Disclaimer: I don't own Avatar the Last Airbender.


"Well, now you get to see for yourself that fortunetelling is just a big stupid hoax."

With all their fortunes in toe, the group had left Aunt Wu's place and went in search of a proper meal to eat. Katara was not only completely satisfied by her result but grew more excited as she pondered on her upcoming future. Her brother however seemed not to be so impressed.

"You're just saying that cause you're going to make yourself unhappy you whole life," she retorted, smirking as she crossed in arms in a very 'so there' like fashion.

Sokka threw his hands up in the air in frustration and anger. Honestly Katara's surprised he's getting so worked out about it. If he didn't believe her he could just go on his way and not bother with it. But this is her brother they were talking about. He definitely didn't tend to let things go and would overdramatize everything. Also she thinks that deep down, Sokka knows Aunt Wu was right.

"That woman is crazy!" he shouted, moving his arms around frantically as he spoke, "My life will be calm, and happy and joyful!"

As he spoke that last word he kicked a small pebble resting on the ground in front of him in frustration. The pebble flew up into the air, hit a hanging shop sign and fell down towards them, hitting Sokka right at his temple. The impact caused him to fall to his feet, crying out in pain as he did so. "That doesn't prove anything," he grumbled, getting up to his feet.

"Well I liked my predictions," said Katara, a twinkle of excitement in her eyes, "Certain things are gonna turn out very well."

It was true she did like the prediction Aunt Wu had given her. A powerful bender in her future? That looked incredibly promising. Though still she wanted more answers. She'd gotten a taste of her future and she hungered to know everything. What kind of bender was he? Is he handsome? What he like? Had her stomach not been growling in hunger, she'd rush right back in there and inquire more.

Behind them the firebender in their company snorted dryly, but remained silent as he had been for most of the past few days. His response to her words, small as it was annoyed Katara for some odd reason. It felt as if he was mocking her joy and trying to ruin this things that brought her happiness. Maybe it was just the icing on the cake of reasons she didn't like him.

Oh why did he have to be here? She didn't want him here. He obviously didn't want to be here. But for some weird reason Aang wanted him with them. She wished she could just be rid of him and his jerky firebenderness so the rest of them could continue to save the world in peace.

She turned her head in Zuko's direction, contorting her face into an expression of false smugness, "What? — Aunt Wu said you're an awful person and you're gonna be alone forever?"

Admittedly Katara thought she might have been a bit harsh. But she didn't care. He deserved a little harshness served to him. For months he'd been stalking them and trying to kidnap Aang. He stole her mother's necklace and tied her to a tree of spirits sake! He was an awful person and if hearing someone say it out loud upset him, serves him right. Maybe then he'd leave them alone.

To her surprise, the prince said nothing but merely stared back at her with a stony expression. If anything that unnerved her more than anything he could have said. Even now as he's withered away into a less dignified and powerful version of himself, Zuko still could easily intimidate her. She hated it.

Despite herself she held her gaze, her expression mimicking his cold hard one. She wasn't going to let him scare her this time. She had the upper hand this time. One anonymous tip to the firenation of the presence of their prince and he'd be feeling just as helpless as he'd made her feel time and time again.

Aang must've sensed their hostility for he stepped between them, his large eyes on Katara silently urging her to stop, "I don't want anyone fighting. We can all get along."

Katara sent a pointed look in Aang's direction but nodded before relaxing her stance. Saying no to Aang was like saying no to a little pandaporcupine, so sweet and so good with those big childlike eyes. She'd yield this time, but next time the firebender won't be so lucky. Water conquers fire, and she'd conquer him.


Sometimes Sokka wished his sister could keep her mouth shut and stop causing trouble where it wasn't necessary. Sure, most of the time she couldn't help it ( it was just part of her personality ) but honestly picking fights with Zuko wasn't the smartest idea at the moment.

Don't get him wrong, he wasn't the most pleased about having prince jerk bender with them either. If he'd had his way Zuko would be gone long before he could take any of Sokka's precious bean curd puffs. But the prince still was a skilled bender and could take down most of them if he wanted to. At present he wasn't doing anything crazy evil or anything so why start trouble where there doesn't need to be. All the same Sokka would more likely go vegetarian than trust him.

Speaking of food, he was feeling pretty hungry right now. Though incredibly tasty, those curd puffs didn't hold him over very long. They should head out to the market soon before his hunger grew any worse. At this point Momo was looking good enough to eat.

He started to walk ahead of the group, closing his eyes and allowing his nose to guide the way as he went in search of the delectable scents of food. Though in hindsight he should've known to keep his eyes open as after a dozen or so blind steps he walked right into someone.

Grunting, he lurched back and opened his eyes as the man he'd rammed into turned in his direction. As it so happened this man turned out to be the same man they'd encountered earlier that morning by the river. The man who was stupid enough to stand idly as he was being attacked by a platypusbear because Aunt Wu told him to.

"Ah, my apologies — Oh! Hello again."

Sokka groaned quietly in response to the man's greeting. He didn't have time for idiotic people like him. There was food to be bought and stomachs to be filled! But before he could begin to search again, the rest of the group had caught up to him.

"What's with the sky?" Katara asked eyes upward as she reached his side.

Following his sister's lead, Sokka curiously glanced toward the sky. Come to think of it, the sky did look a little funny, with a few large smoke like clouds filling the sky from what seemed like out of nowhere. Primarily the clouds covered the patch of sky by the tallest mountain behind the village, hiding the peak almost completely. Weird clouds didn't usually act that way did they?

"We're waiting for Aunt Wu to come and read the clouds. To predict the fate of the whole village," said the bearded man Sokka had bumped into.

Cloud reading? He'd never heard of that. Then again in the south pole there was so much clouds and so little sky that cloud reading would be a bit pointless. Though if cloud reading was a thing, these clouds would likely bring out some interesting predictions ( whether they be true or false ).

"That cloud kinda looks like a fluffy bunny," piped up Aang.

"You better hope that's not a bunny," replied the older man pointing at the airbender, "The fluffy bunny cloud forecasts doom and destruction."

Okay, now Sokka was sure this guy as well as the rest of this batty village was nuts. Fluffy bunnies forecast doom? What kind of logic is that? Not to mention they're all going to rely on a fortuneteller's predictions for the fate of the whole town? This fortunetelling nonsense here was worse than he thought.

"Do you even hear yourself?" Sokka asked incredulously.

In front of them a young woman in light teal robes turned in their direction and spoke, "The cloud reading will tell us if Mt. Makapu will remain dormant for another year or if it will erupt."

"We used to have a tradition once a year of going up the mountain to check the volcano ourselves. But ever since Aunt Wu moved the village twenty years ago, we have a tradition of not doing that."

Spirits help him, Sokka was surrounded by idiots. He was surprised they hadn't been killed years ago by the volcano with that stupid logic. It's ridiculous to trust crazy superstitions to keep them safe, and that's exactly what he told the man before Katara shushed him.

Aunt Wu was approaching the courtyard, her black robed doorman in toe. This should be good. What kind of utter ridiculousness was this old lady about to spew out for her dimwitted subjects?

Stepping onto the platform, the fortuneteller began examining the clouds, making predictions as she did. Each prediction was more absurd than the last, good year for twins? What does that even mean? With great gusto she shouted her final prediction of the village remaining unharmed by the volcano this year, much to the elation of the rest of the town.

If the volcano erupts and he ends up dying here because of these stupid people. His spirit is going to haunt the shit out of them.


Growing up in the firenation has brought Zuko many things both good and bad. One of which was superior knowledge of volcanos. Their capital and his home town was inside one for spirits sake! Zuko knew signs of a possible erupting volcano and heavy smoke like clouds was one of them.

Honestly superstitions aside completely depending on a fortuneteller for something so dire and urgent was not only foolish but dangerous. He'd needed a compelling reason to leave the avatar's group and here before him was something plenty compelling.

Should he even bother arguing with the fortuneteller or at least try to warn someone? The people including most of the avatar's group seemed pretty believing of Aunt Wu. Saying anything might be completely futile and draw more attention to himself. Yes, cowardly and dishonorable it might be he wasn't going to risk his neck on the chance that somebody would listen to him. Better to at least save himself now and get somewhere safe.

He was fortunate enough that during the entirety of being in their company, Zuko was hardly given much notice by the Avatar and his friends. Slipping away would be fairly easy for him and that's not even putting into the fact that he's had years of stealth training under his belt.

But first he'd have to retrieve what little of his belongings he had left. He'd wondered where the air bender's flying bison had wandered off to. It couldn't be terribly difficult to find it. It was enormous.

Careful not to alert the attention of the rest of the group, Zuko silently backed away from the crowd, turning into a nearby alleyway and disappearing from sight. As he stepped deeper and deeper into the alley the loud angry shouts of Sokka broke the silence and rang through the air.


Despite himself the prince chuckled softly to himself. Had he not had other, more urgent plans he would've likely ventured out again to see who exactly was distressing the watertribe boy so much. Especially out of context, the situation seemed rather amusing and Agni knows how much Zuko needed a reason to laugh.


Aloof — How does one come off aloof? Or better yet how does someone show the right amount of aloofness and not make the person you like think that you really don't care about them?

These were all questions Aang had on his mind as he left Sokka and went out to look for Katara. Being aloof seemed so complicated. Couldn't he just tell her how he felt about her, maybe give them a gift or something? But Sokka was the girl expert between the two of them and it couldn't hurt too much to act aloof right?

Katara had mentioned something about Aunt Wu before she'd separated from them so that's where he'll look first. As he continued on his way, Aang started practicing what to say aloofly to her when he did see her.

"Hey, what're you doing Katara?…Not that I care or anything. Would you maybe wanna grab some food with me? I could go either way but a thought whatever."

Everything he said felt wrong, like he was a different person, a weirder person. Guys couldn't really get girls to like them like this could they? If they did they definitely were better at being aloof than he was.

He'd only just reached Aunt Wu's place when he saw the sliding front door open and Katara being pushed out by the fortuneteller. Luckily for him all of her attention was on the older woman and he had enough time to hastily assume the position, the aloof position.

"Oh, hey Katara…I didn't see ya there."

Katara seemed to look a little down or at the very least a little distracted as she hardly paid any notice to him not noticing her and started to walk towards the courtyard. "Hey Aang," she replied halfheartedly.

Well that didn't go as well as he'd hoped. Unless maybe Katara was trying to be aloof too! If that was the case she was a lot better at being a aloof than he was.

But he wasn't going to give up just yet. "That's okay, I'm busy with my own stuff," he called after her before running after her to make another aloof attempt at wooing her.

As he reached the market stand Katara was purchasing from, Aang leaned back on one of the displays in a careful effort to look careless. Atop his shoulder Momo sat chirping quietly at both of them.

"So…Papaya," he stated cooly, eyeing the fruit in her hands with narrowed eyes.

"Uh huh, would you like some?"

"You know me," he replied, picking up an apple from the shelves and taking a bite out of it, "I don't really care what I eat."

"Okay then," Katara said simply leaving him again to scrutinize over how that interaction went.

As soon as she was out of earshot, Aang furiously spat the bite of apple in his mouth onto the ground, gagging violently as he did so. Ugh, he hated apples! Of all the fruit he could have picked up why did it have to be an apple?!

He gave Momo a quick questioning glance before slumping his shoulders and turning his head away from a quite displeased look fruit salesman, "Maybe aloof isn't my style."

He'd be surprised if aloof was anyone's style honestly. It seemed so odd to pretend you don't care around the person you care the most about. Hopefully he hadn't done too much damage now. But if being aloof wasn't going to work, what else was he supposed to do?


Getting his things off the flying bison proved to be harder than Zuko had originally anticipated.

Zuko huffed in frustration as yet another time he'd been thrown onto the hard stone floor of the stable he'd found Appa in. Why was this so hard?

Sure the creature hadn't shown any aggression toward him ( yet ). He hadn't given it any reason to really. But how in spirits' name was he supposed to climb onto this massive hairball? Every attempt he'd tried so far had failed.

The creature was too large to jump onto at least without the air bending capabilities the Avatar had. Pulling it's fur for leverage and climbing up regularly hadn't worked either ( When he tried this the bison had groaned rather unhappily and shook itself until he'd fallen to the ground ). His attempt at making it stoop down closer to the ground had been futile as well. It was just getting embarrassing at this point.

Maybe climbing onto the bisons tail would work? It was large enough and was in the right angle. Then again, would that hurt the thing? Zuko felt he was already pushing his luck and really didn't want to anger it. Fluffy as it was, the bison was over twice his size and could no doubt overpower him if it wanted to.

But before he could make another attempt, the familiar voice of the Avatar rose above the rest of the miscellaneous noises around him and rang out loud and clear.

"Please listen to us! You are all in danger! And we have to get out of here! You can't rely on Aunt Wu's prediction! You have to take fate into you own hands!"

So, the Avatar and his group weren't as foolish as Zuko thought. That ought to be comforting for the millions of people who admire him so much ( Why they would still baffles him honestly. Besides his all powerful bending abilities Zuko didn't see very much going for him ).

But no matter, Zuko was still going to get himself out of here. Maybe try to find his uncle if he managed to successfully escape this deathtrap of a village. Uncle Iroh wouldn't turn him in to his father. His uncle's negative feelings toward the his younger brother were quite well known. He wouldn't really gain anything from betraying Zuko…would he?

Furrowing his brows and wincing in anticipation of a likely uproar from the flying bison, Zuko stepped forward and began to tread upon the soft tail of the creature. To his surprise Appa not only didn't begin to shake him off, he made so sign that he noticed his presence at all.

"Hmm…must have thick skin— or fur?" he mumbled to himself as he continued to climb the behind of the bison. Finally after multiple different attempts to reach the creature's sale resting on it's back he'd succeeded.

Now, where had they put his things? All he seemed to see up here were winter parkas and various blue rucksacks that certainly didn't belong to him. Where were they? Had they put them into one of the sacks? Frowning, Zuko began to rummage through the belongs of the Avatar's group.

"What do you think you're doing?!"

A sharp, rather indignant voice interrupted his search. Abruptly dropping the sack in his hands, he quickly lifted his head to look over at whoever had so irritably spoken to him. The waterbender, of course. Who else would immediately act so hostile towards him ( not that she didn't have perfectly viable reason to )? The girl glared up at him suspiciously, her hands resting rather haughtily on her hips.

"Nothing," Zuko grumbled, "Go back to daydreaming over your stupid predictions."

He regretted the retort as soon as it left his lips. Getting this girl riled up was the last thing he should be doing. Especially with him in such compromising situation. This situation could easily leave the impression that he was attempting to rob the group. With that they could easily let it slip to someone who he was and his cover would be blown.

"Excuse me?!" she cried, her face growing red with anger.

Zuko had faced all sort of dangers in sixteen years of living, some of which could have easily ended his life. But most of them pale in comparison to the undeniably intimidating look of fury the girl was glaring his way. Unlike the other terrors he'd encountered, a girl absolutely furious with him was not something he had much experience with. All the same, he wasn't going to back down to her just like he hadn't backed down to the other unnerving things he'd faced.

"You heard me," he stated cooly, meeting the waterbender's glare with one of his own.

If possible the girl's expression seemed to grow even more angry. She took another step toward him and the bison, rising a stream of water threateningly from her satchel handing on her side with surprising swiftness.

"I'm gonna ask you one more time," she replied with obviously forced coolness, "What are you doing with our stuff? Robbing us? Sabotaging us? Trying to take one more stab at capturing Aang to restore your precious honor?"

"Nothing to worry your head about. Just looking for something." he said, his voice still calm and cool. But nevertheless he still fueled a small flame to burn from the edge of his palm. Risky as it might have been to firebend in the public eye, he'd sooner learn to fly than approach a possible fight unarmed.

The waterbender looked as if she was about to retort but refrained as the Avatar took hold of her wrist and gave her a pleading look, "Forget him, Katara. We've got to save the village."

Katara inhaled deeply, returning the stream of water to her pack. Huffing, she walked over to the backside of the bison, each angry step making it clear just how furious she was. She climbed up Appa's tail with far more ease and grace than Zuko had, glaring daggers into him as she plopped down into the saddle as far away from him as physically possible. Hesitantly, the Avatar followed her in toe, a rather anxious expression resting on his face.


Oh, how Katara wished she could push the despicable firebender out of Appa's saddle and let him fall to whatever doom would become him. Just being in his presence for a mere couple of days made her sick to her stomach. And in a mere couple of hours the prince had managed to change her attitude from begrudging tolerance to outright loathing.

But as Aang had reminded her, there were much more important matters at stake. She can't let herself become distracted because a massive jerkbender was with them. It wasn't the sensible thing to do. So with great effort Katara did her best to completely ignore him. She wouldn't even let herself glance in his direction. She wasn't about to let herself lose her tempter again. She was better than that.

In front of her was Aang, sitting comfortably on Appa's head and gripping the reins tightly. A small sort of comforting smile rested on his lips. She never knew how he could stay so positive all the time. Sure she was fairly positive too but Aang, he was like a beacon of light that shone bright against all odds. She really admired him for that.

"The clouds are made of water and air," he said taking a quick glance at Katara before returning his focus to leading Appa, "Between the two of us we ought to be able to bend them into any shape we want."

Sometimes Katara really seemed to underestimate Aang. She forgot that Aang wasn't just some goofy kid who grew up with the Air Nomads. He really was fairly smart and came up with some impressive ideas. He really was incredibly bright for his age. Well…not his literal age, his actual mental and physical age.

Katara glanced down at the book of predictions in her hands, squinting hard at the various shapes. It all seemed so interesting that there could be so many meanings to what the clouds were shaped like. Not just vague ones either, incredibly specific and detailed meanings. She was surprised the book wasn't much bigger. After flipping few a couple pages, she finally found the cloud shape they were looking for. A big intimidating skull of volcanic doom.


Aang definitely underestimated how hard it would be to bend the clouds in the form they wanted. Sure it's not the actual bending that's the problem, it's the shape itself. Maybe it would've been much simpler if the symbol was a few squiggly lines but a skull? That was so complicated and intricate. One wrong turn and the clouds would end up looking like some misshapen flower.

Nevertheless he was still going to try. The village needed him to save them whether they were too stubborn to believe or not. He was the Avatar and his job was to keep the people of the four nations safe.

His arms were beginning to get a bit tired too from all the swaying motions required for cloudbending. He and Katara had been working for a solid ten minutes at least. Thank the spirits they were nearly finished. But really once they'd finished here they'd have to go straight into actually saving the town. Boy, being the Avatar could be a lot of work sometimes.

When they'd finally finished, Aang hopped back onto Appa's head and took hold of the reins. Pulling tightly, he lead his bison down towards the ground, landing in the middle of the village square.

The townspeople's expressions had changed. Once smug and self assured faces turned to looks of terror and dread. Aang leaped off Appa, rushing to the platform in the middle of the courtyard.

"We can still save the village if we act fast!" Aang shouted, "Sokka has a plan."

"Lava is gonna flow downhill to this spot," Sokka explained with a surprising amount of tranquility in his voice, "If we can dig a deep enough trench we can channel all the lava away from the village to the river."

"If any of you are earthbenders, come with me," said Aang casting a pleading look to the rest of the towns people.

As a small group of earthbenders began volunteering their services, Sokka piped up again, "Everybody else grab a shovel!"

As Sokka said this a massive quake rumbled from the volcano, causing tremors across the entire village. They needed to act fast before it was too late. The needed to act now.

Trying to attract as little attention as possible, Aang stepped down from the platform and stepped toward Zuko, who surprisingly seemed to have a look of concern upon his scarred face.

"Look," he murmured, his voice hushed and really only audible to Zuko, "I know you don't like us very much and you probably don't wanna help. But we could really use your help right now. Lava is partially fire. You could bend the lava and try to slow down the flow while we dig the trench. Please, Zuko, we need your help."

To his astonishment and relief, the fire prince looked at him, a sort of blank stony look upon his face. Giving a soft sigh, Zuko gave him a short nod.

"Alright, let's go."


Every so often Katara feels fairly useless while others around her take action and make a difference. This was one of those times.

Sure, in this situation it wasn't her fault at all that she wasn't very helpful. There wasn't much a waterbender could do at the moment. The volcano was far too massive to freeze the lava flowing from it. Maybe with a couple dozen more waterbenders they could do it. But she was one person, one person who really couldn't do much more than grab a shovel and dig like all the nonbenders.

She hated feeling useless. Feeling like she couldn't contribute to anything and fix things. She'd grown far too used to it back home in the south pole. While her father and the rest of the men of her tribe fought in the war to restore balance and hope, she was left at home to do not much more than cook and clean for the tribe. She couldn't stand it! It tortured her to think of people suffering to make the world a better place and she couldn't do anything. It not only made her feel useless, but it made her feel helpless and trapped.

Taking hold of a shovel, she began digging in the trench with the nonbenders, each scoop of earth dug up with fierce determination. She may be of hardly any use now, but for spirit's sake she was going bleed her usefulness dry and work as hard as she could to help the townspeople.

Up ahead, closer to the mountain Zuko and Aang worked on the lava flowing from the brim of the volcano. With great force Zuko worked to slow the oozing lava as Aang blew gushes of air in attempt to cool it. But all their attempts seemed to hardly do much good. The lava was slowed yes, but it still was heading there way streaming slow and steady.

After a significant trench had been dug up Aang turned away from the volcano and called to the rest of the village, "Everyone needs to evacuate! We'll come for you when it's safe!"

At his words the townspeople fled from the trench, fled from the town and to a safe resting stop. Behind Katara, Sokka rushed up taking hold of her forearm in a protective grasp and swift lead here up to the top of the trench where Aang and Zuko stood.

With no one to stop it, the lava flowed down the mountain destroying everything in it's path towards the trench, towards the village. It was massive probably the biggest explosion she'd ever seen ( though in her case that wasn't exactly saying much. Volcanoes aren't exactly common in the Southern Watertribe ). Though their trench was large and deep, from this perspective it didn't seem like enough.

"It's too much," said Katara, her face twisted into an expression of mixed concern and anxiety, "It's gonna overflow!"

Again, another monstrous quake came from the volcano, this time even more jarring and frightening. Katara cried out, near lying falling backwards at the impact. Grabbing her brother's wrist tightly, she rushed backwards making a vein attempt of protecting the two of them from the eruption.

Aang and Zuko however, remained where they stood, alarmingly close now to the seeping lava. What were they doing? They're going to get themselves killed!

Suddenly a great gush of lava spewed high into the air just barely close enough to graze the two boys. To Katara's surprise Aang and Zuko exchanged a look and nodded before hurling themselves right into the heat. Whatever they were planning, she hoped it worked.

Aang leaped into the air, airbending a gush of wind to propel him upward. Rising high above the waves of lava, he blew enormous blasts of air against it. Meanwhile Zuko willed the enormous pools of lava into a straight towering wall of melting rock that stretched round not only through the trench but across the village's border as well. With one final gust of wind and flames, the monster of doom and destruction was vanquished, leaving nothing left but a wall of hardened rock protecting the village from any further attacks.

Katara watched in awe as the two boys ahead of her exhaled deeply before relaxing their stance and staring blankly into the barrier they had created. It was terrifying, it was terrific. It was petrifying, it was protective. It was so many things but they hardly mattered. They had saved the village, no one had been harmed and the townspeople could live in peace.

Beside her, Sokka also stared in awe ahead at the two benders. His arms hung limply and his expression was blank. But he couldn't take his off of the other boys.

"Man, sometimes I forget what powerful benders those guys are."

This statement struck a cord with Katara, her eyes widening and her eyebrows furrowing. Powerful benders? Did Sokka really just say that? Completely word for word as Aunt Wu had said not more that twelve hours ago.

"Wait, what did you just say?"

Sokka shrugged, his attentive gaze still ahead, "Nothing, just that Aang and Zuko are some powerful benders."

Katara gaped slightly, her brows furrowed and her eyes wide with realization. No, it couldn't be. Aunt Wu's predictions could have been referring to anyone. There were so many great and powerful benders through out the four nations. There's no way she could mean them…could it?

"I suppose they are."


And that's all for chapter five! I've been feeling a lot of inspiration for this story so more chapters many come sooner than I'd intended. At least if I don't become occupied with other things.

Sorry to my Zutara fans, there is a fair amount of Kataang in this chapter. But I really wanted to write out this chapter as closely to the episode as possible as well as show the POV of Aang, Sokka and eventually more characters along the way. Hopefully you'll forgive me.

I'd really appreciate if you let me know how you feel about this fic. Whether it be positive reviews or constructive crit ( note the constructive part ).

Next chapter: A certain bounty hunter makes an appearance and trouble ensues

Til next time babycakes!
