Chapter One

Death and Life

No young man or lady, no matter how great. Can know his or her destiny. They cannot glimpse their part in the story that is about to unfold. Like everyone, they must live and learn. And so it will be the young warlock who parents time was cut away from him. He is given a chance to live a different path. For the old religion alive and well does not like the pain the child would endure. And see's a different option. So taken away from the destroyed home, to be born new into a family. His story begins again in the city of Camelot. A boy that will in time father many legends.

The night that Voldemort tried to kill the young Potter boy something happen. The action that Voldemort had done, screamed out, making magic itself act out to this. She appeared in a golden glow to see the destruction of the home. She looked at the crying baby boy in front of her. She picked up the child looking at the house knowing it was not safe for him here. "I will give you a gift young boy." She said smiling at him. She let some of her golden magic flow into him. Knowing the place she was taking him he would need it. And the future was a dangers path for the child to follow. "Now were to take you? You will need to learn to control these powers… Aww yes I shall have you raised with that family."

Ygraine sat in a rocking chair in the palace looking out over the beautiful city of Camalot. She smiled and held her stomach which held her unborn son inside. She had a feeling that she would not see him become a grown man. For some reason that did not bother her. She knew her life would soon come to an end. She worried though for her kingdom and her husband. He would be grief ridden and she did not know what the young king would do. She was about to stand up when a golden light appeared in the room. "Queen Ygraine, I have a offer for you."

"Who are you?" She said stepping back from the light alarmed.

"I am magic itself." The voice was soothing and the light was warm and kind. "I have a child in my arms. His parents have been killed an need a family. You have the chance to have two sons instead of one. The boy will be your blood and will help his older brother with becoming king and ruling the kingdom."

Ygraine looked at her stomach. She looked up to see a kind woman standing in a golden glow, there with a baby boy in her hands.

"I will not live after my sons birth will I."

The woman gave her a sad smile, "I am sorry there is nothing I can do. But only what you can do. You can give this boy a family and give your son a brother."

The woman smiled at him "I would take him in a heart beat." She said smiling showing how much a caring queen she was. Magic walked over handing Harry into her arms. Only for Harry to vanish. "Were did he go?"

"He is in you with his brother. And his name is Harry." She said smiling.

Ygraine looked at her stomach with a sad smile. And felt two kicks and her face brighten only to look up seeing the woman gone and Uther walking in. "Hello my darling Ygraine." He said kissing her on the cheek and looked down at her stomach.

"They are kicking." She said smiling at her husband.

The look on his face brought so much joy to her. "So any names yet love."

"Well Arthur is the name you want.. And I love it… How about Harry?"

Uther sat there thinking "My great grandfather was a Harry… I like it.." She smiled at her husband and her king. Not knowing that soon the man would turn cold and hard banning magic in his kingdom.

A/N: Well hope you like the start. Yes I know it is short. But the rest of the chapters will be much longer. I hope you like.


Option to have Merlin be a girl…

And Harry paired with.