Disclaimer: Not mine, technically I do *own* Altair.

A/N: Doubleleaf has been kind enough to let me write these drabbles inspired by her art, please take a minute and go see her gallery.

This is inspired from "Altair ready for eagle drive"

When he is not being chased through the city -which is not very often-, Altiar likes to stand on a ledge and take a second to think back and remember.

He was such a foolish young boy. Full of hope that the creed will change the region, will put an end to all conflicts and disputes.

He remembers the first Leap of Faith he had taken. He can recall how frightened he was, thinking that should he jump, he would surely die. He managed to jump because of his pride, the same pride that wouldn't allow Abbas to succeed where he fails.

Now, facing the last rays setting sun he seeks the freedom the leap provides and jump.