Chapter 1

Chihiro P.O.V.

It had been six years since I left the spirit world, I regret leaving. I have dreams about it every night. About my friends who I left and especially about Haku. I haven't seen him in six years. I think about it all the time. I wonder what has happened there? I wonder how Lin and all my friends are? I wonder if Haku still remembers me? Even thought I have friends at school and loving parents something always felt like it was missing. I always wanted to go back there but my parents would notice me gone. I also didn't know if I would be able to get back. But even when I tried to forget Haku he never left my mind.

"Chihiro come down here for a minute!" My mother called me from down stairs.

I walked down the stairs where my parents where standing at the door. With bags in there hands.

"What's going on?" I asked confused.

"Chihiro I am so sorry we have to go away on a two week business trip. I know it is short notice but you are sixteen you can handle the house on your own right. Got to go love you." She said as she grabbed her bags and ran out the door.

I walked over to the kitchen and crabbed a drink. As I cracked the dink open I flopped on the couch. "I am home alone for two weeks on summer vacation. What to do?" I asked myself. I leaned back on the couch sipping my drink. I started to think of the spirit world and what was happening there. After a minute I jumped up from my seat and ran up the stairs to my room. I grabbed my bag and filled it with cloths and other things I needed. I ran down the stairs to the front door then slipped my shoes on my feet. I opened the door then turned around to lock it, and ran off to find my way back to the spirit world.

As I made my way down the road I turned my flash light on to see where I was going. It was pitch dark out I could only see the small amount of light ahead of me. I had been walking for hours it was going to be daylight soon.

It had been six years since I had been in this forest. I saw weird statues in the forest that's how I new I was going the right way I remembered them from six years ago. I kept walking deeper into the forest when I saw, it the old building that lead me into the spirit world. I shined my flash light inside the dark tunnel going into the building. I walked into the tunnel. As I walked I thought about all of my experiences here in the spirit world and how it changed my life. I started to see a light at the end of the tunnel. I kept walking till I finally reached the end. It was bright and sunny. I turned my flashlight off and smiled to myself thinking 'I'm back.' It was just how remembered it fields of green.

I walked up the beautiful green hill. Then I saw the little river that turns into a ocean at nighttime when you are here. I jumped over it making my way up the stone stairs I looked around it was all the same. All of the same restaurants everything was the same. Then I heard the train that always went by. I ran to see the train go by. Then I saw the bridge where I first meet Haku. I starred at the spot when I first meet him. It made me smile because I didn't realize that that spot would change my life forever. I looked around the place was empty. It was a bit weird seeing it so empty and being alone here. I decided I would go to Kamajii and ask him where Haku and Lin where.

As I walked down the scary stair case I was very careful not to fall down.

I reached the boiler room. I could hear Kamajii yell at the soot sprites to get back to work. I smiled to myself knowing that somethings never change. As I walked closer I saw Kamajii working on the fires like he used to.

"Hello Kamajii!" I said with a smile on my face.

"Huh who's there?" He said confused looking around.

"It's me Chihiro." I said not really caring because I have changed a lot.

"Chihiro is that really you?" He said while looking at me.

"Yup!" I replied.

"What are you doing here?" He asked confused on why I was there.

"It's a long story." I said while going to sit on the step. Kamajii sat beside me.

I told Kamajii that I would dream of this place every night and it was always on my mind. I told him how my parents left for two weeks and I finally could get away and come back. Kamajii listened to everything I said then looked and smiled at me and said "I'm glad you are back Chihiro!"

I was happy that he welcomed me back happily. "So..." I asked "Do you know where Lin and Haku are?"

"Haku is out right know on business, and Lin should be here in a minute to bring me my food."

"OK can I stay here till Lin comes?" I asked as he got up to take care of the fires again.

"Fine by me."

I was happy that I would be able to see Lin but sad that I would have to wait to see Haku. Then the door opened.

"Kamajii how many time do I have to tell you to leave your dishes near the door." She said while coming in through the door not noticing I was here.

"Hi Lin!" I said with a big smile on my face.

Lin looked over and said "Chihiro is that you? What are you doing back here?"

"I missed you guys and decided to come back for a while." I replied.

She ran up and crabbed me and spun me around then looking at me. "Chihiro you have gotten taller, and your really pretty, and you still where your hair in a ponytail." she said smiling. "You got out of this crazy place and missed it so you came back. Whats wrong with you! I would have never looked back. But I am happy you came back to see us, we all really missed you." she said sitting on the step feeding the soot sprites.

I wonder if Haku will be happy to see me?

"So who did you miss the most?" Lin smiled at me, already knowing the answer but just wanted me to say it.

I Looked around then looked down at the floor while saying " I missed all of you but... I really missed Haku." I said with my face going a bit red.

"Don't worry Chihiro, he will be very happy to see you!" She said putting her arm around me.

I smiled when she said 'he will be happy to see me.' With my face a slight pink color.

"Yeah he missed you a lot. But he would never admit it to us." She said smiling at me.

We smiled at each other and then watched the soot sprites get back to work.

"I know!" Lin said jumping up and grabbing my wrist.

"What!?" I said very confused. As she pulled me up.

"Kamajii I am taking Chihiro for a bit!" she said while dragging me through the door.

"Alright have fun." Kamajii said as he sent water up to the baths.

"By Kamajii see you soon!" I shouted while being dragged away.

"Lin where are we going?" I asked as she dragged me out side.

"Don't worry Chihiro! It will be fine." She said dragging me.

She took me to a cliff that looked over the ocean. It was beautiful the moon danced on the water. The waves crashed up against the rocks below.

"So Lin how has life been here?" I asked.

"Fine. Me and Haku are good friends, Life is boring I do the same stupid job everyday, but minus that it is fine. I still want to leave." She said looking out onto the ocean with her feet dangling over the cliff.

"So you and Haku are friends?" I smiled.

"Yeah we come out here and talk about you, and he asks me stupid questions all the time." She said with a smile, looking at me out of the corner of her eye.

My eyes brightened up and face got a bit red knowing that they talked about me.

"We talk about how fun life was when you where her, and how you changed things, and some other things that I can't tell you." She said glancing over at me and smiling.

"What other things Lin!?" I asked leaning over dieing to know.

"Sorry, I promised that I wouldn't tell." She said giggling to her self.

I Starred at her mad that she wouldn't tell me.

"Lin I just got back from my trip. What did you want to talk about tonight? I am tired and just want to go to sleep. " A voice said from behind us.

"Well speak of the devil." Lin said with a smirk on her face.

My face was going red knowing Haku was behind me. He didn't notice I was here. Lin brought me here knowing Haku was going to be here.

"Now Haku why don't you say hi to our friend." Lin said while standing up.

Lin grabbed my arm and pulled me up then spun me around to face Haku.

"Isn't it great Chihiro is back." Lin said putting her arm around my shoulder.

Haku eyes widened as he looked at me not saying one word. My face started to get red by him starring.

"Hi Haku, how hav.." My voice was cut off by Haku running and holding me in his arms. I couldn't move my body. I was in shock. His grip around my back got tighter as he said "I missed you." In a soft deep voice.

My Face went completely red hearing those words. I forgot how to speak. I looked over to Lin who Smiled at me and then gave me a thumbs up. I was extremely happy to be in Haku's arms. I slowly moved my arms and but them around his back returning the hug as tears fell from my eyes. We hugged in the Moon light looking over the Ocean neither of us speaking. We where just happy to be with each other again. I wanted that moment to last forever.

This is my first Spirited Away Fanfic.

Thanks to all of the people who read this.

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