Author's Note: Thank you Psychochicken for telling me of the song: Rogue Galaxy's end theme: Dreaming My Way Home. It really touched me as I reread chapter 33, and actually found myself almost crying. It was a very sad song, and I think that song would be a very nice theme song for that chapter. Thank you again.

To everyone who is reading this...this is obviously the last chapter, which is going to be a long one. My gift to you. Happy Holidays :)


Zim opened his eyes when he all the sudden heard Gir scream. He lifted his head and turned his head to Gir. Gir got up and pointed at what startled him from behind Zim. Zim turned his head and looked behind his chair. Zim's eyes widened when he found a billion Irkens standing behind him. They stared at him with their huge, wide multiple shades of purple eyes. Their green faces seemed very pale, even in the blinding light. Zim slowly got up and they all gasped in usion and took a step back. Zim stared down at them in confusement. Finally, one spoke up. "So its true, you have grown tall...". Zim stared down at the aliens that only came up to his knees.

He stared down at them and raised an invisible eyebrow. "What are you talking about? I havent guys shrunk," Zim pointed out. The aliens just stared up at Zim with shock and amazement. "No have grown..." said another. Zim scanned over all the short Irkens. He blinked. He still didnt understand. He didnt recall him ever growing tall. Zim's eyes flickered as he tried thinking back. Gradually, his eyes stopped and stared back down at the Irkens. His eyes widened. He finally realized that they were right. He lowered his head and stared down at himself. He had grown! He was tall!

Suddenly, the Irkens began to say something. "You have defeated the Tallests, are now the leader," they said. Suddenly, in usion, all the Irkens saluted Zim. Zim looked back up at them. The leader? He had always thought of himself of being the leader of the Irkens...but now, he didnt care...he just wanted to be with Gaz.

Suddenly, before Zim could say anything, the Irkens advanced toward him, their short arms stretched out. Their eyes were wide, almost as if they were under a trance. They began to chant. "New leader, new leader, new leader..."

Zim took a step back. "N-no! no! I dont want to be the new leader! stop!" he said, his voice full of fear. The Irkens were scaring him. The Irkens ignored him and continued to approach him. Suddenly, Gir jumped in between the advancing army of knee high Irkens and his master. His eyes went red and he got into a ready position to fight the Irkens. "Do not come any closer," he threatened.

The Irkens continued to come closer. Gir began to fight them. He opened the top of his head, and a couple pieces of bacon came out, slapping across the Irken's green faces. The Irkens screamed and fell backwards, but more kept coming. Gir tried to activate his bacon again, but he had run out. Suddenly, one Irken drew out his gun and shot Gir. Zim gasped. "Gir!" he yelled.

Gir screamed in pain and collapsed to the ground. He began to fizz and jerk on the ground until finally, he layed still. Random blue sparks flew out from the robot. Zim began to run to Gir, but had to move backwards as the Irkens grabbed his legs. "No! Stop!" he screamed. More Irkens continued to grab him. Zim felt himself losing and collapsed to the ground. More Irkens began to pin Zim down as others began to move around Zim and sit at the controls section and drive the ship themselves.

They disconnected the cord that was connected to the connection. The lights flickered and began to dim a bit as all the extra power was now being contained in the back up power supply. The ship was safe. Zim gasped as he strained himself to turn his head and look up at the huge glass window that stared down at Earth. "No..." he breathed out as he felt all the air escape from his lungs because of the Irkens.


Tak and Dib held each other close as they stared up at the huge Irken mothership. Gaz was on her knees as she stared up at the mothership as well. Her eyes began to hurt from crying so much. pieces of the ship began to rain down on them and crashed down on the school. The beam of light became narrower and narrower as the power was drained away. Suddenly, the power cord snapped off. Tak and Dib gasped. Gaz turned her head to the beam of light, then back up at the ship. "Zim..." she said in a whisper.

What was going on? What was Zim doing? The beam of light all the sudden began to gain back its power and started back up. Tak and Dib gasped as they let go of each other and scrambled after the cord, but it was too late, it was already gone. The huge ship gradually stopped glowing as its power was contained and taken care of. Tak and Dib wrapped their arms around each other and touched their forheads against the other.

The cord had broken off, the power was coming back, thus bringing back the black hole...they have lost. Tak and Dib held each other tightly and closed their eyes. Gaz stared up at the ship, waiting for Zim to come down and save them. She watched as a huge piece from the ship was ripped away and came hurdling toward Earth to the school. She watched it and wrapped her arms around herself as the cold winds began to pick up again. She felt tears come down her face again as she lowered her head and closed her eyes.

The heavy piece of metal came down toward the tangled tubes that connected to the base of the core that activated the beam of light. The heavy piece of metal crashed down on top of the one of the tubes, thus cutting off the circulation of power to the core. The donut that started the whole mess, flew out and landed on the ground. Then the donut was crushed by another piece of debris from the ship. The beam of light made a loud high pitch scream of shock as the source was taken away. Without the donut, it was pointless. The beam of light shot up into the air in shurt spurts before finally giving off its last bit of power.

The beam shot off, thus turning the Earth back to the way it was. Everyone turned back to normal and woke up from their long sleep and continued to do whatever they were doing before. Unaware at what happened. Plants turned back to their normal green healthy selves. Animals had their normal fur back instead of dough and sprinkles and walked away. Inanimate objects were back in their normal material and color.

The beam hummed angrily. The ground began to shake as the core spat out sparks and parts of itself. Finally the beam of light flickered away and the dark clouds in the sky shifted away and became a bright, clear blue sky.

Tak and Dib opened their eyes and looked up. The octopus like monster was dead, and everything was back the way it was. Tak and Dib smiled. "We did it!" said Dib excitedly as he lifted Tak into the air. Tak laughed and hugged Dib. Dib spun them both around once before putting Tak back down. Tak kissed Dib on the mouth and Dib kissed her back. They did it. They saved Earth.

They laughed and turned to Gaz. Their excited smiles gradually left as they stared at Gaz, who was still staring up at the sky. The ship was gone. They carefully walked over the dead tubes and made their way to Gaz, who was still on her knees. Her eyes were red as she continued to stare up at the blue sky. "Gaz..." said Dib, but faltered. He couldnt think of anything comforting to say to Gaz. Zim was gone. He left them. Why didnt he come back? What happened?

Finally, Gaz silently got up and began to walk out of the half destroyed school and down the neighborhood to her house. Her head hung low. Zim was gone. He was never coming back...never... Gaz couldnt cry anymore because her eyes stung. She wiped her eyes with the back of her fingerless gloved hand as she continued to slowly walk away from the school back to her house.

She looked one last time back up at the clear blue sky, hoping for the ship to come back. Hoping for Zim to come back. Zim...come back...please...come back to me...Gaz thought to herself to her head. Finally, she lowered her head back down and continued to slowly walk through the normal neighborhood...


Zim continued to fight with the small Irkens, but there were so many, he coundnt fight anymore. He watched as the ship left The blue and green Earth until it was gone from his sight. Stars dotted the pitch black sky. He already longed to see Earth again. He turned his head down to Gir, who' eyes were black and dead. He choked back his tears for his beloved robot who risked his life to save his.

Zim lowered his head. It was all his fault. "I'm sorry Gir...I'm so sorry..." he sighed when he thought of Gaz. "I'm sorry... Gaz..." he also whispered in a low voice. Then, he lost all the strength from his arms and legs as the Irkens continued to grab him and began to carry him out of the control room. "New leader..." they all chanted. Zim was too weak to do anything as they took him down the long, huge hallway and toward a room. They carefully took off the top part of the suit, revealing his green chest. His PAK was still connected to him as they placed him in a small shower like room.

Zim floated in the small white room as an invisible scanner began to scan through him. Instantly, his wounds magically began to heal themselves. His huge gap became smaller and smaller till there was nothing left. Zim sighed with relief as the pain gradually disappeard from his weak body. Then, the Irkens carried him to another room. Zim could barely see what the room was. His vision was starting to blur a bit. He didnt understand why though. He felt weak, and tired.

The Irkens walked into the room and placed him down on a table. Zim didnt move as he stared up at the dim ceiling. Glowing red decorations somewhat lit up the pale, dark room. Zim slowly turned his head over to his right and saw a floating tray of alien tools. He noticed a figure move in the darkness. He slowly turned his head back up to look up at the ceiling, just as an Irken, dressed in a strange looking suit with his mouth covered by a white mouth cover.

Zim didnt move as the strange, surgeon like Irken, lifted up a creepy, wicked sharp tool. Three more strangly surgeon like Irkens circled around the table Zim was laying on and they each had a deadly looking tool in their white gloved hands as well. "Now hold still, my Tallest...this will only hurt for a minute," said the first surgeon as he brought the sharp tool toward Zim's body.

Zim's eyes rolled to the back of his head and he blacked out...


6 Years later...

Gaz stared out at the blue sky. She sighed and lowered her head as she layed down in her bed. Gaz was now twenty one years old and living on her own. She barely gradualted out of high skool and moved away from her dads house to another city. Away from the horrible memories that made her think of Zim. She had never left her house after that...

She couldnt. Even when she had the horrible cravings for Bloaty's pizza, she thought of when she had her first date with Zim. She cried herself to sleep every night. Some people who lived near her house began to feel uneasy with having her around, and began rumors about her. Occasionally, a person from the neighborhood would call someone to hopefully take her away so she could get medical help, but the neighbors saw the medical people run out screaming from her house from their windows. Gaz didnt want anyone near her. She just wanted to be left alone till the end of her days...

Once a week or so, Tak and Dib would come by and visit her to see how she was doing. A couple years after Tak and Dib graduated, they got married and got a home to themselves. They knew about Gaz's condition and decided to come by and help her. They knew she was upset about not having Zim with her, but they still continued to see if she was still eating, and not thinking about suicide.

"Hey Gaz, how are you?" asked Dib as him and his wife came into the room. They found Gaz sitting on her bed. Her long, purple hair hung low over her face as she stared down at the object in her arms. Game Slave 3. A couple tears splattered on the game. Tak and Dib exchanged sad glances to each other before approaching Gaz and sitting down next to her. Tak lightly stroked Gaz's hair as Dib sat on the other side of his sister and touched the top of her hand. Gaz didnt move as they tried to comfort her. Gaz continued to stare down at the gift that Zim gave her from the very begginning.

"I miss him..." she finally whispered. Dib and Tak nodded. "We know, Gaz...we know..." said Dib in a soft quiet voice. Gaz slowly lifted the game up to her chest and hugged it. She lowered her head even more and began to cry. She began to tremble. She all the sudden felt scared. What if Zim died? What if he never made it, even though the ship didnt blow up? What if...? Suddenly, her moms words echoed in her head: "Dont be afraid, Gaz...Dont be afraid..." She trembled again. She couldnt help it. She didnt want to be afraid, but she was. She didnt want to think that Zim was dead...The thought frightened her.

Dont be afraid, Gaz...Dont be afraid...


Zim sighed as he stared out at the black, starry sky through the window in the Irken Mother ship. His Irken mothership. He wore a dark purple Tallest suit. After when he blacked out all those years ago, the Irkens had to surgically remove and fix a couple of things on his body in order for him to fit into the Tallest suit. He was now the new Tallest of the Irkens. The last thing he ever wanted...

His two, slender green fingers jutted out from the thick, heavy cuffs that were placed on him. A bit of his blood stained each cuff where his thumbs once were. It was the Irken custom to whoever it was to become the next Tallest, must have their thumbs cut off. After so many years, the pain still stayed with him. His nubs where his thumbs once were gave off another jolt of unbearable, excrutionating pain, but Zim barely felt it as he stared out in sadness at the pitch black starry sky. His eyes began to tear up, but then stopped. Since after being away from Earth for almost ten years, he had gradually lost the emotions of humans...but he still had his feelings for Gaz... He placed his two fingers on the glass as he thought of Gaz..

Just then, an Irken came up to him. Zim didnt pay any attention and continued to stare out at the black space. "My Tallest, it is time to choose the next group of Irkens for Impending Doom 3," he said. Zim didnt say anything to him. The Irken blinked and stared up at his leader. "My Tallest?" he asked. Zim sighed and tried to curl his fingers that touched the glass into a fist, but it was near impossible to do. How could the last Tallests make a fist?

Zim sighed again and let his hand fall back down to his side. "All right. I'll be there in a minute," he said. The small Irken saluted to his Tallest and walked away. Zim's shoulders slumped forward till it began to hurt. He wasnt able to straighten out as much because of what he had to wear now. He gritted his teeth in frustration as he spun around and pounded the glass with his fist, making a small crack in the glass.

He half expected the glass to shatter and break, thus sucking him out into space and to possibly die in peace, but it didnt happen. Zim rested his head against the glass and closed his eyes. He was a prisoner. A prisoner to his own kind. He has become something so great and so powerful, yet, it made him unhappy. In fact, he was in the worst possible situation he has ever been in. Zim gradually opened his eyes and turned away from the window. He didnt want to be The Tallest. He wanted to be with Gaz...

Gaz...oh how the name itself felt so far away from him. Zim lifted his four fingers up to his face. He couldnt stand it. Being away for som long...being a prison in the mothership as it hovered over his home planet known as Irk. Zim actually felt homesick for Earth then his own planet he was raised from.

Just then, Gir came up to his master. "Hi mast...master!" said Gir as a couple of sparks came out from his head. Since Gir was destroyed my the crazy mob of Irkens, Zim was able to retrieve the little robot before it got thrown away in the gabage disposel and began to work on him and bring him back to life. Gir was able to recover, but his memory and parts of himself still werent all there and he would sometimes shut down on random moments. Other then that, he was back the way he was before.

Gir brought out a plate of half cooked waffles and lifted them up to Zim's face. "Here you...go! Fresh bananas!" he said happily. Zim looked down at the waffles. He accepted the plate. "Thank you, Gir," he said and stared down at them. Gir stared up at his master. Suddenly, his arm popped off. Gir gasped and quickly grabbed it and placed it back on his arm. He pulled out a bunch of tape and began to wrap his arm with it to make it stay on his body. His head and leg where also bandaged up from also falling off in the past.

Then he looked back up at his master, who didnt even touch his waffle. "Master? is something...wrong?" he asked. Zim sighed and shook hs head again. "No Gir...its just...I...I'm not hungry right now..." he said and lowered the plate of waffles a bit. Gir stared up at him. "Oh..." he said, then a couple of blue sparks came out from his head. Then Gir smiled a small smile and brought out a big box of paperclips. "You want a topping on your puppy!" he said and began to pile a bunch of paperclips on Zim's waffles. Zim didnt say anything as he looked away and looked out to the empty space one last time.

He handed the plate back to Gir. "Thanks, was delicious, he said in a somber tone and left the little robot. "Good morning!" said Gir and waved to his leaving master as he stopped piling paper clips on the waffles and placed them on his head like a hat. "Weee!" he said and began to run around in circles a couple times before he finally decided to follow Zim.

Zim walked down the long hallway. As he did, he passed by a couple of short Irkens. They saluted him as he passed by. "My Tallest," they said. Zim gave them a small wave and continued on his way. When there was no more Irkens he sighed and lowered his hand. Just then, he began to slow down a bit, almost to a hesitation as he came near the vessel room. He slowed to a stop and stared a the vessels in the room. He stood there, frozen in his tracks.

Gir stopped near his master's feet and looked up. "Whas wrong?" he asked. Zim stared at the vessels. For so many years, he has been itching to just escape, but something always got in the way, causing the idea to get pushed back further and further away for him to attempt. He was dying to just leave the mothership and try to go back to Earth again. The only problem, was that he couldnt remember which way Earth was. Just then, a couple Irkens passed by Zim. They saluted to him. "My Tallest," they said in usion. Zim gave then a small wave.

"You know, you guys can just call me Zim," he said. The Irkens stopped and exchanged glances. Then, they burst out laughing. "That's a good one my Tallest!" said one. Zim rolled his eyes and waved them to continue on their way. He didnt want to go through the arguement again of how they can call him by his real name instead of 'My Tallest' all the time. It didnt matter anyway, they'll stll call him The Almighty Tallest, no matter how powerful he was to them.

Zim gritted his teeth when they left and turnd back to the vessel room. Finally, he made up his mind and walked in. Gir followed right behind him. They entered into the vessel room. "Mas...mas...ter?" asked Gir as they walked around through the lined up Irken vessels. "What's wrong, Gir?" he asked in a quiet voice. He turned his head to Gir, then took off the waffles that sat on the little robots head and took a bite out of one of them and continued walking, searching for the right one...

"Arent you supposed to be at the main center on planet Irk for Impending Doom 5?" asked Gir. "It's Impending Doom 3, Gir, and yes," he said. He finally spotted one that caught his eye. It was a small vessel with a voot cruiser style to it, just like his old one. "Perfect," he said with a smile on his face. Suddenly, he heard voices from the doorway of the vessel room. He grabbed Gir and dove into the open cock pit of the small vott cruiser. Zim closed the hatch and waited.

Gir looked around as he sat down at the passenger seat. "What are we-?!" Gir yelled, but was shushed by Zim. "Quiet Gir!" said Zim in a loud whisper and placed his index finger to his lips. Gir copied Zim's move and asked again. "Whay are we in here?!" he yelled. Zim quickly slapped his hand over the robots mouth. "Shhhhh!" said Zim. Gir went quiet.

"I'm going to escape Gir. We're going to escape from this place," he said in a quiet voice. Gir stared up at Zim. Finally, Zim removed his cuffed hand from Gir's mouth. He turned to see the Irkens leave the vessel room and turned on the engine to the small voot cruiser. He activated the huge hatch to open for his small vessel in the vessel room and took off. He didnt have to worry about being found on the tracker. The smaller the vessel, the harder it was to track.

Zim gripped the steering wheel tightly with his long fingers till he couldnt keep it up for much longer and made the ship go into autopilot. Zim found a map near the drivers seat and opened it up. "Earth...Earth...Earth..." he muttered to himself. Finally, he found it. It was a small picture of a planet with a question mark drawn on it. Earth. Zim smiled a small smile and folded the map up and gave it to Gir, who instantly ate it. "Here we go," said Zim and pushed a button on the controls, making the autopilot drive the voot cruiser to go faster through space. Zim was coming home...


After about five minutes of driving through space, Zim and Gir heard a strange noise in the back. Gir blinked. "What was...that?" he asked Zim shrugged and turned his head to the back. Nothing. He shrugged again and kept driving. The noise came up again. After the third time. Zim turned to Gir. "Go check it out," he said. Gir got up and saluted. "Ok, mas...ter" said Gir as he turned and jumped to the back.

Gir looked around in the back. His eyes lit up, but began to flicker a bit. He looked around in the dull darkness. He finally gave up after a couple seconds. Suddenly, Gir saw movement. He turned back. His eyes glowed red. "Who's there?" he asked, turning back. Silence. Gir frowned as he slowly began to turn back around. Suddenly, the strange figure flashed past Gir and to the front where Zim the Tallest was. Zim screamed in a startled scream and placed his hands in front of his face. The fligure flickered in front of Zim. It was Mimi, Tak's robot. "Mimi?" said Zim as he slowly lowered his hands down. Mimi flickered in and out of her cat disguise as she layed there, weak and hurt.

Gir came back up to the front and noticed Mimi. "Aw," he said in a sad tone and came up to where Mimi was laying. He pulled out his roll of tape and began to wrap the areas where they were sparking and was open, revealing a couple loose wires. Mimi looked up at Gir with her red eyes. She turned back to her robot form as Gir wrapped her arm. Gir smiled a friendly smile and finished taping her arm.

Mimi looked down at her arm and flexed it a bit. Somewhat good as new. She got up and silently turned her head to the window that looked out to blackness. A purple planet went by, and a couple shooting stars. Zim looked up at Mimi. "Mimi, why were you in here? What happened to you?" he asked. Mimi turned to Zim, but didnt say anything. Zim decided to not ask any further questions as the autopiloted ship zoomed through space to where he hoped was Earth.

"Mimi," said Zim finally. Mimi looked back at him again. "We are going back to Earth," he said. Mimi all the sudden seemed real excited. She'll be able to see her master again! Zim nodded. "Yes, we are going back, so I dont want you contacting the mothership and telling where we are going. As you can see, I am the new Tallest," he said, gesturing to himself. Mimi silently nodded.

Zim nodded as well. "And I have decided to leave my place as Tallest to be with Gaz, so, if you want to see Tak again, which I'm sure that you want to see, you better keep it quiet, understand?" he asked. Mimi nodded. Zim smiled. "Good, you have any idea which way it is to Earth by any chance? The map is not that helpful to know ing the exact location, and Gir is as useful as a rock," he said.

Mimi nodded and took control of the autopiloted ship. Zim smiled. He actually was glad he chose the small ship that miraculously had Tak's robot in it. Mimi was very useful to him now. Zim sighed as he relaxed in the drivers chair and closed his eyes to sleep. Gir did the same in the passenger seat and fell asleep as Mimi drived the ship to Earth...


Two weeks later...

Gaz slowly ate her bowl of oatmeal as her brother and sister in law watched her. She swallowed and took another bite before scooting the half eaten bowl away. "Thank you," she said in a soft voice and got up to mope in her bedroom again. Dib got up and grabbed Gaz's hand. "Wait, Gaz" said Dib. Gaz stopped and turned her head to him. Dib stared at his sister. "We...Tak and I, would like to show you something outside," he said. Gaz stared at Dib, then at Tak. Tak smiled and nodded. Gaz sighed. Dib let go of Gaz's hand. "Ok," she said. With that, Gaz followed Dib and Tak to outside.

Outside, Gaz placed her hand up to block the blinding sun. She hasnt gne outside for so long, everything was so bright. It stung her eyes. She squinted in the sunlight as the married couple filed into their car. Gaz sighed and followed them to the car and got in. Dib turned on the car and drove his wife and his sister down the street, down the neighborhood and out of Gaz's place.

Gaz looked out the window and watched as her familair neighborhood disappeared and slowly became her old neighborhood she knew when she was a little girl. They turned a corner and went downt the street near the school. She had no idea what it was that they wanted to show her, but she was hoping it was good. They continued down the street. Finally they turned a corner, then down the street, then down another street... to Zim's old house.

When they arrived, they all got out of the car and stared at Zims house. Since Zim didnt come back to show that he still lived in the house, a couple bulldozers came by and bulldozed his place to the ground. A chain wire fence ran around it. Gaz stopped and gasped at the sight of what was left of Zim's house. She couldnt believe it. After so many years, and she never knew that the construction people decided to get rid of it and leave it as an empty lot. It enraged her.

"Wait Gaz!" said Dib as Gaz began to turn back around and began to walk away. Gaz turned back angrily. "What?! you just showed me Zim's house! its destroyed! Iknow! thats what you wanted to show me! thanks! goodbye!" she yelled at them and began to storm off. Tak ran after her and finally came up to her. "No Gaz, thats not what we wanted to show you," she said. Gaz stopped and huffed angrily at the disguised alien. "What is it then? Is it something that'll help me get over the fact that the person I truly loved is gone and possibly dead?!" she snapped.

Tak shook her head, causing her really short blue hair to move a bit. "Not really...its just. Dib why dont you bring it out," she said. Dib nodded and ran over to Zims house to the backyard. He disappeared behind a small tree and some bushes. Tak led Gaz a bit closer to the destroyed house. A couple minutes later. Dib came riding out from behind the plants on a familar craft. Zim's voot cruiser. Gaz stared at it as it came over and finally landed in front of her.

"When we found out about the construction workers finally agreeing to destroy Zim's house, we were able to save his little vessel. We know you would possibly want it for something..." said Dib as he got out from the small craft and landed on his feet when he touched the ground. Gaz stared at the voot crusier. Zim's voot cruiser. Gaz stared at it as she slowly approached it. She reached out and touched it. All the sudden, she felt closer to if Zim was there with her.

Suddenly, she heard a strange noise. Gaz pulled her hand away and looked up to the sky. Tak and Dib exchanged confused glances before turning their heads up to the sky as well. The clouds blocked the flying figure, but the three adults counld somewhat make it out. It was a vessel. An Irken vessel. "Who is it?" asked Dib as he squinted and placed his hand up to block the sun from his eyes. Tak shrugged as she stared at the vessel as it broke through the clouds and came flying down toward them.

Gaz watched it. Finally they were able to see the Irken symbol on it and took a step back when it came in for a landing. It landed twenty to twenty five feet away from them, and about ten feet from the little voot cruiser. Steam came out from the sides of the ship. Zim's craft was way smaller then the mystery craft as the three stared at it in confusion. They couldnt see who was inside because the huge main window was tinted. Just then, it opened.

Tak gasped and ran up to the craft. "Mimi!" she cried when she saw the flickering robot come out from the ship. Mimi's red eyes glowed excitedly when she saw her master and flickered to her. Tak wrapped her arms around Mimi when she jumped and held her beloved robot close to her. Dib came up to Mimi. "Hey Mimi," he said and attempted to pat the top of the robot. Mimi turned her head up to Dib and revealed her claws. "No Mimi!" said Tak and held her robot from tearing her husband to shreds.

"Dont hurt Dib, Mimi, he's ok. We're ok," said Tak as she placed Mimi down and wrapped her arms around Dib. Mimi stared up at them, then finally understood. Her claws shrunk down a bit and she came up to Dib and hesitated before wrapping her arms around Dibs legs and hugging him. Dib smiled and patted Mimi's head. "Nice to see you back hard feelings, right?" he asked Mimi silently nodded. She turned to see Tak smile and hug Dib tighter. As long as her master was happy, she was happy.

Gaz sighed sadly as she watched Dib and Tak reunite with Mimi. Mimi drove herself in the vessel back to Earth to her master. That was all... nothing e- "Gir! Dont touch that!" Gaz heard a familiar voice yell behind her. Gaz turned, just as the vessel Mimi came out of went up in thick white smoke. She heard someone cough and make their way through the thick smoke. Just then, a familiar robot came running out of the thick smoke. "Im on fire!" Gir said excitedly and ran around Gaz. All the sudden, he did a harsh sut down and collapsed to the ground. Gaz turned back to the smoking vessel, just as a dark figure emerged out. She gasped. Zim made his way out of the thick smoke and waved his arm to clear away the smoke as he walked away from the vessel.

Zim blinked and looked up when he found Gaz standing there in front of him. He stopped coughing and lowered his arms. His eyes went wide. "Gaz," he said. He took a step forward. Before he knew it, he felt Gaz tackle him and wrap her arms around him. Zim almost fell when Gaz embraced him. He felt his bare arms all the sudden get wet. He looked down and noticed Gaz crying. She looked up at him with wet tears. Before Zim could say anything, Gaz went up on her tiptoes and kissed him hard on the lips. Zim's eyes widened in surprise.

A strange feeling went over Zim. The emotions were slowly coming back again. He gradually closed his eyes and kissed Gaz back as he held her in his arms. He didnt understand the thing of kissing on the lips, but he actually liked it. Gaz slowly moved her head away to breathe then hugged Zim tighter. "I thought I lost you," she said. Zim smiled. "No, I promised I would never leave you, Gaz," he said as he stroked the top of Gaz's purple hair. More tears of joy ran down Gaz's face. She had her Zim back.

Tak, Mimi and Dib made their way around the motionless Gir and to Zim. Zim looked up at them, his eyes widened a bit, as well as Tak and Dib as they stared at him. "Wow, you've changed," Dib pointed out. Gaz stopped hugging Zim and took a step to the side. Zim looked at them. "So did you," he said. Tak, Gaz and Dib had changed They were older, and taller. Since Zim had been gone from Earth for about six years, he hasnt been able to grow another couple inches.

Tak gasped. "You're a Tallest now?" she asked. Zim looked down at his Tallest suit. He looked back up at Tak. "I had no choice, they forced me into it...that's why the mothership didnt explode. They took over me. They needed a leader...and since I got rid of the last Tallests...I was the next Tallest," he said. Gaz realized this and looked down. "Oh, so you're just visiting here then," she said sadly. Zim was only here for a short amount of time, then he'll go back and rule his fellow-

"I'm not going back," he said. Gaz's eyes widened in surprise as she looked back up at him. "What?" she asked. Zim turned to look at her. "I'm not going back," he said. Gaz blinked. "Why? You are a ruler of your own kind now, wasnt that your dream?" she asked. Zim shrugged. "It was, when I was younger, but now, I have someone in my life I want to be with. Hopefully for the rest of my life," he said as he placed a hand on the side of Gaz's face.

Gaz gazed up at Zim. Gradually, her mouth turned upward into a huge smile. Zim smiled back. He had never seen her smile so big before, and neither had Dib, who was staring at her in shock from the right. "Aww," said Gir as he came back to life and hugged Mimi. Mimi stiffened a bit, but finally allowed Gir to hug her.

Zim stared down at Gaz. "I love you," he said. Gaz continued to smile, "I love you too," she said. Zim leaned down and kissed Gaz on the lips. Gaz kissed him back. They were finally last...

The End!

Done! *slams head down on table* Whew that was a long fanfic! I didnt realize I was going to do that...oh well, at least Im finally done. :) and I'm currently working on the sequel ZAGR Forever, so go and read it! :)

Hopefully you guys enjoyed the story, and didnt mind the last chapter to be sooo long. I gave you guys a happy ending :) hope you enjoyed. Thank you everyone who read this fanfic and have survived it. Now go enjoy yourselves and have a wonderful Invader Zim day and a happy New Year.

Bat13SJx! signing off :)