Writers Block, Part Two: Final Chapter

Fairy Tail

Laxus x Lucy

If you have a favorite Fairy Tail couple, I wanna hear it! I'm taking a poll of who the most popular FT couple is! Send me a PM, email me, or contact me through Tumblr between now and 11/30/12! Winning couple will be the feature for my Holiday 2012 fic! –Sora

She watched him stride across the room, the folds of the cloak behind him billowing in the space between his large strides. He came towards her, a beast in human form, with pale eyes blazing.

"I don't know what you think you're doing," His voice was deep and husky as he spoke, looking down on her. "But I won't have it."

She stared up at him, at the wall of muscle in front of her, a slow smile curving across her face. "If you don't like it, you're welcome to try and stop me." She teased playfully.

The emotion in his smoky blue hues changed from something of an annoyance, melting like ice. "Princess…" He breathed softly.

She could feel the air between them start to-


Lucy screamed, crumbling the page up and throwing it across the room of her apartment. It bounced off the footboard of her bed and fell on her plush carpet while she slumped into her chair.

"This isn't working," She told herself, collapsing on her desk.

She had finally thought she had gotten the ball rolling on this story project she was sharing with Levy. Her hero had been chosen and he was by all means, everything she wanted out of a hero; strong and handsome. The guy she had even chosen had thought it was cool she was using him as the basis.

The only problem was something he had said to her when she had been creating his profile.

Laxus Dreyar was somewhat of enigma to her…or he had been. They had never really had a chance to know each other until recently and she had found that he was a pretty interesting character, and a little more modest then she had initially thought. When she had explained how she was having trouble modeling her main hero and asked if she could use him he had surprised her.

Regrettably though, she had let it slip that more often than not she used herself as the idea for her heroine.

"So it's me and you then, as a couple." He had told her. "There are worse people in the world I could be stuck with."

That had created a stigma with her that was now keeping her from writing anything intimate between the two characters. She kept telling herself that Seraph wasn't Laxus but she could imitate him perfectly, and Milia with her perfect blonde hair and curvy body was just like Lucy. It was too difficult to change them now, but every time she got to a part where she wanted to take their relationship to the next level, she would freak out.

"Why'd he have to say something like that…?" She pouted, resting her chin on the wooden surface. "I can't even come up with a good way to get past this kiss scene how am I supposed to get to the really naughty stuff?"

Before she could even react, she found she was already imagining Laxus, and promptly bolted up in her chair. "N-Not that I think of him that way!" She cried in her own defense, like there was anyone there to argue with her. "Ugh, Seraph ISN'T Laxus!" She wailed, shaking her head and trying to fight the blush. "I'm giving up on this tonight!"

Stomping away from her desk, she went and took a hot bath and then got ready for bed. While blow-drying her hair she found that her mind hadn't left her alone at all about it, and this wasn't the first time.

"It's…. probably just because I haven't had my first real kiss yet." She said lamely to her reflection, staring at herself in the mirror. "Seventeen years old, and never had my first kiss… man I suck." She smiled bitterly, turning off the dryer. "But it's just a story, right?" She told herself as she switched off the lights. "And stories can always be made up. I just have to do my research."

Her chocolate brown eyes lit up. "That seems like a plan! There are plenty of ladies I know that have been in a relationship or have significant others. I can always ask them!" She nodded. "Hopefully I won't seem like some creepy stalker or something…"

Feeling more and more confident about her idea, she was able to get a decent night's rest for a change and decided that she would start in Magnolia in the morning while she was there.

"Lucy! What are you doing here?" Lyon asked her as she stood outside the Lamia Scale building.

"I was looking for Sherry. She wouldn't happen to be here, would she?" She asked, pen and notebook in hand.

He blinked his dark eyes, stuffing his hands in the pocket of his coat. "She spent the night with Ren last night." He said, matter of factly.

"Oh!" Lucy's brown eyes widened. "Ohhhh…." Her face hued pink as she got the jist of what he was saying. "I'm sorry…"

"Like I care." Lyon scoffed and gave a shrug. His tone was casual enough but she had the feeling he was only partially telling the truth. "Anyway if you wanna see her, I'd try Blue Pegasus. When she's not on missions, that's usually where she is nowadays."

"Thanks Lyon." She bowed. "I'll see you later."

"Yeah." He smiled. "Tell her I said hi, when you see her."

Lucy promised she would and then continued on her way across town, with an impending feeling of dread. She had had a feeling Blue Pegasus would be a great place to go for this kind of research, but just the idea of walking in the door was making her tremble.


Sure enough, she had barely stepped foot on the premise and she had the usual three suspects swarming.

"I never thought I'd see the day when you'd come see us!" Eve whined with teary eyes.

"How wonderful of you to grace-"

She clamped a hand over Hibiki's mouth before he could even finish his sentence. "I'm here on a mission." She snapped. The strawberry blonde looked too much like Loke for her to feel comfortable around him. "You," She set her eyes on the man with dark skin and hair. "Where's your girlfriend?"

"Uh…" Ren blinked, obviously taken back. "Sherry…? At the bar." He gestured back towards the center of the room where the cascade of magenta hair was stationed on a bar stool.

"This early…?" Lucy asked, pondering what the hell she could be drinking at ten in the morning. Then again it was so dim lit in the guild building that it may as well have been evening.

"Lucy?" Sherry's blue eyes looked up at her as she sat down. "What are you doing here?"

"I came to talk to you." She smiled. "Lyon says hi by the way. I stopped there first."

"Yeah, he would." She smiled, spinning the straw around in the cup of juice she was sipping on. "So, what's going on?"

"I 'm working on this book, and I'm having a little trouble. So I figured I'd ask around." She flipped open to a clean page. "What's your love life like?"

Sherry stared at her and then burst out laughing. The question however seemed to bring the trio of men ever closer, curiosity getting the better of them.

"You were being serious?" The redhead leaned on the bar. "Don't you have like, a handful of guys who always fawn all over you?" Lucy downcast her head. The other woman watched her expression. "You ARE serious. I figured you'd be in a relationship by now."

"Well I'm not." Lucy snapped, trying to defend herself. "Are you gonna help me, or not?"

"Sure, I'll tell you." Sherry crossed her arms. "If there's one thing I've learned, it's that every relationship is going to be different. You can't base one off the other. When I was younger…" She looked down into her glass. "I followed Lyon blindly. I was so infatuated with him because he was strong, and handsome that I never stopped to think about what kind of person he was. It wasn't until much later that I realized he never saw me the same way I saw him. When he started seeing other girls, I knew I just had to let him go. It was becoming too painful even though I still had feelings for him."

Her eyes looked sad and distant and Lucy swallowed. She hadn't meant to bring up the past and it looked like it still hurt. For a moment she remembered how Lyon had looked so put off when she had asked about Sherry. Maybe he wasn't as cold-hearted as she thought.

"But then I met Ren while we were fighting against Oracion Seis, remember?" Sherry's full lips curved in a smile. "He and I didn't talk for a while after…but when things started to fall apart between Lyon and me, he was there for me. He's always doted on me and offered to take care of me. He flirts with other girls, but he's never laid a hand on them… I can tell he really cares." She giggled. "Even when he tries so hard not to show it."

Lucy scribbled words down, slowly smiling. "I'm glad he makes you happy. I was worried when I heard you and Lyon had broke up."

"Things happen." Sherry shrugged helplessly. "So, is there anything else you wanna know? I will answer just about anything….except for Ren's measurements. I'm not giving you those."

"I don't want them anyway!" Lucy shrieked, nearly dropping her pen. Meanwhile across the room, Ren nearly stumbled at Sherry's statement, looking over at her with wide brown eyes.

The blonde woman blushed as she finished her paragraph. "There is just one more thing. What's a first kiss like?"

Now this question was too juicy for the boys to ignore. They converged on her like a set of hungry panthers.

"You've never been kissed?" Eve gasped.

"If you like, I would be honored-" Hibiki started, and never got past that.

"SHUT IT." Lucy punched him in the side, staring at Sherry.

Her friend blinked and then gave a small smile. "It differs, depending on the person. Whether it's gentle or dominating, you'll know if it means something the second your lips meet."

"How?" Lucy asked, jetting down notes as fast as possible.

Sherry laughed. "You'll just… know." She told her with a bit of a blush.


The blonde jerked up at a familiar voice. Turning she looked over to see Erza standing there staring at her with dark eyes. "What are you doing here?" The S-class mage wandered over.

"Talking to Sherry." She smiled. "And taking notes. It's research for my book." She flipped the cover shut. "How about you?"

"I was dropping off a letter from Master to Master Bob." Erza replied, ignoring the trio of men who had circled around her the second they had noticed her. "Are you ready to go?"

"Yep!" Lucy hopped off the barstool. "Thanks for all the help!"

"Good luck with your book." Sherry smiled. "And with other things too."

The blonde woman stared and then gave a big smile back.

"I was surprised when I saw you in there. I didn't think Pegasus was your style." Erza teased as they made their way out of time.

"Believe me, it's not. I can't stand guys like that." Lucy replied. She had been debating asking her fellow comrade ever since this trek had started, but now that they were out in the countryside she was less intimidated to ask. "Hey, Erza…" She started slowly, not sure how this was going to go over. "Have you ever been kissed before?"

Silence was all she got as an answer and she flinched, not wanting to look over to see a look of utter anger on the girl's face. When she gathered up the courage to peek over she found the swordswoman had turned as red as her hair.

"I-I d-don't know what would… give you that idea…." She stammered out.

It was so ridiculous Lucy couldn't help but laugh. "How about your face!" She replied, holding her sides. "Jellal! It had to be Jellal, wasn't it?"

Erza fidgeted nervously, finally hanging her head.

"What's it like? Being kissed? Especially by someone you like." She asked.

The redhead reached out and grabbed her by her shoulders, stopping her midstride. "Lucy." She said, her tone completely serious. "You know that I would trust you with my life. Which is why everything I'm going to tell you cannot leave you, understand me?"

"Yeah…." Lucy swallowed. "S-Sure."

The woman's head came up and she had stars in her eyes. "IT WAS HEAVEN!" She sighed dreamily. "It seemed to make the rest of the world stop. I was so incredibly nervous thinking about it before, but then it just happened, and it seemed so natural…." She shook Lucy. "You have no idea how badly I've been wanting to tell someone, but I couldn't…."

"You... You're welcome!" Lucy nodded, trying to keep her body from flailing as Erza took her on one of her rare fangirl moments. "So I guess you guys are a serious thing now, huh…"

As quickly as she'd latched onto the girl, Erza let go. "I don't think so," She said shyly. "I mean… he was lying, but he rejected me, and it's complicated…." She gave another dramatic sigh, very much off in her own little world.

"I get it, I get it…" The blonde shook her head, wishing she hadn't asked.

By the time they got back to the guild, Erza was more or less back to her usual self, but Lucy was stuck on the whole idea of this whole kiss. The more she heard about how fantastic it was supposed to be and how everyone differed made her more and more curious, but what really had her hooked was this magical feeling of perfection that was supposed to come with it. How was she supposed to just know it was right? And if it wasn't, did that mean there was no hope for them?

"Lucy!" Levy had greeted her when they got to the building. "How's writing going?"

"I'm still having a hard time." She answered honestly. "I'm stuck. Again."

Levy furrowed her brow in worry. "Oh no! Well don't stress over it. Why don't you just give it a rest for a bit and when you feel it, start working on it again?"

"I don't know if that will help this time," She admitted with a sheepish smile. "But thank you, for not rushing me."

"Of course." Her friend smiled. "I can't wait to read what you've written! I'm sure it will be wonderful!"

Lucy smiled back, but inside it only managed to make her feel worse. She wanted to continue on with the story and she didn't want to keep Levy waiting.

Later that afternoon she snuggled in on the upper floor of the building in an attempt to get some peace and quiet. The guild was always busy by the upper levels were rarely used nowadays and she could park herself in a seat by the window and pretend she was getting something done when really all she was doing was mull over her work.

It was nice though, she reminded herself. This building wasn't nearly as grand as the one they had left behind in Magnolia, but it had its spots. The angled roof and the wide arched window made her feel at home, and the glow of sunlight coming in was staining everything orange and red as it began to set in the sky. It was inspiring her to write but she still couldn't manage.

"Maybe they'll never get to that point." She sighed in defeat. "Maybe it just wasn't meant to be."

"Talking to yourself over there?"

The deep voice made her sit up straight in the chair. She jerked her gaze away from the window, dark eyes staring upwards at the tall blonde coming towards her. "Laxus!"

His brow furrowed. "Sorry if I startled you." He said with a hint of a sympathetic smile. "Are you okay? You seem kind of out of it." She blushed, glancing back to the still empty page in her lap. He followed her gaze, stopping by the chair. "How's the writing going?"

"Just fine!" She cried immediately, flipping the notebook closed. "Just-" Before she could get a full sentence out he had snatched the book from her lap. "H-Hey give that back!"

"You said I could read it." He replied, turning the cover over.

"Yeah, when I'm done with it!" She wailed, leaping from the seat to try and grab it, but he had seemed to anticipate that and back-stepped, holding it above her head. "Laxus, that's not fair."

He ignored her, continuing to turn pages. She stopped dead when she realized what he was doing; going for the back of the book where she was currently stuck. Her hands curled up into fists as she watched his blue eyes skim over her writing. She was expecting him to laugh or that usual smirk, but when he was done he just looked up at her. "It's good. Why'd you stop there?"

She flushed, her chocolate colored eyes narrowing. "Because I don't know how to write an all-powering kiss scene!" She blurted out and then once she realized what she had said she hung her head. "It's not like I've ever had one, so I don't know what they're supposed to be like…"

The dragon slayer's eyes widened and he sat the book down on the top of the chair. He let out a soft breath. "You are unbelievably surprising sometimes." He responded. He took a step forward, and then another until he was right in front of her. She blinked, her gaze staring up at him, wondering what he was getting at. He couldn't help but shake his head at such innocence. She truly had no idea what she was getting herself into half the time.

His hand reached out, pushing back pieces of her long golden hair. "Pretty girl like you… and you're telling me you've never been kissed?" He chuckled softly.

Her dark eyes were watching him. "Don't tease me." She blushed. "I've never been in this sort of situation before…"

His free had wrapped around her waist and drew her too him. She was surprised…she always imagined his touch as hard and powerful, but the way he tugged her was playful and gentle. Her body went willingly and she wanted to ask what was going on, what was happening, but the second she opened her mouth to speak, his lips were on hers and words went away.

Her heart leapt into her throat and her eyes fluttered close and she found that she immediately felt dizzy. The world seemed to disappear if only for an instant. She wasn't sure what she should do but she could feel her knees growing weak. Her hands blindly folded in the cloth of his shirt and that was about the time she felt his strong arms wrap around her, holding her. It was so overwhelming she didn't know what to focus on first, and then suddenly it was gone.

He pulled away and she could feel him straighten. Her eyes fluttered open, telling her jaw to clamp shut because she knew her mouth was hanging open and she could feel the heat in her face reaching a molten point.

He still had his arms around her, looking down on her with those cloudy blue-gray eyes and that lightning scar. His handsome mouth curved in a smile. "If I let you go, will you be okay?" He asked gently. She shook her head furiously, not trusting herself to speak and he laughed. "Hopefully that will give you some inspiration to keep writing."

Lucy gave a small slow nod. She couldn't unsee Seraph as Laxus now, it was hopeless. In fact she couldn't unsee Laxus at all. He had slowly crept up on her and worked his way into her heart. Out of all of the guys here in the guild, she never would have thought that it would have been him…

"Thank you…" She finally managed to breathe, exhaling loudly. "For that. I think it helped."

His hold on her slipped away and she nearly wanted to reach out and grab onto him and tell him to stay, but before she said anything his mouth was on hers again. It was just for the space of a couple seconds and her heart was hammering wildly again and her ability to talk was annihilated.

He pulled away, seeming pleased with himself. "Let me know if you need any more… help with the book." He told her as he grinned. "I'm eager to see what you come up with, Heartfilia."

"Y-Yeah…." Lucy stammered out, watching him walk away and finally feeling like she could stand on her own without him. She smiled, reveling in the last few minutes a little longer before she came to another startling realization.

What was she supposed to do when Seraph and Milia had sex?

"No. No, no no!" She wailed clutching at her head. "This isn't happening. It can't!"

Her dark eyes fell on her book, still sitting on the back of the recliner where he had left it. She stared at it for a moment, before snatching it up and plopping back down on the seat. Opening to the end of her current page, she picked up the pen and began to write.

It only took four hours to get the next chapter to Levy.