A/N:Welcome to the new post ME3 arc. This story picks up where both "A Note Left Behind" and the game left off. Normal note at the end of story.

New Beginnings

Chapter One

Unknown pile of rubble

Commander Leia Shepard inhales once again as she lies on a pile of rubble. Her body feels broken and it hurts to move. Shepard has no strength to yell out for help. The Commander hears people around her. She has no idea what has happened. Leia mumbles slightly to herself, "Have I done it? Are the Reapers finally gone? How? I don't remember anything after getting blasted by Harbinger. Oh God, I hurt and feel like death. I can barely breathe and I feel myself slipping away again. I'm sorry, Liara. I don't think I'm coming back after all. Please forgive me." Shepard's breath becomes more labored and she starts to fade away once more.

Leia thinks she hears someone or something near her surrounding. Hearing voices yelling out for survivors. She also thinks she hears boots on the ground walking near her. "Come on, Marine. You need to get up and find Liara." Shepard tries to move, but the pain is so great it causes the Commander to stop moving. She tries one more time to move off the pile of rubble. Shepard moves her right leg as she tries to move her upper body to the left as she tries to stand up. She moves about two inches before falling back on the rubble this time face down. "Urgh," escapes Leia's lips as she land back on the ground.

"Over here!" yells out an asari commando as she turns Shepard over so the Commander is lying on her back. "I found a survivor. We're going to need a medic." The huntress give the broken body of Commander Shepard a dose of medi-gel. When the asari gets a good look at the human's face, she realizes it's her, Commander Shepard. "Where is a medic?" yells the huntress.

A medic come running towards the pile of rubble Shepard is lying on. The medic checks over the Commander then hooks up an IV to Shepard's left arm. "She is still alive. Barely. We need to get her to the Destiny Ascension now or she isn't going to make it." As the asari medic monitors Shepard's vitals, they carefully move Shepard to a stretcher. Leia feels her body being picked up and moved. She isn't sure if she is dreaming she is moving or if is she is actually on the move. Shepard isn't fully comprehending her surroundings.

The trip to the Citadel flagship is a short ride from the location the asari commando found Commander Leia Shepard's body. The entire trip, Shepard mumbles quietly Liara's name followed by an "I'm sorry." Neither the medic or the huntress understands what the Commander is mumbling. Hearing her mumble, picks their spirits up knowing the "Hero of the Galaxy" is still alive. They rush to a waiting shuttle to take the human to the Citadel's flagship, The Destiny Ascension.

Doctor Alena Richter is standing next to table taking a break drinking a cup of tea when a medic comes in the medical ward with Shepard on a stretcher. The medic says, "Doctor, we have Commander Shepard. She's alive. You have to save her." Doctor Richter is looking over the body before her. She sees a lot of missing armor and lots of injuries. The asari doctor knows if Shepard survives in the next few hours, she has a long recovery ahead of her.

"Follow me, corpsman," says Richter. She moves her arm in a 'follow me' motion as they take Shepard to the operating room. They carefully move the Commander's body from the stretcher to the operating table. Dr. Alena Richter turns to the medic and huntress to say, "Tell Matriarch Lidanya Commander Shepard is being prepped for surgery and to contact the Alliance. She's in bad shape, but I think we can keep her alive. No guarantees." The two enlisted personal salute the doctor then leave the medical bay to carry out their orders. Dr. Richter leaves to get scrubbed and ready to operate on Commander Shepard while an enlisted medical tech carefully removes the armor pieces. When Richter returns, the medic has removed all of Shepard's armor and has the human prepped for surgery.

Normandy SR-2

Dr. Liara T'Soni lies on her bed in her office aboard the Normandy. She clutches a data pad with a note for her from her love, Commander Leia Shepard, against her chest. Tears are streaming down her cheek as she debates with herself about reading the note again. Oh, my love, I can't go through this again. I should have never asked you to promise me to always come back. I wish you hadn't forced me and Garrus back on the Normandy. I understand why you did it, you wanted me to live and I was injured, but it doesn't make this any easier, Leia. I have a feeling in the pit of my stomach you're alive, which is why I couldn't put your name on the memorial wall. Come back to me, Leia. I love you. We've been lucky before, my love, maybe luck is still with us. Goddess, I hope so.

The old Shadow Broker's information drone, which Liara has reprogrammed and named Glyph, floats closer to her bed. "Doctor, I have found something about Commander Shepard. She was found on the Citadel and taken to the Destiny Ascension."

Liara looks at the drone hovering near her bed, "Glyph, any mention of the Commander's condition?"

"No, Doctor. Matriarch Lidanya sent a message to the Alliance saying they have Commander Shepard on board," answers Glyph as the drone floats back to it normal spot next to the research terminal and a big mainframe.

Dr. T'Soni wipes the tears from her cheeks before getting off her bed and walks to her terminal next to the wall of monitors. She's looking for a response from the Alliance in response to the message from the asari dreadnought. At the moment, no response from Admiral Hackett or the Alliance. Do they not believe Lidanya or are they like us and ended up who knows where? Should I tell Major Alenko? All he knows is I'm an information broker not 'the' Shadow Broker. How do I explain to him how I got the message from the Destiny Ascension? Does he know already? Go and tell him, T'Soni. You have to get back to Earth and the Citadel. You have to find her. Liara opens the door and goes to find Major Alenko.

Destiny Ascension

Dr. Richter works feverishly on Commander Shepard. The asari medical doctor is attempting to close a bleeder. One of the assistants says, "We're losing her, Doctor..."

Commander Leia Shepard feels herself slipping away as the asari doctor works to keep her alive. Don't give up, soldier. You have someone to get back to. Don't you dare give up, Shepard. Liara needs you. Fight Shepard. If you are anything, you're a fighter. Don't you dare give up. You promised Liara you'd always come back. Don't you dare break that promise. Fight, Shepard, fight. Fight for Liara. Fight for your future with her. Fight for the blue children you want. Fight for mom. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. NO SHEPARD! Don't you dare give up. Continue to fight for her. I'm so tired, tired of fighting. Why can't it be over? Because it's not over, soldier. You have a future, a future with Liara. A future filled with peace. Continue to fight for that, Shepard. Don't give up. No, no, no. Keep fighting...

"She's flat-lining, doctor!" yells the assistant.

Dr. Richter finishes with the last suture on the bleeder artery. Another assistant squeezes on the bag of blood to force more blood into Shepard's blood while the doctor uses the de-fib machine. "Clear!" Everyone moves a step way from the human's body, then Richter places the paddles on the skin. Shepard's body jerks when the electrical pulse moves through her upper torso. All eyes look at the machine hooked up to the Commander. "Again, clear!" Shepard's body jerks again...

Alliance Command

Admiral Steven Hackett looks over damage reports from the various Alliance fleets. There are numerous reports saying the Reapers planet-side fell over when a red ball of energy engulfed the planet. One report states several marines were fighting husks when the energy field moved past them and the only thing left standing were the marines. The husks were vaporized. Impressive. We still have no idea what happened. Many reports are saying the same thing. Reapers fell over when a red ball of energy engulfed each planet. I guess the Crucible did work.

Comm officer Janice Benzow walks with purpose to the Admiral. "Admiral Hackett, Sir. We've received a message from the asari and the Destiny Ascension." The communication officer hands Hackett a data pad with the message from the asari, salutes her superior officer, then goes back to her work station.

"Thank you, Benzow," says Hackett as he returns the salute. The gray-haired human looks at the date pad. Walking at a brisk pace, Hackett enters the CIC and starts giving commands to the crew. "We're headed back to Earth."

The navigator says, "That will take a while Admiral, with the Mass Relays destroyed. We still have FTL, but that is it, Admiral."

"Understood. Make it happen." Hackett salutes the navigator as he turns on heel to head back to his quarters. The first thing he does when he gets to his quarters is contact Rear Admiral Hannah Shepard. Next is the Normandy and Major Alenko. If Shepard is alive, the Normandy needs to get back to Earth as soon as possible.

Normandy SR-2

Major Kaidan Alenko receives an urgent message from Alliance Command:

Major Alenko

Return to Earth A.S.A.P.

Commander Shepard is on the asari dreadnought, Destiny Ascension

Admiral Steven Hackett

Alliance Command

Kaidan's face shows shock as he reads the message from Admiral Hackett. "Wow." mumbles Kaidan to himself. "Joker, plot a course for Earth. We have orders from Admiral Hackett." The human biotic leaves the CIC to head to the crew deck, so he can tell Dr. T'Soni the good news. Or he hopes it's good news. The last thing Kaidan wants to do is give Liara hope to only have those hopes be for nothing if Shepard doesn't make it.

As Major Alenko rounds the corner from the elevator on the crew deck, he runs right into Liara T'Soni. "I'm sorry, Major, I didn't see you," says Liara with a faux smile on her face. She is trying hard to keep her spirits up, but not knowing what is going on with her bondmate, Commander Leia Shepard. It's hard to stay upbeat.

"Dr. T'Soni, I have some news I hope brightens your mood. Well, it should brighten everyone's mood actually. We're headed back to Earth per orders from Admiral Hackett. I've gotten word Shepard is on the Destiny Ascension. No word on her condition. That's all I know," says Major Kaidan Alenko. He puts his hand on Liara's shoulder.

The Shadow Broker keeps her faux smile on her face. "Thank you, Major. I appreciate you telling me." She pats him on the upper arm. Liara decides to head to the woman's restroom to wash her face then go to talk with Dr. Chakwas.

Major Alenko gets back in the elevator, hits number two, and goes back to the CIC level. The biotic walks to the cockpit to talk to Normandy's pilot, Jeff "Joker" Moreau. "How are you doing, Joker?" asks Kaidan as he sits in the chair EDI always sat in.

Jeff looks to his right, "I'm okay, Major. Thanks for asking. It's going to take us days to reach Earth only going FTL speed."

"I know, Joker. Nothing we can do about it. What ever the Crucible did, it killed the Reapers. But it also took out a lot of other tech with it. EDI included. I'm sorry, Joker. I really am," comments Alenko. Kaidan nods to Joker then gets out of the copilot's chair. "Joker, have everyone assemble in the war room. I want to talk to everyone at once."

"Aye, aye, Major," responds Joker.

Liara pulls up a chair and sits next to Dr. Karin Chakwas. The gray-haired medical doctor gives T'Soni a soft sincere smile. "How are you holding up, Liara?" asks Dr. Chakwas. Karin can tell from the look on Liara's face, the asari is missing Commander Shepard. The human is missing the Commander as well.

"I miss Shepard. I wish I was with her. Where ever she is, Karin. I just ran into Kaidan and he said Shepard is on the Destiny Ascension. But what condition is she in? Do they only have her remains or is she still alive? He said he didn't know her condition. I have hope our luck will continue and we'll be together soon. However, I'm scared, Karin. Scared I've lost her for a second time and I can't go through that again," replies Dr. T'Soni before she covers her face as she starts crying again.

The human medical doctor gives the asari a sympathetic look. "Liara, you can't give up hope. You know this. Do you think Shepard would give up on you if you were missing? I think not," replies Chakwas.

Dr. T'Soni uncovers her face to look at Dr. Chakwas. The tears running down the asari's face. "I know, Karin. Why did she have to call in an evac for Garrus and I? We could have helped her. Then we wouldn't be apart."

"Liara, you could barely walk when Garrus helped you to the medical bay. In the condition you were in, do you really think you and Garrus could have helped? He wasn't in much better shape than you," replies Karin.

T'Soni gives the human a look. She thinks, no, she knows what Dr. Chakwas is saying is correct. Her and Garrus were both injured and weren't in any condition to help. Knowing that is not making being away from Shepard any easier. "It doesn't make not knowing what is going with her any easier."

Karin nods agreeing with Liara's statement, "I know, Liara. Don't give up hope. I have faith we'll see Shepard again. Focus on that." The medical doctor pats her friend on the arm.

Joker's voice comes over the Normandy's communication systems, "Attention everyone, Major Alenko requires everyone in the war room for a meeting immediately."

Liara and Chakwas give each other a curious look. They head to the elevator to attend the meeting in the war room. When they reach the war room, the room is starting to fill-up. Major Alenko is standing on the top step leading to the Quantum Entanglement Communicator area of the war room with his hands behind his back. Liara and Karin find a place to stand next to Tali'Zorah vas Normandy. Standing to Tali's right is Javik and the reporter Diana Allers. Garrus Vakarian with Lieutenants James Vega and Steve Cortez enter the room. Garrus joins Tali, Liara, and Dr. Karin Chakwas. Vega and Cortez move to the area left of the door.

Down the few steps and standing around a holo-projector is Specialist Samantha Traynor. To her left are Engineers Ken Donnelly and Gabby Daniels. Off to the right side of the projector is Engineer Greg Adams with other members of the crew. Major Alenko waits until everyone arrives before speaking. Shepard, I hope like hell you're still alive. I'm about to give everyone some hope. The asari will take care of you, I'm sure of it. Kaidan glances over to Liara then diverts his eyes to the doorway.

Once everyone steps inside the war room, Kaidan moves forward to get everyone's attention, "Ms. Allers, I'm afraid I'm going to ask you to leave. The agreement you have is with Commander Shepard, not with me."

The black-haired reporter leaves without question. Allers wants to argue with Alenko, but doesn't think it's an argument she would win, so she leaves without saying anything. After Diana Allers leaves the room, Kaidan continues, "I have an announcement. I know earlier we had our moment of silence for our fallen. We've lost people and I know how much everyone is grieving for our friends. I do have some possible good news. I've gotten word from Alliance Command. We've been ordered to return to Earth." Alenko pauses to see the reaction to the news so far.

A few members of the crew seem happy Allers left the room. A few members of the crew do not like having the reporter on the ship. Some didn't like some of her opinion pieces, others didn't trust her. But respected Shepard for allowing her on the ship to cover the war. Most feel Allers did her job and her stories did improve moral at times. Everyone is looking forward to her leaving though. The crew gives Alenko their full attention. The Major stiffens his back and forces himself to relax enough to give the Normandy's crew the news. "We're headed to Earth and the Destiny Ascension. Commander Shepard is on the asari dreadnought. I do not know her condition, but hopefully soon we'll be informed of her condition. I think everyone needs to keep good positive thoughts. This information needs to stay aboard the Normandy. Dismissed."

Gasps are heard throughout the entire room. The crew being shocked is an understatement. They are shocked by the good news. Or hope it's good news. A few people glance in Liara's direction. All they see from her is a somber face. Knowing Shepard is on the asari dreadnought is fine and dandy, but Liara needs to see Leia. The asari needs to know what condition her love is in. Liara weaves her way through the crowd to head back to her quarters.

Garrus and Tali exchanges smiles with each other. Even though it's hard to see Tali's face through her purple colored faceplate on her suit. Garrus is sure he saw Tali smile. The mood of the crew since Major Alenko's announcement has improved. It changes from somber to hopeful. Every member of the crew feels privileged to serve under Commander Shepard and they want to continue to serve under her. Dr. Chakwas walks over to Kaidan.

Karin asks, "Does anyone know Commander Shepard's condition?"

"The asari know, but are not saying. Which tells me, Shepard is in critical condition and they don't want to say until they know one way or the other. I don't want to lose her again. It was hard enough the first time," replies Kaidan. Taking command of the Normandy isn't what Major Alenko wanted, but then he didn't want to head the biotics division either. He is a Spectre and they do need their own ships. The Spectre would rather have his own ship than have the Normandy. It feels wrong for him to have Shepard's quarters. It's like he is trying to steal the ship from the Commander.

"I know, Major, Cerberus paid a fortune to bring her back too. The Commander is a fighter. Don't forget that, Kaidan," comments Dr. Chakwas in an assuring tone. Karin like Kaidan and Liara doesn't want to lose the Commander again. Being in the escape pod with Liara and seeing the young maiden's reaction while watching Shepard struggle with her suit trying to fix the oxygen tube without success, makes Dr. Chakwas hope when they get to the Destiny Ascension, Shepard is alive. Liara needs her. The entire crew needs Shepard. The medical doctor included.

The war room empties out except for Kaidan, Tali, Garrus, and Dr. Chakwas. Engineer Adams stops at the top step leading to the tech room and the CIC. He turns to look at the rest of the Normandy SR-1 crew. Greg says, "I have faith Commander Shepard is alright. That woman is a fighter." The engineer turns on heel and heads back to the engineer deck. He needs to double-check everything is still functioning correctly. Losing EDI has caused a few minor problems. Nothing him and his team can't fix and maintain. Especially with Tali still on board.

Garrus agrees with Adams. Shepard is a fighter. "I agree with Adams. Let's not give up hope yet. Will someone check on Liara? If not, I'll do it?" No one else volunteers, so Garrus leaves to check on Dr. T'Soni. The rest of the group all head back to their stations. Major Alenko to the CIC, Tali goes down to engineering, with Dr. Chakwas going back to the medical bay.

The turian knocks on the door to Liara's office. The door opens and Garrus walks in. "How are you doing, Liara? Really?"

"I need to see her, Garrus. Not knowing is hard. What are my people hiding?" asks Liara. She walks to the coffee maker next to her bed and pours herself a cup.

Garrus leans against the big main-frame computer. "Maybe they have Shepard in surgery, Liara. Or maybe they wanted to tell Admiral Hackett in person. I don't know. I can only speculate. Not finding anything on your end?"

Shaking her head, Liara sips her coffee before answering, "Nothing yet. You're right, Garrus. Shepard could be in surgery. I'll feel better once I see her. I wonder why the Crucible took out the relays and EDI? I know how Jeff feels. I wish Shepard hadn't ordered us on the Normandy." The asari sips on her coffee.

"I feel that way too, Liara. But we were both injured, I can't blame her for calling Joker with the evac," replies the turian with blue facial marking across his nose and cheeks.

"I don't either. It doesn't make this any easier." Dr. T'Soni downs the last of her coffee then gets another cup.

Garrus turns to leave, but before he does, he asks, "You up for some poker later, Liara? We don't have much to do to pass the time. I know the company would do you some good."

Dr. T'Soni thinks before she answers. Garrus is right, being around others would do me some good. Not sure if I want to play for money. "Sure, only if we are playing for fun. I'm not giving Vega all my money."

"Or how about this idea. Have a Normandy tournament. Have a cheap buy-in and every night a different group gets the card table. Give everyone something to do during the trip. I'm sure it's going to take us days to get back to Earth," comments Garrus.

"I like that idea, Garrus. You might want to run it by the Major first. I doubt he'll object," replies T'Soni.

The turian leaves Liara alone in her office. Garrus goes to talk to Major Alenko and finds him talking to Joker, "Kaidan, I have an idea. I asked Liara to play poker, but she didn't seem interested in losing to Vega. Which made me think. How about a poker tournament? Cheap buy-in. Say, twenty-five credits. Top five get prize money. How much depends on how many plays. If it is going to take us days to get back. We might as well do something to kill the time and hopefully lighten the mood some."

Kaidan asks, "With only one table, how is a tournament going to work?"

"Up to eight people can play at once. We randomly pick names into groups and each group gets the table for one night then rotate until people start going out. Might not take long or it could take the whole trip. I'll set it up, Kaidan," replies Garrus.

The human biotic nods while he thinks. "I like it Garrus. I think it will improve everyone's morale. Since I'm the CO, I will not play, but I'll handle the prize money. You collect it and bring it to me. Let me know when it starts, so I can change schedules if needed."

"You should play, Kaidan. You know Shepard would," says the turian.

"I'm not Shepard. Besides, Garrus, someone needs to be in charge of it. Might as well be me," chuckles Kaidan. He turns enough to look over his shoulder at Joker. "You should play, Joker. Try those new skills I've taught you."

"Yea right. Having James wipe the floor with me isn't my idea of improving moral," replies Joker.

Garrus steps closer to Joker's chair, "Oh come on, Joker. Maybe you'll get lucky and not sit at his table in the beginning. It's only twenty-five credits. It will help take your mind off of things for a little while."

"Alright, fine. Don't be surprised if I'm the first one out," replies Joker. The Normandy's pilot transfers twenty-five credits to Garrus. "Let me know who's in my group and when we play."

The turian turns to leave the cockpit to talk to the rest of the crew. Major Alenko walks with him. "I'll join you, Garrus." They walk towards Specialist Traynor. "Some might not play because they don't want to play with Vega."

"I know, but I'll tell them what I told Joker. It's mostly to get people's mind off of things and enjoy ourselves a little. I think we've deserved it, Kaidan," replies Garrus as he puts his hand on Kaidan's shoulder.

The human biotic says, "I agree, we do deserve it. Which is why I am good with it." They stop near a group of crew members. "Garrus has an idea. Poker tournament. Twenty-five credit buy-in." Three crew members from the group of five join.

Specialist Traynor joins along with Privates Westmoreland and Campbell. Two crew members stationed in the War Room also joins. Garrus and Kaidan take the elevator and talk to everyone on Deck Five. Vega and Cortez are in along with one other crew member. Next deck Garrus and Kaidan visit is the Crew Deck. Two more join the tourney. When they walk into the medical bay to talk to Dr. Chakwas, Alenko and Vakarian also see Dr. T'Soni..

Garrus says, "We're having a poker tournament. Twenty-five credit buy-in. We are going to rotate groups daily for the poker table, since we only have the one table. Either one of you care to join? I'll post which group has the table once I talk to everyone."

"I'll join," answers Liara.

"Me too. Sounds like fun," replies Dr. Chakwas.

Liara and Karin give Kaidan their buy-in. The duo go to the engineer deck last. To Garrus' surprise, Diana Allers agreed to keep the video camera in her quarters and not mention the unusual event in her stories. Both men are surprised Javik is playing. After hearing what he said to Vega, no one thought he would play. The Prothean says, "If I'm going to live in this cycle, I might as well start to join in the activities of this cycle.

Major Alenko nods to the Prothean, "Have fun, Javik." Kaidan turns on heel with Garrus right behind him. They head to Engineering to talk with Ken Donnelly, Gabby Daniels, Greg Adams, and Tali. All four engineers are playing. Grand total of twenty-four people. At twenty-five credit per person for a grand total of six hundred credits, first prize is three hundred credits. One-hundred fifty for second, seventy-five credits for third, fifty credits for fourth and twenty-five credits for fifth.

Kaidan heads to his quarters to review some reports from both the Council and the Alliance, while Garrus stays to talk to Tali. The quarian leads Garrus to the sub-deck to talk in private. "What do you think, Garrus? The news about Shepard?" Tali's takes Garrus' hands into her's.

Garrus leans forward enough to put his forehead against Tali's face plate. "I hope the asari are working on her and that is why they didn't mention Shepard's condition. I know Liara is missing Shepard."

Tali comments, "I got a message from the fleet. They are staying in the Sol system to help rebuild the relay. I need to join them once we return. Have you heard anything from the Primarch?"

"As far as I know, the Primarch is still on Earth. I'm sure he is helping the Alliance all he can in hopes the Alliance returns the favor. Shepard would return the favor," answers the turian. Garrus gives Tali a gentle hug, "I should get to dividing the names into groups and get this tournament started. Talk to you later, Tali."

"Talk to you soon, Garrus," replies Tali as she hugs the turian. She heads up the opposite stairwell from the one Garrus is using. The turian heads to the elevator, hits three on the pad, and the elevator heads to the crew deck. Garrus walks to the forward battery for some peace and quiet. He wants each group equal in size. Luckily, there are twenty-four people playing, so Garrus decides to split it into four groups. Give people some room in the lounge. The area the poker table sits in is small. So, instead of three groups of eight, Garrus thinks four groups of six is better. Make the players more comfortable at least.

Garrus hopes this idea of his helps lighten the mood aboard the Normandy. Since they heard the Citadel blew up and they thought Admiral Anderson and Commander Shepard were on the station, the morale of the ship is low. They've been given a ray of hope and the turian thinks playing cards will be enjoyable enough for everyone. It should help to improve the morale of the SSV Normandy SR-2 crew.

A/N: I hope everyone enjoyed the beginning of the new arc. I will be posting new chapters every Monday. I am still not done writing it. Dang, that sounds so much like a broken record, but it is what it is.

I would like to say thanks to Tkvis over at BSN for being my second set of eyes on this story. He has been very helpful and I do appreciate his input a great deal.

I also want to everyone to know, some of the events in "The Aftermath" show up in this story. The events are the same, but the manner in which they happen are different.

See everyone next week. Review if you want. I do enjoy reading them. I tend to respond to questions asked. Feel free to drop a comment.