I don't have anything to say except I'm sorry this took so long. I got writers block and then moved onto a different story hoping it would help...it didn't. But I finally finished it! hehe...yeah. If there's anyone there still keeping up with this I'm sorry it took so long. I hope you like the ending =)

I'm getting back into Ouran and maybe I'll write some one-shots. We'll see. But you don't really care, huh? Go read. Hope you like it.


The next day was a very interesting day for Tamaki and Haruhi alike. She had to go and buy some things from the supermarket and Tamaki had insisted on exploring every single thing that was in the store.

"Let's see I need one more…Senpai! Would you keep up please?!" she sighed frustrated as he was stopped by something else in the store once more. It wasn't that big of a store for heaven's sake! They'd already been there for a half an hour and she was usually done by now!

Tamaki came up to her with his newly found object and was smiling, super excited about it.

"Look Haruhi! It's so cute!"

Haruhi took a deep breath and nodded.

"Alright Senpai, now go put it back so we can get the rest of the things we need and leave, I have to get home to finish some chores,"

Tamaki's excitement didn't recede the entire time they were there. Haruhi paid for everything and they walked back to her house, Tamaki insisted on carrying everything back.

Haruhi was glad he was gushing about each and everything as they put them away. It gave her time to think about everything. She could just nod and pretend to be paying attention and he'd believe it because she absent mindedly put everything exactly where it went.

She had been thinking for a while that maybe something had been happening between her and Tamaki. But she hadn't been sure. She'd been too busy slaving away at whatever Kyoya wanted her to do, or trying to keep the twins calm, or just sitting with Mori and Honey to keep herself sane. But Tamaki…she wasn't sure what to think. He had always made things awkward for her, but after being around him so much lately it made her want to try to think there was something there.

Haruhi walked up the stairs to her apartment and took out her keys. Tamaki grabbed them before she could open the door, however, and she glared at him

"Tamaki-Senpai! You have your hands full as it is! Just let me open the door, please?" she knew he wasn't going to give in, but it was worth a shot.

"No! Haruhi, it's my job to take care of you! Which means anything that I can do for you, isn't going to be done by you!" He gracefully stepped around her and attempted to unlock the door with all the groceries in the other hand.

After three minutes of him trying his hardest Haruhi stepped up and slipped her hand on top of his, showing him how to do it.

"You've never had to unlock this kind of a door before right?" she asked softly and looked at their hands together as she very gently helped him unlock the door and turn the knob.

When she looked up at him Tamaki was blushing a deep shade of red and his eyes were intense. Haruhi gulped slightly, hoping she hadn't embarrassed him at all. She knew she hadn't deep down though. So she walked in the house and he followed behind her, quietly.

He insisted on helping her put things away. She had to correct him a few times, but for the most part he was doing an excellent job at listening to her. Her mind wandered back to what had almost happened yesterday. Tamaki had almost told her something, but the twins had interrupted him. She really wanted to know what he was about to say. She walked into her living room and felt light headed suddenly. She leaned against the doorway and let out a deep breath.

"Are you alright Haruhi?" Tamaki was quickly at her side and he felt her forehead

"I'm fine Tamaki-Senpai. Just a little dizzy. I just need to sit down for a minute…" she said trying to clear her head. Before she could say anything else, or move, Tamaki picked her up and brought her to her room where he sat her down on her bed. She had gripped onto him as he picked her up and as she let go she realized it was a lot tighter of a grip than she meant to have on him.

"S-Sorry…" she muttered and rubbed the back of her neck softly. Tamaki chuckled lightly

"Don't be. I'll get you some tea, just sit in here for a while okay?" He walked out and shut the door and listened as she sighed to herself. He walked to the kitchen and started to prepare her tea.

He started humming to himself. It was a lullaby his mother used to sing to him when he was very little. He poured the tea into a cup and set it on the counter for a moment so he could open the window, as he did he heard someone outside Haruhi's apartment and glared slightly outside before stalking to the door and opening it wide. The rest of the host club all came falling into the entryway except for Kyoya and Mori.

"What are you all doing here?!" Tamaki yelled at them exasperated. He was waving his arms around like a three year old throwing a fit and he saw Kyoya roll his eyes.

"We're here to check up on Haruhi. And we brought some treats," He pointed to Mori who was holding a small pink box. He nodded with a one word answer


Tamaki glared at Kyoya, but the other boys had already scrambled up and ran into the house, past him and into Haruhi's bedroom.

"Get off me!" Tamaki heard her yelling from the door and his face went bright red from anger, but before he could say, or yell, anything Kyoya grabbed his arm and pulled him outside.

Mori held his hand over Tamaki's mouth and the king wondered what the hell was going on. He wouldn't try to fight Mori because the last time that happened he ended up in bed for three days with injuries. And Mori hadn't even moved.

After a minute, certain Tamaki wasn't going to try and scream again, Mori let go of him. Kyoya pushed up his glasses and waved Mori off. Mori nodded and headed back inside to where Hunny-Senpai was waiting with the twins.

"What the hell is going on Kyoya?" Tamaki demanded.

"I'm here to make sure you don't screw up. And Mori and Hunny-Senpai are going to help as well. Only one half of the twin duo is willing to help, but the other will come around." Kyoya holds out his notepad so he can read it.

"What are you talking about Kyoya? Haruhi is still sick and I'm trying to take care of her! Can't you all just leave us alone?!" Tamaki dramatically ran his hand through his hair.

"No. Because you need to tell Haruhi how you feel about her or I'm going to go insane. So you're going to let me help you and I'm going to make sure this happens."

Tamaki opens his mouth to say something, but he can't think of anything to say.

"…so you really think you can help me?" the king asked quietly. Tamaki was ready to try anything. He wasn't getting very far on his own and he knew Kyoya was his best friend, so why not?

Kyoya smirks and pushes up his glasses


Haruhi's headache was getting worse and worse. These boys were so loud and not helping her feel better at all. She sighed and rubbed her temples.

"Hikaru, Kaoru please stop talking." She muttered and tried to tune out everything else as well.

"Haruhi!" they whined at her like she was their mother and they just wanted one more time down the slide at the park.

"Guys I have the worst headache and I just wanted to enjoy a peaceful day of quiet…and then you showed up and, no offense I love you guys, but you're really loud," she let out a deep breath and then patted both of their heads. She looked around and noticed Hunnyy and Mori weren't in their spots anymore.

"Where'd Mori and Hunny-Senpai go?" she asked and the twins looked around with surprised looks on their faces and then shrugged.

"Who knows?" Kaoru said

"Oh well." Hikaru added to what his brother said.

Haruhi sighed and shook her head. She just listened to the twins and tried to get the rest of her headache to get away. She rested her head on her hand and tried very hard not to fall asleep. But she did anyways. About two hours later she woke up in her room, lying down, her entire wardrobe laid out around her room.

"What the…guys?" she called out and sat up. Her headache was gone, which was good, but now she was really groggy from sleeping so much. She hated that feeling.

"Haruhi!" Kaoru waltzed into the room with a smile on his cute face.

"Are you ready?" he asked excitedly

"Ready for what, Kaoru?" she rubbed her eyes and looked confused which made him laugh.

"For your date with Tamaki-Senpai of course," he winked at her grinned.

She blinked at him for a few seconds before blushing and stuttering out

"I-I d-don't…W-what? I don't remember him asking me on a date..."

"He didn't. But we're kidnapping you into this date. We all know you want to." He got to work looking through her outfits to find the perfect thing.

Haruhi groaned lightly and put her head in her hands

"Please tell me you're joking," she looked up and knew that he wasn't. She wasn't against the idea in the slightest, but she didn't want them to be captive. She wanted him to ask her because he liked her and because she meant something to him.

"Nope! Sorry. But you'll love it, I promise. Tamaki-Senpai has wanted this to happen for the longest time. He's just not the best with words and between you and me…outside the host club he's never really asked out a girl on a date. He's really shy about it when it comes to real life."

Haruhi smiled slightly and watched the twin work. She was relieved to hear that it wasn't just because she was scary or something. That was actually really sweet. She felt her heart fluttering and this time she didn't try to get rid of them. This was exciting.

She let Kaoru pick out an outfit for her and then help her do her hair and make-up. When they were all done and she had herself all put together she looked in the mirror and smiled slightly at herself.

"Wow." She didn't think she looked like herself at all. She touched the mirror like maybe someone else was standing there instead of her.

"You're so beautiful Haruhi," Kaoru smiled at her gently and she pulled him into a hug

"Thank you Kaoru. You're the best," She smiled as she released him and he laughed a little

"No problem. Come on! We don't want you to be late," he escorted her out of her apartment and down the stairs. Mori and Honey were standing at the bottom of the stairs waiting to help her into a limo.

"Wow Haru-chan! You're so cute!" Hunny-Senpai clapped and jumped to hug her, without messing up anything on her.

"Thanks Hunny-Senpai." She smiled suddenly feeling a little nervous. Mori smiled at her and nodded towards the car door.

"Can I ask where I'm going?" she asked her three friends standing in front of her.

"You can, but we're not going to tell you," a voice said from inside the limo and she jumped as she turned around.


"Yes, now come on. I don't like being late." he said and sat back in his chair.

Haruhi nodded politely to the others as she got in the car. She sat with her feet crossed at the ankles. She looked around a minute before settling her gaze on Kyoya.

"So what's going on?" she asked him with a tilt of her head.

"You're going on a date with Tamaki." Kyoya said with a slight smile. He leaned forward to watch her and she nodded once.

"Yeah, I got that part. Any reason as to why you've been putting this all on?" she asked with a raise of her eyebrow.

Kyoya raised his eyebrow

"Putting what on?" he asked innocently.

She just smiled knowingly and leaned back into her seat. She looked out the window and sighed lightly. She was fidgeting with her hands and tapping her foot. Why was she getting so nervous? It was just Tamaki, right?

Kyoya was watching her with interest. He smirked lightly as he realized what was going on in her head. She liked Tamaki back. That's why this was going to work and he was going to benefit very much from it all. He knew Tamaki couldn't keep his hands off of Haruhi if they were together. And that would show in the host club and bring in so many more girls. He was really looking forward to it.

Oh and also his best friend would be happy.

A minor detail.

He got out of the car as they stopped and helped Haruhi out. They were at a park about two miles from her house. She was smiling as she looked around.

"My mom and dad used to take me here when I was younger. It's one of my favorite places," she thought out loud.

"You don't say." Kyoya almost rolled his eyes. He already knew that from some research he'd done. But he didn't want her to know that. He walked her over to one of the small gazebos and stopped

"Don't disappoint me." He turned to walk away with a smile.

Haruhi's heart fluttered to the point that she was sure it was going to explode. Tamaki was standing there dressed up just for her and he looked so nervous. She laughed a little bit and walked over to him.

"Well. This is nice." She said with a grin.

Tamaki instantly felt at ease when she smiled at him. It was like the entire world slowed down and it was just the two of them.

"Yeah, Kyoya helped me out a bit." He said and put a hand across her back as they walked to a bench on the other side of the gazebo. He wasn't his usual fun and jumpy self. This was his down to earth more serious voice and expression. Haruhi smiled. It was nice to know he'd take this seriously.

"Yeah, he told me. So this is a date?" she asked carefully.

"If you want it to be…" he said slowly. "You see I'm not that great with words when I'm around the only woman to ever make my heart flutter like a kite in the wind, alright? It's a new experience for me." Tamaki smiled as she blushed, gaining more confidence with every minute.

"Yeah…I know the feeling." She said with a shy smile. Tamaki smiled and then cleared his throat.

"So, um, can I ask you a question?"

"That was a question." She said with a smirk.

"You know what I mean," he raised an eyebrow to ask again.

"Yes. Please ask me a question." She looked right up into his ever-blue eyes and he opened his mouth but no words seemed to come out. He took a deep breath and tried again, but he just couldn't bring himself to say anything. He closed his eyes and pressed his lips closed to try and get himself put together and organized.

His eyes snapped open as he felt soft lips on his. He jumped just a little and she pulled away with a blush.

"S-Sorry…" she looked down like he didn't get the response she wanted. She was afraid he wasn't on the same page as her and that hurt a lot more than she thought it was going to.

But he didn't let her get away, he put a hand under her chin and lifted her head gently, looked into her eyes and kissed her again. She slowly moved her hands to his face, tenderly cupping his cheek with her hand. As they parted she gave him the biggest heartwarming smile and he gave one right back.

"So will you be my girlfriend?" he asked and she laughed

"You're a little slow aren't you, Tamaki?" She laughed at his pout and brought her face up to gently brush her lips with his once more.

"I'll take that as a yes." He smiled and hugged her close to him. He loved the way she said his name. He wasn't letting go anytime soon either. School was going to be extremely hard to keep away from her. Maybe he wouldn't. Maybe he'd just let everyone think they were a couple in the host club. Then he could touch her all he wanted. The thought made him grin from ear to ear.

"Yes." She smiled up at him. Her eyes kept darting from his eyes to his lips and he kissed her again. When they parted this time he couldn't get over how excited her was.

He was so excited he lifted her up into his arms and spun them around. She yelped happily and laughed a long with him.

Far off in the distance Kyoya was smirking. Mori was watching Hunny jump up and down from excitement. Hikaru was sighing and sulking in the corner and Kaoru was rolling his eyes at his twin, but smiling because he was happy Haruhi was happy.

"Well, this went well. I expect great results from this. And hopefully now Tamaki will stop talking about wanting her to be his girlfriend every chance he gets. Because now he has her and she has him. Let's go boys." Kyoya began walking back towards the car. That smirk was going to be etched onto his face until time ended. He was never going to let them live down the fact that he brought them together.

Although he probably hadn't needed to. This was inevitable.