Chapter 2: fight or flight?

Turning, bending, twisting and shaking. What was the small bottle there for? It was carefully shut. Dark Link began to pull in the cork. After pulling a while he managed to open it. Memories floated into him. Every one of them started to come back. Waiting for his favorite to show up, he sat down by the old tree again.

"Daddy! Daddy! Come look! It's a frog!" still chasing it the small girl smiled at her parents. What more could you wish for a prefect sunny day? No one could possibly be staying inside! The girl is coming closer. She shall be the first one. Dark Link smiles. The frog is almost at his feet's. Dark Link bends down to pick it up. The girl stops, staring at the man in the shadows. Dark Link took one disgusted look at the frog.

"Is it yours?" he asks the girl. Starting to smile the small child starts to walk closer.

"No, but can I have it anyway?"

"Of course!" He pulls his arm away from him so the girl could take it. A mix between happiness and surprise filled the girl's eyes. Dark Link thought of throwing up. Without any warning, he draws back his arm and threw the little thing away. The expressions in the little girl's face changes. Oh, she looks so sad. Putting on a big smile he grabs her arms.

"No, stop it! Mammy! Dad!" pulling her arm and crying, she really does try to get away.

"Hey!" it's a dark man voice. The pale elf looks up. When the dad spots the red eyes he freezes for some seconds. The grey haired man just love this part. Razing an eyebrow and pulling up a small dagger, hearing as the little soon-to-be-dead-child cried and seeing the fear in both parents eyes, he took the dagger and put it in her leg. This made her cry and scream even worse.

"Mom, dad aaaa.. waaaa.." Putting a hand for her mouth making the sound sounds less… headache making. Running with hope of saving he's dear child, the mother come running. ¤That's not something you see every day! FUN!¤ As she reached them see throw a bucket near he's head. Laughing he pulled up the child for human protection, making the bucked hit her stomach. The mother gasp and watched as the elf let her daughter fall to the ground.

"Ah, the silent. Isn't it lovley?"Smiling he kicked the mother in the stomach. Her weight should have crushed her daughter, luckily for both of them the mother pulled her hand out and stopped the fall. Rolling aside and landing on her back se looked at de man. Knowing of her son komming death.

"What is your husband's name?" Dark Link asked gently. Tears came from her eyes and she whispered slowly.

"Danstly." He looked at the shocked man who still was frozen with fear. Surprised to see that he was not there Dark Link turned his head to look around.

"Dansly!" He yelled. Chopping the legs of the older woman. A scream came and blood floated like like a river from them. In the eye of his corner he saw a blade. Quick as he was he manage too doge it. ¤Finlay some fight.¤ Dark Link looked up to see who it was, he put on a surprised face, the short, brown haired man who stand there with a blade was not Danstly. It was a villager. A normal villager with a sword. ¤Person as person, they all will die in the end!¤ The pale elf struck his sword in the right shoulder, the pain made the brown haired boy to drop his sword with a cry. He fell down on his knees. Entertained by the reaction he kicked the boy in the chest. Ending with one of his small daggers in the boys throat.

This was his most loved memory because after that he looked around in the town, killing everything on sight. The smell, the fear everything as clear as if it's been done just some hour ago. Signing. Reaching for his own sword and something to polished it with.