Chapter 1: Severus Finds Out

Hey all, I can't decide if I should make this multi-chapter or just one story. I wrote this story periodically through some of my classes and it's 7 pages front and back. For me, that's quite a bit. So, just let me know what you think, ya?

"You lied to me!" he shouted as he slammed the door open.

"What have I lied to you about, dear boy," Albus Dumbledore replied, the twinkle still in his eye.

Severus took a deep breath in an attempt to calm himself.

"You told me the Potter boy was sent to his grandparents," Severus answered with clenched teeth. He sat stiffly in the chair across Dumbledore's desk.

"Lemon Drop, Sev-," Albus started.

"No, I don't want a blasted lemon drop, Albus. Tell me why you told me Harry Potter was sent to his grandparents, when it's become apparent he's been living with Petunia and her blasted husband," Severus' voice shaking in anger.

"Because they were gone, Severus. They had passed away the summer before that night."

Severus paled. 'How had I not known this,' he thought to himself. "Why didn't I know about this, Albus? You should have told me," he nearly shouted. Albus started to reply, but couldn't before Severus started again.

"No! Albus, you have no excuse. You knew how much she meant to me," Severus ended quietly. His eyes closed as he tried to keep the pain from becoming apparent on his face. He felt the pressure of tears behind his eye-lids, but knew that he wouldn't give in until he was in his rooms.

He started remembering Rose Evans, how she smelled like cinnamon, and cookies, and safety and home. She had almost meant more to him than his own mother. She fixed him up when she could and always made him smile.

Albus stared sadly at his Potions Professor and sighed regretfully. He had meant to tell Severus, years ago.

"To be honest, Severus, I had forgotten. After that night, it must have slipped my mind. When I told you that he was being placed with his grandparents, the reason I didn't tell you they were gone was that I knew you would have protested his placement with Petunia and he needed to go to his only blood relatives left."

"Of course I would have protested, Albus," Severus yelled, "She was a hateful bitch and when she married that whale I knew it was going to be worse. Albus, I never told you this, but you can check with Poppy. When Lily stayed there once over the summer before we graduated, she came back to school covered in bruises and welts. That's why I would have protested."

Albus paled, but quickly went back to normal. "Severus, you know he can't be removed. Obviously, you are exaggerating a bit, because Petunia loved her sister. He has to stay there."

"Damnit, Albus. You are making the same mistake you made with me. He has to be removed from there," Severus got up and walked to the door. With his hand on the doorknob, he turned his head, "And Albus, if you don't remove him from that house, I will." He made to turn the knob, but found that he couldn't. Without turning his head, he said, "Albus. Open the door."

"Not until you tell me what you meant about removing him by force."

When Severus turned around, the twinkle was gone and anger was in its place in Albus Dumbledore's eyes. Severus sighed and retook his seat.

"Albus, have you even looked at the boy. His clothes are clearly too big and even on weekends, he wears his uniform," Severus explained as calmly as possible. It wouldn't help his case to continue in anger.

"Yes, Severus I had noticed this, but what has this to do with the Dursley's," Albus questioned.

Severus just stared at Albus in abject horror. "Albus, surely you are not so naïve to believe that all families care for their children. I'm a prime example. The boy shrinks at loud noises and he barely eats. When he does, he shoves it all in like he's afraid the food is going to disappear. That alone should send off warning signals in your brain. He, also, turns in mediocre work when I can tell that he knows more. He's holding himself back. Albus, all of this points to one thing. Abuse."

"Severus, I do believe that you are jumping to conclusions. If he did have any problems he would come to me," Albus explained reasonably.

"That's just it, Albus. He's not going to come to you. He knows that you are the person to send him to the Dursley's. Why would he tell the person who sentenced him to 10 years of hell?"

"I still think you are jumping to conclusions, Severus."

"Fine, Albus, if you want to be oblivious, be my guest, but I will not allow that boy to be sent back to that place."

Severus stood up and swept to the door. When he turned the knob, the door opened this time and he left to go back to his rooms to find out a way to get Harry out of that house.

Albus noticed that he wasn't going to change his mind, and let Severus go.