DudeGetATree: Chapter 4! Holla! Holla! Sorry it took awhile to update. I bought Pokemon Black 2 and then I got Sims 3 Seasons, so let's just say I've been a little preoccupied.
Disclaimer: I do not own Yu-Gi-Oh or any of it's characters.
DudeGetATree: Let's do this!
Another Day
Another Person
By: DudeGetATree
Seto looked out of the kitchen window, coffee mug in his hand. One of the maids was out buying some pain medication. It's been so long since the CEO had had a headache, he was starting to think he had became immune to them.
"Hungover?" Mokuba stalked into the kitchen with a smirk on his face. "I imagine your night went well, I heard two pairs of feet stomping in here last night. And let me not even get into what I heard while walking to the bathroom. Where is Joey, anyways?"
The older boy looked over at his younger brother and began to explain when she walked into the kitchen. Mokuba looked over, looked back at Seto and narrowed his eyes.
"Good morning, cutie." The model walked gracefully over to the brunette in a loosely tied white robe. She bent down to kiss him on the forehead. Seto's eyes looked away from his brother's blazing stare. "What's for breakfast?"
"Whatever the cook decides to make." He said. The woman turned around with a smile on her face to gaze at Mokuba.
"You must be the famous Seto Kaiba's younger brother, Mokuba. Nice to meet you." Mokuba gave her one quick look over before getting out of his chair and walking off.
Joey rolled out of bed and walked to the bathroom. He had weekends off, so waking up at noon was something Joey normally on Saturday. He made his way back to his room and grabbed his phone before walking into the living room. The blonde sat on the couch and began clicking through channels, hoping to find something this time of day. As he flipped through them, his mind started to wander to Seto and that model. 'Did he really sleep with her?' Did this thing they had between them really mean nothing to the CEO? Joey threw the remote onto the couch as he stood up. He hurriedly threw on some pants and grabbed a jacket.
It only took Joey ten minutes to get to Kaiba's mansion. Saturdays were his only day off, so unless the brunette had plans with his new toy, he should be here. Joey knew the code to the gate already. As he drove through, he saw Mokuba rushing out of the house in anger. Joey rolled down his window and whistled at the teen to get his attention. "What's going on, Mokuba? You okay?" Joey had a soft spot for the boy, especially since his CEO brother was always to busy for him.
"I'm fine, Joey. Are you okay?" The boy asked in concern. Joey rose his eyebrow in confusion. "I know what happened last night. I'm sorry, Joe. I don't know what's up with my brother." He shook his head in anger as he began walking off. "I wouldn't go in there if I were you." He called over his shoulder and walked out of the gate. Joey parked his car and walked up to the front door. Seto's servant was already there opening the door.
"Mr. Wheeler. I wasn't expecting to see you today. Mr. Kaiba and his guest are in the kitchen." 'His guest?' Joey made his way to the kitchen and when he walked in his eyes widened. There was Kaiba sitting coolly in a pair of pajama pants with the redhead sitting next to him with a robe that was loosely tied so you can see she had nothing else under it. The girl was chattering away as Kaiba sipped a cup of coffee. They both had plates in front of them. Jealousy rushed through his body as he turned around and stomped out the room, slamming the front door when he reached it.
Seto looked up as he heard the door slam. 'Who could that have been?' The servant walked in and looked around. "Mr. Wheeler hasn't found you yet, Sir? I was sure he knew his way to the kitchen by now." Kaiba's eyebrows rose.
"Joey was here?"
"Yes. I told him that you were in the kitchen, Sir." The brunette stood up and rushed to look out the window, and sure enough Joey's car was backing out.
"Shit." Seto swore as he walked back towards the table. He sat down in front of his plate and rubbed his temple.
"What's the matter, sweetheart?" Kaiba looked over at the redhead. What had he been thinking?
"I have work to do. A limo will be waiting for you outside in five minutes." He rose and shrugged off her hand and began walking to his office.
The next morning, Joey woke up to his phone going off. He yawned and opened his eyes slightly to see the screen of his cell phone. 'Three new messages?' He thought. 'Who the hell is texting me at 7:00am?' He fumbled with the buttons on the phone for a bit before getting to the message menu. Had a great time the other night. :) Hope you did too. You left your jacket in the car, I'll be over around 8 to drop it off. 'Duke is coming over?' Joey sat up quickly and looked around the apartment. "This place is a mess!" Joey got up fast and began to straighten up. By 7:30, the place looked decent. Joey began cooking his special made eggs and toast. Why was he cooking? To impress Duke? He blushed at the name. Maybe he could get over Seto. After placing both plates at the table, he heard his phone again. He grabbed it. Eleven messages from Seto. Joey rolled his eyes and threw the phone down.
It was 8:00 and right on the dot, there was a knock on the door. Joey smiled and got to the door. He opened it, and his face dropped when he saw Kaiba. Seto did a quick look over of Joey and smirked. "I see you haven't gotten dressed yet."
'Shit.' Joey was so preoccupied with cleaning the house, he forgot to get dressed. "What are you doing here?"
"Well, you hadn't answered my texts all morni-"
"There's a reason for that."
"You're not going to let this go, are you?"
"Kaiba, there's nothing to let go, remember?" Kaiba's eyes burned into Joey's.
"Aren't you going to invite me i-" Seto started, but an approaching voice cut him off.
"Hey, Joey." They both turned around and saw Duke at the top of the stairs. He walked up cautiously, feeling the tension between the two. "Hey, Kaiba. Long time, no see."
"Devlin." His eyes narrowed when looking back at Joey. "I didn't know you were having company, Joey." Joey gritted his teeth.
"You didn't ask." Joey looked over at Duke and smiled shyly. "Hey, Duke. Come on in, I made eggs and toast. It's in the kitchen." Duke quickly walked into the house. "You really should be going." Joey began closing the door when Seto stopped it with his hand.
"You- Don't you dare think we're done."
"How could we be done with something that never started?" Joey hissed out the words Seto had said two nights ago. The brunette's eyes widened slightly as Joey slammed the door in his face.
Joey turned to the kitchen where Duke had already finished his plate. He smiled shyly at the blonde. "I was hoping to eat with you. Those eggs were good."
"So, are you going to tell me what that was about?" Joey sat next to him at the table.
"What, what was about?" Joey tried to play dumb.
Duke rolled his eyes and chuckled. "What are your plans for the day?"
Joey looked outside and saw the rain. He didn't work weekends and he sure wasn't going out in this wet weather. "Nothing."
"Mind if I do nothing with you? Mai hooked up with some guy last night and now the apartment smells like sex." They both laughed.
"Yeah, I can use the company. I hope you don't mind the way I'm dressed, because I'm not changing." Joey smiled at the thought of the two spending time together. Maybe, just maybe this could work.
DudeGetATree: Bum, bum, buuuuuuuum! COULD THIS BE THE END OF SETO AND JOEY?!