
Jack Hyde's fucking baby. Maybe I was being an ass for no reason. It wasn't Ana's fault.
I just couldn't stop picturing them together. It made me sick. It made me sick to think he hurt her and I stood by and did fuck all about it.
"Are you coming to bed?" She leaned against the doorframe, in my shirt and stared at the floor. She didn't know how to act around me anymore and I hated that.
I sat my glass down and stood up, "Yeah." I walked by her and down the hall to our bedroom.
"Christian...please talk to me." She sat in the middle of the bed, legs crossed. I unbuttoned my shirt and sighed, "What do you want me to say, Ana?" I looked at her through the mirror and frowned, "I can't make it all go away. I can't fix this."
She caught my eyes and shook her head, "I don't want you to, I don't expect you to. I just want you to be you again."
Her words broke my heart. I turned to face her and took a deep breath, "I killed him, Ana. I watched as he took his last breath and I-"
"You did it to save me. So stop it." Her voice was tinted with rage she had clearly been bottling, "You need to stop fucking doing this to yourself. It wasn't your fault. If you hadn't have pulled that trigger, he'd still be here and I'd be gone."
She was right. She was always fucking right. I sat next to her and kissed the top of her head, "I'm so sorry, Ana."
"Me too."

"Kate, listen to me, I'm fine. Yes...okay." Ana sighed and ended the call with her best-friend.
"Everything okay?" I whispered. Taking my mug of tea, I wandered into my study, Ana following behind me.
"Yeah. Kate's just worried."
"About what?"
I sat down and nodded, "I see. I've been thinking that maybe we should get away from here."
Ana sat across from me and frowned, "What do you mean? Like a holiday?"
I nodded, "Like a holiday, but with us living there."
"You want to move abroad?"
I nodded, "It was just an idea."
Love is a tricky thing. You always have to compromise to make the other happy. Even if you know it's wrong.
"I'll think about it." She stood up and made her way to the door, she looked back and bit her lip, "I love you, Christian."
I nodded, "I know." I couldn't say it back, I fucking couldn't.

"The police are looking into Jack Hyde's death."
"Taylor, I told you to sort this. How the fuck did they catch wind of this?"
"I have no fucking idea, boss."
I growled and hung up the phone. This could not be fucking happening.
"What's going on?" Ana came up behind me and sat her coffee mug on the table.
I sighed, "We're in trouble."
She glanced up at me, a frown on her angelic face, "How much?"
"A lot."