Chapter 14: Hey School Boy
The next morning Zoey woke up determined, a plan in her mind.
After spending the night before tossing and turning, the idea had come to her out of the blue.
She cooked breakfast for them, making the extra portions for Hank first, adding a generous amount that he enjoyed quickly.
They were always the early birds, and Hank always exchanged the large breakfasts with delicious coffee.
She told him of her plan as she cooked the meat and eggs for the rest, to be ready when they woke.
Hank gushed his praise at the idea, even giving suggestions at what she should say. She felt more determined after that, and left before the others came to finish her plan and ideas for what was to come.
She entered Charles's study and sat down at his desk on one of the armchairs. She was tempted to look around his desk to see what he was up to, but instead opted for a book on Starfish and regenerative powers as she waited for him to arrive.
After a while she heard the door open, and looked up.
"Zoey!" Charles said, truly surprised.
"Hank told me you were still sleeping."
She smirked.
"And you actually believe he made that breakfast?" she asked.
Charles, looking beat, shook his head and moved to behind the desk, clearing some papers, stuffing them into a folder.
"Touché'. But why the secrecy? Why the hiding in my study?"
"I need to talk to you."
"I've always left that option open, Zoey. You know that," he said, smiling, finally glad she was opening up.
She stood up and started pacing, then rested her hip against a chair.
"Well this doesn't have to do with me, Charles. It's… bigger than that."
Charles tilted his head, yet still smiled.
"Now I'm intrigued."
Zoey sighed, and stood up.
"This is somewhat of an ultimatum, though... I've realized that this might be the only way. You know I can't live this recluse life, with no outside contact…"
"Zoey, you already know the dangers, do I have to spell it out-"
"You have to continue with your vision, Charles."
He stopped, and drew back, raising an eyebrow.
She took a deep breath, and continued, hoping her voice wasn't shaking.
"Charles, you need to make this place a school."
At that, Charles looked like he had been slapped. His face turned angry, almost scaring her. She took a step back.
"How the hell-"
"Hank has, innocently, a big mouth. He only mentioned it in passing... but then also I had to know why the kids called you 'Professor'..." she faltered. Charles' jaw twitched, and she continued.
"When we went to the city… I didn't tell you but I went to the library and looked your name up," she was now pacing. "I didn't know why, I mean you being recluse with the others I didn't know why I expected anything, but you came up in some papers, about your time at Oxford. Your thesis was published worldwide, your theories on biology and DNA has broken through a new age to the Scientific world. You've even given several lectures and were offered a Professor's position.
Charles, think about it! It's perfect. I know that you're all family here, but you were first their teacher. And I know it's cheesy to say, but look how they've grown with only with your help and guidance."
"How could making this place public to other people be a perfect idea?" he asked.
She shook her head and brought out the small packet of paper she had created: her handwritten notes and ideas.
"Charles, I am the perfect example as to why this school should exist, and more-so why you should be the one to lead it. If I had never met you, like you said, I could've become a danger to others if I ever came across another mutant and had no control."
He was still frowning, but his hands were relaxed, and she saw that as a good sign. She put the folder on the desk, as she continued; smiling as she watched Charles pulled it towards himself.
"Even more, if I never met you, I would be alone, not knowing who I was, or how to control myself. Here, they would belong.
It doesn't have to be public. Make it a private boarding school, interview before admission. Meet the family at their home, break it to the student if they don't know, and give them the option. Depending on the family we tell them the truth, or break it at the school, where the student is safe."
Charles stayed silent, his gaze stern and still on hers; his face indescribable in emotion.
She sighed, and stood up, feeling lost. She knew this was a stretch, but she had hoped he would at least consider it. It looked like he wouldn't even give it a chance.
"Right now, there are a million of mutants like me: younger, even more clueless, who need someone to pick them up and let them know they are not alone. I know for a fact everyone in this house once had that dreadful feeling. And I know for a fact that everyone here would be willing to help put others out of their lonely misery and show them there's a place they can be themselves... that there's hope."
She walked to the door, opened it, and paused as she turned for her final words - though dramatic - she hoped it would stir him.
"We all need hope, Charles."
She was lying in the grass later that afternoon when she felt the thumps in the ground reverberate around her. She diminished the wildflowers she was growing as a shade cover and turned her head to watch Hank jog towards her only in a pair of large sweats, his blue fur looking damp from sweat.
He stopped and sat down next to her.
"How did it go?" he asked excitedly, still catching his breath.
"Not too well... he seemed so angry. It was unheard of, almost. It was almost scary, Hank. I've never seen him like that."
He looked surprised.
"Well… that was somewhat expected."
"You knew he was going to... You sent me into a trap!?"
"I knew only you could actually bring it up with him, Zoey."
"What is wrong with you? And why does Alex seem to have the same idea? You two pre-pubescent fools have it all mixed-"
"Alex is eighteen, Zoey. Sean is seventeen. I'm a few months from the legal drinking age. All past puberty. Now, please just realize, that coming from you, Charles would have a chance of considering it."
"Why?" she asked aloud, more-so to herself.
"He feels responsible for you being here - not temporarily. If you could make a suggestion like that… he might think it over again. With another adult, he would have a better chance of actually starting what he really wants."
Zoey tilted her head.
"You really want this too, don't you?" she asked.
She remembered when she brought up her plan with him. The way his face lit up, how the many plans just came spilling from his smiling mouth…
"It's a perfect idea. Kind of disappointed I didn't think of it myself. I had only overheard him talking it over with Moira. But then… he touched her head, told her a few things, wiped her memory, and she walked way in a daze, almost like a mental patient. After that… I never heard mention of a school again."
"Why doesn't he see how important it is now? Even after me? I mean how many level whatever I am are out there?"
"Omega… and very few. But even so, the other levels… the danger that a mutant can bring with ignorance of their powers… can hurt many more than they can save."
"But why doesn't he want to do it? Why the hesitance?"
"Well, I hate to say this, but you might have to be the one to figure it out."
For dinner, Zoey went to the kitchen to help Janie and Alex carry the plates to the dining room, frowning at the weird silence as they ignored the other.
They started dinner without Charles, who had been in his study all day.
Zoey was enjoying watching Janie and Alex steal awkward glances at each other, still staying silent. Hank and Sean argued over who could break things easier, Ori giving her own ideas with what lightning can do to metal.
Charles entered amidst the laughter and came to the table, stealing a bite of chicken from Ororo's plate. He then cleared his throat, locking gazes with Zoey.
"Can I talk to you?"
The room fell silent.
Still looking at Charles, she simply nodded and stood up.
"Hank, finish my plate," she said as she started to walk to the study, knowing he would want to talk there.
She opened the door for them, and took a seat on one of the sofas as Charles rolled next to her.
They sat in silence, daring each other to speak first.
"Zoey… I need to say first that I'm sorry."
"About what?"
He shook his head.
"About many things. Frost spying on us, knowing Erik was an imminent threat. Not noticing that you needed an excuse like… well your excuse to have a final day in the city. Cutting you off earlier this afternoon, not giving you a chance…"
She only titled her head. He ran a hand through his hair.
"But I'm here to really say that… I agree with you."
She sat up straight, unbelieving.
"I… I should continue with this... with what I'm doing... making this place a school."
She smiled.
"That's great, Charles."
He only smiled back.
"I... I already found us a first candidate. I went to Cerebro this afternoon. He's a foster kid, and his parents are scared of him."
Zoey's heart broke silently, but then warmed at the thought that Charles thought first to save him from such a broken place.
"What's his name?"
"Joseph. I was wondering- I mean if you don't mind…"
"When are we going, Charles? I'm excited to welcome a 'first' new student."
"Well, there's a lot of details to work through. I'll need to transform another wing or two into dorms. Finalize a class schedule, etc. But still, it needs to feel... it needs to be legitimate. I was thinking maybe a few weeks?"
"Anything you need Charles, I'm here."
He smiled, and nodded.
"I didn't know until then, but I needed you," he said quickly. "I needed that push."
"I think that maybe I need this too, Charles. To help those like me… like us."
He only nodded.
"Charles," she said, and he finally looked up to meet her eyes.
"Thank you."
"No," he said, smiling and shaking his head before tilting it to smile at her, "thank you."
The next morning, Zoey and Charles waited until they had all gathered to break the news.
Hank shouted out in a growl, scaring Ori, but they all ended up laughing and agreeing at the idea. Zoey only beamed at their responses. Alex seemed hesitant, but he was nodding and smiling among the others.
"Now I'll need to call a construction crew, we need to convert the whole west wing into dorm rooms. And I need to create syllabi, help Zoey out in becoming a teacher, and a lot more. This is going to be a slow process," Charles finished.
They all nodded together.
"Whatever we can do to help, Xavier, just let us know," Janie said, smiling.
Charles returned the smile.
"Get ready to meet some new friends."
That's the first part of the story! Part Two is titled We Built Our Own World, check it out if want to see what else happens!
And as always, leave a review!