Its been 10 years since Sawada Tsunayoshi was in middle school along with his guardians and friends . He is now the boss of the top mafia famiglia, Vongola famiglia. Ever since they graduated from middle school Tsuna and his guardians went to a high school where none of the people from their middle school was there. There improved both academically and physically. Durng this time Tsuna also became the official boss of the Vongola Famiglia. After their high school graduation they moved to Italy where they were now full time mafia.

Tsuna has grown a lot since then. He grew taller, his face become more manly , along with his voice. He had also become really strong. He was able to come up with new moves and improve his other old moves. He was no longer the weak little cry baby that he was in middle school and he couldn't achieve this without the help of his brutal tutor, Reborn and his guardians, Gokudera, Yamamoto, Lambo, Mukuro, Chrome, Ryohei, and Hibari.

Now said Boss, guardians, and Girlfriends are standing in the meeting room all holding a letter from the same place. The reason as too why they are ALL with the -exception of Lambo- holding a letter is because Mukuro decided to go to school with them because he didn't want to leave Chrome alone with them, but he would never tell her that. And Ryohei got one due ti the fact that he was paying too much attention to the boxing club that he didn't pass to the next grade, so he was with them.

Reborn had been in Japan on a job and decided to go visit Tsuna's mother Nana. She had told him that some people had dropped by to give her all the letters since they didn't know where else to go, since they didn't know where any of them lived and they knew that they were all really close. Nana gave Reborn the letters saying that they are addressed to them.

Tsuna looked at the name that was written on the envelope the letter addressed to him said "Dame-Tsuna." He smiled at the name that he hasn't been called by in years. Not even Rebron has called him that in years. It brought back some…nostalgic(?) memories.

"well I guess we should just see what it is that we got, shall we?" said Tsuna.

As he opened the letter, all the guardians just sat there waiting for him to start reading. The letter said :

"Dear ex-Namimori student,

Some other ex- students have come up with the idea of doing a class reunion. We have thought that it is a great opportunity to see what our previous colleagues have been up to and to catch up with old friends. This will take place on October 8,20XX at the Namimori middle school gymnasium. We would be pleased if you joined us.


After Tsuna finished reading the letter out loud everyone else opened their letters to find that they all say the same thing. After finishing reading the letters they all stayed quiet for a moment,,, until Gokudera decided to break the silence. Everyone knew what he was gonna say, I mean they were all thinking the same thing. Even the oh so aloof Hibari.

"Jyudaime! I will only go such thing if you are going!" he says in a hurry.

"Hahaha. Yeah that right me too." Says Yamamoto.

"we should all go together TO THE EXTREME!"(lol you all already know who said this)

"kufufufufu" is all Mukuro said.

"boss I'll go where you go." Said Chrome

"hmph." Says Hibari

The rest of the people other than Rebron also agree. Reborn only tilts his fedora to cover his eyes and smiles inwardly.

"you have become an amazing boss during these past years, that even Mukuro and Hibari will follow you,Tsuna." Thought Reborn.

Surprised by all their responses, Tsuna sat there wide-eyed, until he burst out laughing.

"Ahahahahaha. Guys I know why you're saying this, and I'm grateful for your concern, but im fine so don't worry so much. I mean I am no longer the 'Dame-Tsuna' that I used to be, or I hope I'm not, hehehe. Anyways I would like to go, we can take this as a little vacation." He said.

"and I could also use this as an excuse to get out of doing the paperwork." He thought.

"don't you all agree?"

With exception of Mukuro, HIbari, and Reborn the guardians had a stunned expression on their faces, but then came too quickly.

"Hahahahaha yeah, you're right." Said Yamamoto while scratching the back of his neck.

"YEAH TO THE EXTREME!" yelled Ryohei.

"Wait wait, then what about me? I didn't get an invitation, so does that mean that I can't go?" asked Lambo on the verge of Tears. He is the youngest out of all the guardians with only 15 years . he was currently studying In Italy, but he still didn't want to be left behind.

"Don't worry Lambo, you can come with us. I will go speak with your teacher tomorrow." Said Tsuna giving him one of his loving older brother smiles. Lambo then smiled back at his older brother.

"alright then, any other objections?" he asked while he looked at all the guardians and His girlfriend, Kyoko and Gokudera's girlfriend, Haru, who just gave him smiles.

"ok then, its settled we will be leaving in 3 days. Please be prepared. Meeting dismissed." he said while getting up and walking out of the room.

~~~~~~ TIME SKIP~~~~~

~~~3 DAYS LATER~~~

Everyone was already packed and ready to go except Reborn who said that he would stay behind since he was tired. Before leaving all the staff of the Vongola Mansion came out to bid their bosses a safe trip.

*"Hanno un buon viaggio e che Dio sia con tutti voi"* they all said in unison with smiles towards their beloved masters.

*"Grazie"* said Tsuna while smiling back.

They got into the limo and were off heading towards their private jet plane, that woulod send them all back to their home town, Namimori.

~~~TIME SKIP at the airport in japan~~~

As they arrived at the airport they saw a man who was waiting for them. They knew it was for them because of the Vongola emblem that he had on his suit.

They all got into the long black limo with tainted windows, that were bullet proof. Then after everyone got on the chauffer closed the door and drove off. Before any of the guardians got out of the limo, Tsuna gave them a warning.

" remember, this may be a vacation from our job, but it does not mean that we are safe from all danger. Please keep your guards up at all times." The guardians and kyoko and Haru nodded in agreement. After getting in a relationship with Tsuna and Gokudera, Kyoko and Haru had been told that they needed to learn some type of self defense and to shoot just in case they were alone and were suddenly attacked. So now they always carry a gun with them, and have the ability to fight in hand to hand combat.

The first to get off was Hibari. He had been dropped off at the Namimori middle school, his favorite place. It had already been dark out so, there was no one to think that he was a suspicious person.

The next ones to get off were Chrome and Mukuro, who wished to be left at the abandoned park where they would always stay whenever they were in Japan. "See you later ,Boss" said Chrome while getting out.

Then next ones to go were Ryohei and Kyoko. They were dropped off at their house. Before leaving, Kyoko kissed Tsuna on the lips; causing Gokudera, Ryohei, Lambo and Tsuna to blush, while Haru and Yamamoto just giggled. "see ya." Is all she said.

The next ones were Gokudera and Haru. They wanted to be dropped off at Gokudera's house. "see you later, Tsuna-kun" said Haru as she left.

As for Yamamoto, after his father died he had stayed with their house, so thatis where he had decided to go. Before he got off the limo he asked Tsuna for a favor.

"Tsuna would you do me a favor?"

"Huh, sure. What is it Yamamoto?"

"could you please go with me to my father's grave tomorrow morning?"

"….yea h, sure anytime, no need to ask." Said Tsuna, with a comforting smile.

"Hahaha, yeah thanks. Well then see ya tomorrow then, boss." And so he left as well.

Finally the last place the chauffer had to go was to Tsuna's house. Although after he had become the boss, Tsuna bought a place where he could stay in Japan so that he wouldn't endanger his mother, but he decided that he would stay with her since he hadn't seen her in about 4 years. He also wanted Lambo to see her.

"Hey Lambo, how bout we surprise oka-san when we get there?" asked Tsuna

"yeah she won't even see it coming!" said Lambo excited.

Tsuna asked the chauffer to leave them a street before the house so that she wouldn't notice the lights. As they got off, they rushed over to the house and checked to see if there were any lights on indicating that she was awake. When they saw the living room lights on, they knew that she was awake. He walked over to the gate and then range the door bell.

"Coming!" they hear Nana's voice and smile. It had been what felt like ages since the last time they had heard her voice.

As Nana opened the door, she looked up to see who it was, when suddenly her eyes opened wide in surprise.

"… Tsu-kun..…. Lambo is that you guys?"

"hi oka-san, how hav-?" says Tsuna with a smile plastered on his face, but before he could finish, she had jumped to him giving him a tight hug, and crying.

"Tsu-kun, I'm glad you're safe!"

"ahahaha yeah I know, me too."

"MAMA!" yelled Lambo running towards her.

Nana let go of Tsuna and turned towards the now taller than her Lambo. The last time she saw him he was about 11 and was shorter than what he is now. He is now about 3 or 4 inches taller than her.

" Lambo… its nice to see that my kids are safe." She said.

After a while they let go of each other. She wiped aways her tears and then said to go inside. As she watched them take off their shies and put on their slippers, she smiled. She was told everything a few days prior to them all moving away to Italy. At first she was extremely worried at first, but then calmed down enough to let them leave. Although her worries as a mother were still there, not just for her own children Tsuna and Lambo, but also for the other children that she came to think of as her own: Gokudera, Yamamoto, Ryohei, Mukuro, Chrome, Hibari, Kyoko and Haru. They were and will always be her children.

" Welcome back" she said with a smile as she hugged to both of them.

"It's good to be home, Oka-san" said Tsuna.