Alright guys so I got some major writers block with Badass Brittany and quite frankly the story just sort of fell apart. I don't know where to go from there and I want to put all your ideas in there but I don't know so I decided to write a new story.

I got the idea while watching Mean Girls 2 so I hope you guys like it and drop me a REVIEW it's much appreciated.

Brittany was a loser. That was a mean way to put it but it was true. The girl was the definition of dork. Her clothes were too big her hair was always pulled up in a messy bun over her bright blue eyes and she always had her headphones in listening to some upbeat tune as she literally danced down the hallways.

It was the opportune time to trip the happy go lucky girl up. Brittany didn't mind the name calling over being pushed into lockers whenever she got in the way of the popular kids. She just went with the flow of things. She had been called a loser ever since she first started middle school. She was always that one weird kid that no one wanted to talk to. It never bothered her. Her mother always said that it was because the other kids couldn't see how amazing she really was.

Past everything else that Brittany was the girl was actually pretty. If she actually tried she could easily be at the top of the food chain. She was taller than most of the guys at her high school and that was without heels on. Her eyes were one of the deepest blues. The girl had abs that would make anyone drool if she actually took the time to show them off. All in all the girls was absolutely gorgeous, but she wasn't shallow.

So when the blonde walked into up through the hallways of McKinley High School and the jockheads pushed her into the lockers making her headphones pop out of her ears and her jam session end abruptly she didn't worry. She simply brushed off her jeans and picked her bag up before popping her headphones back in and continuing on her way.

Another day at McKinley another day of Brittany being Brittany.

Santana finished tying up her shoe and stood to meet her father's gaze.

Mario Lopez stared down at his daughter with sweet deep brown eyes. Something that Santana had inherited from him.

He gave her a wide toothy grin and the Latina smiled back at him as he handed over the girl's lunch.

"Are you sure you don't want me to drive you to school? I mean it is your first day," he said with a joking tint to his eyes. She crossed her arms over her chest. That would be the worst thing ever. Social suicide before she even had a social life.

Santana love her dad but that didn't mean she wanted to roll up to school as 'Daddy's Little Pumpkin'.

"No thanks, Dad. Besides, I want to take the baby out for a spin," she said with a wave towards her motorcycle. He smiled and pulled the smaller girl in for a big bear hug that she tried to wiggle out of. He only held on tighter, ruffling the girl's hair in the process. She gave him a swift jab to the stomach. Not enough to hurt her father, but enough to let him know that she didn't want to be held.

He chuckled but let go. She smiled up at him before grabbing her helmet and walked towards the bike. "I'll see you at work, Dad," she called as she swung onto the beautiful black death machine.

Her father waved her out the driveway and the girl jetted off for McKinley High.

She got to the parking lot and pulled up beside a red Vespa. She smirked at the tiny bike and shut her own monster off before hanging her helmet off the side. People were already staring at her, but she didn't care. She knew that she was hot and that they could stare all they wanted. They were never going to get any.

Santana Lopez was in fact a lesbian but she had the rule of don't ask don't tell. Of course she wasn't hiding anything. She just wasn't going around shoving her sexuality down everyone else's throats. She wasn't going to cut her hair short and wear flannel to school.

At least not everyday.

The Latina easily found her locker and spun her combination. Thank god that she had gone to see Principle Figgins early that week. She knew where all of her classes were and what her locker and combination were. It was as if she had been going to this school for years instead of just moving to Lima Ohio a few months ago. All she had to do now was find a place to sit at lunch.

Slamming the locker closed Santana made her way down the halls looking for her first class of the day, which was Economics when a little brunette stepped in front of her with a smile plastered to her face. It was so big that the Latina was surprised that her face didn't rip in half.

"You must be the new girl. I'm Rachel. Rachel Berry. I'd like to officially welcome you to McKinley High School. Home of the Titans."

Santana had never heard a more annoying voice in her life.

"If there's anything you need just come and find me. I want you to know that you have at least one friend here," the shorter girl continued to ramble.

The Latina raised a hand, stopping the girl right there.

"Listen here dwarf, I have no intention of being friends with you, nor do I need your help. In fact I think it's you that needs help. The professional kind."

With those words Santana stormed off, leaving a shocked girl behind. There were two things that Santana didn't do; that was friends and relationships. You would think that for a new kid to be passing up friend of any kind would be stupid, but since her father was a famous mechanic and was always getting new jobs at auto shops she had moved from one spot to the other. There was no point in her making friend or getting a girlfriend when she would just end up leaving them behind when she went someplace new. Long distance relationships never worked out. So, Santana decided why bother.

She continued down the hallway towards her intended destination when a scene caught her attention.

A blonde haired girl with blue eyes was dancing through the halls with her head bopping in time to music that no one but she could hear. The way she moved made Santana's jaw drop. She was so graceful in her oversized clothes. Her body twisted and turned as she moved down the hallway towards wherever she was going. It was like magic before the Latina's eyes. This girl was hypnotizing and Santana couldn't look away.

Out of nowhere a big guy with a squirrel taped to his head came forward and pushed the dancing girl into a locker where she slid down. Her headphones had been knocked out of her ears but she didn't look upset by the interruption she simply shook her head a few times as if to clear it and got up brushing off her pants.

The same couldn't be said for Santana. She was fuming. How dare that asshole interrupt something so beautiful. Snarling she headed towards the guy but someone caught hold of her arm and she turned ready to deck the kid dead in the face.

Another blonde met her only this one had a pair of amazing hazel eyes.

"Don't do it. He had friends and you do not want to be on the receiving end of one of their slushie facials," the girl said with concern in her eyes. For some reason Santana relaxed even though she was confused she found something soothing about the girl before her.

When the Mohawked boy had disappeared the girl released Santana's arm and stuck out a hand instead.

"I'm Quinn, and you must be Santana," the strange shorthaired blonde said with absolute confidence. The Latina raised an eyebrow but nodded. Quinn's smile only grew as she saw the confusion continuing to spread across the Latina's face.

Of course the girl didn't explain herself. That would have been to good to be true. Instead she took hold of Santana's arm and led the girl down the hallway and into the Economics class that they apparently they shared. She continued to drag the Latina to the back of the classroom to two empty seats.

The Latina began to take her books out completely ignoring the strange girl beside her.

"So, you like Brittany." It wasn't a question. Santana looked over at her. This girl still hadn't said a thing that Santana understood. Quinn was disturbed by the look that Santana was giving her and quickly explained.

"You were staring at her the whole time she was dancing down the hallway and then you wanted to beat Puck up for pushing her. So, you obviously like her."

Santana rolled her eyes at the blonde's reasoning. "I was staring at her because I've never seen anyone dance in the middle of school while everyone else was around and I wanted to beat 'Puck' up because he shouldn't be touching her."

The shorthaired girl smirked at Santana's response. "And you don't want him to touch her because you feel protective of Brittany," she said as she opened her notebook with her pen poised to write down whatever the teacher was saying. Santana wasn't paying attention to the teacher she was too focused on the girl next to her.

"How can I like her when I don't even know her?" She snapped, throwing her arms up in exasperation.

Quinn chuckled. "That's called love at first sight, sweetheart." She scribbled down some words and Santana felt her cheeks burning.

"I don't like her. I don't do relationships," she growled. Quinn smirked but didn't say anything more.

Brittany was so happy when she got to the dance room. She threw her bag off to the side and began to stretch. Someone walked in and she turned to find Mike Chang walking into the room with his own duffle bag on his shoulders.

"Hey, there," she said giving him a huge smile. He easily returned it and set his bag down beside Brittany's.

"Hey, yourself," he chuckled. Brittany just had the effect of happiness about her. She could always make someone smile, even if she didn't mean to. He came up beside her and began to do his own stretches. She finished up and walked over to the boom box. Pulling out her iPod she began to scroll through the songs until she found the one she desired.

The music filled the air and she turned her smile to her friend. "I'm so happy that McAdams doesn't come in this early since we're the only students in his first period class," she commented as she slid across the floor and came up right in front of Mike. He smiled at her and did a series of pop and locks.

Brittany laughed and tried to mimic his moves but that was really Mike's thing. He chuckled and popped around her as the blonde did her best to follow his movements. When she grew frustrated the blonde decided to show her friend up.

Getting a running start she did an ariel through the air and landed perfectly. He gawked at her and was about to do it when she shook her head.

"Don't even try it, Mike. I don't want to have to explain what happened to you. Besides, if you get hurt McAdams would have to come in early and actually teach us." They both shuttered at the very thought before falling into a fit of laughter.

When they had settled out a little bit Brittany switched the music off and sat back on the floor looking across at her one of her best friends.

"Did you hear about that new girl?" Mike asked. Brittany quirked an eyebrow up at him.

"Come on, Mike you should know me better than that by now. When do I ever care about McKinley's gossip?" She said, taking a long drink from her water bottle and leaning back contently.

Mike smirked. "Oh, I think you'll care about this one. Apparently, she saw you get slammed into the locker by Puckerman and she was about to jump the boy and might have if Quinn hadn't stepped in the way and calmed the girl down." That caught Brittany's attention.

No one ever stood up for. Mike had tried to when they first started high school but he was on the football team and was technically popular and Brittany didn't want her friend to lose his place in the unstable social pyramid that built up McKinley's student body. Clearly the new girl hadn't gotten the message. If you wanted to survive high school the first thing you need to know was that you didn't stick up for nerds like Brittany.

"I'm sure that Quinn will inform her of the rules around here," Brittany said taking a long drink from her water bottle.

Mike's brow furrowed. He loved Brittany, he really did, but sometimes the girl was so oblivious. No one just randomly stood up for someone else unless they had fantastic morals that had yet to be corrupted by regular teenage life.

"I don't think that'll change her mind. She seems like a total badass. Did you see her ride in this morning on that motorcycle? It put half the muscle and sport cars to shame." The tall Asian boy was getting a dreamy expression on his face. Brittany snapped her fingers in front of his face a few times before he turned to look at her, clearly shaken from whatever perverted day dream he was having.

She rolled her eyes and stood. "I told you I don't care about gossip." With that she walked out of the dance room and already headed for her next class.

It wasn't even so much the gossip that made Brittany upset. It was the fact that Mike was trying to set her up with another potential suitor. She wasn't going down that road again. Not after Artie.

She was fine being single but apparently no one else was. Her friends and even her parents were always pressuring her into finding someone and settling down. The fact that she was bisexual didn't seem to help matters. Her father was always yelling about how she was playing for both sides and that she need to pick one and settle down.

She was only in high school for Pete's Sake! It wasn't like she was going to find her soul mate. These were passing flings and Brittany highly doubted that she would find someone that completely accepted her for who she was.

The thing that most kids didn't know about Brittany was that she was born with male parts where her lady parts should have been. At first Brittany hadn't noticed but as they hit puberty and the school made her watch the health video she began to notice the difference. After that Brittany did everything in her power to avoid anything that would reveal her secret.

Only a few people knew. Mike and Quinn were two along with a few choice members of her geek squad.

If what Mike said was true and this new girl had stood up for her than all that would fade away as soon as she found out about Brittany's not so little friend. Whatever feelings this new girl might have for Brittany would disappear as soon as she learned about the blonde's extra appendages.

Walking into English class she took a seat at the back. Normally that was where the delinquents sat but since she was in an AP class there were no delinquents. She always sat in the back to avoid spitballs and paper airplanes from landing in the back of her hair. She didn't want to have to go home and make up some lie for her parents about why her hair had red sharpie marks in it. They already knew the answer without her having to tell them let alone lie.

She took out the book they were supposed to read over the summer. Even though she was in an AP class that didn't mean that her fellow classmates had taken the time out of their social lives to read the material. Brittany had no social life so there was no excuse for her to not read it.

Flipping to the beginning of the book she began to highlight key points and write little comments out to the side. The other students slowly began to make their way into the classroom. She didn't even bother to look up. She had no hope of having a class with one of her friends. They all took the classes that they thought would make them the coolest. Since when had flunking regular Geometry for the second time made you cool? Mike and Quinn were her only hopes and she knew if they had a class together than they would sit by her since no one else would.

When the warning bell rang and still no one had taken up the seat beside her, she lost all hope of seeing a familiar face. The teacher came in and started the class. The door opened and the teacher turned to the door.

"Do you have a pass, Ms…"

"Lopez, and no, nor do I intend to go get one," a raspy voice answered before footsteps made their way towards the back of the room. Brittany's heart was hammering in her chest. That voice. It was like heaven. How could anyone have such an amazing voice? It wasn't humanly possible.

The seat next to her was taken up and the blonde found herself fighting internally to not turn and look over at the girl. If this was the new girl that Mike had been talking about than Brittany didn't need to get on her bad side. It was only the first day of school!

She fought but her inner demon was getting the upper hand and she found her eyes roaming over a long legs fit into tight pants and a heavy black leather jacket put over a white T-Shirt. Her blue eyes found tan skin, pouty lips and a pair of deep brown eyes staring back at her.

Brittany's cheeks burned, but she couldn't look away from those eyes.

"Are you checking me out?" That same heavenly voice asked with a smirk. That didn't help the tint of Brittany's cheeks. She dropped her gaze and went back to scribbling in her book.

There was silence for a moment.

"It's okay, you know?"

Brittany risked a glance over at the girl and saw a small reassuring smile pressed onto those same pouty lips. The lips that Brittany wanted so badly to kiss.

Wait! What?

She didn't even know this girl's name and already she wanted to kiss her. What was wrong with her hormones today? Those beautiful lips were moving again and Brittany wasn't listening. Her heart was beating too loudly for her to pay attention to what the Latina was saying. Where was the function for her ears? She needed to turn them back on so she could hear that beautiful voice again.

"Did you hear anything I just said?" The raspy voice asked and Brittany could pick up on the annoyed tone.

Brittany went back through her memory to when the Latina's lips were moving but she wasn't paying attention to the words coming out of it. She read the motions of Santana's lips and repeated the words out loud without thinking.

"You said it's okay for me to check you out as long as you got to do the same."

The blonde slowly realized what she had just said and her cheeks burned before she clamped a hand over her mouth. The Latina smirked and leaned in closer to Brittany with a mischievous glint. The blonde caught the smell coming off the girl. It was leather mixed with Irish Spring and the smell of tires with just a hint of vanilla and strawberries. It was too much for the taller girl to handle. Brittany's friend down below twitched unceremoniously and the blonde pulled away from the girl.

There was no way that she was going to let this girl find out about her secret. The Latina's eyebrows pulled together and she looked at the blonde confused.

"I don't even know your name yet," she said trying to buy some time. She had seen the girl's hand reaching out to touch her thigh. If that hand went a little farther north than Brittany would be major trouble.

The Latina didn't seem disturbed though. She put on a beaming smile and pulled back sitting up taller.

"I'm Santana," she said, extending a hand to Brittany. The blonde's eyebrow quirked up and she looked at the hand for a second before taking it and giving it a firm shake.

"I'm Brittany Susan Pierce." Santana's own eyebrow rose and Brittany felt a blush settling over her cheeks. "What?"

"I've never met anyone who said their middle name when they introduced themselves," the Latina mused with an amused smile. Brittany felt embarrassed but that smile was killing her slowly. The bulge in her pants wasn't getting any smaller.

Santana noticed Brittany's discomfort and leaned in closer. Her hand rested on the blonde's leg just as the bell rang and Brittany bolted out the door. Electricity shooting through her body stemming from where the Latina had touched her. Santana was left there in shock. She hadn't even done anything and the girl had sprinted out of the room. That was not the reaction that Santana had been hoping for.

She looked down at the girl's desk and her still outstretched hand. Brittany's bag and books still sat in the chair. Letting off a sigh Santana scooped the girl's things up.

Quinn had been right. Santana definitely felt something for Brittany, but the Latina was far from to admitting that it was more than just simple lust. She wasn't going to admit anything. That wasn't her way. Santana didn't do relationships.

Brittany fled down the hallway heading for a any empty room that she could find. Her 'little' friend wasn't being very nice. The damn thing was straining against the fabric of her jeans and it was becoming more and more painful by the second.

She was so caught up in her attempt to escape the Latina and her seduction that she wasn't paying attention to where she was going. The girl bumped into the last person she wanted to meet that day; Kitty. Head cheerleader of the Cheerios and total bitch to anyone that wasn't in the popular crowd. She was a sophomore and shouldn't be bothering a senior like Brittany, but everyone was allowed to pick on the person residing at the bottom of the food chain.

She bumped into the girl and tumbled to the ground. The blonde cheerleader turned and sneered down at Brittany a slushie cup in her hand. There were two other boys standing behind her. Both of them were in Brittany's year. She immediately recognized Puck and Finn.

They had probably been trying to make a move on Kitty, but the girl would never get with either of them. The one thing she would do was partake in a slushie facial with them, especially if it was being done to the school's biggest dork.

Before Brittany had time to gather her senses a waterfall of ice and red syrup landed on her face. The sound of laughing filled her ears and than the sound of someone's fist connecting with soft flesh. Their was a loud oomph that sounded a lot like Finn and someone slid right in front of her before they scrambled back to their feet two heavy bodies landed not to far off and the yelling of a crowd began.

Brittany tried to wipe the burning liquid from her eyes. She wanted to see who her savoir was. The scuffling stopped and the crowd scattered as the sound of teachers coming towards the commotion filled the air. Someone caught hold of Brittany's underarm and dragged her away. She only hoped that it was the person that had come to her rescue she wanted to thank them. They went down the hallway and Brittany could feel the change in rooms and knew that she was in the bathroom.

The mysterious person leaned her over the sink and ran warm water. Paper towels touched her face and began to wipe away the ice chunks. They covered both her eyes with a warm paper towel letting the warmth sooth the syrup from her eyes.

"You really got her in trouble, Britt," Quinn said as she continued to clean her friend up. Brittany couldn't help but feel her heart sink as she realized it wasn't Santana cleaning her up. Of course it wasn't the Latina she had felt spark when the brunette had touched her. Then again maybe Brittany had just imaged that feeling or worse what if the Latina hadn't felt it.

The blonde had been so caught up in her own head that it took her a minute to process what Quinn had said to her.

"What do you mean in trouble? Who?" Brittany asked already knowing the answers to her questions.

The shorthaired girl gave off a smirk that her friend couldn't see. "Santana. She went ape shit when she saw you get slushied. She beat the shit out of Puck and Finn and pushed Kitty to the ground. It took Coach Bieste and Mr. Shue to drag her off to the Figgins," Quinn explained.

Brittany let off a loud groan. Why would Santana fight the three most popular kids in the school for her? Brittany was nothing and with Santana's already growing reputation that girl could easily be higher on the social pyramid than Kitty, Puck and Finn combined. Why stick up for the loser. She hadn't even known the girl for a full hour and already Santana was beating people up for her.

When the dancer could see again she looked over at her friend who was already holding out a pair of clothes. They had been through this enough times to known the drill. Brittany grabbed the clothes and began to pull them on.

Quinn turned her back and Brittany smirked.

"It's okay, Q, I know you can't handle yourself around my amazing abs," she gloated. The shorter girl huffed.

"Hurry up, so we can go see what happened to your girlfriend," the agitated girl growled. Brittany's cheeks burn.

She pulled her shirt on and stepped past her friend.

"She's not my girlfriend," she growled.

Santana sat in front of Principle Figgins with her arms folded across her chest and her knuckles raw. She was proud of what she did and there was no way she was going to apologize to anyone for what she did.

No one was going to get away with bullying. Especially not towards a certain blonde girl, but that was a different story.

The Indian man sitting before her looked bored with the whole situation and from the first day Santana had met him she knew that he was an idiot. He was only a principle because all his other jobs had failed. The man stared down at her with wary eyes and the Latina stared back with a scowl pressed into her face.

"What seems to be the problem with Ms. Lopez?" He asked the two pissed off teachers standing behind her.

Coach Bieste was the one to speak. "This one right here, decided to beat up my quarterback and wide receiver!"

Santana smirked at the memory of kicking both of the boy's asses. Neither one of them could really fight. The one with the Mohawk was the only that could have stood a chance against Santana and even then she had taken him out easily.

"Ms. Lopez, we have a zero tolerance for violence at this school. Since, you are new here I'm only going to sentence you to a week of detention," Figgins said with his usual bored expression in place. Santana fought back the urge to roll her eyes and nodded walking out of the office and into the hallway where she found a very unusual sight.

Brittany and Quinn were standing outside of the office with their heads close together whispering. As the Latina approached it was Quinn who noticed her, jabbing Brittany in the ribs to get the other girl's attention. Brittany looked up at the girl approaching them. Fear shot through her eyes and Santana was confused. What could she have done that would cause the girl to fear her?

With gentle from Quinn, Brittany got up from the bench and walked towards the Latina with a backpack clenched in her fist. She slowly made her way towards the Latina rubbing at the back of her arm as she walked. Her eyes were cast to the ground she seemed to be muttering something and not really paying attention to where she was going. She bumped right into the Latina and was about to fall back when Santana caught her and kept the girl standing.

She chuckled and kept her hands on the girl's arms. Her fingertips tingled and she felt a small spark going through her body leaving behind a trail of heat. She looked up into a pair of electric blue eyes. They seemed to pierce her very soul and she fought hard to not just lean up and kiss her eyelids.

Woah! What was this shit? She didn't do the touchy feely romance stuff!

Releasing the girl she fought down the longing that rose in her throat. They looked at each other awkwardly and Brittany realized that she was still holding onto Santana's backpack.

She thrust it out to the girl. Santana stared down at it surprised before accepting it. She noticed the red tint to Brittany's hair and her anger flared.

The end of the period bell rang and students began to fill the hallways. They gave Santana and Brittany strange looks and she heard them whisper about how close they were standing and Brittany immediately took a few steps back and lowered her head in shame, making Santana's brow furrow.

What had these kids done to this girl that made her so guarded? Santana slung her bag over her shoulder and nodded to Brittany and Quinn before walking off to lunch. She threw one last glance over her shoulder at the two blondes and saw Quinn patting Brittany's shoulder while the girl still kept her head bowed.

It broke Santana's heart.

So what did you guys think? Did you like it? Should I continue it? I'm still open for suggestions even though it's early in the story. Not sure how many times I can update but if you like it let me know.

I love you guys and I hope you enjoy my writing.