A big thanks to everybody who's read and reviewed, its always so nice to know your efforts are appreciated. I'll be sad to wave goodbye to these two, I must admit.



Epilogue: One Year On

Alex heard the sound of a key in the lock and then the slam of the front door vibrated through the flat. She rolled her eyes, a little smile playing around her lips. Now he'd be hanging his camel coat up in the hallway before shedding his jacket and draping it over the back of a chair along with his tie. Creature of habit, her future husband.

"Is that you, Gene? I'm in the kitchen."

"No. It's the bloody plumber, who'd yer think?"

She sniggered to herself, drying her hands on a towel.

"Hope you've brought your big plunger with you. Better be quick though, my fiancé's due home any time …"

Fiancé. She loved how that sounded.

"I'll show you a big plunger, woman …"

His arms went round her from behind, one hand resting protectively over her stomach as his lips found her neck, nibbling lightly. A shiver of arousal ran down her spine as his familiar scent surrounded her, enveloped her. Seemed she wanted him more than ever nowadays, if that was even possible.

"Mmmm … Gene …"

"And how are we both today?"

His tongue delicately explored the shell of her ear as his fingertips caressed her lower belly sending little sparks of arousal through her body.

"Bit of morning sickness first thing but generally we're doing fine. Another month or so and I might feel confident enough to tell Molly."

She felt him tense.

"Everythin' is alright, isn't it? The doctor …"

" … told me not to worry, junior and I are both in excellent health."

He relaxed again, pulling her closer, and when he spoke his voice was gruff.

"Still can't believe yer carryin' me baby, Alex. Keep expectin' ter wake up and find it's all been a dream."

She leaned back into his chest, reaching up to stroke his hair.

"Well that won't be a problem in seven months time, seeing as you won't be getting much in the way of sleep."

He chuckled, kissing the top of her head.

"Don't get much of it at the best of times. My fiancee's a right randy mare."

"Can't say I've heard many complaints, Mr Hunt …"

One hand moved up to fondle a breast, his thumb skimming over the nipple, and she gasped as a bolt of molten desire ran through her.

"Nor will yer, luv. Where's Mols, by the way?"

"Friday night sleepover. Remember?"

He turned her in his arms and the predatory gleam in his velvet blue eyes turned her legs to jelly.

"Oh good …"

His kiss took her breath away and his nimble fingers made short work of her blouse, popping the buttons and tugging it out of her skirt while his tongue ravished her mouth. His lips dropped to her throat, trailing a fiery path down towards her cleavage while he tugged her bra strap off her shoulder to free a breast, cupping it gently in his big hand. Tilting it up, he dipped his head and lapped at a rosy nipple, tonguing it taut before taking it into his hot mouth and sucking hard. Alex was lost, melting under his touch, a rapid pulse beating between her thighs.

"Oh God … please, Gene … more …"

He sank to his knees on the kitchen floor, pushing her skirt up around her waist, taking a sharp intake of breath at the sight before him.

"Bloody hell, Bols! They're all in the wash again are they?"

Grinning wickedly up at her, he noted the flushed cheeks and the rapid rise and fall of her chest.

"Yer already had this planned, didn't yer? Naughty tart …"

She bit her lower lip seductively, her eyes sparkling.

"Well I have had all afternoon to think about it. And the doctor did say it was fine …"

He parted her legs, blowing gently over her heated sex, and she gasped.

"Gene! What are you doing?"

"D'yer want me ter draw you a diagram, luv?"

His mouth closed over the sensitised bud, his tongue lapping and stroking, and she moaned loudly as her legs threatened to give way beneath her. He held her there, continuing his teasing ministrations until her thighs were quivering and he knew she was close, and then he got to his feet again, grappling with his flies.

"Bedroom, Gene?"

"Too far, Bols."

Pinning her against the big fridge, he lifted a shapely leg and placed it around his waist before plunging inside her and she whimpered her pleasure as her body adjusted to the sheer size of him. He groaned, hoisting her up so she could wrap both legs around him

"Fuck, Alex. So bloody tight … can't hold back …"

He began to thrust hard and fast, grunting with the effort, and she moaned throatily as she neared the edge, clutching his shoulders and gasping his name as her orgasm finally ripped through her body leaving her panting and shaking. He powered into her once, twice, three times more before flooding into her with a groan of triumph, lost to everything but the last intense moments.

He rested his forehead against hers for a second before lowering her gently to the floor in some relief. Chest still heaving, he took her by the hand and made for the sofa, flopping down and pulling her into his lap.

"Jesus Christ. I'm gettin' too old fer this, Bols. Don't think me knees will ever recover."

She giggled, nipping at his earlobe.

"Well, it was your idea to christen the fridge, not mine."

"Didn't hear any complaints from you, woman!"

He raised an eyebrow, his eyes twinkling, and she smirked.

"Wasn't my knees suffering, was it?"

He snorted, pulling her head down for a long, lingering kiss. When he finally released her, she sighed, stroking a finger down his cheek.

"By the way, the decree nisi arrived today so I'm a free woman at last."

Gene and his wife had parted company fairly amicably but as Alex had predicted Pete hadn't made things easy, even though she was convinced he had someone else.

"Free? With a bun in the oven? Best get yer down that registry office while yer can still fit through the door, luv."

She slapped him playfully but she couldn't keep the smile off her face.

"I can't wait, Gene. And neither can Molly, she's dying to be a bridesmaid. She dotes on you, you know, and you're so good with her."

He shrugged, but she saw the genuine pleasure in his eyes.

"Yer know I think the world of her, Bols. She's just like her mother and I happen ter luv her, so how could I not?"

Her heart contracted as it did every time he used the word. After mumbling it nervously into her ear the day they moved into the flat, he'd never looked back.

"Well I hope you still love me when I'm the size of a house. And I should warn you, women get very randy in the last few months so you'd better gird your loins."

He chuckled, pressing an open mouthed kiss to her neck.

"Bloody hell, woman, yer already insatiable. Will I get any chance to kip at all, then?"

She undid a couple of buttons on his shirt and slid her hand inside to caress his warm skin, feeling the steady 'thud, thud' of his heartbeat under her fingertips.

"Not a lot. Although we will have to get a bit creative, position-wise. You'd better get those knees in serious training."

He stood slowly, still holding her in his arms, and she giggled as he stifled a groan, hanging onto his shoulders as he headed in the direction of the bedroom.

"Come on then, Dr Livingstone. Best go and play at being missionaries while we still can …"



Hope you enjoyed – if so, please let me know. That's it for now, but I suspect there may be more in the future, muse permitting!