If you missed the last chapter, go back and read it, please.

Mind the errors. I keep proofreading but then I upload it and then I read it on the site, and then I see more errors. Editing is agony. Being an author is suffering.

Additionally, before you read this chapter...I am not a pervert, okay?

Oh, also...if you're wondering how Kyūbey looks, I plan to draw him. However, if you can't wait for that, there's a character that looks uncannily similar to him. That white-haired boy from Evangelion. Except, Kyūbey is younger and more chibi, and in the Puella Magi Madoka Magica style.

Chapter 19: Sunshine and Water, pt. 2

Between most major magical landmarks, which included magical schools, were gateways. These gateways were often placed in the ideal position for instantaneous travel, due to something called lee-lines. Magical schools, due to an old superstition, had to be built upon an intersection of at least seven lee-lines. This helped with the gateways, of course, which made it very easy to travel to other places on the globe.

If the mages wanted, they probably could have marketed it as a new technology and no one would be the wiser, but they liked having this ability to themselves.

This was invaluable for anyone who wanted to travel to the Hidden Triangle Resort. Planes and other electronic vehicles always had trouble with approaching the Bermuda Triangle, so the only way to get there was by gateway or broomstick.

As the last batch of Mahoukari Academy students materialized in a wave of light pink sparks, the students stretched and exclaimed happily when they saw the tropical paradise spread before them. Only year two wqs allowed on this trip, so Mami, the two tykes, and the two former witches were not present.

However, our seven-man band of Madoka and the rest were all set to have some fun. With Mami and the others back in Mahoukari City to take care of the Demons, they felt at ease. Though, Oriko should have worried take hem slightly, there wasn't much chance of her appearing again so soon. Madoka knew that clearly.

Hōmura was just glad to have lasted longer than only a month in the past, so she wanted to have as much fun as she could with Madoka and her friends as she could. But mostly she wanted to have fun with Madoka; that was the important part.

Hitomi and Sayaka were holding Kamijou's hands, and behind them, the high-daylight walker trailed the trio, smiling knowingly and chewing on a candycane.

Ms. Kazuko banged her staff on the ground to get everyone's attention. She was dressed in a red track suit. Beside her three other teachers suit were also in their own track suits, colored in yellow, green, and blue. Each of their respective classes were also dressed in colors that matched their homeroom teacher, so Hōmura and the rest were sporting their own red track suits.

As the students calmed themselves, the teachers gave instructions. Everyone was free to roam around, provided them made it back in time for dinner. Food was usually available in their rooms, but that one time of day they needed to meet back so they could recount the students before bedtime. Any extravagant spells were prohibited, and calling attention to yourself in a negative light would serve you no good. It would result in you having to help the kitchen staff of the resort to clean the dishes for dinner.

Thrilled at the freedom they had been given, the students all dispersed, scattering to the wind in every direction.

You are my everlasting sunshine

On this dark and story mind

Come on and show me

The true meaning of light

It was warm, comfortably so, like the air was constantly giving you a cozy hug. The sun was not scalding hot, but very subdued and mellow, which contributed to the exceptional temperature. Breezy as well as imbued with magical power from the natural spring of mana, it certainly was the ideal spot for mages to gather to rejuvenate themselves.

Madoka held Hōmura's hand as they strolled with their little club. Before, at school, they had had a good time coming up with a name for their little Demon-hunting group. With the addition of Kamijou, they count rightly call themselves a Puella Magi group, anymore, and Pueri Magi didn't sound as elegant, either. But Kyōko had recounted of the various groups like theirs that she had met over the years. They had all come up with snappy names for themselves.

Although they already registered a club name with the school, they decided that it would also be nice if they could do the same to identify themselves to the other Puella Magi.

So, within that glimmering, golden time after school, they had finally come up with a name: Shiroi Chōchin, or, in English, the White Lanterns.

Being the red ranger, Madoka was the leader of the group, and had approved this name with two thumbs up.

The White Lanterns decided, like most of the students, to lounge on the beach for most of the trip. A fried Yakisoba stand was nearby, so food was easily accessible. Besides, training on sand was a good idea. The rainforest-like inside of Mami's time sphere was okay, but a change of scenery was alright once in a while. Sand was a great place to train, due to Its lack lack of stability, and due to the sea nearby, who could predict what would happen? On top of that, only magical folk were nearby, so there was no fear of being exposed.

After dropping off thier luggage, the group of seven made their was to the beach. Madoka missed the times when Kyūbey would perch on her shoulder like a fluffy white parrot, but there was nothing she could do about that nowadays, now was there?

Once on the beach they all picked a dressing room and officially initiated their trip. Of course, the boys were finished dressing first, as trunks weren't hard to slip on. Kamijou was a little shocked from dressing with Kyūbey, but had recovered by the time they had left the dressing room. Now they were only waiting for the girls to finish, and together they would all choose the spot on the beach they wanted the most.

As they waited, however, Kamijou couldn't help but but notice the drool in the corner of Kyūbey's mouth that he had to keep wiping away. The silver-haired boy rolled his grey eyes. He wondered if he should have kept his wand on him, so that he could incapacitate the wayward boy next to him, if he tried anything.

And then the girls emerged.

"Whooooah," exclaimed Kyūbey, drinking in the sight of them.

If possible, all of the students in their grade had stopped what they were doing and was now watching watching the procession of five beauties emerge from the dressing room.

Hitomi was one of the first ones who caught thier eyes. Most surprise was that her breasts erred not as small as they looked in her school uniform. Not that they rivaled Mami, but in a few years, she would catch up soon enough. Her light green body bikini was fadtened onto her body with strings. One thin bow hung on each side of her hips, and at the back back of her neck was another thin bow.

'A string bikini!' thought Kyūbey, overjoyed.

Kyoko was also in a bikini. It was slightly more elegant than Hitomi. It was two-toned, composed of a light pink and magenta mix in a stripe pattern. Along the bottom of each piece were ruffles. Kyōko's ponytail was separated into twintails for the scheduled seaside romp.

'Such delicious stripes!' The Incubator refrained from licking his lips in delight.

Madoka's tankini was equally tantalizing. It was a deep rose red that matched her usual ribbons, which were discarded today for a single ponytail, held by a large red bow. On the tank top portion of her swimsuit was the outline of multiple hearts in black. White ruffles trimmed the top of her tankini.

'I'm in love...'

Sayaka had a one-piece, but it had one of those behind-the-neck straps that you had to tie, much like Hitomi's bikini. However, this strap was much thicker. this Her swimsuit was a soothing ocean blue, and the bottom of it was black, making the illusion of a two-piece. To be honest, the bottom looked more like a pair of bloomers for gym class.

'Yes, drowning in love...'

Last, but definitely not least, was Hōmura. She had reverted to her days as a wallflower, and separated her hair into two long braids. But most importantly, her water-wear of choice was was a plain school swimsuit with her class name on on the front and her surname in the back.

'Thank Kami-sama for school swimsuits.'

Of all the swimsuits, Hōmura's was Kyūbey's favorite, by far.

When the Incubator picked up his jaw off the floor, they all spilt up to thier separate functions.

Kyōko and Hitomi ran off to go play volleyball with Sayaka dragging Kamijou along to join them.

Likewise, Madoka and Hōmura went to go play in the water, accompanied by Kyūbey, who wanted to learn go to swim as a human. He knew the theory, but executing it was what he needed help with. It also helped that Kami-sama was going to aid him with it, along with her moé-to-a-fault friend.

"Just relax, Kyūbey," ordered Madoka, trying to hold the boy afloat. She and Hōmura were standing in the shallow end, but the pinkette was holding him horizontally. With his eyes screwed shut, he splashed around in helpless fear.

"Hauuu," complained Kyūbey, sinking as he splashed.

"You're pretty pathetic in this form," remarked Hōmura, enjoying the pitiful sight of the white-haired boy.

They had given up on teaching him after fifteen minutes.

Spitting up water, Kyūbey climbed to his feet and shook his hair free of wetness. He had failed too many times, and even dunked beneath the water. If he hadn't had Madoka and Hōmura there thereto help, he probably would have drowned, then.

Within minutes they had turned into a sparkling and cute splash-fight, dominated mostly by Kyūbey's cuteness. Of course, Madoka and Hōmura were cute, but everyone was used to them by now. This new student was an oddity in himself, and this only made everyone else curious about where he came from. It seemed that by the time came to their school, he already was good friends with Madoka and her friends. On top of that, he was extremely bishounen. On top of that, he was good at magic.

It was all such a coincidence, but no one could think of any kind of reason for him not to be real, so the other students could only admire the three of them from afar.

Hōmura and her two friends were having a good time in the water and soaking up the sun. They probably would have gone on like this for a significantly much longer, if it had not been for the Kraken.

Madoka was the first one snatched up by the awful, slimy tentacle.

Moé, moé, lovely girls abound!

Pick you up and catch you,

Hug you, toss you around!

I want to to see all of you,

Pretty pretty please?

I'm not so bad, in time you'll see

You soon will trust in me

So all of you now know that was was a lie, right?

And I can't do anything about the Internet, as it's not my house and I pay for nothing, sorry. There's no negotiating, so whatever.