If you could take the time to read this, that'd be awesome.

Oh dear god. How do I even begin to apologize?
Well, lets just start by saying sorry. Sorry, sorry, a million times sorry.
When I started this story, I didn't really expect someone to actually read it. Turns out I was wrong.
You guys did. And some of you even took the time to tell me what you thought and gave me advice about how to make my story better.
But how happy your comments made me, they also stressed me a little.
Now that I had actual readers, I wanted to give them the best story I could write.
Not a single thing I wrote was good enough. I was so nervous when I uploaded it. I expected you guys to hate it and stop reading.
But you didn't.
No, you kept supporting me.
And I let you down.

And I'm so sorry for that.

But believe me, I tried. I tried so hard to put something on paper and to finish this story for you.
I just couldn't write anymore. Everything sounded wrong and horrible and stupid.

Plus, I went through a hard time.
I had problems with friends, family, but most of all: with myself.
But don't worry, I'm not going to annoy you with my personal life.

Luckily now, almost a year later, I found the courage and the will to write again.
And I'm going to finish this story for you.

This will be the last chapter. It might come over as hurried. The whole story has been a slow-build, and now I'm finishing it as soon as I can.
But I feel as by ending this story, I'm also ending a chapter of my life. Not a particulary happy one.

If anyone is still reading this: thank you.
Thank you for your support.
And to all of you beautiful reviewers: your comments really made me smile, even when my days were dark.

Really. Thanks.

I love you.

~ Epilogue ~

One year later.

Isaac slowly opened his eyes, squinting against the bright light.
He sat up and turned his head, only to see that the person beside him was still sleeping.

Suddenly, the door was pushed open, and a small white cat trotted inside, meowing loudly.

"Hey Jackie," Isaac said, his voice laced with sleep.

The cat meowed again and jumped on the bed, cuddling close to him.

Isaac lazily scratched her head, to which she purred.
"You silly cat," he murmered.

A tired sigh and suddenly there was an arm around Isaac his waist.

A smile brightened Isaac his face. "Are you awake?" he carefully asked.

- "No."

Isaac chuckled. "Goodmorning to you too. It's Christmas, you know."

There was no response.

"Do you remember last year?" Isaac continued anyway. "Well of course you do, that was the first time you kissed me."

Still no response.

"Did you fall asleep again?" Isaac asked softly.

- "No."

Another chuckle and Isaac continued. "And then you actually tried convincing me - convincing yourself - that is was because you were drunk."


"But then you asked your mom for advice, because you didn't understand the things you were feeling. And you cried, too. At least, that's what she told me. And then we suddenly stopped sleeping separately. And..."

"I know Isaac," the other interrupted. "I was there you know."

Isaac laughed softly. "Yeah. It just makes me happy to think about it."




"Thank you. I love you."

Then Jackson lifted his head. He didn't have to say it back. He had his own way of confessing his love.

And when they kissed, it was slow, soft and sweet.

"Merry Christmas, fourteen," Jackson chuckled and buried his nose in Isaacs neck.

~ The End ~

I'd like to thank - again - everyone who readed, reviewed, followed an/or favourited this story.

Special thanks to:
niffyou: My first reviewer. Thank you for encouraging me to continue my story. You're such a nice person.
Pinkranger888: Many thanks for taking the time to review my story. I'm really happy you enjoyed it a little bit.
Wait. .YOU: Thanks for your sweets comments and your support.
Ink-Reader-18: Thanks for giving me ideas on how to continue my story!
xxSterekfan6xx: Thank you for putting up with me for so long and taking the time to express how you felt about the chapters.
kutoki: Thanks for your reviews and your encouragement.
chickenleg718: Thank you for suggesting the name Jacky.
Pace1818: Thanks for your constant support throughout the chapters.

Obviously I cannot thank everyone but also a big THANK YOU to: Guest, Texas Martyr, shipshiphip, kat4543, Guest, Xanthia, javy05wizard guardian, thebeast6289, DestielShipper19, brightnight003, ILoveThis, tvqueen22, XLastForever, Alyceis, Guest, DarkLove12489, AidenVanHelsing, agd888, Colleen, DragonLordAK, Jerome & RideEmLikeACowboyJazzy.

You guys are all amazing and I will never forget your help :)