I realize I could have carried this story considerably further, but I chose to end it with this last installment. I am doing this because as a reward for you guys getting me to the 100 reviews mark for the very first time (I seriously grinning like an idiot when I woke up to '102 Reviews'), I have decided to go ahead and give you guys a new HG/MM fic for my Nano Project this year. Since that begins on Thursday, I needed to wrap "Alright" up. For those of you who don't know what Nano is...it's National Novel Writing Month. I am making a commitment to write AT LEAST 2000 words per day, for the 30 days of November. This means you'll get a chapter every day. I've got the first 11 chapters totally planned out at this point, and all 30 are generally planned. This project will be titled "Dueling"...so please keep a look out for it effective the first of November, and wish me luck!

It was one year to the day, the day Lucius had raped her, that the blond Death Eater was sentenced to life in Azkaban. Adrasteia Katherine Granger had been born only three months before, and it left Hermione with a sense of profound relief to know that her daughter would never have to see the man who fathered her.

Today was the year anniversary of Lucius' conviction. Even after he'd been sent to the Wizarding prison, Hermione had remained at Hogwarts, though she had moved from the quarters the Room of Requirement had fashioned for her, and into chambers near Minerva's. Despite the fact that the pair had 'officially' been a couple since before Adra's birth, Hermione had insisted on maintaining her own living space. She had explained to Minerva that it wasn't because she didn't want to live with the older woman, it was simply that she felt that for the time being, she and Adra needed their own space, and time to get to know each other without someone else in the picture. Minerva had taken her decision with grace.

Hermione had just gotten back to the castle from a check-up at St. Mungo's - nothing special, just a routine exam. Most wizards only visited a mediwitch or wizard when they needed medical attention, but Hermione's Muggle roots had left her with the odd desire to have a yearly physical. She'd left Adra with Minerva while she was gone, and it surprised her when she walked into her quarters to find Minerva there, alone with a book.

"Where's Adra?" Hermione asked, slightly concerned.

"Draco took her for the evening," Minerva said simply. "Something about celebrating 'Sibling Freedom Day', or some such noting of Lucius' incarseration."

"Ah," Hermione replied. Draco had been a very active part of Adra's life from day one, though this was the first time he'd taken off with her without consulting his former classmate. "And you let him?"

Minerva put the book down, and looked at Hermione intently. "Fine, I lied. I asked Draco to take her for the evening."

"Why?" Hermione questioned, hand's on her hips.

"We are going on a date," Minerva explained, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. "Just the two of us."

Hermione chuckled. Minerva had never arranged for a date before, without consulting her first, at least not since Adra had been born. It was obvious that something was up. Hermione just had to figure out what. "Okay. Where are we going?"

"Malfoy Manor," Minerva answered. "Draco kindly agreed to let us use it for the evening."

"If we're going to Malfoy Manor," Hermione said, inwardly cringing at Minerva's choice of date locations, "where are Draco and Adra?"

"They are in my chambers, hopefully not getting into too much trouble."

"When do we leave?" Hermione asked, going along with Minerva's mysterious plan.

Minerva stood, took Hermione's hand, and whispered, "Now."

Hermione felt the familiar pull of side-along Apparation, and a moment later the pair were in the ballroom of Malfoy Manor. Hermione had not been in the Manor since that day. Draco had invited her over, often enough, but she'd not been able to face it. She had not protested when Minerva announced this would be thier destination, purely out of trust for the older woman. Minerva would never do something to harm her, especially not emotionally. If this was where Minerva wanted to be tonight, Hermione felt that she had to have a very good reason.

The ballroom was not decorated beyond the norm, save for a table-for-two in the middle of the large room, adorned with white table cloth, sparkling china, a candle, and a red rose sitting on one of the plates. The lights were dimmed, save for a gentle spotlight around the vicinity of the table. It was warm and inviting, and for a moment Hermione was caught up in the mood and forgot exactly where she was.

"Why are we here?" she asked quietly, looking at her lover sadly. "You know I haven't been here since..."

"I know," Minerva said, taking her hand. "Which is why we are here today."

Hermione looked at the older witch intently, waiting for her to continue.

"Hermione," Minerva said, "Two years ago today, this is where the girl I knew from Hogwarts, my star pupil, died here in this house. Later that night, I met the woman who I have come to love beyond anything I ever imagined. She was wounded in the worst way, but bound and determined to keep going. The model Gryffindor, I remember thinking. A few days after you and Draco went into hiding at Hogwarts, the day you kissed me in front of him for the first time, I made a decision, a decision that after Adra was born, and the trial was over, and you were settled into motherhood, I was going to ask you a question, one that I have never asked anyone else."

Hermione's mouth opened slightly, realizing what Minerva was going to say next.

"I am asking you this here, because this is where it began; where we began. If you say yes to what I'm about to ask, I need you to be prepared to take your last step of healing over what happened here before you take your first step into what we can be. Hermione Jean Granger," the older woman said, kneeling on the floor, "Will you marry me?"

The younger Gryffindor thought carefully about what Minerva was saying. Marriage was a complete committment to one another which surpassed all things that were past, and Minerva was asking her if she was ready to take that step. Minerva didn't need to be reassured that Hermione loved her, she needed to be reassured that Hermione was ready to be fully loved in return. And then, for the first time in over two years, Hermione realized that she was alright.

"Yes," she replied with a smile. "I'm ready to marry you."


Please review! Love you guys bunches, this one would not have been possible without your encouragements! I honestly had NO idea where I was going with this one when I posted the first chapter. -MNA-