Just the Two of Us

Summary: As Axton arrives on Pandora, he can't help not taking his eyes off the most attractive member of his party. Axton/Maya pairing.

The metal gate started to rise, stopped then fell off its tracks. The group of bandits looked over and saw a rough looking soldier and a Siren who were glaring at a Claptrap unit. One of the men turned to the leader. "Is that them?"

The leader cocked his acidic repeater. "Who cares?! Just kill them and we'll sort it out later!"

The bandits rushed forward, thinking they could catch the soldier and the Siren off guard but were surprised themselves as the soldier threw a disc looking object which unfolded into a turret and began firing at them. Two of the bandits were cut down by the turret before they could react. The rest of the bandits scattered and took cover. Two more bandits were cut to ribbons as the soldier fired his rifle at them. One of the bandits saw the Siren and rushed her but he was caught in a large bubble, she fired her pistol at him and killed him. The leader of the bandits looked around and saw that it was just him and another bandit left. He charged at the soldier who was busy reloading. He fired his repeater several times at the soldier but he too was caught in the Siren's bubble. The Siren fired the last round in her pistol which struck the leader in the forehead. The last bandit turned tail and ran. He ran back to Flynt's hideout, to tell him what happened.

Maya looked around the house and saw the last bandit run off. She smirked. "We're good." She said quietly. She left her cover. "Axton, are you alright?"

It was several seconds before she heard the groans coming from behind Axton's cover, a metal bin, that her fears were confirmed. Maya ran over and gasped. Axton lay on his back, clutching his right arm, moaning in pain. Maya crouched next to him. "Let me see." She said quietly. She touched his arm gently and he screamed in pain. She could see the bullet hole in the forearm of his jacket. Then she saw something green drip out of the ragged role and fall to the ground. It sizzled as it made contact with the ice. Maya gently touched the green liquid and jerked her hand back with a gasp. "Acid." She said quietly. He was using an acidic repeater. Maya thought. Maya needed to get a health vial for Axton or the acid bullet might burn completely through Axton's arm. "Okay, Axton. I'll be right back. I'm gonna get you another vial." She brushed the hair from his forehead. "I'll be back." She kissed him on the lips, got up and ran off.

Axton lay against the bin, the warmth from Maya's lips still lingered. "Whoa." He said in a breathy whisper, the pain in his arm briefly forgotten.

Maya ran towards the closest building she could find and began pounding on the door. "Hello! Is anyone there?! Hello?!" After a few minutes, Maya groaned and ran to the next building, her heart leapt into her throat as she saw a Doctor Zed machine. She ran to the machine and stopped short. It was offline. "GODDAMN IT!" She screamed.

"Perhaps I could be of some help, madam?"

Maya pivoted on her heel and brought up her pistol. A man stood behind her, he was dressed like a big game hunter except he was missing his right arm which had been replaced by a cybernetic arm. "Who are you?" Maya questioned.

"Ah! Apologies. Forgot to introduce myself. I am Sir Hammerlock." He saluted Maya and turned to a generator. "Just be a moment." He turned a crank and the generator sprung to life. "Ah, there we are. The machine should be online now."

Maya turned back and the machine was lit up. She selected an instavial and the machine deposited it into the tray below. Maya snatched up the vial and ran off, Hammerlock followed her. Maya called back over her shoulder. "Thank you."

Hammerlock nodded. "You are most welcome my dear. I must say, I came out here to study the Bullymongs but Flynt's men trapped me here. Thank you so much for disposing of them by the way. It just so happens that I'm on my way to Sanctuary myself. The Raiders could use a hero like you. Oh, could you hand me Claptrap's eye if you would?"

Maya reached Axton, dug in his coat pocket and tossed Hammerlock the robotic eye. Maya jammed the needle into Axton's shoulder and injected the contents. She discarded the empty vial and inspected his arm. She watched as the bullet was dislodged from his arm and the wound slowly closed up. She looked up at Axton's face. "How do you feel?"

Axton cupped Maya's face and kissed her full on the lips. Maya responded by wrapping her arms around his neck and deepening the kiss, pushing her tongue into his mouth. Before they could continue, they could hear a throat clear. They looked up and saw Hammerlock standing a few feet away.

"I say, I finished reinstalling Claptrap's eye and I'm afraid I have bad news."

"It didn't work?" Maya asked, still lying on top of Axton.

"No, no. It works. It's just….he's talking again."

Axton chuckled. "Not much we can do about that is there?"

Maya blushed.

Claptrap came racing up to them, oblivious to their current state. "Minions! I've got my eyesight back! It's time to join up with the Crimson Raiders in Sanctuary. This glacier is full of nothing but murderers and dirtbags. Like that Hammerlock dude!"

Hammerlock rolled his eyes. "I'm right here. Dude."

Maya giggled at the way Hammerlock said 'dude'. She rolled off Axton and helped him to his feet. Embarrassed, she lowered her gaze. Axton grasped her chin in his hand and lifted her face to meet his gaze. He kissed Maya on the lips again. "When we get to Sanctuary, we'll finish what we started there."

Maya blushed again. "Looking forward to it."

"Minions! Roll out!" Claptrap called out.

Hammerlock looked out over the town. "I'm afraid there's no point in staying here. Most of the people here fled when Jack's army came through. The ones that stayed were slaughtered by Flynt's men. While I would recommend fleeing to Sanctuary, we cannot because Claptrap has lost his ship to Flynt and as of now, it is the only way we'll get to Sanctuary."

Axton picked up his rifle. "Let me guess. Flynt's not just gonna let us have the boat now is he?"

Hammerlock shook his head. "Afraid not. We'll have to take it back. It won't be easy."

Axton turned to Maya. "You up for it?"

Maya smiled. "As long as you don't get shot with more acid bullets, sure."

Axton grinned. "Not gonna let that go are you?"

"Would you?" Maya batted her eyes at him.

Axton smirked. "Nope."

Maya picked up the acidic repeater and slipped it into her belt. "A memento."

Axton rolled his eyes. "Whatever."

End of chapter 3. Hope you enjoyed this one, I'll try to update soon.