Brody is awaken by the creaking noise of the door to the guest room but isn't startled by it because he knows who it is and he continues to lay on the bed, still and quiet. He smiled when he hears her giggle and feels her slowly climbing on the bed and over to him. "Brody..." She said and he can feel her hovering over him. "Brody..." She says again and pokes him in the face. Suddenly he gets up and grabs her arm and pulls her to him and switches their position so that he as on top and she was under him. The two laugh and their foreheads pressed together and they look at each other heavenly.

"Good morning." Rachel says in that cute way with those big round brown eyes that Brody just loves.

"'Morning." he says smiling cheekily. Rachel blushes and he leans in to kiss her on the lips. Just a little innocent kiss on the lips and then another on her cheek. Rachel giggled and wraps her arms around his neck and pulls him in for another kiss on the lips.

"My dads are gone for today. What do you want to do?" Rachel says all sly like with her devious but sexy smirk and the lust in her eyes.

Brody smiled and wrapping his arms around her waist, then slowly moving his hand up her back sending shivers down her spine. But you know, in a good way.

"You do know that I'm not going to defile you in your dads' and your home. I just met them this week and so I'm not going to step over the boundaries." Brody explained to Rachel.

Rachel pouted and said. "What's up with you and boundaries, Mr. Weston?" Brody rolled us eyes and wraps his arms around her waist once more and kisses her briefly.

"I want to be liked by your dads first."

"But they do like you."

"Your dads threatened me and I'm serious when I said that I saw that shotgun he has in his room." Brody said seriously.

Rachel pouted once more. "Why do you have to be such a respectful guy?"

"You don't like that 'bout me?"

She smiles. "I love that about you." From there they kissed briefly but then those short and tiny kisses turned into heated ones and then it turns into a passionate make out session.

"Cmon." Santana urged Quinn to drive faster. "Seriously Fabray? I think I can walk faster than you driving." Quinn simply looked at her through the mirror and rolls her eyes and continue to look at the road towards Rachel's house. "you know what? Forget this shit. Imma go. Peace." Santana stated and unbuckled her seat beat and was about to open the car door and jump out of the car and simply walk to Rachel's house if Mercedes didn't stop her.

"Gurl. Chill. Quinn is still a little freaked out about the car crash and she needs to feel her hands on the wheels again." Mercedes said. "give her time."

"Yeah. Like how I gave her 20 minutes. Seriously. It does not take that long to get to Rachel fucking Berry's house. Pull over Fabray. Imma drive."

Quinn rolled her eyes again and did as she was told and pulled over. She got out of the driver's seat and Santana got out and the two quickly switched places.

Buckling her seatbelt, Santana smirked. "Imma show ya how it's done." Quinn and Mercedes look at each other with a scared expression that they really don't want to know what that meant.

Rachel and Brody heard the doorbell ring, interrupting their (heated) make out session. Rachel broke the kiss and pulled away from Brody, much to his dismay. Rachel giggled and pulls him up and drags him downstairs with her.

They reach the door and Rachel opens and is surprised to find her old glee-mates at her doorstep.

"hi..." She greeted in a awkward sort of way. The girls return the greeting with their own. "What are you guys doing here?"

Santana spoke first. "Well. I heard from Britt-Britt that you got a new boy toy and don't try to fool meh 'cus I see him behind you." she said and then without Rachel's permission (like the Santana that Rachel knows and for some reason loves), she steps into the house and pulls her hand out for Brody. "Santana Lopez."

Brody looked at the beautiful Latina in front of him and then looks at Rachel who is completely flabbergasted by her sudden appearance. But being the gentleman he was and is, he shakes her hand gently. "Brody Weston."

She smirks. "I just want to thank you. You know for 'doing' Rachel. She probably got cobwebs down there."

Rachel turned crimson red. "SANTANA!"

Santana ignored her tiny friend and continued. "You guys were dong it before we got here, right?" she asked. "Don't lie. I can see the hickey on Rachel's neck." Rachel gasps and covers it while Quinn and Mercedes try to get a peek of it.

"Okay! Someone explain to me why you three are here." a frustrated Rachel shouted out.

Quinn explained. "We heard that you got a new boyfriend and thought we check him out. And," Quinn sighed. "we missed you." Rachel's expression softens and she pulls Quinn into a hug and then did the same with Mercedes. She turns to Santana.

"Save dat for later. I'm not ready for the tears yet."

Rachel smiled and rolled her eyes. "Why don't we continue this in my room. Brody, do you mind?" Rachel asks. Brody smiles at her and nods. The four girls then all run upstairs and to Rachel's room.

Once the door was closed behind them, Mercedes was the first one to speak. "Girl. You're making me want to move to New York and find a man like that."

Rachel giggled.

Quinn nodded in agreement. "Me too."

"He's a huge improvement from Finn." Mercedes said. "good job. Mercedes approves."

"oh why thank you." Rachel said sarcastically.

Santana butted in. "If I was straight, I'd jump his bones." the three look at her in a odd way. "but I won't. Hello? Crazy for boobs." the three still looked at her in that odd way where they are still in disbelief that she wouldn't 'jump his bones'. "whatever. Talk to us about New York."

12/26/15: Whoaaa, how time flies! I was looking over my past stories and decided to delete the fourth chapter because I did not feel for that chapter. You know, like it wasn't really a part that NEEDED to be in the story. But I wanted to say that I really appreciate every single review and read every single one of them back in...2012? 2013? Dang! I was probably like a freshman back then and dumbbb.

Well times passed and I'm now a senior in HS haha! I want to say I will come back with more stories but I make no promises. I'm actually very active on FF. Just no stories popping up at the moment.

I apologize for grammar mistakes and any errors I've made.

Thanks for reading this story! *internet hugs*