As soon as Mercedes pushed open the door a drunken patron stumbled out of the bar bumping into Sam. "Watch yourself!" he slurred shoving the blonde aside. Sam's face contorted into a sneer feeling his fangs descend. Balling his hands into a fist he grabbed the guy by the front of his shirt, picking him off the ground. The man started to argue as Sam's piercing green eyes bore into the glossy blue ones, "You will walk home and not cause anymore trouble. If you ever put your hands on me or another person again I will suck the blood from your body, rip your skin off and boil the rest of you, you filthy bag of meat!" 'Nobody would miss him,' Sam tried to rationalize in his head as he licked his lips in anticipation. All he had to do was drag the man around the corner and he could sink his teeth into him. The man had been paralyzed with fear, his heart racing, blood pumping harder to his heart. Sam focused in on the sweet sound that was taking him over. Pulling him from his thoughts was a soft hand touching his. He snapped his head, chest heaving, snarling at the disturber. Mercedes looked wide eyed from him to the man that Sam was trying to make his victim. Hearing laughter and the door being pushed caused Sam to release his prey, turning around as the man fell to the floor. Channeling his hunger elsewhere he backed Mercedes up into the corner between the wall and the door, his hands finding her soft waist. In need he started to lick over the vein in her next while gently grinding himself into her, causing a whimper to escape from her lips. "Sam," she breathed, turned on by his actions. She could feel him nipping at her skin, "Sam stop!" she yelled this time. He pulled from her casting his eyes down in shame. Sam moved away from her, feeling his teeth return to normal before stepping near the curb. A mixture of emotions coursed through Mercedes body as she remained plastered to the wall. Excitement, arousal and fear. She studied the disappointed look on his face, his internal conflict playing out. Quietly she moved from the wall towards the curb touching his arm.

"Don't," he warned shrugging off her touch

She tried move in front of him but he turned around, "Sammy…" she cooed


"You won't hurt me"

"But I almost did"

"No, you stopped. If you were going to hurt me you wouldn't have stopped," she spoke touching his face slightly.

She was all he had and the closes thing to a friend in centuries. He looked at her with wide eyes full of sadness and anger that slowly started to melt at the touch of her hand against his cheek. He placed his hand over hers. Mercedes smiled softly and started to blush from his sudden eye contact. She felt her heart racing and her breathing become shaky. 'Girl that's a vampire!' her mind warned her before she shook her head and slowly removed her hand from his face. Wiping her sweaty palm against her hips she turned around, "Let's go," she said motioning for him to follow her. Sam stood there for a moment staring at her before he picked up his feet to chase after her into the bar. He hadn't noticed that she had stopped at the door, almost bumping into her.

"Shane, this is Sam," she said introducing him to the large bodyguard.

Shane eyed him, "Never seen him around here before?"

"He's a transplant"

Sam held his hand up to Shane's face, "I am the Great Samuel-"

"His name is Sam. Sam he is and he's from Europe," she said cutting him off.

Shane arched an eyebrow, "He better not cause any trouble Mercy."

"He'll be on his best behavior, I promise," she said sweetly.

Grabbing Sam by the wrist she led him into the dark and extremely noisy building. He looked around as she dragged him through the crowd and over to the bar, "Sit down," she instructed pointing to an empty bar stool.

He scoffed, "How is he supposed to know who I am if I can't even say my whole name?" he hissed

She shook her head, "Nobody wants to hear your tired speech," she told him as she hopped over the counter.

"MERCY!" Tina shrieked enveloping her friend, "I'm so glad you got here! We're packed tonight and Puck's just sitting up in his office smoking weed."

Mercedes rolled her eyes, "When is he not smoking weed?"

Sam watched the two women with amusement, his eyes sizing up the Asian girl. He could smell everyone around him and the drunker they got the more their vulnerability went up. Suddenly he heard a glass shatter and yelling. He sniffed the air, slightly shaking as the welcoming smell of fresh blood entered his nose, 'Someone's bleeding,' he thought as he licked his lips. Snapping his head in the direction he lowered his gaze to find the source. Tina had been distracted by catching up with Mercedes that she hadn't noticed the fight that was starting. "Oh hell no!" she screamed grabbing the bat and hoping over the counter. Mercedes turned around to see what the commotion was noticing two men attacking each other over a game of pool, "Shit!" she cursed turning around to grab another bat. Looking around it dawned on her that her blonde companion was no longer at the bar. Her eyes quickly scanned the room trying to find anything that resembled the creepy man. "We need a medic!" she heard someone scream when realized set in on where he could've gone. Climbing over the bar she pushed and shoved her way through the crowd to find a man holding his head in pain trying to keep his fresh gash from gushing all over the place. Turning around she ran back to retrieve some towels as she tried dialing 911. Frantically she grabbed them and kept her eyes focusing on the crowd, 'One…two…where's the second guy?' she asked herself when the other fighter wasn't anywhere. She handed Tina the towels and took off into the crowd leaving her friend to clean up the mess. This was a nightmare already and her work shift hadn't even reached 30 minutes yet. Where was Sam? She poked out her bottom lip scanning every face she saw but still couldn't find his. That's when she noticed the back door to the bar was opened. Her heart started to race as she slowly moved towards it, not wanting to draw attention on her whereabouts as she slipped outside, "Sam!" she whispered into the alley way. Gripping the bat in her hand the sound of cat jumping out of the trash scared her. Placing her hand on her chest, "Sam!" she continued to call until she tripped over something on the floor. Mercedes tumbled to the ground as she turned around and saw a lifeless hand laying on the floor. She quickly backed up and scrambled to her in horror as she turned around and came up against Sam's chest. Looking up slowly she could see the evidence of blood smeared across his mouth and a pitiful wild look in his eyes.

"I'm sorry," he apologize, "He attacked me and…"

Mercedes looked from the body to Sam, "You didn't…"

He hung his head, "I didn't mean too. I smelled the blood and I was so…very…hungry and he just fell."

Her shoulders sagged a little, "You didn't kill him?"

Sam shook his head, "No, he fell and hit his head and I could hear his heart dying. There was already enough blood loss that I knew he wasn't going to make it."

She closed her eyes for a moment sighing with relief, "Then where did you get the blood?"

He smirked, "I wasn't going to let it go to waste…"

She reached up and tried wipe away the blood from his mouth as much as she could. "We can't let anyone see you like this," she said softly as she pulled off her shirt and used it as a rag to wipe the blood away. Sam looked at her with a soft expression as she cleaned up his face. His eyes trailed down to her plush chest that was covered in a lace bra. 'This is not the right place for this to be happening,' he thought as he shifted to try and keep his erection down.

"How am I going to explain this to the cops?" she said as she finished his face, pulling the black shirt back over herself.

"He fell. There's nothing else to say…"

"You didn't leave a million bit marks on him did you?"

"No…not really. Rats leave them too."

She nodded, "Ok, we'll just say you followed the man out here and found him like this, ok?"


"Sammy…" she started, staring at him with a serious expression, "You tell the police exactly what happened. He fell and you found him like that."

"He fell and I found him like that," he repeated

She broke eye contact, "Good," turning back around she ran inside of the bar.

The sun still hadn't risen yet but the signs were starting to show when Mercedes unlocked the keys to her apartment. She stumbled in exhausted and in need of a good sleep. Instead of having a regular night at work she had spent it speaking to the police multiple times about her and Sam's discovery. She had explained that Sam needed to use the bathroom and got lost which led to him wandering outside in the alley and discovering the body. To add to affect Sam's somewhat heavy accent was enough for the cops to know that he was an innocent as he portrayed. Sam wandered in behind her receiving a hiss from Monkey who was perched on the sofa arm. He glared at the large cat before focusing on Mercedes as she threw her keys on the counter.

"T-thanks for helping me," he said quietly

She turned around with a tired look on her face, "At least they believed us."

"You didn't have to do that"

"Do what?"

"Say that you found him with me. That was a noble thing."

She shrugged as she sunk down on the sofa to pull off her boots, "If I hadn't they would've saw through your lie and I don't want to find out what happens when you throw a vampire in jail."

"Nothing good I assure you Madam."

"Exactly," she yawned

He stepped towards the couch and put his hands on her shoulders, "I'm sorry I got out of control…it was just so much blood and I smelt it," he confessed as he massaged her shoulders.

She hung her head and moaned, "Oh that feels so good."

"How good?" he asked seductively

She tilted her head, "Right there…oh yeah…"

His fingers molded and kneaded her tense shoulders as he tried to drown out her moans. She shivered against his touch as her breath staggered. Rotating her head around she leaned it back to rest against the sofa. Opening her eyes slowly she met Sam's face gazing down at her. Mercedes shifted in her spot, propping her leg up on the coffee table as she reached up to caress his face. He closed his eyes for a moment listening to the sound of her heart beat. The sweet rhythm was like music to his ears, playing a song he could only hear. A song that she could only play for him. He opened his eyes slowly and made contact with her widen pupils as she stared up him with a look of lust. Slowly he leaned down brushing his lips against her nose before they found her mouth. He coolly slivered his tongue against her lips hoping she'd receive it as his hands continued to work her body.

Mercedes felt like her head was spinning when his soft lips touched hers. Something about earlier had a weird effect on her after she saw the blood on his face. For some reason seeing him in that state it their situation seem real. He was real. There was a level of dangerous that was above playing fire when she looked at him. Reaching her other arm up she tried to wrap them around his neck as they continued their upside down kiss. The more he explored her mouth the more the ache between her legs grew. Sam wasn't oblivious to her need as his hands slid off her shoulders and cupped her breast roughly. She shuttered and let out a groan that beckoned Sam to climb over the couch and lurch over her. Mercedes relaxed against her seat as he pinned her against it with their hungry kiss. She brought her fingers up to hair, gently racking her nails against his scalp causing the vampire to hiss and moan. He brought their kiss to plant a trail down her neck as his hand struggled with the cup of her bra, freeing a breast from the satin fabric. His thumbs rolled over the sensitive nerve while Mercedes was so sure she was about to cum in her leggings. He laughed a hungry mouth to her nipple sucking and teasing it causing Mercedes to let out an excited squeal. Her hand traveled down her body, slowly through the waistband of her leggings, pass the barrier of fabric and into her slick heat. She let her fingers dance against the bundled nerve, tweaking it as Sam continued ravishing her body. "Sammy," she breathed in his ear, turning the man on further. He released her breast from his mouth and captured her lips again snaking his hand down between her leggings to help her relieve her ache. He had imagined one and off what her body would feel like against his. The soft velvet flesh pressed against him, his fingers tangled in her hair, listening to her heart beat faster as the blood rushed through his veins. In the midst of their kiss his fangs had descended. Mercedes tongue danced around in his mouth flickering over the sharp teeth. He was in such a daze that he didn't even notice as he sucked on her lower lip his fang gently pricked her lip. She gasped from the feeling of pain. Sam suddenly stopped moving and quickly removed his hand from into between her legs. Pulling back to look at her with a flush face the evidence of his teeth in his mouth and the small drop of blood on her lip that she licked in front of him. "Sorry," he muttered looking around wildly as he stood up nervously. She sat up, "Sam!" she called reaching out for him but it was too late as he fast paced walked into his closet and slammed the door. She sat there for a moment unsure if she should go knock on the door or remain seated. Then it suddenly hit her at the state that she was in. Breast out for display, leggings around her knees, her pleasure glistening against her legs. Standing herself up she adjusted her clothing before heading off to her own room closing the door behind her.

Neither one of them came out of their rooms for the rest of the day. Mercedes bundled in her bedroom with aleive in her system. Sam curled up on the floor of his bed in the closet going over the events in his head. Meanwhile Monkey sat in the living room frustrated that no one was out there with him, meowing to get anyone's attention. Hell he was willing to settle for Sam's ghoulish ass if it meant he could get fed.

A/N: Oh man! Just when they were starting to give into those urges :( I hope you liked the chapter. You know the drill, leave me some reviews! Going down my list of updates. More to come!