Disclaimer: I don't own one piece or its characters. I wish I did lol.

Hancock couldn't get enough of Luffy. Her love for him was a bottomless pit just like his stomach. It went on and on without ever filling. Despite the ten year age gap, Luffy never once brought it against her and never once complained. Although they were finally on 'just dating' terms, a status she never would have believed to have come true, she couldn't help but push her love onto him all the more. Luffy never complained about that either. He not only encouraged it, in his dense ways, but he asked for more and more because of the abundance; although still dense as ever. He had a small idea of what love was and what physical intimacy was, after years of explanations and stories, though he still never got much of it, he called it the 'mystery feeling'. And it was with that small idea, that small understanding, that he suggested he and Hancock 'go out' and see where things led.

Luffy never noticed how he subconsciously held her hand, or how his eyes always felt the need to search for her, but even the densest of people should be able to figure out there was a feeling there….right?

Hancock never complained. She knew that after meeting him and trying to catch his attention, he was in fact, very dense. But she was fine with that. As long as she could pour her never ending love onto him and be by his side, it didn't matter. And the fact that she and Luffy were 'just dating' was a huge step forward.

Sighing to herself as she laid into her bed, she reached for her phone and began to text one of her infamous, love filled texts to none other than Luffy.

'Luffy my love, it feels as if its been forever since I've see you. If you are smiling, send me your smiles. If you are dreaming, send me your dreams. If you are crying, send me your tears. I love you.' She typed, and sighed contently at her message.

Kissing the screen of her phone, she pressed 'send' and patiently waited for his response, which soon came without much wait. Gasping in surprise at how soon he had responded, she read the text only to feel her face flush and passed out from over excitement.

Her cell phone slipped from her fingers and tumbled to the floor with a light thump against the lush, red carpet on the floor, revealing an open screen with the following response from the one she loved.

'I'm on the toilet…what do I send?