Hello again! Thank you to those who reviewed. Hope you enjoy this one-shot.
Summary: Anna tries to figure out Declan's middle name. Can he keep it a secret?
Middle Names
A small smile crept onto Anna's face at the soft touch of her husband's lips on her cheek. Opening her eyes, she turned to look at him. "Good morning, you."
"Mornin', Bob," Declan replied with a cheeky smile. "Sweet dreams?"
"Yeah... You?"
"Yeah, but being with you is much sweeter," Declan smiled, nuzzling his face against her neck.
"Declan O'Callaghan, you stop that right n-" the words died in her mouth as something suddenly dawned on her.
"Anna? You okay, love?" Declan asked in a concerned voice.
"I just realised something," Anna stated.
Declan raised an eyebrow at her, curious to see where this was going. "Yeah? And what might that be?"
Anna answered him with a slightly evil grin, "You never did tell me your middle name..."
Declan couldn't hold back a laugh, "Alright then, I'll tell you..."
This time it was Anna who raised an eyebrow. Declan grinned wickedly at her, "...if you can guess it."
"Very well," Anna replied as Declan climbed out of bed and walked into the bathroom to get dressed. After getting dressed and having breakfast with Declan, Anna headed straight for her laptop, earning her a smirk from Declan, before he made his way to the kitchen.
For the next couple of hours, Anna searched through a website of Irish boys' names, and once she had found a few good ones, she made her way downstairs to question Declan. He was standing at the counter, talking to Donal, Joe and Seamus.
"Hey, love," Declan smiled at her, giving her a kiss. "Figured it out yet?"
Anna pulled a small piece of paper out of her pocket, "I've got some guesses."
"Well?" Declan grinned.
"Is it... Eric?"
Declan made the sound of a quiz show buzzer, "Wrong."
"What are you trying to guess?" Donal asked.
"Declan's middle name," Anna replied.
"So," Declan smirked. "What are your other attempts?"
"Not even close."
"Wayne?" Anna asked hopefully.
Declan gave her a look, "Tell me you're not serious."
"Don't worry. I'll get it eventually," Anna replied confidently.
"That's what you think," Declan mumbled, walking away.
"Psst, Anna," Seamus hissed, taking a sip of his beer.
Anna leaned over the counter, "Yes?"
"Just a heads up... try looking for something starting with 'm'," he whispered, placing his glass back on the counter.
"Thank you," Anna beamed, and gave him a quick peck on the cheek before walking off in the direction of her and Declan's room.
Declan smiled as he watched her go, and walked back to the counter.
"I've said it once, but I'll say it again..." Joe chuckled. "You definitely got yourself a keeper, Dekko."
"I know," Declan replied proudly, before giving Seamus a playfully stern look. "Which is why Seamus had better not get any ideas."
"And why would I?" Seamus replied, an equal playfulness in his voice.
"I know firsthand what Anna's kiss can do to you," Declan smiled, showing off the gold wedding band on his finger.
Meanwhile, Anna sat on her bed, going through the 'm' section of another website on baby names with a fine tooth comb.
She was still thinking about it when she and Declan settled in for the night.
"So, did you figure it out?" Declan asked.
"Is it Matthew?"
"Nope," Declan replied, popping the 'p' sound.
"How about Michael?"
"Sorry. Wrong again, love."
"In that case, no," Anna replied.
"Ha! I win!" Declan laughed.
"I guess you do," Anna sighed and rolled on her side, facing away from him.
Declan chuckled, before leaning close to his wife's ear and whispering one small word, "Martin."
Anna rolled over to face him and gave him a confused look, "What?"
"My middle name. It's Martin," Declan replied, pulling her into his arms.
Anna closed her eyes and smiled, "It's nice."
Declan smiled as Anna nuzzled her head against his chest, "Glad you think so."
Anna replied with a sleepy yawn. Declan chuckled softly, and wrapped the duvet around his lover, before letting her rest her head on his chest. "Sweet dreams, Anna. I love you."
"I love you too, Declan Martin O'Callaghan," Anna whispered, before they fell asleep in each other's arms.
There we go! Please review and let me know what you think!