I chased after him, catching up easily. Since coming here I've improved greatly at my riding. So much so that betting against me wasn't in your favor.

"When I beat you, you shall bless me with a kiss." He teased, gaining speed on me. He made it to the gate seconds before me dismounting to do a victory dance.

"When you're done with that do you think you could manage helping me down?" I asked laughing as he made his way over to me.

"You cheated." He suspected. He placed his hands on my hips to help me jump down from my horse. Even after my feet were safely touching the ground he was reluctant to let go.

I batted my eyelashes at him. "Robin you won, why are you complaining?"

"You let me win." He accused.

"I have no idea what you're talking about." I replied trying my best to fight the smile from breaking across my face, and the pink from seeping in.

"You're blushing." He noticed brushing a finger across one of my rosy cheeks.

"And you're stalling." I remarked tilting my head to look up at him.

"Whatever will I do with you?" He asked moving his hand down to hold my chin.

"You could start by kissing me. That was the deal wasn't it?" I reminded him. My heart rate increased as he moved closer to me, his chest barely an inch away from mine.

His eyes bore into mine as if he were searching for something. Was he hoping I'd back away? Or was he waiting for me to take the initiative and make the first move, kissing him for a change?

I decided on the second, standing on the tip of my toes to press my lips to his. They were soft and surprised, but welcoming all the same. He opened his mouth for me letting me slip my tongue in to explore it. This was a first for me, taking charge. Normally he would take the lead and I would follow. The change was nice and I found myself enjoying it. A moan escaped my mouth proving as much, causing Robin to pull back. I blinked my eyes dazed. I brought my hand to my lip which was plump from our previous activity. Did I do something wrong?

He cleared his throat backing further away from my embrace. "Are you hungry?" He asked.

"I could eat." I replied, when in truth I wasn't sure I could. My stomach was already full of butterflies, I'm not sure I had room in it for a meal.

Robin didn't give me any more time to think. "Right this way." He extended his arm out to his left instructing me to move. I walked past him staring down at my feet. I had to have done something wrong. That must have been it. Maybe he didn't like me initiating the kissing. As the man he probably wanted to be the dominant one. That had to be it.

He led me through the hallways keeping his distance from me. When we made it to the dining hall he excused himself. "If you'll excuse me I'll only be a few minutes." He told me before turning on his heels and rushing off to a room down the hall.

Before I had time to reflect and worry over Robin's odd behavior I was interrupted by the sound of others entering the room. I looked up to see three women standing in front of me.

"So you're the Merryweather girl that has enchanted our Robin?" The middle one asked. She had long dark hair in a braid at her side and heavy makeup drawn onto her face. She wore a red dress that hugged to every curve on her body leaving little up to imagination. I looked down at the purple dress Loveday had made me, wondering what they thought of me.

"Maria. It's a pleasure to meet you." I greeted her, holding out my hand to her which she ignored.

"If I cared at all to know what your name was I'd have asked for it myself." She sneered.

The two women flanking her sides laughed at this, obviously her followers. While they had a difference of hair color and arrangement they wore the same style dress as she did only in blue and green colors.

"What does Robin see in you I wonder?" She questioned, moving to circle me. "Why does he waste his time on the likes of you when he could have any woman he wanted? When he could have me."

"Excuse me?" I asked, suddenly very uncomfortable with the situation. I kept wishing Robin would appear through the doors making the women leave.

"You're just a child." The one in blue added.

"I'm almost seventeen." I pointed out, feeling the need to defend myself.

"Inexperienced no doubt. Immature, small and underdeveloped." The one in green chimed in.

"I beg your pardon?" I scoffed, turning red with embarrassment. What was wrong with them? I didn't even know them and they were picking me apart, pointing out the flaws they saw. Making me wonder if Robin saw them too.

The three of them were surrounding me now. The leader in red continued to insult me. "You can't possible satisfy him. You probably don't even know how. Sooner or later he'll come to his senses and come crawling to me. You just wait little princess. You just wait."

There was a noise outside the room startling them enough to make them leave. A few seconds after their departure Robin emerged through the main doors.

"I'm sorry I took so long I got caught up talking to my father." He explained and then asked, "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine." I lied, deciding it would be best if I didn't tell him about the women.

"If you say so." He replied not fully convinced, moving to set up the picnic. I watched him work and wondered if he thought any of those things that they had said to me. Did he want more? Did he expect it? Or was the red one right and he'd eventually leave me for her? She was obviously experienced by the way she dressed and talked. I always assumed that kind of intimacy would be saved for marriage. But what if Robin didn't want to wait? What if I didn't want to wait?

"Maria are you sure you're alright?" Robin asked again concerned.

Instead of keeping it bottled up, leaving me to constantly wonder, I decided to just ask him. "Robin, are you bored with me?"

"Whatever gave you that impression?" He questioned taken back.

"I just, you're happy with the way things are between us?" I elaborated.

"Maria what's brought this on?" He asked unintentionally avoiding my question. He came to stand beside me, grabbing my arm to make me look at him.

"I'm just curious is all." I admitted sheepishly looking down at my feet.

"I've never been happier than I am with you." He assured me, leaning over to kiss me softly on the lips. He rested his forehead against mine. "I love you Maria Merryweather."

"As I love you." I grinned trying to shake off the visit with those beasts.

He pulled me down onto the table cloth he spread out on the floor. "Now, how about we eat?"

**End of Flashback**

"This is what you really want?" He asked again hovering over me.

"Yes Robin." I practically begged.

He stopped, shook his head and rolled off of me. "I can't do it."

"Why not?" I asked sitting up in bed using my elbows for support.

"I told you my reasons, Maria. I can't and I won't." He explained putting all his leathers back on, including his hat and scarf.

"There isn't anything I can do to change your mind?" I asked sticking my lip out. I knew I was being juvenile but I really thought I had him giving in.

Without hesitation he respond, "Marry me."

"Now, you're the crazy one." I replied falling back onto my mattress.

"Marry me and I'm yours. I'll never say no again." He promised pulling my up by my arms so I was sitting rather than laying down.

"Robin I'm seventeen!" I reminded him.

"And I'm nearing twenty. It's about time I take a wife." He shot back.

"You're being absurd." I accused him.

"Why?" He questioned.

"Because! Why won't you make love to me? Why does it have to be such a big deal?" I shouted at him hysterically.

"Maria you're pure, I can't take that away from you. I love you, and I want to do the honorable thing and marry you. If it's a ring you want I'll get one." He countered.

"Have you really thought this through? Marriage?" I asked wanting an honest answer.

"What's to think about? It would mean you and me, forever. I wouldn't have to hold back anymore. I wouldn't have to control myself. I want you Maria, I do. I want you as my wife." He insisted.

The way he carried on about marrying me made me open my eyes and realize just how sincere he was being. He had hinted at it before but I never took him seriously. "Okay."

"Okay?" He probed waiting, wanting me to say it.

To make him happy I did. "I'll marry you."

Smiling from ear to ear he picked me up and spun me around the room kissing my face as he did. When he dropped me back on my feet again he tore a piece of loose string off his scarf and tied it around my left ring finger. "It's just temporary, until I can get you a gold band."

"This is what you want?" I asked making sure, pacing in front of him.

"It's what I've wanted since the day you jumped off the cliff." He assured me, stopping me.

"No changing your mind." I told him.

"I wouldn't dream of it." He responded wrapping his arms around me.

"No going back." I continued, leaving him no way out.

"I don't want to." He smiled down at me, the happiest he'd been all night.

"We're going to do this." I realized.

"We're going to do this." He agreed, sealing it with a kiss.


I haven't decided if I want to continue this or not, so let me know if you want me to. Please review! Thanks for reading (: