Act II: Insurgency
Chapter XI: Normandy
SYSTEM TIME: 28th June, 2577 (UNSC Standard Military Calendar)
Communication Channel Alpha, Communique 81263A7
Classification Level: Psi
Sender: Doctor Catherine Halsey
Location: Starford Facility, Trevelyan, Onyx, Zeta Doradus System
Receiver: Vice Admiral Ned Rich
Location: Research Station One, Demeris Debris Field
I am pleased to hear that command think highly of my Spartans and the capabilities they displayed in Operation Thermopylae. Anything, even a single casualty, would have been unacceptable. The fifth generation was built to regain the capabilities that have been lost in the past decades where the previous generations have been deemed obsolete. They are stronger, faster and more smarter than any other fighting force in the galaxy. As I said, anything less would have been a failure.
It would be my humble request that I remind you that we still need time. While yes, the operation was a success, it was our Spartans against a police force in an ambush, while at the same time wearing said force's own uniforms. It was guaranteed to be a victory but when the Spartans faced elite special forces units such as the Citadel Guard and Spectre Operatives, they had far less success. What we have seen thus far is hardly telling of the true heights these Spartans are able to achieve and the fact that they need more time to accomplish lower-level missions before command thinks they can face down every nation in Citadel space with only a few hundred Spartans.
"All squads assigned to boarding, report to Airlock Bravo," Kelly commanded. "Stand by for further orders."
Everything was underway, with Spartans rushing to their positions. All the motion and sound was unnoticeable. Maybe it was the age. Sixty-something years old didn't make the mandatory retirement age for officers in either the UNSC or ONI by a long shot, but rarely could seniors they be found outside ships, training camps and comfortable desk jobs. The Human body still had limits, even that of a Spartan. This entire campaign seemed an exercise in accepting that, no matter how infuriating.
She looked across the CIC, a number of Spartans were working away at their positions. Kelly attempted to remember which squad had rotated onto this position this week, but couldn't. They did their jobs and manned the various stations, no matter how ill-trained they were at using them at first.
"Report progress," she ordered.
"We have an ETA of four minutes until boarding teams enter that corvette," one Spartan answered, rechecking the COM gear. "Scimitar Team are on point and are awaiting the go ahead."
"Good. Continue to scan for any other ships in the area," Kelly said, mulling over facts. They'd already fired a dozen warning shots at civilian vessels who'd attempted to approach the Relay and they'd all retreated. There was an estimated four hours until a Citadel fleet came to dislodge them so it was about time this was wrapped up. Squads were standing by to board and secure the enemy corvette that they now had managed to secure.
"Ma'am, the Corvette is communicating" the Spartan manning the ill-used communication station reported. "We've blocked the signal, but its apparently a surrender."
Kelly contemplated it for a moment, the decision-making process that she'd become experienced with handling over the past few years. John and Kurt had made leading a team through do or die situations look easy, whereas now, she could only feel annoyed by the lack of guidance when there were no indicators to the right decision.
"Are we able to respond?" She asked.
"Yes, ma'am. Their shipboard computer is translating," communications answered. Kelly made the choice. Command had never told them to take prisoners, nor did they ever state that they should not take prisoners at all. From a lifetime of combat, her first instinct was that a surrendered enemy was just an enemy trying to trick them. However, there were tactical benefits to keeping the enemy alive. If this ship had such a high priority value for ONI to capture, then surely its crew must be just as useful. They could be delivered to Section Zero along with the ship.
"Send a message. Order that they assemble all aboard the ship in their hanger-bay. Any found outside that hanger or those who resist will be shot. If this is a trick of any kind, we'll blast a hole in the hull and vent them into space," Kelly commanded. Communications fired away the message and within a dozen or so seconds, there was an answer.
"They agree," communications reported, though even under a helmet, there was body-language that she could read as if it was an open book and it said that everyone here was silently conflicted. Gamma Company had a long history of things going wrong when there were enemy personnel being secured and nobody desired a failure in what was currently a long run of successful operations. Never the less, they went on with their jobs.
"Spartan-164," Kelly said to her appointed XO, "you have command of the bridge. Radio through any updates on the situation immediately. I'll be joining the boarding operation."
"Ma'am," the XO saluted, though again, Kelly could read an unsaid response that it wasn't wise for their commander to join the fight personally. Still, it was the only way to make sure that this operation didn't become worse than it already was.
Ten minutes later, Kelly was suited up again in MINJONIR Armor, the Spartan-II still standing over the two dozen Spartan-III's ready to follow. Armed with MA5B Assault Rifles and Thruster-Packs, they'd make the leap from the Sacrifice into the Normandy's hanger. If this was a ruse, then it was unwise to secure the two ships together. If the enemy tried anything, the Spartans themselves would be able to either board by force, or be plucked out of space later when the battle was over.
"Boarding team, prep for assault. Remember, non-lethal measures," Kelly commanded as the doors rolled open and the vacuum of space eased in. The Normandy's hanger-door was open, but a shield had been projected over it to keep the vacuum out, similar to a Covenant ship. "Go!"
The Spartans jumped from the Sacrifice's starboard hanger and activated their thruster-packs, jetting across open space towards that open hanger door. The dozen-strong advance team went through the shield and were pulled down by artificial gravity, landing on the deck. They immediately moved forward, securing the entrance for the second team to land. As soon as she passed through the barrier, Kelly felt gravity again and deactivated the thruster-pack.
The Spartans had quickly secured the hanger, keeping their rifles pointed at the three hostiles who were down on their knees, unarmed.
"Hanger secure, ma'am," Isaiah reported. "Permission to sweep the ship. Three isn't a full crew."
"When we attacked them earlier, they didn't have time to board one," Kelly answered, remembering their previous attack on the shipyard. They'd managed to wipe out the crew and their security teams, so it was possible that three were the only ones still aboard. Still, it needed to be swept, yet it was likely a very expected move of them to move deeper into the ship. "Hold ground here for now."
"Prisoners secure," a Spartan reported, pointing his assault rifle on the aliens. "Orders?"
"Stand ground," Kelly said, looking around the ship. It wasn't the first time they'd boarded an Alliance vessel, but it was the first time they'd come aboard a military ship. If this was one of their own, she'd been worried about an AI response, but that was one of the things the Alliance lacked. She pulled out her sidearm and pointed it at the alien designated as a Turian. "Can you understand us?"
"Yes," the Turian answered plainly.
"Are you the commander here?"
"Yes," the Turian said again. Before she could continue, the COM channel activated.
"Ma'am," Sacrifice's XO radioed through. "Three ONI Corvettes have come out of Slipspace. Like the Prowler earlier, they're refusing to recognize us as friendlies and have launched Longsword Fighters and Pelicans, ETA eight minutes."
"Spool up the drive and prepare to jump," Kelly answered back, turning off her helmet speakers so the aliens couldn't hear the conversation. "Have all crew at arms and ready to defend."
"They already are, ma'am. We're having issues securing this Frigate however. It'll take time, more than we have. We could always cut it loose now and let those corvettes handle it."
"Allowing this ship to fall into Section Three hands is not the mission. I want the frigate secure and ready to piggy-back with us when we make the jump, and I want it done before ONI arrives."
"Roger that, commander. I'll update you if anything happens. Sacrifice-actual out."
"Alright everyone," Kelly shouted to the crew in the hanger. "Incoming hostile forces. Scimitar, Chakram, you'll follow me back to Sacrifice. The rest of you, hold ground and prepare to defend this area against incoming hostiles. Saber One, you are in charge."
"Ma'am, what about the prisoners?" Ash asked. Kelly mulled over the worth of this self appointed secondary objective and decided upon it. They were too much the risk in a combat scenario.
"Scimitar will drag this Turian back with us," Kelly told him, before turning to the two squads they were leaving behind. "As for the rest, if hostiles do board in strength, shoot them. Basic resource denial. Now move out."
Isaiah grabbed the Turian by the arm and hefted him up onto his feet. The Spartan III and alien roughly stood the same height rather than the smaller Salarian and Quarian. The Spartan shoved the Turian forward towards the hanger doors. When the Turian nodded to his comrades as he was led away, Isaiah struck him with the end of his rifle.
"ETA six minutes on incoming ONI forces, commander."
Tali and Bau knelt down on the floor, hands across the back of their heads as the enemy stood guard around them. While Bau hadn't had a helmet with him during their flight from the Citadel, Tali could easily continue to talk with EDI within the confines of her helmet. Thanks to the AI, she overheard everything the Spartans said over their COM channel, including the execution orders.
"Do not be concerned," EDI stated. "I have the situation under complete control."
"We're being attacked" Tali whispered as the ship shook underneath them. "Things are not under control."
"I'm deliberately causing fluctuation in the engines to delay their efforts at towing the ship," EDI said. "With luck, that should buy me the time I need to gain access to their systems and lift the lockdown they've placed on the jump drive. If that doesn't work, we'll proceed with our second option."
"Okay," Tali answered, trying to look around without being noticed. She'd counted thirteen that had left with Garrus when the word of an attack came through but there was still twelve in the hanger bay, setting up defensive positions. The COM that EDI had tapped into piped up again.
"Where should we drag those two?" one male voice asked.
"Keep them there for now," another voice answered back.
"Ash, if even a few ODST's come charging in here, they'll go down in the first few seconds outside of cover."
"Can it, Mark. If it wasn't for the Commander's rather clear orders, I'd shoot them now. Hell, I would have had this ship cleared by now. Keep watch, because we'll likely have enemies at our backs as well as coming in through the front door."
"If we're going to use them as meat shields, we might as well position them more effectively, somewhere center but not in the open" a female voice added in.
"Oliva has got a point. Mark, move them to in front of the elevator doors, behind that crate there."
One of the many green-armored Spartans came over and shoved them to their feet. "Move it."
"Heads up all squads aboard Normandy, two ONI Prowlers have entered the system," a voice over the COM announced as they knelt again in front of the elevator doors, behind a crate too short to be good cover. "We've now got Pelicans coming in with an ETA of two minutes. Intel suggests shock troopers. Acknowledge."
"Acknowledged, Sacrifice," Ash answered. "We've completed setting up defensive positions. Any chance of reinforcements however?"
"Negative, Saber-One. Stand by for further orders."
"More ONI ships are appearing on sensors," EDI spoke up again. "They total five now and are closing rapidly. The Hierarchy fleet has noticed the battle here and are inbound, but with an ETA of thirty minutes. That gives us a maximum time-limit, as they have orders to destroy the Normandy."
"Any good news?" Tali questioned, not desiring to know how things we're only getting worse. Joker was thankfully still up in the cockpit, though it wasn't like they could go anywhere.
"I've stopped the engine disturbances to allow them to connect the ships. As soon as I have the jump-drive online, we'll leap to a nearby system and take our boarders with us. From there, I'll move onto taking control of their ship's computers," EDI explained. "Warning, incoming Pelican drop-ships. I'd advise you keep your head down. Standby for my signal. On my mark, get into the elevator."
The Normandy rumbled once more and every Spartan raised their weapons on the closed hanger-bay doors. Half a minute later, sparks flew as ONI forces began boarding the ship.
"They're incoming," Ash shouted. "Mark, shoot em."
"Now," EDI broadcast over the loudspeaker and the elevator doors slid open. The gravity suddenly increased and everyone was sent tumbling to the floor. Tali grabbed Bau and they rolled into the elevator, the doors shutting behind them as they were sent upwards to the CIC. EDI relaxed the gravity and stopped crushing them into the floor. "As I said, things are under control."
"Hardly," Bau muttered, "what's the plan on rescuing Vakarian?"
"I plan to barter once I have the ability to flush them out their own airlocks," EDI answered casually, the elevator doors opening to the CIC. Tali immediately snatched up the weapons waiting for them there and so did Bau. Armed again, they quickly sprinted to the cockpit where Joker was rebooting the ship's systems with EDI.
"Alright, I've actually managed to override the safeties and get all the thrusters going again and the jump-drive should be a few seconds apparently," Joker rapidly explained. "They've got us attached though. Either of us jump and we'll be dragging the other with us. Can I again how stupid Garrus' plan was? He got himself captured. Also EDI, how do we actually plan on getting the jump-drive going again? They've seized manual control."
"Then everything is going to plan," Bau answered, looking at the sensor station. "Those ONI ships are engaging us now. We've got hostiles in our hanger and they're crawling over Sacrifice."
"EDI, hail the Sacrifice," Tali ordered.
"Hailing," EDI answered.
"What the hell are we doing?" Joker questioned.
"Negotiating," Tali answered as EDI successfully opened up a communication channel.
They all herded into Sacrifice's CIC, with the Spartan commander immediately taking charge. Garrus was pulled along with them, held at gunpoint at the door as the crew continued to control the ship as they were swarmed with enemy ships.
"Point deference took out half of them but Pelicans have landed across our hull and the Normandy's underside, all in our blind spots. They're pouring out shock troopers. Corvettes and Prowlers are holding at range," the ship's XO reported.
"Have we secured the Normandy?"
"Positive, sir. The Normandy is properly secure."
"Secure the ships, prepare to jump," she commanded.
"We can't," a crewman manning navigation answered. "Something has entered our system and powered down our Slipspace Drive. It'll take ten minutes to reboot. We can't jump."
"Our FTL can," Garrus finally spoke up, still with a Spartan pointing an Assault Rifle to back of his head. The ship commander swung around to face him, genuinely surprised he'd spoken. Before anyone could react, communications spoke up.
"Ma'am, we've got a communications attempt from the Normandy."
"Put it through to speakers," the commander answered without a delay, staring straight at Garrus.
"This is the Normandy. Release your control over our ship's systems and we can jump both ships. Do it now, or kiss goodbye to your oxygen."
Garrus chuckled slightly at that ultimatum, earning him another strike over the back with an Assault Rifle. After shaking off the shock, he grew concerned that he could hear gunfire nearby. No doubt the boarding parties were finding their way inside the ship.
"Do we still have an access to their jump-drive computers?" the commander questioned. From the sound of her voice, she wasn't the kind of person who reacted well to threats. She immediately closed the channel to the Normandy.
"Yes ma'am."
"Good. Take control and jump us. Also, attempt to access the primary computer and vent all oxygen or whatever they breath from the Normandy."
"We... can't. I can't tell if its the Normandy or those Prowlers blocking us from accessing their systems."
"I am blocking your access," EDI spoke up through the COMs. "Continuation of hostilities will only see both our ships captured or destroyed. I will unlock your connection and you will also allow me access back to my jump-drive."
There was a prolonged silence. Garrus couldn't read whatever occurred behind the Spartan's polarized helmets, but they all stood still and silent as their commander came to a decision.
"How long?" the commander simply questioned.
"I can jump us within ninety seconds," EDI answered.
"Do it. Lieutenant, disable all our overrides on the Normandy and return them to their previous states," the commander ordered. "Also, get Saber on the line immediately."
"I have control. Stand by for jump in ninety seconds," EDI stated. Garrus looked at the view-screens, seeing those drop-ships now detaching from the hull and speeding away.
"Ma'am, ONI troopers are falling back. They've detected the jump-drive and are returning to their ships."
"Garrus!" he heard Tali's voice shout through EDI's forced channel. Worse yet, he could hear gunfire sounding through the Normandy's CIC. "They aren't falling back. They're still attacking. Joker, get down! Bau-"
There was a wash of static and channel went offline. Garrus tensed, unable to react.
"Tali! Are you there? Joker? EDI?" Garrus shouted out, despite everyone around him. The Spartan behind him smacked him over the head this time, sending him to the floor.
"Shut it!" the Spartan yelled. Garrus attempted to stumble back to his feet but the blow scrambled him. It was a good many seconds later when he came back to full senses and heard EDI.
"Jump commencing..."
The Sacrifice shuddered as it was dragged along by the Normandy, accelerating away from the battle and into another system. The blinding flash subsided, revealing empty space beyond the Sacrifice once occupied by ONI Corvettes. They had escaped for now. The guard leaned down and pulled Garrus off the ground, pointing a pistol straight at the back of his head.
"Normandy, do you read? Normandy are you there?" the commander spoke and nothing answered but silence. "Communications, any signal from our teams?"
Communications took a moment to respond, staring at his console. "No ma'am. I'm reading no active transponders aboard the Normandy. They're gone."
The cleanup was remarkably fast as staff swept the tiled floors of dust, rubble and glass. A task-force of the member states stood guard everywhere, primarily made up of Hierarchy troops. It hadn't exactly been peaceful for the last few years but once again the galaxy had been rattled, but not nearly enough. One could personally think that the Reapers had destroyed any sense of security for a few generations to come. Decades ago, a brazen attack on the Citadel would have been a endless outrage but now, people merely shrugged and went on with their lives.
Shepard made brisk pace down the corridors, checking over notes on his data-pad as he received the facts and figures. Three trillion credits worth of damage and that was the least of their problems. It would cost much more to replace the staff lost over the past few days. Still, it could be done. Harder things were to come. An officer; wearing the distinctive black and silver of the Goliath Task-Force uniform and carrying a much larger data-slate under arm, jogged up beside him.
"Commander Shepard."
"Lieutenant-" Shepard said, spotting his rank emblem.
"Lieutenant Gauss, sir," the officer told him, snapping off a quick salute. It was likely the most professional greeting he'd gotten all day and for that, he took a liking. Most babbled on about how it was a honor.
"Have you got a report back from Goliath-actual?" Shepard asked.
"Yes, sir. They give short congratulations on the successful operation and recommend continuation of the plan," Gauss reported. "Apparently, the Normandy has fallen off their radar, but they're sure that they'll be able to pass on its location within twelve hours. Meanwhile, we've had the C-Sec Office issue those warrants across all Citadel space just in case."
"Best news all day," Shepard said, turning off his data-pad and handing it to the Lieutenant. They came to a meeting room, passing by a squad of elite Citadel Guard standing to attention. Beyond the glass walls and horde of administrators rushing around, Shepard could see that everything was already in full swing. Representatives had been rushed from all corners of Citadel Space to quickly assume their predecessors positions.
"This emergency gathering is now in session," Ambassador Robert D'mana announced; the System's Alliance representative beginning. "As agreed, all four appointed here today are immediately ratified as members of the Council until further notice or cessation of emergency measures. Without further bureaucracy, let us get to the matter at hand."
They all began the usual chatter and Shepard filtered it all out. "Your opinion, Lieutenant, what's it like out there at the moment? Speak freely."
"From the sound of it sir, not so much ruckus. Cerberus is a well tread topic, completely ignored. Some are interested who will take the vacant Council spots once the emergency appointments are dismissed, but so far, you are the most highly discussed element. All skeptical at first, but recently, it seems to have swung in your favor."
"That sounds good," Shepard said. "Carry on, Lieutenant."
The Commander walked straight in past the guards and casually down at the table as the emergency Council continued to ramble. After a few seconds, they noticed him and went silent.
"Ah, Commander," D'mana said, turning his attention to Shepard. "While your still here, we might as well get a few things out of the way. Firstly of all things, your illegal private army-"
"I'd hardly call them that, Councillor," Shepard answered. "Goliath is a small force, headquartered in the Terminus Systems. By right, I don't see any legal problems having them here."
"There are limits to the power a Spectre can wield, Shepard," the new Turian Councillor; K'rique, spoke. "After all, you made that apparent in the wake of Saren's assault, whose increasing power the Council had chosen to ignore prior to the Eden Prime attack."
"I'm a Spectre now?" Shepard said, leaning forward. "As last as I recall, my status as a Spectre was revoked, along with my rank with the Alliance. I've moved on and continued protecting us anyway. If I really wanted to use my forces to stage a coup and overthrow the Council, then I would have done it by now. That's not why I'm here however. We have a clear and present enemy and that is Cerberus."
"I'm curious to why Cerberus has chosen now of all times to attack," the Salarian Councillor questioned. "As I recall, they've been virtually crippled as an organization for the past decade."
"Cerberus has reorganized under the Leviathans," Shepard told them. "Another present threat the previous Council decided to ignore. Don't make the same mistake. They have the same capacity as the Reapers to unleash destruction. They operate elusively through pawns however and by eliminating Cerberus, we deprive them of their means of attack."
"How do you suggest this is done, Shepard?" D'mana questioned. "The Spectres have carried out endless operations against Cerberus prior to this attack, and obviously they failed to destroy it. How could anything you possess possibly change the fact that Cerberus has hidden itself?"
"Give me back my Spectre status and allow my task-force to operate within the bounds of Citadel Space," Shepard told them. "I'll give you results. As far as I've heard, three quarters of our Spectres have been wiped out by the surprise attack. The surviving quarter isn't enough to help you put an end to Cerberus."
"So you want what? For us to legitimize your personal goon-squad?" the Salarian Councillor questioned. "Give you authority? To do so is not in the power of this Council, but in the hands of our members governments."
"As I said, give me Spectre status," Shepard said again. "Make the Goliath task-force as a special forces unit of the Citadel Council and they'll serve directly under my command. I'll operate as any Spectre would, just one with significant resources to exercise in the Traverse and Terminus Systems."
"This decision will take time," the Asari Councillor took a diplomatic approach, and Shepard scowled, knowing she was stalling for time. "It requires some serious deliberation."
"Councillors, with all respects, we ran out of time a day ago when this station was almost overrun for the third time. Action needs to be now."
"I'm with the Commander," D'mana stated. "I loathe the idea we're going to sit here and do exactly what brought us to this point and that is prattle endlessly about what to do. We need action and I believe that Commander Shepard here can do that job."
"I'd be hard pressed to find a time you've let us down," the Turian Councillor K'rique stated. "I'm also in favor of reappointing Shepard as a Spectre."
The Asari and Salarian exchanged looks, and decided that they'd give ground for now. Without further ado, the Asari Councillor spoke. "Very well then. As a temporary measure of this state of emergency, we grant Commander Shepard the status of Spectre. From now on, you'll report directly to this Council as you move to counter the Cerberus threat."
Shepard smiled and nodded.
"Thank you, Councillors."
Kelly hit the control pad and the door to this sealed compartment rolled open. In the makeshift brig, the Turian stood up. The Spartan simply walked in and shut the door behind her.
"I'll make one thing clear," she warned the alien, "I do not deal with the enemy."
"At first I was hoping to get aboard, so that when our AI EDI took control of your systems, I could bargain with you," the Turian answered. "But as it turns out, we have common enemies. You're getting chased by your own side. Care to explain what that's about?"
"That's classified," Kelly answered, staring at the alien. Maybe it was the translation or perhaps it was their culture, but his casual manner was without a hint of professionalism. This alien certainly was not a soldier if he lacked even the most basic discipline. The records however told another story entirely.
"By who?" he questioned.
"I'll be the one talking," Kelly told him, "now shut it. We've seized control of your ship and have taken your comrades into custody. One Human pilot; badly wounded, and the Salarian, whose currently giving him medical treatment. You're Quarian is gone and so are my men."
"Are they dead?" Garrus questioned, dreading to know the answer. If Tali was dead, then... he could scarcely accept it, let alone think about the implications.
"Gone," Kelly repeated. "No bodies, no signs. The Salarian reports they took prisoners, though I doubt my Spartans are alive. The Quarian however probably is."
For that, he was relieved. Alive in whatever circumstances was better than dead. "So now what? Are you going to take us back to your base? If you don't work for the UNSC, then who do you work for?"
"The right side," Kelly answered. "The Office of Naval Intelligence is only a single branch of the UNSC, and even within them, there are more branches. And no, you'll be staying with us for an indefinite duration until deemed otherwise."
"If you think you can keep me in this cell, then you're mistaken," Garrus answered. "EDI's likely already in everyone of your ship's computers."
"That I know," Kelly said. "AI's are scarce resources, more so among your kind than ours. I wanted a sentient system in Sacrifice from day one to keep us updated with command and now we have one."
Garrus stayed silent at that, completely puzzled by what the Spartan meant. EDI was in their computer systems and now they had an AI.
"What do you-"
"Command has sent us new orders. Someone in Section Zero is very impressed with the Normandy's track record and has decided that we're to cooperate with you," she stated, revealing the farce this interrogation had been from the beginning. It was just making absolutely clear who was in charge. "Your AI has agreed to this deal. We have a common objective in removing the Quarian from Section Three control for our varying reasons. So the Normandy will be accompanying the Sacrifice to a resupply at Omega. From there, we'll be targeting ONI outposts. That is of course, if you agree to obey my command for the entirety of this mission."
"It's not like I have a choice, so yea, you lead then," Garrus answered.
"Good, then we have an understanding on that matter at least."
Author's Afterward:
Apologies for the great lack of updates over the past two months. What happens when you continuously repeat a scene in your mind for preparation to write it, you get board of it and it becomes a total drag to write. This was one such chapter, but thankfully now I can move into Section II and yea: a Normandy-Sacrifice team up is in the name of the plot from henceforward, just one of the many arcs that'll occur over the course of Section II.
Also, as a statement to address a continuing issue of mine. I personally when browsing this site despise crossovers involving more than two properties. You see what might be a good crossover and find out there's another universe involved which you have no clue about, therefore stop reading. Thus, Kin From The Stars: Incursion will always remain purely Halo - Mass Effect. That's not to say I've always had very appealing ideas of bringing in elements from other universes that would fit extremely neatly within the combined timeline and make things even more interesting.
So I'm planning a short story spin-off, Kin From The Stars: Downfall. Whether you consider it 'canon' to the series as a whole is your personal decision, its reading is not required to continue enjoying Incursion. However, if you enjoy the third property I'll be doing a crossover with or are simply curious, I encourage you to give it a read. It'll feature a mission aboard the Normandy prior to Operation Thermopylae, and I'm hoping to post it alongside the next chapter of Incursion, so keep an eye out. As for what I'm doing a crossover with, that'll be a secret till release.