Brotherly Moments


From the writer of The Madness of Kurosaki's Sanity comes...BROTHERLY MOMENTS featuring America and Canada and insanity of the G8! Please enjoy~!

Ch. 1 Sibling Fights

"Both America and Canada are late." Germany said looking at his watch.



Everyone jumped as America ran in looking flustered. His hair was a mess, his jacket ripped, his shoes muddy, and looked like had just came from running in a marathon.

"America you're-"

"No time dude! Barricade the door!" America screamed as he shoved a chair under the door handles.

"What the Hell is going on?"

Before America could answer the door was busted open. Canada stood there holding a hockey stick smiling.

"I found you Big Brother."

America screamed and jumped out the window, despite being four stories up. The Nations sweat dropped as they heard the screeches of cars and America running across the street like a frightened alley cat.

"You're not getting away that easily." Canada called out in a sing song voice as he followed. He jumped out the window and landed on a car hood then bolted after his brother.

"Should we go after them vee~?" Italy asked.

In the distance they heard America scream like a girl.

"No." they all replied in unison.

Five minutes later they returned. America's head had been wrapped with bandages and holding a bag of ice to his bruised jaw and limping; while Canada had no injuries at all.

"What happened?" England asked him.

"My team beat his for the Stanley Cup." America muttered through his broken jaw.