Disclaimer: I do not own any of the people in this fic, they belong to Tamora Pierce.

Hello everyone, I'm REALLY sorry that I haven't been updating any of my stories lately, but my computer caught a virus called VBS.LoveLetter.VAR, and I had to do heaps of things to get it out of system.

** Just a small note for you to remember, Alanna isn't wed in this fic yet, and it's 4:26 in the morning, so please don't send me any flames if u found this story a bit sad. I'm just bored, and I didn't have anything else to do … Oh, and their quite OOC!



The Game


            Thom pinned a few parchments here and there throughout the palace, posters saying, 'Who wants to marry Alanna of Trebond?'

Thom snickered, he knew that his sister was lonely without someone to be there for her. She just didn't admit it because she was too stubborn. Thom on the other hand knew how soft and venerable she really was in the inside, despite the tough and stubborn mask.

He knew that if his sister got hold of one of these posters, she would no doubt to something … horrible. Anyway, he shouldn't think of the negative points of what he was doing now, the only thing was, he was helping his sister find her soul mate…


"Hey Alanna, I have a surprise for you!" called Thom cheerfully, opening her bedroom door and pulling the windows open so that morning sunlight would come in.

Alanna groaned and turned her back to the window, pulling her bed covers over her head.

Thom tugged the covers off, "Come on Alanna! Don't you want to see your surprise that I have planned for you?" he questioned her.

Alanna gave an exasperated sigh, "Alright, Alright. I want my breakfast first." She said a little to grumpily.

Her twin raised his eyebrows, "Nope, definitely not a morning person."


"So what's this surprise that you have in mind?" she asked him.

He grinned, "You'll see!" he said excitedly. He pulled a blindfold over her eyes…

A few minutes later …

"Are we there yet?" asked Alanna impatiently. Thom pulled off her blindfold a moment later.

Alanna looked around her surroundings, totally confused. Her eyes immediately feel on a huge crowd of guys.

"Wh-What's going on Thom?" she asked hesitantly.

"No time to explain my dear sister!" said Thom. He clamped his hand around her wrist and with a wave of his hand, a chair appeared.

He gently sat her down and once he did, a blue belt came out of nowhere and bound Alanna to the chair, so that she wouldn't go anywhere.

*Ahem* Thom cleared his throat, getting everyone's attention. "Welcome gentlemen to today's show, 'Who wants to marry Alanna of Trebond?' I am Thom of Trebond, and this lovely young lady here, seated on the chair is Alanna…"

Alanna gasped when her eyes landed on a huge sign saying, 'Who wants to marry Alanna of Trebond?'

"WHAT!!??" she cried out in sheer horror. She tried to get free from the chair. "Thom what are you doing!? Get me out of here, or I'll do something very harsh!!"

Thom paid no heed to her words however, and continued with his speech unfazed. "Now, it's time to meet our contestants …"

Thom walked over to the nearest man. "Bachelor #1 is none other than the Crown Prince of Tortall Prince Jonathan of Conte. Sure he broke her heart once, but he's back and ready to win her heart again!"

Jon smirked slightly at Thom's comment.

"Now… moving on to Bachelor #2, Please welcome George of… err … George. George has been long time friends with Alanna, and he is definitely going to try to win her heart."

George grinned, his hazel eyes glittering with mirth.

"Bachelor #3 is a very well known Shang fighter that decided to drop by Corus, please welcome the great Shang Dragon, Liam Ironarm!"

Liam just smiled and bowed gracefully.

"Bachelor #4, is a young and well known knight, he's been friends with Alanna for nearly 8 years, please welcome Gareth of Naxen!" Introduced Thom.

Gary grinned, "Call me Gary." He stated.

By now Alanna was in a mad fit, "Why!!!?? How could you!!!??" she kept calling out questions.

Thom bit his lip to keep from laughing, "Be quiet dear sister." He said softly and waved his hand at her direction. Alanna opened her mouth to threaten him, but no sound came out of her mouth. She glared at her 'oh-so-caring brother'.

"Now, to Bachelor #5 … ARGH! What are you doing here!?" cried Thom in shock and surprise. Everyone turned their heads in the direction of the man Thom was speaking to.

Roger grinned evilly, "Well, I've come to join the game of course." He stated simply.

Jon glared at his cousin, "B-b-but you hate Alanna!" he spluttered in surprise.

Roger shrugged. "SO?"

George glared at him too, "Well this game is called, 'Who wants to 'marry' Alanna. Not 'kill' Alanna!" Roger merely shrugged again.

Thom looked a little unsure, but in the end he shrugged it off. "*Ahem* Well anyone, Bachelor #5 is none other than the rotten, evil scum with the title Duke of Conte, Roger."

Roger just sneered at Thom.

Thom sighed, "Everyone, let's take a short break … I'll introduce to you the next contestants after."


*Ducks as apple cores and other sorts of stuff are thrown*  Sorry!! Sorry!! I know it's lame, but PLEASE spare me the embarrassment; it's 5:11 in the morning! *Bursts into tears* Please don't send me any flames, I only wrote this story since I was bored! Though I'd like some 'nice' feedback for this … erm … out of the world story.







(There's still more guys coming into the story, but this is a head start for some of the Jon/Alanna or George/Alanna fans !)

Luv ya all!
