Despite being grounded, I finally finished this and decided to be a ninja and post it anyway.

I own nothing :)

I hated hurting Asami. I guess maybe I could be in denial, but I couldn't love Korra, could I? Asami was perfect for me. She is a sweet, pretty girl that knows how to fight and drive. She could control her temper and could calm me down when I couldn't control mine.

Mako set down his journal and pen. He was at Air Temple Island, watching Korra train for airbending.

"Ergh!" Korra let out a frustrated growl.

"It's okay, Korra. Take a break and you can try again later." Tenzin said, not wanting Korra to get too upset. She went over to sit by Mako, who was leaning against Naga. He handed her a water bottle.

"Thanks." She said, smiling

"Anytime." Mako replied. Korra yawned and put her head on his shoulder, but for some reason, he didn't mind.

Now Korra, He wrote, Is fantastic. She's my best friend, and the Avatar. She is so determined and wants what's best for the people. She's the most powerful bender I've ever met (Obviously). She's funny, full of character, and as much as I don't want to admit it, she's adorable.

Mako finished writing. He then noticed that Korra was lightly snoring. He let out a small laugh. He set his head on hers.

"I love you, Mako." Korra absentmindedly mumbled in her sleep.

"I love you too, Korra." Mako whispered so quietly that nobody but himself could hear, kissed the top of her head, and before long, fell asleep next to the girl he loved.