Author's Note:

Ok, cheesy, I know, but I just couldn't help myself. And yeah, it's a high school fic, so sue me. Or actually don't, cause I'm poor and don't own these characters.

Patrick Jane, at the seasoned age of sixteen, stepped out of the car hesitantly for his first day of school. Sure, the Carnival where he had grown up had its own version of school, but this was to be his first day of public school.

He was nervous.

No, he was way beyond nervous.

Now that he was standing outside the monolithic three story building, with talking kids at or around his own age chatting in small, tightly formed groups, he had the sudden urge to turn around and get back in the car. It took all his courage to swallow down his fear, sling his bag over one shoulder, and finally close the door behind him. He leaned down on the car door, where the glass had long been broken out and peered back into the vehicle.

"Thanks for the ride, Annie."

The woman within, with an impressive red beard stretching down her chest, gave him a wide smile. "Any time, sugar."

With one last pat given to the beat-up old door, Jane watched her take off down the busy street, honking once as a car impeded her forward movement before turning the corner out of sight.

Leaving him alone.

He took a deep, calming breath, trying to control his erratic heart beat. He could do this. He could. It was merely a matter of getting his bearings. He knew how to work a crowd, he just needed to understand the crowd first. He looked around at the other kids, a couple of whom eyed him for a minute before turning away back to their friends.

Unfortunately, his interactions with kids his own age had so far consisted of handing out ten cent prizes for fifty cent games and taking wads from unsuspecting teenagers. Though handy, he didn't think the skill would help him much in this situation. His new 'classmates' probably wouldn't appreciate it.

While Jane was trying to sum up the gumption to propel himself forward, something slammed into his shoulder and did it for him. He just barely managed to keep his feet under him and keep his face from being planted in the dirt.

"Watch it, man." A voice barked at him, as ratty, hole-ridden shoes hurried past.

Jane looked up.

A boy maybe a year or two his junior was rushing past, shaggy black hair almost hiding the passing flash of blue-green eyes.

"Sorry." Jane mumbled, shrugging it off. He readjusted his pack and started to walk into the school.