Hello everyone! My friend moosesaregreat and I are co-writing this crossover fic, and hope you like it! We are having fun writing it!

Bioware and Bethesda Softworks own everything. We just play with their characters! :D

Chapter 1

Anders swallowed, the sweat pouring down his forehead. He had thought that the templars who were after him would not follow him into the Deep Roads.

He was mistaken.

The templars had not only entered the Deep Roads, but also had picked up his scent fairly easily, even without a phylactery to guide them. He quickly rushed to a closed stone door and shut it behind him. The vast chamber had a torch flickering half-heartedly at the end of the room.

His eyes darted wildly around the chamber hoping for a way out, but there was nothing but old furniture at one end. He felt his fear of being in an enclosed area take over him and he tried to control it. Just then, his eyes spotted a stone cupboard of sorts at the far right side of the room.

We should face them. Once and for all.

"Not now, Justice!" Anders exclaimed as he hurried to the stone cupboard. "You know there are too many of them. Or do you want me to die?"

I thought you wanted to die, after the Battle in Kirkwall.

Anders shook his head as he opened the door. The place was very dark and small, but he could fit in there nicely if he crouched, or knelt. Without thinking twice he stepped inside and knelt in the enclosed space, then tried to keep himself calm. His claustrophobic fear of dark, enclosed spaces was still there, and he had to muster a lot of willpower in order to keep himself from flinging open the door.

Images of his time in solitary confinement rushed to his mind and he bit his lower lip trying to focus on anything else that could stop them from coming. He soon found himself thinking of Hawke and his ex-companions and that was not good at all. He had fallen for her, but she had chosen Fenris. In a way, it was a relief, for he never wanted her to be on the run like he was now.

A voice outside his hiding place brought him back and he tensed. The templars had already found the chamber he was hiding in and it was only a matter of time before he was discovered.

Face them! Let me take over!

He pressed his fingers to his temples, rubbing them vigorously in an attempt to shut Justice's voice out. But Justice was not to be quieted down so easily. Ever since the explosion at the Chantry in Kirkwall, Justice had been more demanding than ever. In truth, it was Justice's fault that he was being hunted down recently, for he had taken over in front of a couple of templars in the chantry at Jader. He had killed them in cold blood in front of the Revered Mother and all the other templars. It was then that Anders had come to and panicked, running out of the place as fast as he could.

Another voice made him stiffen, and his skin started to crackle as blue streaks of light made their way to the surface.

"No! You will get us killed!"

Justice retreated, but it was too late. One of the templars saw the faint light emanating from the cupboard and sent out a holy smite that hit it with force, blowing stone and wood against the wall. The smite hit Anders and flung him directly at a mirror that had been leaning on the wall and it shattered, the shards flying around him, the mirror itself pulsating with magic. Anders felt a tug and a pull and was lifted into the air, caught in a whirlwind, with the six templars staring at the scene before them in horror.

Anders felt himself fall, and turned his body, trying to land feet first, but he never hit the ground. A dark void appeared below him and he continued to fall.

Then he fainted.

Alessia vaulted easily onto her dappled horse and plodded him away from the Riften stable, towards the road to Whiterun. The day was bright and clear, something virtually unknown here in Skyrim, and she was looking forward to a nice, if moderately long ride. A day in the saddle wouldn't mar her rump too horribly, and neither would an overnight stay on a bed of rocks, as seemed customary when camping in the Skyrim wilderness. It was much different from her homeland in Cyrodiil, though no less beautiful. Back home was much more colorful; a bounty of trees, flowers and fungi. With the colder temperature here, the landscape was limited to coniferous trees, rocky hills and outcrops, but the mountains forever rising majestically against the horizon were no less wondrous.

Looking off to the mountain peak in the distance, she saw a bright flash of light and a black shape fall gracelessly from nowhere close to the road, perhaps a quarter of a mile away. Curiosity got the best of her as it normally did, and she spurred her horse to a gallop. She quickly came upon the haphazard lump on the ground. It was a man. Reining her horse in, she quickly leapt from the saddle and landed directly next to the hurt human.

He had long blond hair, which was probably held back in a band, but most was loose about his face from the impact. Black feathered pauldrons about his shoulders turned into what could only be a mage's robes from the chest down. With a trembling hand, Alessia put her fingers to his throat to try to find a pulse. Her touch spurred a strangled moan from the man and she jumped back, immediately spinning around for the health potions stashed in her saddlebag.

Finding one quickly, she pulled the stopper out as she turned back around. Kneeling, she bent to put the potion to his lips when his eyes opened and adjusted on her face, brow furrowed. What the blazes? "Where did you come from?" she demanded, holding the potion a scant inch from his mouth. "You fell from the sky!"

The handsome man's eyes crossed slightly as his lids slid shut. Shit shit shit. Alessia threaded her hand under his head and lifted it slightly, wary of his injuries and dumped the potion into his mouth. He swallowed by reflex and his body relaxed. She laid his head down gently and felt again for a pulse. When she found one, she jumped up quickly, mounted her horse and galloped towards the city's gates.

"He's got a few broken ribs and he might be a little concussed," Herluin said after he finished prodding the blond man on the ground in front of him. "Heh heh…concussed. Ha!" Alessia chuckled at the crazy old man. She had gotten back to Riften and enlisted help for the man she had stumbled across in record time. Herluin made a fist above the man's chest and it glowed golden for a few seconds before burning out. "That's the best I can do, child. Now he needs rest. Have your Nord mountain here take him to the Bee." He rose and poked Dirge in the chest. "Gently, mind you! Don't break him all over again. Fetch me if anything changes," and with that, the mage turned and wandered off down the road in the opposite direction of town, probably in search of alchemy ingredients.

Alessia nodded to the man standing next to her. He stared at her, motionless. She pinched the bridge of her nose in frustration. "I know what I'm doing, Dirge. No man deserves to rot out here. Here there be DRAGONS!" she exclaimed, waving her hands wildly. Dirge rolled his eyes at her and grunted before kneeling down and gracelessly throwing the injured man over his shoulder.

The short trip back to town was made silently, Dirge glaring sullenly at Alessia, Alessia glaring right back with pursed lips. The city guard nodded to Alessia as they entered the gates, and they walked into the Bee and Barb. The innkeeper's eyes bulged slightly beneath her horned eyebrows as Alessia made her way to the bar.

"We'll need a room for…I don't know, until we don't need it anymore," Alessia said, the large blond man grumbling over his burden next to her. The innkeeper looked from her to the man slung over Dirge's shoulder and back again. Alessia grinned. "I found it outside the city gates. As far as we know, it's not contagious."

The innkeeper raised an eyebrow. "Of course, mistress." She jotted down a few words in her records and looked back up. "Is…is he actually sick?"

Alessia laughed and smiled more widely at her. "You should know me better than that, Keerava. He wasn't sick, just broken. He just needs rest now."

"Ah, I see. The usual room is open. Shall I show you the way?"

Alessia sighed. "I swear, if I roll my eyes one more time today, they'll roll right out of my head." She turned around and took the steps to the upper floor two at a time. She opened a door at the top of the stairs, spared a narrow-eyed look at the well-dressed woman sitting at the end of the hallway and entered.

Dirge followed and deposited his burden unceremoniously onto the bed. Alessia clenched her jaw and moved the man's top half so he was right in the bed, then gently lifted the man's head and put a pillow under it. Moving over to the table ensconced in the corner of the room, she pulled a chair out and pointed to it. "Sit down. I have some questions for him when he wakes up, and I have business to attend to."

Dirge's eyebrows raised. "I don't know what you think you're-"he began angrily, but Alessia cut him off.

"Are you afraid of a man in a dress, Dirge? Just do as I say without arguing, for once. Have Sapphire come find me when he wakes."

Anders came to feeling like all the bones in his body had broken. He groaned and tried to move, trying to focus on all his bones to see if he could heal himself with his magic. That's when a powerful stench reached his nostrils and nearly made him puke. What was that awful smell?

He opened his eyes and the first thing he saw was a man looking at him with his arms crossed, and a very angry expression on his face, sitting on a chair right next to the bed he was lying on. Anders tried to sit up and the man growled something at someone who was invisible, or so he thought, until he heard footsteps leading away from the door.

"You just sit tight," the man grunted at him. "She'll be here shortly."

Anders blinked back in confusion, then glanced around the room, panicking a little. Where was he? Struggling to focus, he sat up, and discovered that the foul stench was coming from the man. He nearly gagged. Didn't people bathe around here?

He quickly assessed his bones and other parts of his body and realized with a relief that nothing was broken, as he took in his surroundings. The door was on the other side of the room, behind the dirty man, so he'd have to make a run for it hoping for the best. It looked like the man was not only filthy, but could guess what others were thinking as well.

"You are not going anywhere!" The man grumbled angrily, his hand on Anders's chest to push him back.

Anders felt the first signs of Justice struggling to the surface, but he still held on.

"Where are the templars? Are you working for them?" He asked the man.

Dirge frowned at him. This man was clearly delirious. "Templars? What are templars?"

He is lying!

Faint blue cracks started to appear all over Anders's body. Dirge stood up in alarm, and let out a yell.

"Keerava! Send Talen-Jei! Quick!"

Anders did not know what 'Talen-Jei' was, but he stood up quickly on the other side of the bed and swayed a little, feeling the rush of blood invade his brain. He shook his head, his eyes on his staff first, which was lying against the wall right next to the door. Then, what he could only describe as a monster came through the door and his eyes widened, nearly popping out. What was that thing? A dragon-man?

"Eassssy, friend," the dragon-man hissed. "We are not going to hurt you." He advanced slowly to where Anders was standing, now crackling blue as Justice finally took over.

"Fools!" Justice roared. "Back off!"

At that moment a figure dressed in black entered the room. The figure stood still, but then took off its mask and revealed a lovely elven woman, with the most beautiful eyes he had ever seen. Justice retreated and Anders's jaw dropped open.

"Maker! What is this place?" Anders asked in a shaky voice.

Alessia sighed and pulled her mask down over her face. It had been three days since she had found the man on the road, and her pressing business in Whiterun could no longer wait for him to wake. Adjusting her bow on her back, she turned to leave Honeyside when Sapphire burst in.

"The man you found, he's awake! And he's ANGRY! Dirge was yelling for help when I left," she panted as she leaned forward, putting her hands on her thighs to catch her breath. "Why did you have to find a mage? He'll tear the inn apart!"

Alarmed, Alessia pushed past Sapphire and bolted out the door. She lost her footing rounding the corner of the inn, scrambled to get herself upright, then burst through the door. Keerava yelled something at her, but she ignored it, hearing a deep voice yelling in the room above. She ran up the stairs and yanked open the door to find the mage standing next to the bed, his skin veined with blue light.

She skid to a stop and stared at him, realizing that she must look even more intimidating with her hood and mask. She raised her hands in a placating gesture, then slid her fingers under the mask and pulled it off, the hood falling down around her shoulders.

The glowing man looked at her for a moment, then the azure light coming from him abruptly went out. He stared at her, mouth agape, before finally saying, "Maker! What is this place?"

"Dirge, Talen-Jei, thank you for your assistance. You may leave," Alessia said as she looked to the opposite corner of the room. "You too, Brynjolf."

The mage jumped when Brynjolf appeared from the shadows behind him. Talen-Jei bowed and left without a word. Brynjolf spared the mage an appraising glance before turning to Alessia. "Are you sure, lass?"

Alessia smiled and touched his arm. "I can take care of myself. You know that." Brynjolf smiled warmly at her before turning and exiting the room. Dirge stood silently as always, leaning against the wall next to the bed, opposite the mage. Alessia glared at him and pointed towards the door.

"I don't think," he began before Alessia cut him off.

"I didn't ask what you thought. Leave."

"But he's dangerous. My job is to - ," Dirge started to say before she again cut him off.

"Your job is to do as I say." Alessia looked to the mage, who still was standing next to the bed, watching the conversation. "I just want to ask you some questions and then you may leave. I found you close to death on the side of the road and made sure that you lived. Will you hurt me?" The wide-eyed mage shook his head. "There you go, Dirge. Out."


In a blur of movement, Alessia pulled one of her daggers from its sheath and threw it. It thunked into the wall an inch from Dirge's head, making the large man jump. He eyed the blade still quivering right next to his face before turning his incredulous gaze back to her.

"Shut up and get out." Alessia folded her arms across her chest and glared at him. He stared at her for a few more seconds before giving her a grim smile and leaving the room.

When the door clicked shut behind him, Alessia waited for a moment before crossing the room to retrieve her blade from the wall. She sheathed it at her hip and turned to the man on the other side of the bed. "I'm not usually like that," she said, and sat down heavily in the chair. She sighed and rubbed her temples. "Unfortunately, that man doesn't respond to anything but violence. He's a moody git and always will be, I think." Pointing to the bed, she smiled up at the mage. "Please, have a seat. We have much to discuss."

"He stinks, too," Anders commented with a smile. "Although I've been on the run for a week now, and I must smell something awful..."

"I can't smell you from here and that's more than I could say for Dirge."

"Thank you for taking care of me, though I wish it had been you I first saw when I opened my eyes," Anders shook his head, a smile playing on the corners of his mouth.

"I am much better looking and I don't stink," Alessia said with a grin. "Now, I do have to ask you...I saw you fall from the sky. A flash of light and there you were. Who are you?"

"I knew I wasn't in Thedas any longer. Especially when I saw that...dragon-man, or whatever he was," Anders sighed. "My name is Anders and I come from Thedas, though I'm sure you don't know where that is."

"Nope. I'm Alessia, by the way," she said, leaning back into the chair. "You're in Riften, in the province of Skyrim."

"Riften, Skyrim...I'm not at all familiar with these names," Anders frowned. "I guess I must have fallen straight off the map of Thedas, into another world. I must get back…I don't think I have a place here..."

Alessia thought for a moment. "I suppose that I can't help you get back if I don't know how you got here. What is the last thing that you remember before the whole flying thing?"

Anders's frown deepened. "I was running from the templars, so I hid in what looked like a normal cupboard, but there was a mirror there which exploded when one of the templars cast a holy smite on me..."

Alessia shook her head and leaned forward. "Firstly, I have no idea what a templar is. Secondly, why would they smite you? Is that a magic thing?"

"Don't tell me you don't have templars here!" Anders exclaimed, his eyes now twinkling. "Have I died and am now in the Golden City? Aren't mages persecuted here?"

Alessia's brow furrowed in thought. "People here don't care much for the College of Winterhold. That's a school for mages. But, mages themselves aren't. Anyone can learn magic here if they want to."

"Anyone can learn magic? Anyone?" Anders jaw dropped open in surprise. "I can't believe it! And no templars? Is it my birthday?"

Alessia chuckled. "Happy birthday, then! Yes, anyone can learn. I never cared much for learning magic, but I can heal myself a bit if I need to."

"I'm a healer. At least that's what I specialized in. I used to run a clinic, well, where I'm from. What is this world called? And what was that dragon-man that came into the room a while ago? Is he dangerous?"

"The world we are in is called Nirn. Dragon-man?" Alessia mused. "He's an Argonian. There are many around here, and no, he's not dangerous." Alessia's eyes lit up. "You know of dragons? What do you know?"

"We fight dragons where I come from. Well, usually whenever they show up. But I have killed one or two in the past and helped kill several, why?"

Alessia stared at her hands. "Well…we seem to have a dragon problem. There weren't any for ages, they were wiped out. Something happened, and now they've come back." She looked up to him, her silvery-blue eyes pleading. "I know I said that you could leave, but can you help us?"

Anders felt himself melt under her pleading gaze. How could he say 'no' to such a beautiful –

Your train of thought is disturbing. Must you fall for every woman who rescues you?

Anders ignored Justice and gave Alessia what he hoped was a charming smile. "Of course I'll help. And I'm afraid there's no way back for me at the moment, so I'll do whatever you need me to do. Though I wish to bathe first if that's all right with you?"

Alessia grinned. "Of course. I've never understood why everyone here is so dirty. Follow me."