This is for "The 2012 Qualia Shamy Fan Fiction Fest"

Disclaimers: "The Big Bang Theory" and its characters belong to Chuck Lorre and Bill Prady, Warner Brothers for CBS and the world. Hotels, hospitals, baseball teams, star trek, restaurants, shops, sex shops, cars, and malls are not mine. I own nothing more than my love to the show and the Shamy, and my imagination.

A/N: Thank you so much for your time reading this, is very important for me. n_n

CHAPTER 7: The In Love Realization

After that conflicted and exhausted night, they arrived to the Cooper house and went to 'sleep'. Clearly no one could sleep, but the pretense seemed important..

"So, it was intense huh?" "Yes, really intense "She finally said what you didn't want her to say" "That she's mine?" "No, the other thing" " That she's perfect?" "Seriously? No clue?" "No" "that she loves you! That part!" "Oh! I see, well I l do like her mind, her hair, her smile and that perfect shaped… eyes. Oh dear lord! I LOVE AMY FARRAH FOWLER!" "BINGO! Now go tell her" "I can't is the middle of the night! She must be sleeping" "Dude, there is NO way she is sleeping! GO!"

Knock, knock, knock *whisper* "Amy", Knock, knock, knock *whisper* "Amy", Knock, knock, knock *whisper* "Amy"

After seconds she opened the door.

"Yes, Sheldon?" Amy asked.

"Amy, please come with me." Sheldon asked.

"What? Why? Is George bad?" Amy asked.

"No, he is fine. Is just that you said you wanted to have a walk on the beach and I can't sleep, I think this a good moment. If there's something that I love from Texas is watching the stars shine bright on my backyard," Sheldon said.

That's so romantic!

"In pajamas?" Amy said.

"Is the middle of the night, I think it would be all right."

"Let's go!" She said.

She closed her door and followed her boyfriend to the backyard. She was stunned because of the view, the sea and the beautiful sky, the sand, the stars shining and the most beautiful moon ever; and her handsome, intelligent, macho and protective boyfriend next to her. She wanted to cry for a bit, but she didn't want to screw the moment. It was so beautiful.

"Should we?" He extended his hand for her.


They held hands and walked for the beach, just staying close from each other.

"Sheldon, social protocol establishes that when a couple is having a beach romantic walk they should take off their shoes," Amy said.

"I don't want to. There are many broke glasses, bottles, starfishes and crabs in here," Sheldon said.

"Please?" she said.

"Fine," Sheldon said. Why can't I deny anything to her? This vixen princess!

They took off their shoes and walked again, holding hands. The night was perfect. Amy was smiling and at times squeezing his hand. It was like magic how their fingers matched so perfectly. Like their hands were made to fit. Suddenly she stopped.

"I love you Sheldon Lee Cooper" Sheldon stopped aswell, processing her words, looking her carefully. "See the moon? You are like my moon, always shining for me, enlightening my days and nights. I'm sorry if I'm scaring you but I really needed to tell you this. You are the most amazing person I've ever met. You always listen to me and you are interested in my job, in my science, like no one before! I love your mind, your hair, your trains, everything that you love. It's okay if you need to freak out and run to the house. That's cool," she said looking him, waiting cautiously for his reaction.

"Oh…I'll never leave you. I love you, too Amy Farrah Fowler. I figured it out several minutes ago when I had a violent conversation with the voice in my head." Amy couldn't believe what was happening, she felt like she was about to faint, but she couldn't, not now. "You are for me like the perfect LEGO piece which fits perfectly in my life. You are now more interesting to me than my trains or even physics. I know I'm a man of science but something has happened to me. I can't figure out, but I know you did it. I don't ever want to lose you, never." Amy was looking into his eyes holding her breath. It was like if every single word that came out of his mouth were pure gold and breathing would ruin it. "I felt horrible tonight, when I saw Daniel kissing you, my princess, well, just went nuts. You are the only person that I know who doesn't treat me like a crazy person or a little kid. You are my princess. Mine," Sheldon said.

Amy couldn't believe what she was hearing. Sheldon was in love with her and he just admitted it. And he was barely drunk anymore! Those words where magical for her. She felt tears rolling down her cheek but she was laughing and smiling. Processing every single world Sheldon had say. She was looking in his big, blue, shining eyes. He was telling the truth; he never lies. He can't, if he lies, he breaks. After the eidetic memory, that was the trait that really got the ovaries all stirred up.

This time Sheldon was the one who started the kiss, the sweetest kiss ever. They were becoming kissing experts now, Sheldon thought, they should publish a paper. Amy wrapped her arms round his neck and he took her by the waist. It was the perfect moment, they would never forget it. Him because it was impossible, her because this was her moment. The one she had dreamed of. She slowly touched his low lip with her tongue and he opened his mouth, allowing her kiss him fully. This feels fascinating. It was perfect, the fresh air from the ocean, the sand between their toes, the stars, everything. When they finally needed air…

"You are my princess Amy Farrah…Fowler," Sheldon said.

"Always, Sheldon Lee Cooper," Amy said.

Then they continued their kissing research. They popped out a couple of "yoohs" and "hoos" on the way. Clearly the relationship agreement would need to be amended immediately, otherwise they were both going to need to take the class.

The next day Amy called her bestie and told her everything about her romantic story in Texas. The next couple of days were a blur of beach dinners, hospital visits, magical silences while they pondered the mysteries of the human brain and the larger universe.

Amy would never say this, but she was glad George was dumb enough to text while driving. She even told him that.


This is the end! And I knooooow is too sweet but what can I do? I love these guys and I know they're in love ;)… THANK YOU so much to my beta ChaliceInnana she is so good in this beta thing, she was patient and so kind with me all this time. I hope you liked it. I'm not good writing on English, I hope you could read this in Spanish, is more fancy :P … Thank you so much for your time and support and everything else, people, really. This story was made with all my heart and for my favorite Pasadena's favorite couple. Read you later! And remember… Once you ship Shamy you will never stop. Shamy por siempre! :D