Maka X Black Star: When stages collide

"Soul…. Can you please just listen! All I am asking you to do is clean up your room!"

Soul just puts his hands in his pockets and rolls his eyes.

"What? Are you my mother now…God Maka get out of my room…"

She puts both hands on her hips. "Trust me I want to but I can't find my way to the door because of all the crap!"

Soul just turns around leaving Maka in total silence. She turns to walk out the door. "Fine Soul do what you want…"

*Why can't he listen to me? No guy ever does… Papa… Soul and probably kid or black star… I'm tired of not being heard. I'm done…*


Up and down Maka just keeps pumping her legs. Imagining the more higher the swing takes her she might just fly. To escape from this life that won't accept her. Wind rushes to her face as she goes back up as if to stop the flow of tears. Just as she thinks she has escaped a loud and familiar voice pierces her daze.

"YAHOO! Yea you better run you little bastered! Let's see you steal my food again!" A blur of blue fly's by Maka.

*Black Star?*

"Black Star wait don't kill the squirrel! All he wanted was some food!"

Tsubaki out of breath stops in front of the swing set not noticing Maka.

*Poor Tsubaki…. I don't understand how she can stand being with that idiot 24/7…*

"Oh Maka Hiya! Have you been here long?"

"You mean did I see that idiot chase a squirrel? Yes unfortunately."

Tsubaki puts her hands on her head and smiles.

"He may be an idiot but he sure can run!"

Make gives her a silent smile then looks down at the ground. Tsubaki tilts her head and sits in the swing next to Maka.

"You ok Maka? You look sort of down?'

"Oh I'm fine… Don't worry about me…" Tsubaki gives a half smile and puts her hand on her shoulder.

"Alright if you sure… if you need me you know where I'll be."

Maka smiles and gives her a thumbs up.

"BLACK STAR! Where did that kid go?"

Maka starts to pump her legs again when two strong arms grab the chains to the swing. Leaning in to her ear the person whispers "Hey Maka…"

Turning around she expects to see soul but to her surprise it was Black Star.

"Black Star what the…" Maka stands straight up trying to get her mind around the situation. Black Star just smiles and takes her spot.

*Of corse still stealing my spot…. And still an Idiot…I swear nothing ever changes…*

"So Maka I saw you and Tsubaki talking. What were you talking about? It was about me wasn't it?" Maka crosses her arms and smiles.

"Actually we were…"

Black Star stands up and puts his hands on his hips. "And?"

"Well we both agree you are an idiot."

Black Star looks down and grins. "Owe Maka that hurts…"

Maka looks up and looks in a different direction to not make eye contact with him. Black Star being clever uses his ninja speed to get right in Maka's face nearly knocking her over. Black Star grabs Maka and pulls her close to him.

"Maka why must you hurt me like that? I may be the biggest star on this stage but I still have feelings." Maka can only look at him in shock in awe. Black Star smiles and lets Maka go.

"Well that's enough of sharing the spot light. I guess I'll see ya at school Maka. Now don't dream about me." Black star gives Maka a wink, puts his hands in his pockets and walks to ketch up to Tsubaki. As he walks away Maka doesn't know what to think but she knew one thing was for certain. She couldn't feel her body, anything from the waist up.

*What was that? Was that really Black Star?*


Maka closes the door to her and Souls apartment, with a sigh she dreads walking through that door. When she turns around Soul is there to greet her, he puts out a hand and asks her to come with him. Maka nods and follows soul to his room. To her surprise the whole room was spotless and neat.

"Wow Soul it looks wonderful!" Maka took one of her fingers and whipped it on Souls dresser, no dust at all.

*Holy geez! He really over did himself…*

"Well I just thought I owed you that much for how I treated you… and Maka I just wanted to tell you I'm.."

Maka swoops in for a hug "Soul thank you… don't worry about saying sorry. I have already forgiven you."

Soul smiles and rests his head on her head.

"Besides I know I push too hard sometimes… So I'm sorry too."

Soul laughs "Maka you are something else!"

Maka gives him a big grin and walks towards the door.

"So dinner… your choice."

Souls eyes open wide and he stands up.

"What really?" Maka turns and smiles.

"Really Really!"


*Just another day of school… I wonder what Dr. Stein will dissect today… Oh and Black Star… what should I do?"*

"Hey Soul any good missions yet?" Maka puts her hands behind her back and gives a half grin.

"Well there was one but Black Star and Tsubaki took it… that little troll!"

Maka makes a sarcastic face "Troll more like ompaloppa!"

Souls smile disappears in the blink of an eye and turns his head. Maka continues to laugh then she feels someone breathing down her neck.

*Oh crap…*

"Maka you seem tense is it because a big Star such as me is right behind you?'

Maka doesn't know what to do, one she could run or she can just suck it up and take it. Maka was never really known for running… at that moment she thought that was a real shame. Turning slowly with a smile she says her prayers to Lord Death as fast as she could.

"Oh hey Black Star… how goes it?"

Black Star crosses his arms and smiles "Everything is going well of course! This is me we are talking about! Honestly Maka you have been talking about me a lot lately. I'm starting to think you are obsessed with me."

Everyone in ear shot of that comment looked at Maka and started to giggle. Soul and Tsubaki knew better they started walking to class as fast as they could. Black Star looked up and for some reason there was a storm cloud forming above his and Maka's heads. When he looked back at Maka, her sweet face became evil. Maka raises her right arm to the celling. Black Star has a brief second to notice that there is an extremely large book in her hand. In his luck it was in deed a big book, it was a dictionary. Then from out of the silence Maka uttered two words Black Star would never forget for the rest of his life.

"Maka Chop!" With that Black Star was passed out on the ground and Maka stepped over what seemed his lifeless body and walked to class. Maka couldn't help but smile with the outcome.

*I can't believe I was scared of that moron! Gosh Maka you are so much stronger then that…*


With pride Maka walks into her class, glory and victory was hers. Soul just shakes his head. "So novel or dictionary?"

Maka tilts her head down and starts to laugh.

"O man he is deffenitly ganna feel that later."

Maka sits next to him leaning back in her chair. "He didn't even know what hit him."

Tsubaki whimpers with worry and tugged on Maka's arm. "So will he be ok? Is he coming to class?"

Maka shrugged "Who knows? He was passed out on the floor when I saw him last."

Soul gives a small grin "Maka don't you think that you were a little hard on him?"

Maka shakes her head continuously "Hell no! That moron needs to shut up!"

Soul pokes Maka and puts his feet on his desk "Maka…"

She didn't want to admit it but Soul was right. "I know…"

Suddenly the door opens slowly and in comes Black Star.

"Black Star nice of you to show… where have you been?" Dr. Stein tilts his head and spins in his chair. Black Star just continues to rub his head and smiles.

"A star doesn't show up when expected, it shows up whenever it wants to."

Dr. Stein just rolls his eyes not wanting to deal with the one man army at the moment. "Alright whatever just take a seat."

As Black Star finds his seat he never takes his eyes off Maka. Maka starts to notice people giggle so she takes one of her hands and covers her face. Afraid that she may blush without meaning to.

*Damn you Black Star! I swear he is trying to ruin my life!*

Then a small hand taps her shoulder, Maka turns to find Tsubaki passing a note to her. "It's from Black Star…" Maka looks up and finds Black Star looking a her and grining. With that he gives her a wink and a thumbs up. Maka turns back around and opens the note, out of site of course. The note read "Hey there Maka think you could get rid of me that easily? Well guess again! How about this come have a picnic with me tonight and I might forgive you for that little book bashing earlier… Don't forget I'm watching you.. Hope to see you later!

Black Star"

Maka was gripping the paper so hard Soul had to pry her fingers off the note.

"Maka whats wrong?" Maka just smiles and hands him the note.

"I'm going to shot the star just to see how fast it will fall to earth…"

When she said those words Soul finished reading the note.

"Oh dear God…"

Maka turns to look back at Black Star and gives him a wink.

*This is war…*


The whole walk home Soul and Maka do not say a word. Honestly Soul was fine with it, he was afraid of Maka at the moment. Maka just kept walking holding her books as close to her as she could. Soul just walked slowly just in case she was to snap. As soon as they entered the apartment, Maka ran to her room and slammed the door. Soul just lays down on the coach and closed his eyes. "Today just wasn't cool…not at all."

Suddenly Maka came out of her room with a beautiful white sun dress. Soul couldn't help but open his mouth with shock. "How do I look?"

Soul can't get any words out for a few seconds "Well…uhhhh….WHY THE HELL ARE YOU WEARING THAT?" Maka just rolls her eyes and goes to the kitchen.

"Well I just wanted to remind Black Star that he is not the only one who can shine. Also to let him know he can't have this…" Maka takes one of her fingers and puts it on her hip, making a hissing sound. "Damn I'm good.."

Soul just laughs "You really are something else…"

Maka goes back into the kitchen and after a few minutes of clinging and clanging she comes out with a basket full of food. Soul crosses his arms and gives her a pouty face. "I wish I could go too…" Maka rolls her eyes "Trust me you don't… unless if you want to witness the death of Black Star."

Soul stands up and points to the celling "Of course if it means a free meal!"

"Soul your crazy…" Maka walks to the door. "Hell yea for food…"

Soul try's to block her from leaving. "Soul move I have to get this over with."

"Just one…" Maka smiles and pulls out a half of one of the sandwiches she made. "There I'll be back soon…"

Soul smiles and waves "May Lord Death have mercy on your soul!"

As soon as Maka walks out the door, like a switch her determination turns on. "Now it's time to see a star fall!"


Maka twirls and spins with anticipation but yet she is a little nervous. She starts to think of that day in the park, when he pulled her close to him. Maka shakes her head "Time to get your head in the game." She walks past the park toward a little patch of grass. As she gets closer she can't help but notice a blue haired monkey waving his arms all over the place. "Maka over here!" Black Star was sitting on a blue and gold blanket and next to him was a chocolate cake. Maka gives him a half smile "Hey Black Star…"

As soon as Maka sits down Black Star grabs the basket "So whatcha bring me? This star is sure hungry!"

*What a pig….*

Maka smacks his hand "Now now let me show you."

She pulls out mini sandwiches and rice balls, with water bottles.

"Sorry that's what I could make in short notice…"

*Hehe I could have made lodes of stuff….sucker!*

Black Star smiles and shrugs "Better than nothing…" He takes a rice ball and swallows it all in one bite. Maka can't help but be surprised. Black Star notices Maka looking at him and tilts his head. "What?"

Maka a blinks "Oh nothing…" Black Star smiles and scotches closer to her.

"I bet you can't get over how big of a star I am right?"

Maka grips her fist trying to hold back from slugging him. "Black Star can I ask you something?"

Black Star smiles "Of course! A star always has the answer…Just like the star that led the wise men to Jesus. But I promise I am much brighter than that star." Maka rolls her eyes.

"Why do you have to talk like that?"

Black Star can't believe what he just heard. "What do you mean Maka?"

"Like how you have to point out how big of a star you are and rub it in everyone's face… what's the use?" Maka leans back and keeps her sites on Black Star. His face stars to get a deep red and turns his head "Well…ummm"

Maka tilts her head in anticipation "What Black Star?..." She never meant for it to be a interrogation. She thought he would have some smart ass comment like he always does but for some reason he couldn't answer. Black Star takes a deep breath and lies down in the grass. "I have never been asked that before…." Maka can't help but feel bad for him. "Sorry if I hit a cord or something?" Black Star shacks his head "No Maka I am actually happy you asked me that…" He gives her a smile.

Maka starts to blush.

*Fool what are you doing! Your falling for his crap!*

"Well I guess I do it to make myself stronger. If I make it seem like no one can touch me… I won't get hurt… I won't need anyone else but me…"

Maka couldn't believe what she was hearing; Black Star was actually being real with her. "Black Star you don't have too…"

Black Star puts his hand on hers "Maka you're the only person I ever told that too…Not ever Tsubaki."

Makas eyes grew wide but she just shook it off, looking down at Black Star and smiling "Well you don't have to be alone ya know…"

Black Star looking at Maka sits up and caresses her face "I know that now.."

"Whoww there buddy who said you could do that?" Maka stands up quickly.

"Whats wrong?" Black Star trys to pull her close to him. Maka pushes him away, she dosnt want to fall for it again. "I know what you are doing! Your trying to play me for a fool… but I can see through you!"

Black Stars jaw drops "What the hell are you talking about?"

Maka puts her left hand on her hip and points "Don't play stupid with me! Your trying to get me back for the book bashing I gave you! But guess what bastered I'm not falling for your trap!" Maka just gives him a evil look and pulls out a novel.

Black Star is still shocked from all the craziness she was saying. All he could do was laugh, he laughed so hard he fell to the ground. "Oh my God Maka! Your crazy!" All she could do is cross her arms and get more red.

"You know what Black Star I don't have to take this…" Maka goes to grab the basket but gets pulled down on top of Black Star.

*What the hell! Get me outa here!*

Maka trys to pull away from him but Black Star raps his arms around her and gives her a hug.

"Shhhh…Maka its ok…"

For some reason Maka felt streams of hot tears come down her face. She had no idea why she was crying but she took advantage of Black Stars embrace. Maka burros her face into Black stars neck and just starts crying harder.

"I have you now Maka… I'll never let you go…"

Maka pulls away from Black Star, still sitting up. Slowly and softly Maka takes out her novel and taps Black Stars head with it. "You dummy…"

Black Star rubs the back of his neck and smiles "I know.."

Maka without thinking kisses Black Stars cheek. Realizing what she did she put her hands on her mouth…

"Oh I'm sorr…"

Black Star Stops her by kissing her "Don't be sorry…"

Maka couldn't feel her body once again. She couldn't rap her mind around what she was feeling.

As Maka was walking home all she could do was smile.

*Well the star didn't fall… I helped it get higher…*