Natalie's POV

I stood over the stove in the kitchen of my boyfriend Dan's house that we shared, and continued to cook the steak he wanted me to make.

I turned around and looked over at Dan with our thirteen month old daughter Avery. Avery had Light brown hair and pretty green eyes.

He fed her the small pieces of carrots and other vegetables that I cut up for her.

He never seemed to do anything much around the house. It only seemed like he cared about career, much more than Avery or me.

One thing he did though was feed the fish. When we had Avery, we bought two goldfish, one for me, and one for him. It was supposed to be a symbol of our love, but I didn't know about that any more.

I didn't like his job as a boxer. I didn't like him leaving me at home every day to either train or perform a match.

I also didn't like him coming home all beat up in front of Avery.

Every day he told me he'd find a different job and quit that one after that last match. That wasn't going to happen.

Finally his lunch was ready, so I prepared it for him and sat it in front of him, while I took over feeding Avery.

After he finished he left for his 'last' match. Like that was going to happen. He kissed Avery and me goodbye and left.

I looked at the goldfish. He always told me…. One more match then no more. Every day

I had, had enough. I couldn't take that anymore. I didn't want him to come home beat up and leave Avery wondering.

So I went and grabbed some suitcases and empty boxes. I packed Avery's clothes along with mine and some of Avery's toys and books.

I didn't even think I loved Dan anymore. I was too young to have a child with him, I was only seventeen.

He was going to turn eighteen in a week. So this wouldn't be a pleasant birthday surprise for him.

Well maybe me leaving, but not Avery leaving with me.

It was 1:30 his match would end in about twenty minutes. I had to hurry up.

I rushed to put stuff into the car, before I threw up. It must have just been my nerves and my guilt of leaving him without telling him. I didn't care anymore, not about him or his feelings. It wasn't like we even really got along anymore.

I loaded Avery's car seat; the guilt was getting to me. So I picked up the trophy's I left on the shelf and a few framed pictures of us and I set them by the couch in the empty house.

Before I left, I took my goldfish and left the bowl and his sitting on the old coffee table in the sitting room.

Then I left every piece of Dan I had left behind.

Dan's POV

I drove home from my boxing match; my honestly last boxing match. Natalie had wanted me to quit but I always told her one last time so I figured that this one really was my last match.

I had just beaten one of the champions so I was being followed home by a few fans.

I got out of my car and said goodbye and wished them good rest of the week. I opened the door of y house expecting to see Avery and Natalie on the couches but instead I found an empty house.

I became a bit devious before I went to the couch. I found my trophy's on the ground in front of the couch and pictures of us around it.

Then on the couch I found the goldfish tank, but a goldfish was missing. One last night together, one last match without her.