AN: No your eyes aren't deceiving you, this is an actual update. Not where I thought we'd be,but I hope you enjoy.

Chapter 20: They Don't Know

Don't listen to what people say
They don't know about you and me

Jon B: They Don't Know

Fitz sighed, removing his glasses and pinching his nose in irritation at the memories swirling through his mind. All the years he'd envisioned himself as president, now he was wondering if it was worth a second term. He'd proved to himself he could do it, but he was sacrificing a great deal. His children were growing up in front of his eyes. He couldn't tell if it seemed to be happening faster due to his job or it being a natural response to little ones not being little ones anymore. That doesn't even touch on what he's watched Olivia endure since he threw his hat into ring back in 2007.

Even now, he worried for her every day; in any ways her life was more at risk than his. He had read the letters that detailed the heinous acts, and he heard the offensive comments spewed at her. They viewed her a threat to their warped sense of traditional,wholesome, American values. The power she wielded as the First Lady, his wife, his confidant, his advisor made them uncomfortable. Her blackness made them uncomfortable. He worried she would grow tired of the threats. He worried she would be overwhelmed by the decisions they'd made, and need to retreat from their shared life.

But Fitz's biggest fear was that someone else would try to take her away from him. Olivia and his kids were his one weakness; he couldn't survive it if tragedy were to strike their family.

"Hey," Olivia nudged him with her bare toes. "What's that about?" she asked, referring to the pinched look he was displaying.

"Nothing, I'm just tired," he denied with a weak smile.

Olivia put her iPad to the side, scooting closer to Fitz. She cuddled close, and rested her head against his chest, prompting Fitz to encircle her in his arms. "Tell me," she whispered softly.

Fitz sighed. "I know I need to let it go, but I was thinking about the last incident and what happened to you again," he admitted.

"Fitz baby ,I told you it was fine ," Olivia told him gently after a few silent moments. "It was an invasion of privacy, but it isn't the worst thing in the world."

During their family vacation, pictures of Olivia in her bikini surfaced. In those pictures, her nipple piercings were visible. To no surprise it caused a public uproar with racial undertones. People accused her of being unlady like, stating she should have covered herself better. They called her unclassy and a disgrace to the American public.

"I know. There was an earthquake. So many lost their lives, and I'm here worrying about pictures. It seems silly when I think about everything else in the world." He agreed thinking of the recent earthquake in Haiti that had devasted the country.

Olivia nodded. "Yeah, sometimes it does, but you can feel both. It doesn't make you less of a person. It's hard not to feel protective of your spouse. Sticks and stones baby."

Fitz stroked her arms comfortingly. "I know."

Olivia moved back to look in Fitz's eyes. "I'm glad you love me so, but …" she trailed off.

"What?" Fitz encouraged her to go on.

Olivia bit her lip momentarily . "You can't sweat the little stuff. Comments about decisions I made as a young college student " she shook her head as she remembered her mother's words.

"I don't care what you do to your body, but remember it may come back to bite you in the ass or nipple."

"You get fired up and damn near irrational when people call me a nigger or make detailed death threats. You get furious if someone makes an attempt on my 's when you spend nights brewing over what the public thinks of me. Those people see what they want to see and believe what they want to believe. They don't know me; they don't know that I don't scare easily. They don't know us Fitz."

Fitz raised a brow in surprised at her rationale.

Liv smiled softly at him, leaning in to place a kiss near the corner of his mouth. "We'd drive ourselves crazy thinking about all the little things. We can take a moment to vent about it then we move on. I love you, Fitz. With each day that passes my love for you grows. I don't want that feeling to go away, because we've let irrelevant people get under our skin. " she let out a noise happily, her eyes shining as they gazed into his, "And, I have a feeling I'll love you more tomorrow than today. It took a while for it to feel this way, but I know this is my home. That's all I ever wanted, anyway. More than complete acceptance from hypocritical, bigoted, sexist, and racist people, I just wanted this place to feel like I belonged, a place that felt like home."

"You belong here, Livvie. You always have. I'm glad you finally feel that way ," Fitz promised, pressing his lips against hers in a resounding kiss that seemed to start at his lips but spread to every part of his body. He held her carefully, reverently, as he allowed his lips to show her the love he felt, accepting the love she gave him in return.

They continued to kiss softly for several minutes before breaking apart, the love warm in their hearts and bright in their eyes.

"So, if we're done with the past," Fitz said with a grin, "let's talk about our future."

"Okay," Liv replied with a smile, her fingers lacing with Fitz's in her lap.

"Well, do you want to remain First Lady?"

Olivia looked up quickly, her eyes wide. "What?"

Fitz chuckled at her surprised expression. "Well, Cy been hinting that it's time for you to do some campaigning to get back in the party's good graces, since it'll be time to make a decision about if I'm going to run for a second term or not."

"Oh, well…" Olivia began slowly. "When we talked about this life I agreed to take everything on. If that includes you wanting a second term, I'll support you, of course."

"Livvie, sweetheart," Fitz softly admonished. "It's not just about what I want. It's about what we both want."

"I know that," Liv laughed lightly, and Fitz smiled, lifting her chin so he could see her eyes clearly.

"I know it's not always easy with the media and the party" Fitz said.

"Not always, but I have thick skin and a very loving husband. I'm not going to lie and say there aren't days where I long to be in our cozy loft; days I'd love to hop on the train just to get a good laugh; days I want to have a lazy morning with you."

"Days you wish for more privacy with less nights of me working." Fitz added to her list.

"But I love what we're doing - what you're doing- here for this country," Olivia countered. "I know I like to brush it off, but us being here means something," she emphasised flicking a hand through the air carelessly to indicate the White House.

"The fact that we're an interracial couple matters. The fact that you're a white man and I'm a black woman matters. The fact that I'm your second wife and we have a blended family matters. The fact that you support me maintaining my high powered career while you're in office matters. The fact that you're changing the way people view Republicans matters."

Fitz agreed with a nod. "I know Livvie. There's so much I know I can accomplish with a second term. When we tell our grandchildren about this era of our lives, I know it'll be a a great, awe inspiring story ... But I can't help thinking about all we're sacrificing."

"We're sacrifice a lot," Liv agreed. "But it's all temporary. We still have so much we can do for our country if we stay."

"True." Fitz let Liv think quietly for a while before finally asking, "So… do we do another term, or do we make this another part of our past?"

Olivia was quiet for several minutes, her thoughts somewhat hidden from Fitz though he tried to decipher them from her thoughtful expression. She wanted to make sure her next response didn't come off as pushy. He valued her opinion,but she wanted to come to him naturally. She took his much larger hands into her own, and titled her head upwards to him.

"That is something you're going to have to decide, Fitz baby," she paused briefly. "I'm content and happy where I am in life. I love my jobs. I love being a mom and step-mom. I love being a wife. You have to decide if this is a job you love enough to tact on another four years."

Fitz allowed her words to hang in the air. Would he let his fears get to the best of him or would he continue on and make the change he could.

Finally, he turned to her with a smile, ready to speak.

Olivia was rushed into her dressing suite with her glam squad on her heels. Though she was usually a neat person she kicked off her shoes, dropped her bag by the door, and barely took the time to hang her coat before she stripping out of her remaining clothing and giving orders. She had been stuck in New York the last few days due to a snow storm. Unfortunately that meant cancelling a few invites in DC and almost missing a function at the Kennedy Center. She tied her hair up and ran to her joint bathroom with Fitz, telling her team she expected them to be ready in 5 minutes. She showered quickly, washing away the staleness of recirculated air. As quickly as she stepped into the steam, she stepped out, towelling off with mental note to take a soak later that evening , before heading back to her dressing suite.

Fitz came out of their room dressed in a tux, trying to tie the bow tie. Once he slipped into the dressing suite, seeing everyone working like a well oiled machine, he couldn't help but smile. He looked at his wife and bit back a chuckle. There she stood trying to decide between two necklaces as her assistant was trying to usher her towards her vanity to be seated. He stood in the doorway going completely unnoticed. So often everything was about him, it was nice to stand in a room where all eyes weren't on him. Once she was seated and unwrapping her hair, he slowly walked behind her motioning to her staff not to alert her, then placed a kiss on her shoulder.

"Fitz!" She gasped sounding somewhat surprised.

"I would hope so. I think I'm the only person that has clearance to be this personal with you," he chuckled as she turned to face him.

"Funny, funny man you are. If only your Correspondence Dinner speeches were that funny," Olivia quipped as she gave him a proper albeit quick kiss.

"Ouch. You leave me for 5 days and this is how you greet me," Fitz feigned hurt.

"Hey I'm not in charge of the weather mister."

"Ummm huh," he winked at her. "I'm glad you're home," he told her as he moved to stand in front of her to allow her team to get back to work.

She'd chosen an emerald, strapless dress with a sweetheart neckline. It had no embellishments of any sort,mainly because she intended to wear a statement necklace.

"Fitz baby, which necklace do you think would be best. I cannot decide and we have 45 minutes at the most before we have to be in the car."

Fitz's eyes darted from the two necklaces to her gown and heels. He looked back at her as her stylist began to loosely curl her hair. "Will your hair be up or down?" He inquired as her assistant brought over her breastpump. Nadia had been fussy at nighttime with her late night snack, as breastfeeding had became affectionately named.


"Then the one on the left. It's enough to draw attention to your lovely, delicate neck," he winked at her and her team all swooned. As often as president gave the First Lady compliments, they still enjoyed to tease the pair," and the green in your dress will bring out the undertones in the necklace."

"You've taught him well, Mrs. G," her makeup artist commented as she began contouring.

"The man grew up with all sisters and is a momma's boy" She said sticking her tongue out at him playfully. "I didn't do much teaching."

While Olivia's team continued to get her ready, Fitz brought Nadia in to get a few moments with her mother. The young girl squealed in delight when she first laid eyes on her mother. Olivia bounced her in her lap, letting her babble on about her day. Although their time together was brief, it warmed her heart to have those few small moments with her little girl.

Once they were settled in the car Olivia took her first deep breath, trying to enjoy the few minutes of silence and solitude with her husband before they reached the Kennedy Center. It was probably the only peace she was going to have for the rest of the evening. Instinctively she allowed her head to rest on his shoulder and her names embrace his middle, having missed the warmth of him. She knew that the moment she reached their destination, they were going to be inundated by people trying to get information about their plans, and though she knew what those plans were, right now her only option was to avoid giving a direct answer.

She'd almost dozed off when the Fitz announced that they were there and she slipped out of the car, remembering to take her wrap and clutch with her. As she stepped out onto the sidewalk in front of the Kennedy Center she sighed as she looked around, wondering how she'd gotten into this world. Fitz turned to place his hand on the small of her back before plastering a smile on her face. It was that man right there, she'd happily spend her time making small talk with women who envied her for him.


Fitz remembered his first time at the Kennedy Center. To this day he didn't understand why his parents he was old enough to attend a function at such a venue when he was six years old, but it wouldn't surprise him if his mother had something to do with it. He'd spent most of the evening at the side of one of sisters or hiding under tables covered in long table cloths. He'd gotten his comic books taken away for a week after that and it wasn't for four years later that he was allowed to attend formal functions with his parents again.

Feeling his wife lightly squeeze his hand to pull him out of his thoughts, he couldn't help but smile at her. She always knew. He looked around, missing the days where he'd try his damnedest to avoid detection as long as possible without hiding. Now those were days of the past.

As the couple strolled through the Kennedy Center they heard their names called a few times. Each would turn, wave or smile in greeting, but neither slowed enough to give any of them time to approach and start a conversation. Luckily their staff was already there and making rounds to the people that had sought the first couple's attention.

Their staff had been busy fielding calls and making inquiries about getting endorsements from the president. Senators knew if they couldn't get to Fitz, they had the potential to get to Olivia. It was no secret that Olivia was his right hand; they might not agree with her or even like her but kissing ass could be done for the greater good. Right now there was speculation, because Olivia had been spotted at a Democratic event. Olivia knew she'd have to choose a Republican event to get the party off edge, but tonight her staff would have to manage to masses.

The couple made their way through the crowd where they knew the staff would be seated. It wasn't long before they saw the few select members of their staff that had been invited to the event. Among them Garret and his younger brother Mark, who was on Fitz's staff. Mark had been born during Fitz and Garret's second year of college from marriage number three. Fitz often looked at him as a younger brother or nephew. Olivia took note of the woman who was standing next to him. Her skin a few shades darker than Olivia's and stunning jet black hair hanging in waves.

Glancing up, Garrett saw his good friend approaching and grinned brightly, whispering something to Charlotte. Tucking Charlotte's arm through his, they approached Fitz and Olivia; the younger couple followed their lead.

"Mr. President," Fitz heard a familiar rumbling voice and couldn't help but chuckle, "Been wondering when you were going to show up," Garrett said.

Fitz couldn't help but notice how happy Garrett's brother Mark seemed , and he grinned back at the brothers and their respective dates. "Blame this one here," Fitz half teased as he pulled his wife into his side.

Garrett laughed "Sure, blame jailbait."

"We're in mixed company,Gar! You can't ruin my reputation here," Olivia piped up. Mark laughed and started to make the introductions.

"Tripp, I'd like for you to meet my date, Ariane Sharpe. Ariane, this is one of Garrett's oldest friends and my boss,Pres. Fitzgerald Grant and his lovely wife, First Lady Olivia Pope."

When first meeting Fitz, many women fell over themselves, gushing about how wonderful it was to meet him. Some even were audacious enough to flirt. Ariane simply smiled and held out her hand politely to Fitz.

"Nice to meet you, Mr. President. Ms. Pope"

"Pleasure is all mine. Mark has told me a lot about you. And, please, call me Fitz," he said as he shook her hand.

"You can call me Olivia."

"Didn't I tell you she was gorgeous," said Mark as he beamed down at Ariane, " not to mention she's insanely intelligent and brilliant at her job." As gorgeous as she one, her work ethic and intelligence outdid her physical beauty. It was one reason he could see her and Olivia getting along. They came from similar educational backgrounds, and Ariane was well on her way to becoming the youngest VP at her firm.

"This is why we don't take you anywhere!" Charlotte said with a chuckle, hitting her brother in law lightly on the chest with her clutch.

The first couple made small talk with couples before continuing to make rounds. Olivia would have loved to talk with Charlotte, especially after the week she'd had stuck in the city, but this wasn't a social call.

They talked shop, doted on their children, and entertained ass kissing. Soon Olivia caught Fitz's attention by touching his arm and indicated that it was time to take their nodded and followed inside. It finally set in this was going to be a long midterm election and an even presidential season.

AN: I'll try to update before the new year,but I make no promises. As always thank you for reading and reviewing. If you'd like a preview for the next chapter leave a review.

xo, Cakes