Regina limped gingerly through the foyer of her mansion. She slammed her hand stalwartly against the wall propping herself up. Her suit was caked in ash with a tear about a foot long from her right collar bone to her right hip bone. Her once brunette hair now looked like a dark black from the smoke's residue. Any area with exposed skin looked like she'd stumbled in to a pit of charcoal.

She slid down gradually, finally giving into the pain tearing through her body. Every small burn that covered her skin sent shockwaves of aching pain through her body. Her layered hair fell over her eyes as she dipped her head down and shut her eyes forcefully, as if it would make the pain subside.

She outstretched her legs, to only quickly recoil them back at a sharp pain that jolted through her right leg. The pain ached through her body still as she timidly brought her hand forward to her thigh. She felt a rather sticky liquid on her thigh, and though her pants were dark blue, she knew exactly what it was.

Regina was a smart woman, especially from tearing out so many hearts, she knew the liquid well. "Blood," Regina muttered with a raspy tone to her voice from the smoke in her lungs. For once, the usual vial, and evil, mayor felt the moisture of a tear run down her cheek, making itself a clean passage through her grimy, smoke colored skin.

"Regina!" There was a swift knock at the door which echoed through the foyer, and then the same voice came again, tenderly this time, "Open the door!"

Regina shivered at the voice then felt anger loom through her body. She recognized the voice, a voice she didn't want to hear right now. Emma's. Emma was the reason that this had all happened to her, which put her in this spot of agony. She was the reason that the curse had ended and the raging fire at her office had taken place.

The brunette grimaced in pain as she tried to prop herself up more against the wall in the foyer. To no avail, she slid back down to her sitting position where from the middle of her spine and up was against the wall. The rest of her body was lying limply on the ground.

Regina jolted at a large slam on her door, a large kick from Emma's boot non-the-less, and it flew open. Emma lurched forward, grabbing the side of the door before it could hit the wall behind it.

She gripped the frame of large white door, so much so, that Regina noticed the blonde's knuckles becoming whiter by the second. The two glanced at each other as Emma softly pushed the door shut behind her.

"Regina," Emma said, timidly walking to the brunette and falling beside the mayor onto her knees, "You need help. Come with me." Emma began to reach for the mayor's hand.

Regina brought her hand up and pushed back on Emma's chest weakly. Rage was sparking in the brunette's eyes as Emma met hers. "Leave," the brunette said through clenched teeth from both rage and pain.

Emma felt her heart weaken for the woman in front of her, she didn't know why, but it did. "Regina," Emma leaned back in and gingerly brushed the brunette's hair out of her face to only receive a glare from Regina. "Let me help you," the blonde bleeding trying to keep her glance away from the evident injury on Regina's thigh.

Regina's felt her nails dig into the wooden floor, but the rest of her body relaxed. "Once I can walk, you leave!" The brunette spat, wrath spurring through her, but helplessness also lured in her tone.

Gradually, Regina began to pull herself up, using any muscle she could find capable to get herself up.

"Yes… your majesty," Emma quipped while reaching for the helpless brunette. Regina spun her head around taking it all in finally. The curse was truly broken and that everything was in fact happening.