TITLE: Xander Harris - Awakening of The Incubus
PART: 05 of
AUTHOR: Red Jacobson ( )
DISCLAIMER: None of the characters you recognize belong to me. They belong to Joss and Mutant Enemy or their respective owners. I'm just taking them out and letting them have some fun.
SUMMARY: Post "The Gift" Xander finds something interesting in a crypt.

FEEDBACK: Of course, it helps me write faster
CATEGORY: Erotica/Harem
RELATIONSHIPS: Xander/Multiple Females
SPOILERS: Starts about Three Weeks after "The Gift" Anya died in the fight against Glory, and Spike walked into the sunrise about a week after Buffy Died. Also, Dawn is 18 at the start of this story.
WARNINGS: Those of you who are familiar with my writing know what to expect. M/F, F/F, M/F/F/F+ Oral, Anal, Dom/Sub, Incest. Basically if it would give Sarah Palin and Rick Santorum a stroke, it will probably show up here.

AUTHORS NOTES: Obviously I've taken a lot of liberties with "Charmed" canon, but I won't tell Aaron Spellings Estate if you don't. Also, for purposes of this story, Darla and Dru haven't attacked Holland Manners Party and killed him and his minions. And yes, I realize I goofed on his name last chapter, when I called him Holland Masters. Sorry about that.

Casting Notes:

Aura is played by Kaylani Lei

Marissa is played by Carmen Luvana

The Beverly Hills Hotel
La Pierre Spa
That Afternoon

Cordelia sipped her ice water and sighed in pleasure as the masseuse worked his magic hands into the tense muscles in her back. She was still royally pissed off at Angel, but, she had to admit he knew her well, and picked an incredible way to apologize for firing her and the others. It had been far too long, since before the mess with her parents and the IRS, that she'd been able to treat herself like this! And after the whole mess in Pylea, and then finding out about Buffy, and Xander's fiance dying, even though she shouldn't still care what happened to the dork, she really needed a chance to unwind and be pampered. It's too bad that Fred was still too skittish to leave the hotel, because she could really use the pampering if anybody could.

Hearing a moan of pleasure, she glanced over at the next table and saw Aura getting the same treatment she was, and obviously enjoying it just as much. It was a strange sensation, having another person in the room when she was getting the treatment, but the two of them had been chatting happily and the Spa workers had just led them to a double room so they could continue their conversation. She had barely even noticed that she was stripping out of her bathrobe in front of Aura until she looked up and saw the girl looking at her at licking her lips.

She was surprised, Aura never seemed the type to play with other girls, even in the showers after Cheer leading practice, she tended to avoid the 'cool down' sessions most of the other girls participated in. Not that Cordelia was going to judge, she had been an enthusiastic participant as well. Smiling slightly at the memories, she looked Aura in the eyes and said, "See something you like, Aura?"

Aura's eyes lit up, "Definitely! Just because I was too shy to mess around back in school, doesn't mean I wasn't interested. I've just been through some changes and shyness would just get in the way, so I got rid of it!" Her hands went up and pushed her hair back over her shoulders as she was talking, and Cordy saw that what she had initially assumed was just a necklace of some sort was actually a collar, and wondered just what had happened to her friend?

The other girl saw Cordelia's eyes widen slightly, and grinned, "I see you noticed my collar, isn't it a beauty? Master gave it to me this morning, and I love it!"


"Oh, that's just what I call him, he doesn't insist on it, but I like calling him Master, and he always makes me feel sooooooo good, so what if I call him that?"

Cordelia grinned, "Hey, whatever makes you happy, go for it, life's too short for regrets, we all know that, growing up in Sunnydale."

Aura nodded, and the two of them went back to other topics.



The Same Time

Anyanka looked up from the scrying pool where she was watching Xander and his latest acquisitions, smiling happily. She turned toward the figure who had just appeared at the edge of her domain, and she waved him forward.

The figure took a seat on the couch where he could see the pool as well, his clothes shifting from those worn during his lifetime to a pair of faded dungarees and and an open necked shirt. He grinned at the human turned demon and said, "I can tell my descendant is already putting his gifts to use, how is he doing with them?"

Anya chuckled, "He's exceeding my expectations, and, having been his lover for the last two years of my life, I had high expectations of him, Giacomo. He's currently entertaining three sisters, and he still has another very horny witch to satisfy when he gets back home. I'll admit, I was surprised to see that he and Tara had a history between them, it's too bad I didn't know, the four of us could have had a lot of fun while I was alive. Oh well, there will be plenty of time for that when they finally get here."

The smile dropped from her face and she frowned, "We need to take a look at getting Cordelia into Xander's bed as soon as possible, though. Those visions are starting to cause her problems, and I'm not going to let that diseased cunt Jasmine get any further along in her plans than she already has! It was her fault I ended up in Sunnydale and ended up losing my powers in the first place, her and that damned lust spell that Skip hit Xander and Willow with."

It was Casanova's turn to chuckle, and he said, "You can relax, Anyanka, I've already taken care of that, the lovely Cordelia will soon be joining my grandson and his ladies in their bed. I planted the seeds earlier when she encountered her school friend. If it weren't a foolish wager, I would be willing to put gold on her having extremely enjoyable dreams for the next couple of nights."

Anya raised an eyebrow, and Giacomo gestured to the scrying pool. Tapping two of the rune stones that were along the edge of the basin, the pictures in the bowl started moving faster as she looked into Xander's future, and saw that Cordelia was indeed back in his bed, as well a couple of other women she wasn't expecting.

She laughed, "That's a surprise! I didn't even know she was back. Oooh! I like her, she's got a filthy mind, just like mine." Nodding in satisfaction, she climbed to her feet, and said, "I think that's enough viewing for right now, don't you?" Not waiting for Casanova's answer, she gestured and a bed appeared behind her in the room. Pulling her robes open revealing her naked body, she said, "Care to join me?"

Giacomo laughed and started taking off his clothes.


Omni Hotel

Penthouse Suite

Los Angeles

Faith's jaw dropped as she looked around the huge room she had walked into. The gray haired lawyer stopped in the center of the room and turned to face her, smiling at the expression on her face. He gave a fatherly chuckle and said, "You aren't the first person to have that reaction, Miss Lehane, and I'm sure you won't be the last." Gesturing to a cabinet by the huge flat screen TV, he continued, "I realize your choice of entertainment was limited for the last two years, so we have DVDs of many of the most popular movies, as well as the great majority of the TV series that have been released. Don't worry if you don't get to watch everything you want before you leave, you can take as many of them with you as you like, it's part of the service we provide valued clients like Mister Harris."

"Huh? How did the X-man get to be a valued client? He didn't seem the type when I saw him the last time."

"I'm afraid that's something that Mister Harris will have to explain to you when he sees you tomorrow afternoon. I'm sure he will explain everything to your satisfaction. But, in the meantime, let me show you the rest of the suite."

Leading the way down a short hallway, he opened the door to the bathroom, and the most luxurious sunken tub Faith had ever seen in her life. Moving further down the hall, he opened the door at the end, and Faith walked into the bedroom, and whistled in appreciation at the huge bed and the pile of pillows on top of the comforter.

"If you care to take a look in the walk-in closet, we had a wardrobe selected for you, and of course, you will take it with you when you leave, along with the luggage. Now, if you don't mind, I do need to get back to the office, and I'll let you settle in. If you get hungry, you can order anything you like from the room service menu, just press 832 on the keypad, and your order will be brought right to the room. I do have to emphasize that, until Mister Harris arrives tomorrow, that you stay in the suite. The conditions of your pardon were quiet explicit on that subject."

Faith nodded absently, still looking around in a daze. The lawyer nodded once more and left, shutting the door behind him. As soon as the door clicked closed, Faith straightened up, and the vacant look left her face as she looked around the room. "What the fuck have you gotten into Xander? And why did you drag me in as well?" she whispered to herself.


Lilah Morgan's Room

Shortly afterward

It was the chirping of her cell phone that woke Lilah from the wonderful dreams she was having, and she grunted in irritation when she realized it was the 'work' phone and she didn't have the luxury of letting it go straight to voicemail. Rubbing the last of the sleep from her eyes, she tried to sound alert as she answered.

"Lilah Morgan" she grimaced when the voice of Holland Manners oozed over the phone and she forced herself further awake.

"Good Afternoon Lilah, I just wanted to update you on the successful completion of one of Mister Harris' requirements. Faith has been installed in the Luxury Suite at the Omni, with more than enough to keep her occupied until he can retrieve her tomorrow."

"That's excellent news, Holland, I'll arrange for a car to take him into the city to pick her up and let him know as soon as I can speak to him."

"He isn't with you? I was certain you would take the opportunity to sample the goods, as it were." She shivered at the slight tone of disapproval in his mild words.

"Oh, I certainly did do that! And I am absolutely going to enjoy working with Mister Harris, however, this body is still only human, and there is a limit to how much pleasure I can withstand in a short period of time, and I actually passed out from sensation overload!"

"Really?" She heard the interest in his voice, "That is unexpected information, but useful to know. I wonder if a succubus would have the same affect? I'll have to look into that."

"I'll be happy to put out feelers in the local underground to see if any of the natives know how to contact any that are on this plane, if you want?"

Holland chuckled, "No, that's alright Lilah, you've accomplished quite enough already. I think I'll put Lindsay on it, he's already grumbling, discretely of course, about having to take over your projects, so I'm going to make him even busier, maybe he will learn his lesson this time. At any rate, I've already set up the information you will need to open the branch office, and it should arrive tomorrow evening. The courier has your telephone number and will come to you wherever you happen to be."

With that, the phone went dead in her ear, and she carefully set the handset down, walking into the bathroom and turning on the water, before giving in and breathing a sigh of relief. Not for the first time, she questioned her sanity in signing that damned contract, even though her duties today were certainly pleasurable. She hadn't been lying when she said that orgasms for the women in the Firm were few and far between.

She paused as a thought hit her, the Senior Partners were anxious to have an Incubus available and keeping him happy. What if she could get her contract transferred to him? He was certainly easier to work for than Holland, or, even worse, Linwood Murrow! She still shuddered in revulsion at the way he would look at her on the rare occasions she had to report to him. Fortunately, he seemed more interested in Lindsay and, when he was still alive, Lee Mercer, than any of the female employees, but it was still enough to make her want to take a shower with bleach after having his eyes on her.

"Careful Lilah," she whispered, "that's getting mighty close to disloyalty, and you don't want to end up like Lee, do you?" Pasting a professional smile on her face, she washed her hands and shut off the water before going back into the bedroom and checking on the status of her current project.

She was surprised to see that he was actually still in the hotel, she had expected him to be off with his nascent harem, but then she took a closer look at the readings, and saw that he was actually in two places at one time, and there were three rather powerful females with him. Tapping on the crystal, her eyes widened as she recognized the women, "Well, well, 'The Charmed Ones', ambitious, aren't you Xander? I hope you bring them in, I've seen pictures of them, and they look delicious!" A smile crossed her face as she thought, 'and all three of them combined would certainly be an aid in any negotiations that happen to be necessary.'

From the energy levels being generated, she realized that he would certainly not appreciate being interrupted, and neither would his partners, so she decided to leave him in peace for the moment and went to take a shower to soothe her, thankfully, sore muscles for the next time she saw him.


Piper's Room

Same Time

Xander stood back and watched as Piper and Phoebe kissed each other, their hands playing with their sister's tits as they scissored their legs, rubbing their pussies against each other. The sexual tension between the two of them was far too strong to allow them to focus on anything else until it was resolved, and he was patient enough to let them take the edge off. Besides, he was watching two gorgeous sisters having sex with each other, why would he want to stop them?

The girls broke the kiss, and, still staring in each other's eyes, started moving against each other, sliding their hands between their sister's thighs, fingering each other as they rubbed together. Xander could feel how close to cumming they both were, and he was really looking forward to the burst of energy their release would give him. It wasn't just that they were really, really enjoying what they were doing, it was that they were sisters and bursting through that taboo just made their pleasure even sweeter.

Piper was closest to cumming, because she was finally letting go of her inhibitions and allowing her true personality to guide her behavior. She was going to be a lot happier now, that was clear to him, and he had a feeling that she was really going to enjoy meeting (and tasting) Willow, because Pet was just as submissive as Piper is.

Phoebe, he could already tell that the youngest girl was going to be a lot of fun, she had absolutely no inhibitions, but she had the control to keep people from noticing unless she wanted them to. She and Aura would have fun together, both of them believe in seizing the day and squeezing every drop of enjoyment she can get out of each one.

He grinned as Piper stiffened, her eyes rolling back in her head as her climax crashed into her, falling backwards onto the carpet and shuddering, cries and moans of pleasure pouring from her mouth, until she collapsed, boneless and incoherent, a smile seeing Snyder naked wouldn't have removed.

Her sister's peak triggered Phoebe's, and she managed to smile at him before joining Piper on the floor, soft snores coming from her mouth.

Xander shook his head, amused at the lack of endurance of the women he'd claimed so far. They would get better, he knew that, but it was mildly frustrating at the moment. At least the energy from the girls climaxes was tasty.


Lilith's Toy Box

Oxnard, California

About an Hour after the Previous Scene

Tara was watching Amy and Dawn with barely hidden amusement, the two girls had never seen anything like the display racks here. One entire wall was filled with different types of restraints, a section for gags, ball gags, O-rings, penis gags (which seemed to capture Amy's attention) and much more.

Pet was extremely comfortable though, she'd been her numerous times, and her head was held high showing her collar. Tara was holding the lead loose in her hand as she guided the girl to the anal toy section. She and Pet were both getting new plugs to celebrate being claimed by Master, and Tara was going to find starter plugs for Dawn and Amy, since they had never taken anything in their asses. They would soon, probably tonight if Master got home in time.

Tara grinned at the excitement in Pet's eyes, she had told her that she could choose the plug she would be wearing out of the shop, and her love was taking her time examining the different options. She finally chose one that almost made Tara choke, because it was close to the size of Master's cock! Pet was nothing if not ambitious, wanting to spend the day with something that size stretching her.

She shrugged, if Pet could handle it, fine, if not, it would be a valuable lesson for her to learn. Tara selected a smaller plug, but the ridges and bumps would feel wonderful inside her! Catching Dawn's eye, she waved her and Amy over to join them, and the sales girl came with them. When the two newer members of the family were in front of them, she said, "You know that Master will want to enjoy your asses tonight, and neither of you have taken anything there before, have you?"

Tara was distracted from the girl's expected nods by the soft whistle from the sales girl. Grinning, she looked closer at the attractive blond, her name tag identified her as Lisa, and said, "Our Master has energy for several different girls, Lisa, and I think he would like to hear you squeal as he filled you. Would you like an introduction?"

The girl shook her head with a smile, "My lover keeps me satisfied, and I'm not interested in changing that, but thank you for the offer. But I think I envy you two girls getting to experience anal for the first time with a man who knows what he's doing. My first lover was enthusiastic but clumsy as hell, not a good combination!"

Tara winced, "So I've heard, Pet and I are fortunate that Master was the first for both of us. But, if you don't mind, I promised Pet that she can wear her toy out of the store, so if you will take these tags up to the register, and direct us to a changing room so I can get them taken care of, I'd appreciate it."

Lisa took a look at the slightly apprehensive expressions on Dawn and Amy's faces, and the excitement on Pet's and grinned, cutting the tags off the toys and pointing them to the changing rooms.

Taking Dawn and Amy into one booth, she said, "Okay, I'm going to show you how to prepare each other to take a plug, and later, the real thing in your ass. It's going to feel strange at first, but you get used to it, and learn to enjoy it with practice. Now, lower your pants and your underwear."

Dawn had herself naked almost immediately, while Amy seemed a bit nervous as she fumbled with the button of her jeans. "If you aren't ready for this Amy, you don't have to keep going. I'm sure you're still trying to adjust to being your right shape again, and Master won't mind if you need time to feel comfortable."

Amy shook her head, "It's not that, I'm looking forward to having sex with Xander and the rest of you, but I'm not sure about this whole 'Master' thing. I get that it makes you and Willow happy, and good for you, but it's not something I've ever even thought about. And now that I'm thinking about it, that sort of thing isn't for me, at all!"

"Nobody is expecting you to, Amy, you either Dawnie, and yes, I saw you nodding at what Amy was saying. You're right, Pet and I get a great deal of pleasure out of submitting to Master, but that's our choice. I think I know Xander better than any of you, including Willow, simply because we were lovers for several months after high school, and we had another girl in our bed at least half the time. The only time he had the other girl submitting, was when it was clear she enjoyed that role. The rest of the time, it wasn't a part of our playtime. Now, he does insist on anal sex as part of the relationship, and that can be considered submitting, but hell, so can getting on your knees to suck his cock, but you don't have a problem with that, do you?"

Amy shook her head, a relieved smile on her face, "No, and I would have gotten on my knees at breakfast to thank him for bringing me back. And thank you for explaining things, I guess I didn't really understand." Popping the button on her jeans, she pushed them, and her panties down to her knees and turned her back to Tara, bracing herself on the wall.

Tara grinned and covered her fingers with lubricant, glad that Amy had cleaned herself thoroughly during her shower, and rubbed the pad of her index finger around the girl's ring, relaxing it before popping the tip of her finger inside. Amy gasped at the penetration, but Tara said, "Rub your pussy and finger yourself, it will help you relax."

The girl did as directed, and she was soon relaxed enough to take the finger all the way inside her, and Tara started moving her finger around, stretching her, and then got a second finger inside as well. Turning to Dawn, Tara said, "Coat the plug with the lubricant please Dawnie, Amy's almost ready."

Dawn had been watching intently, and had no problem coating the slender plug with the lube, before handing it back to Tara by the base. Tara withdrew her fingers and pushed the tip of the plug into Amy ring, sliding it in easily. Amy gave a soft sigh at being filled, but there was no sign of pain. Once it was filling her, Amy pulled her underwear and jeans up and turned around, a strange expression on her face.

She took a couple of steps before shaking her head slightly. "Feels strange, but not bad. I guess it does take some getting used to, like you said."

Tara laughed, "If you think walking with a plug feels odd, you ought to try stripping and pole dancing while wearing one. That builds your muscle control in a hurry, I'll tell you!"

Amy and Dawn stared at her in surprise, and demanded to hear that story, so Tara told about her nights dancing at Susie's after Xander had become Master, and how one of the other dancers had claimed there was no way that Tara could dance properly wearing the plug. They were so interested in the story that Tara had gotten Dawn prepared and the plug in her bottom before the story was over.

Tara was grinning remembering that night, It was Cleo who had been doubting her ability to dance, and when she proved the girl wrong, she ended up joining them in bed that night, and found out for herself how to move with a plug in her ass!

After getting the two girls taken care off, she slipped her skirt off and removed the plug she was wearing, cleaning it with the baby-wipes she kept in her purse, and put the plug in the plastic bag she carried. Coating her new plug, she moaned with pleasure as it filled her, and then pulled her skirt back up, walking normally out of the booth. Pet was standing there already, a slightly strained expression on her face, so Tara knew the girl was wondering if she'd made the right decision on picking her plug.

When Lisa saw the four of them coming out of the changing area, she grinned at the way three of them were walking. This was going to be a great story to tell when she got home tonight!

They spent nearly another hour in the shop, picking out different lingerie, and Pet got a new crop for being such a good girl, and Amy got a stocking and garter set, with crotch-less panties.

The girls were sitting very gingerly in the car for the drive back to Sunnydale.


Piper's Room

Later that Afternoon

Prue was staring at the scene in front of her in shocked arousal, her fingers busy between her legs while she watched Piper and Phoebe in positions she never would have expected to see them! Well, not Piper anyway, she always knew that Phoebe had a wild streak, but this was almost beyond belief, but also hot as fuck!

She had woken from her nap a few minutes ago, and was a bit disappointed to be alone, but then she heard voices crying out from the open door. Standing up, she took a minute to adjust to her wobbly legs, grinning wryly. It had been a long time since she'd gotten a good enough fuck to leave her weak I the knees!

Moving toward the door, she stuck her head out and blinked, rubbing her eyes, and then she looked again, the scene was still the same, and she had no idea how it was happening. There was a huge four poster bed in the middle of the room, when there wasn't one earlier, and Piper and Phoebe were in a 69 in the middle of the mattress, their arms and legs spread and cuffed to the bedposts! After the revelations earlier, it didn't surprise her that both of her sisters enjoyed bondage, but there were two Xander's on the bed with them, each of them sliding their cock into one girl, and then feeding it to the other.

Prue's fingers were stroking her pussy, teasing the lips as she watched her sisters acting out one of the filthiest fantasies she'd ever imagined, and asked herself why she had never realized just how sexy the girls were? She briefly wondered if Xander had adjusted her personality, but rejected the idea, he had been emphatic about not manipulating humans earlier. It was probably just that she was more open minded after the number of mind blowing orgasms she'd enjoyed.

It didn't really matter, all that did was she was wondering how to get their attention so she could join in?

Finally, she just started walking to the bed, and climbed on, kneeling beside the one that was filling Phoebe, and started kissing him, her hands reaching down and playing with Phoebe's tits as she licked Piper's pussy. She kept kissing him until she heard both girls crying out that they were cumming, and both Xander's pushed forward at the same time with a grunt, cumming inside the two girls.

Before Prue even realized what was happening, the girls were released from their bonds and sitting on the edge of the bed, their legs spread wide, showing their well fucked pussies, and all she could think about was getting her tongue in them, cleaning up the mixture of their juices and Xander's cum.

As if she was in a daze, Prue climbed down off the bed and knelt between Piper's legs, her face at her younger sister's pussy and her tongue coming out to lick the other girl.


Piper was still recovering from the pleasure overload from being fucked and licked at the same time, and wondering how the hell she could have ever thought Leo could satisfy her? But then things got even wilder as she looked down and saw Prue between her legs, about to slide her tongue inside her pussy. She held her breath in anticipation, having a hard time believing this was actually happening, until she actually felt the tongue touching her!

She closed her eyes and leaned back, only to feel Phoebe's arms around her, holding her in place. Opening her eyes, Piper turned her head toward Phoebe, only to find her lips captured by her sister's, and she started kissing, enjoying the taste of her pussy on Phoebe's lips. Her hand came up and caressed Phoebe's breasts, making the girl squirm into her touch, and then she felt a pair of rough hands reaching around her and fondling her own tits, the thumb and fingers pinching her nipples.

She gasped into Phoebe's mouth, and then shuddered as Prue's tongue touched a very nice spot inside her pussy! Piper lost track of everything that was happening around her, the pleasure from so many different directions was overwhelming her, and soon she was crying out as yet another orgasm hit her, sending her out of her mind with bliss. The last thing she remembered was Xander laying her back on the bed, and then sleep overtook her.


Phoebe grinned in anticipation as Prue moved away from the blissed out Piper, and put her hands on Phoebe's thighs. Phoebe spread her legs wider and looked down into Prue's eyes.

"Come on Prue, taste your baby sister's cunt. She's full of Xander's delicious cum and my pussy juices, I'm sure you'll love the taste, a nasty girl like you! You wont be able to get enough of Piper and my juices, and we're going to love licking you too. In fact, I think when we go back to San Francisco, we need to get one big bed, so we can stay together and fuck each other every night before falling asleep. We're going to be so close that the Source won't stand a chance against us!"

Prue's eyes were aware, and shining with excitement as she licked Phoebe, her own hand moving between her legs, fingering herself and her thumb finding her clit. Phoebe kept talking, coming up with all sorts of different things they could do with each other, the suggestions getting wilder, and making Prue even more enthusiastic, until both of them hit their peak at the same time, and Phoebe fell back on the mattress, shuddering and moaning happily. The last orgasm was too much, and she was soon snoring next to Piper, and everything was wonderful!


Drusilla's Lair

Roughly the same time

The 20 vampires sitting around watching TV and waiting for sunset looked up in anticipation as the door to the Mistress's private chambers opened. Most of them were looking forward to seeing the new fledgling humbled, since she had dared to challenge Drusilla's domination of the family. There were a couple, who were old enough to remember when Darla had originally walked among them, who doubted, quietly, that she would ever be humbled. Those were the ones who, when possible, had shown the newly turned vampire small signs of respect, hoping to gain her favor when she demonstrated her true strength.

It was easy to tell who they were, because they were the only ones in the room who were smiling when Darla, gloriously nude, walked out, with an equally nude Drusilla crawling behind her, a leather collar around her neck attached to the lead in Darla's hand.

Darla strode confidently to the throne that Drusilla had made her own, and sat down, looking over the room with an icy stare. Tying the end of the Drusilla's lead to the arm of the chair, she began to speak.

"I'm am Darla, sired by Heinrich Joseph Nest in 1609, for those of you whose mathematical skills are lacking, that means that I am 392 years old. How many of you are within 100 years of that?" At the silence, she nodded, "I didn't think so, I am also the sire of Angelus, who turned a woman named Drusilla in 1860, making her 142 years old. Is there anyone here within 100 years of her"

When nothing but silence answered her, she smirked. "Obviously she wasn't strong enough to hold her position in this group, or she wouldn't have submitted to me. Is there anyone here who thinks they can challenge me?"

There was no response, until one of the smiling vampires, who appeared to be a beautiful young woman in her twenties stripped out of her dress and walked naked to the throne, kneeling before Darla, who smiled softly at her. The younger vampire bowed deeply, kissing her Mistress's feet, and Darla said, "Rise Marissa, and take your place at my right hand. I have not forgotten your respect to me, and I will return your devotion."

As if it were a signal, three of the others stripped down and repeated Marissa's actions, to be greeted by Darla in the same manner. Looking down at the kneeling Drusilla, she sneered, "The four of you are to be known as my Lieutenants from now on. You supported me before I proved myself, and that loyalty will be rewarded. To start with, the four of you can play with Drusilla as you wish for the rest of the evening, but make sure she is still able to hunt tonight. The days of her having her prey brought to her are at an end!"

The four newly promoted Lieutenants grinned, and the two men, and the second woman, all stripped out of their clothes and Marissa untied the Drusilla's lead from the throne and led her, still on her knees to the center of the room. The four of them sat down on the couch, evicting the previous occupants, and Marissa spread her legs and gave a quick tug on the lead. Drusilla gave no resistance at all, just moved forward and started licking on the blonde's pussy.

Marissa leaned back against the cushions and spread her legs wider, giving a soft moan of pleasure. She was very familiar with the feel of a woman's tongue on her pussy, just like she had gained a great deal of experience pleasuring other women, and men as well. Of course, all the fledglings, male and female, learned their places very quickly, which was on their knees, or backs, or bellies, however an older or more powerful member of the clan wanted them. She was used to being served by the weaker fledglings, and had expected the same lackluster job from the recently deposed Mistress of the Clan.

Instead, Drusilla was licking her with the energy and enthusiasm of one of her partners during her mortal career in Adult Movies! Looking down, instead of the resentment and anger she would have expected to see in Drusilla's eyes, there was happiness? What in the name of Belial's flaming scrotum was going on here? She barely had the time to glance over at Darla, who locked eyes with her, and Marissa saw the amusement in her eyes, before Drusilla's tongue hit an extremely sensitive spot and pleasure overwhelmed her, leaving her collapsed and smiling against the back of the couch.

She managed to get a look at Dru's face, and the look of contentment in her smile just confirmed that a lot more than she was aware of was going on, and decided to keep her eyes and ears open, sticking with Darla so far had worked out well, and she saw no reason to change that.


The Beverly Hills Hotel
La Pierre Spa
Later that Day

Cordy was feeling more relaxed than she could remember feeling in ages! The day of pampering was almost as good as an orgasm, but she wouldn't turn one of those down either, it had been a long time since she'd gotten laid.

Although, considering how Aura had been looking at her during the day, that just might change. She'd always liked the other girl, and she was certainly attractive, so if the opportunity came up, she was going to make a move. Angel wasn't expecting to see her until Monday anyway, which is why she took a room for the whole weekend.

As she finished getting dressed, she said, "Are you heading back to Sunnydale tonight?"

Aura shook her head, "I was going to, but that was before I saw you. I've had a good time catching up, and if you want, we can go grab some dinner and keep going? I've got plenty of cash, so don't worry about paying."

Cordy grinned, "Well, we could do that, or we could come up to my room and order room service. I'm going to want details about this Master of yours, and not the kind you can share in public!"

Aura smirked, "If we get started on that conversation, it's not going to end with talking, you know that, don't you?"

She raised an eyebrow at the other girl, "Well, duh! You've already admitted you were interested, and I'm horny enough to fuck Willow, so what do you think?"

"Room Service it is!" Aura laughed, and they headed for the lobby elevator, leaving a good tip for the staff.

End Chapter Five – And I promise I will do my best to update faster next time!