
Kaito rubbed his eyes, clicking the top botton of his phone. It was, according to the phone, four a.m. Of course, Kaito knew, it was twelve p.m. in Los Angeles, California, the perfect time for Kaito to call.

He hit the speed dial and waited, pressing his cell phone against his ear with anticipation, allowing his eyes to half-close in the murkiness of his bedroom.

Ring. Ring. Ring. Ring.

It was nearing the point where voicemail would pick up when there was a muted grunt and suddenly a voice was mumbling, "'ello? Is this Kaito?"

Kaito's heart jumped to his throat at the angelic sound. "Shinichi?" he half-whispered hopefully. (They, as best friends, were far past using honorifics.)

"I knew it. Hey, Kaito," the suave voice of everyone's favorite detective said, though slightly muffled. There was a pause, and the sound of swallowing gripped Kaito's eardrum for a moment. "Sorry, it's lunchtime."

"That's the best time for me to call, right?"

"Yep, during my lunch break."

Kaito let out a breath he hadn't realized he'd been holding. His thoughts stumbled for a moment before he stuttered, "W-Well, how are you doing over there?"

"Fine. You?"

There's no way in hell I'd be fine without you here. "Oh yeah, I'm great," he answered, though.

"So how's everyone back home?"

Horribly boring. Nobody can make me feel like you do. "Perfect."

"Really? Don't you miss me just a little?" Shinichi sounded amused, though his voice betrayed a slight hint of anxiety.

I don't miss you a little, I miss you more than words could describe, you idiot! "Nope, I'm actually enjoying myself nowthat you're in Los Angeles. So many fewer body dropping out of the sky."

"Gee, thanks, Kaito," Shinichi forced a laugh. "How're your heists going?"

They're indescribably pointless without someone actually good involved. "Fantastic. Hakuba's great at catching me."

"I honestly hope that's a joke. How's... Nakamori-san?" Kaito didn't miss the way Shinichi's voice dropped slightly.

Who cares about Aoko?! You're the only one that I could ever love that way! "She's great. We hang out a lot. I think Hakuba's getting annoyed at that."

"Hm? Are... Hakuba-kun and Nakamori-san... Are they together?" Elation tinged Shinichi's voice, though it was clear to the magician that he was trying to keep it out.

Debatable. They flirt and flirt and flirt, but it's not really going anyway. I've got something planned for them, though. "Nah, they'd never work out."

"So you've still got a chance," Shinichi clarified, sounding somewhat deflated. "Anyway, was there a reason for the call?"

I hadn't heard your voice in a day and I was going literally insane. "Nope, just felt like talking."

There was a pause.

Shinichi's voice lowered, almost sensually. "Kaito... You didn't have to call now if you just feel like talking."

What? "What?"

There was a small laugh. "I mean, it's four in the morning over there. You don't have to wake up just to call me."

But I have to. It's the most convenient time for you. "It was no problem. I couldn't sleep." Kaito suppressed a yawn.

"Doesn't seem like you're having a problem with that now, huh?" Kaito could envision the cheeky grin spread across Shinichi's face. "'kay, I think that's enough for now. Get some sleep, Kaito. You've got school tomorrow."

And you're overseas solving a police-baffling case about a serial killer whose numbers are nearing a hundred! "You're the own chasing a serial killer, meitantei-san."

A laugh. A genuine laugh. A sound like heaven that made Kaito want to melt. "Sure, sure, Kaito. Night."

"Yeah, talk to you later, Shinichi." He nearly managed to get those three words out before Shinichi hung up.

Kaito stared at the phone in his hand, then smiled somberly to himself as he set it aside and lay down on his bed, hands behind his head.

Don't worry, Shinichi. I'll tell you every word, every truth, every "I love you" I left unspoken when you get back.

Yep yep, my random idea has been written out. Now I can rest.

I'm sorry for my inactivity! School is to blame.

But I had this really really really super awesome idea in the middle of a test, so I may not update for a while because the idea will take probably a few weeks to organize and then a good couple of days to write. I'm sorry. But it's going to be super awesome if I end up doing it.

Hey, if you like, review answering these questions:

1) Should Shinichi be in love with Kid first or Kaito?

2) What is a good name for a heist gem?

3) Which do you like more out of Kaito and Shinichi?

Thanks. Your input will help my project/idea/thingy be even better. ^_^

Hope you like the drabble (ten minutes... which is why it sucks T_T;;) and see ya soon!

- Luna