Chapter 15: His Pet, Cat Vs. Dog

Dogs come when they are called.

Cats take a message and get back to you later~

Chapter Recap: Soon there was raspy laughter. And everyone directed his or her gaze to Aria who's raspy pained laughter soon turned into full blown maniacal crazed laughter. Lord Henry and Ciel looked taken back. "What are you laughing at bitch?!" he asked angrily, a little frightened.Aria chuckled and raised her head, her eyes their glowing demonic color, blood dripping from the corners of her mouth, her hair flowing about her defying the laws of gravity.

"I'm going to fucking kill you all!" she shouted, she had succumbed to her demonic urges. And she was going to paint this village red.Ciel's eye widened. "Oh no…"


Aria broke out from the confines of her chains with ease, a demonic look on her face as she looked at the villagers with bloodlust. The villagers faltered when they saw her, fear starting to enter their eyes. Just what the hell was this girl?

"Aria!" Ciel shouted, actually catching her attention. "You have to stop, you can't kill them!" Aria's eyes flashed back to their usual gold color for a split second before reverting back to their demonic glow. Aria smirked evilly, licking her lips as she turned her head away from him.

She soon was right in front of Lord Henry, and no one didn't see her except Ciel. Suddenly Lord henry was being choked by the demonic feline, her invisible claws digging into his neck as she choked him. "Who's the bitch now?" she asked, her voice sounding darker and animalistic as she lifted Henry into the air.

Ciel growled in frustration, knowing if Aria killed Lord Henry, the villagers wouldn't believe him when he told them the truth about the demon hound.

"Sebastian!" he shouted, his contract seal glowing behind the eye patch. Suddenly Sebastian appeared out of nowhere, hitting Aria, sending her flying back into the wall, her back hitting it with a sickening crack.

Lord Henry collapsed to the ground, gasping and panting for air as he held his bloody throat.

Aria opened her eyes and growled as she stared at Sebastian. She stood up and with a deafening roar she attacked him. Sebastian growled, his own eyes glowing as his demonic side responded to her. He then charged back at her, Aria was soon throwing punches and swipes at him with her claws, Sebastian dodging each and every one of them with ease.

They soon both were in the air, attacking each other above before Sebastian hit her in the gut, making her doubling over in pain. He then roughly grabbed her by the neck and pushed her down to the ground, creating a decent sized crater. "Submit to me!" he hissed, his body weight pinning her down as she looked at him with pained and wild eyes.

Aria only hissed and scratched at his arms, anger in her eyes. Sebastian growled and tightened his hold and he whispered even more harshly. "Submit to me, bitch!" he said darkly into her invisible cat ear, biting on it harshly. Aria yelped, her demonic glowing eyes swimming with anger and now…lust.

With one last demonic growl, her eyes slowly reverted back to normal, and Sebastian let go of her as Aria blinked in confusion. "What happened? O.o Why are you on top of me?..." Aria looked down at her slightly ruined maid's dress and her cheeks became aflamed and she narrowed her eyes at Sebastian.

His eyes widened. "A-Aria now this isn't what it looks li—!"



After getting out of the crater, Sebastian as sporting a red handprint on his cheek while Aria looked merely annoyed her cheeks red with embarrassment.

"What is going on here?!" Lord Henry demanded angrily, still holding his neck. "That woman is…not human. No human would have the strength to break out of those chains!"

"They are all in cahoots with the demon hound! Black magic and witchcraft they must use!" [Sebastian: Was cahoots even used back then…? STP: -shrugs- Fuck if I know XD]

The villagers shouted in agreement, wanting punishment.

"Attack them!" Lord Henry shouted to his dogs that growled loudly. Sebastian had a look of disgust on his face as he stared at the dogs. "Shameful. What coarse noisy growls they have. One of the reasons I despise these creatures." Sebastian's eyes suddenly glowed their demonic color and soon all of the dogs were lying down, their tails wagging.

Aria's eyes widened in shock. Just how powerful was Sebastian?

"What the hell?!" Lord Henry shouted in shock as the villagers gasped. "What did you do?!"

"Your pitiful farce ends here Barrymore," Ciel said with a smirk. "Listen there is no demon hound, it's all a lie! It's just him! An old man obsessed with power! Determined to keep it no matter what!"

"What?! What evidence do you have?!"

"There is this," Sebastian said, digging into one of the dog's mouths, pulling out a dog's skull. "I'm confirming the teeth on this skull matches the wounds on James. And this was found in your house Lord Barrymore."

"Do you see it now?" Sebastian asked, pointing towards the sky and the villagers looked up. "The truth behind the demon hound. A shadow is nothing but a projection. Just a transparent trick. The glowing is phosphorous dust, sprinkled on a normal dog~"

As demonstration Sebastian poured out some of the dust onto the ground. "The demon hound is nothing but an allusion, a story made up by an evil man who's afraid to lose power. This man who you all let rule you. This man, Harry—" Ciel's little speech was cut off by a snide remark from Aria.

"Bitchmore~" She said with a smirk, earning a glare from Lord Henry.

"No! It's all nonsense!" he shouted. "You can't fool them, where's your evidence?!" Ciel smirked and nodded to Aria who bowed before walking over to the beaten dog, pity in her eyes as she leaned down on her knee.

"You can rest now pup, your duty is done. We'll take it from here," she whispered softly to it. Sebastian was surprised to say the least, Aria hated dogs and here she was showing this dog compassion and pit. How ironic.

She then took the cloth from the dog's mouth, and with a last whimper the dog closed it's eyes. It was dead.

"What fine material…" Aria said and stood, her back turned. "I wonder why the dog was so eager to hold on to it even when it was on the brink of death. Interesting behavior, don't you think?" Aria turned around with the cloth in her hand, holding it out so everyone could see. Here's a scrap of clothe from your pants. Torn off by James's dog when you attacked his Master. You recognize it, yes?"

Lord Henry growled and turned away, about to run off but the villagers blocked his way. They all murmured angrily, glaring at him.

"Give up Barrymore!" Ciel shouted. "It's all over now!" One of the villagers lifted up his pants leg to reveal a bite mark and they all hoisted him up into the air, carrying him away.

Sebastian had then got Ciel out of his chains and Aria giggled, going over to him and pinching his cheek. "Personally I like you all chained up like that Master, you look extremely sexy all defensive and…vulnerable," she purred out, licking her lips.

Ciel blushed and batted her hands away. "Stop it Aria," he grumbled out. "But I can't help it Master!" Aria shouted and tackled Ciel to the ground, rubbing her face against his. "You're just so damn delicious!"


When everyone retired for the night, there was suddenly a scream that arose everyone from his or her sleep and everyone was soon downstairs to see Mey-Rin on the ground, in her nightgown, looking visibly shaken.

"Bloody hell…" Bard said softly, his eyes wide.

Ciel, Sebastian and Aria's eyes widened. There in what was supposed to be Lord Barrymore's prison cell was nothing but a puddle of blood. And that's when Angela finally came and asked, "Where is Lord Barrymore?"

Suddenly there was banging and everyone rushed up the stairs, Angela opening the door to see one of the villagers. He was drenched wet from the rain and he panted heavily. "The demon hound…the grey hound is here…"

Aria frowned a little. First there is a black dog, then a white dog, now there is a grey hound?! This village is a hot bed for fucking mutt's….Aria thought with an annoyed look.

They all arrived on the scene as the villagers chanted, holding their hands together as the dogs howled mournfully. "What is going on here?" Ciel asked, looking around. Suddenly the lightning flashed and the body of Lord Henry was against the stonewall, his body covered in blood, his eyes pure white.

Finnian and Mey-Rin screamed. Ciel looked at Sebastian and Aria who nodded and walked over to Lord Henry. Aria crouched down and got a good look at him. "Serves the bastard right, I hope he rots in hell," she hissed out. Sebastian chuckled and then examined his body, noticing that his hand was ripped clean off.

"No human could of done that," Aria whispered to him. Sebastian nodded in agreement. "Oh great demon hound! Please forgive us!" many of the villagers shouted and Aria rolled her eyes.

"I'm unsure if I grow tired of these villagers or the damn dog smell," Aria muttered as she stood up. Sebastian smirked and stood up. "You and me, both~"

Angela gasped softly and her eyes fluttered shut as she passed out onto the ground. "Angela!" Finnian shouted and ran over to her. Aria huffed loudly and looked up at the sky, her ears pressing against her skull as it suddenly began to rain heavily.

They were going to be here for a little while longer…

"It's most unfortunate…" Sebastian said as he fixed his tie, a smug look on his face, showing that he knew that it wasn't very unfortunate. "To think all of this is happening after the case has closed~"

"I'm sure you're a bit…annoyed?" Aria asked, a smile creeping onto her face, as she sat on his desk, her tail and ears once again exposed.

Ciel frowned heavily, his eye closed. "Are you quite finished?" "Where is Angela?" Sebastian asked, looking around.

"We left her in her room to rest," Mey-Rin said. "She seems tired, yes she does."

"This village isolated itself from society out of fear of the demon hounds curse," Ciel said with a heavy frown. "I thought for certain, the hound was an allusion, created by Lord Barrymore so he could firmly rule the village. But with him dead…I need to rethink things…"

"He was covered in bite wounds," Bard said. "Maybe the villagers are right, maybe it was the demon hound." "Maybe he's upset for being blamed for Lord Henry's mistakes…" Mey-Rin said.

Aria smirked and then said, "Yes maybe, for now there is only one thing we know, it wasn't human…" "The hound then," Bard said and Ciel raised his head, his arms crossed.

Later that night Sebastian was putting on Ciel's night outfit, as Ciel looked forward stoically, his eye patch gone. "Is something the matter?" "It's about what you said earlier…how you phrased it," Ciel quickly said. "What you said was, this wasn't human work. What if…that bloody reaper has gotten himself involved in this?"

"It seems you're learning faster everyday," Sebastian said, smirking softly. "I'm so very proud of you, sir." Ciel's eye widened slightly and he blinked but he didn't say anything. "You have nothing to worry about—" Suddenly the door opened and Sebastian quieted down just in case it was one of the servants.

But Aria's head poked out, her ears now visible, twitching on top of her head. "Hello Master and Sebastian," she said as she came into the room, still in her maid's uniform.

"Hello Aria, I take it you made your rounds?" Ciel asked, looking over at her, not even bothering to cover up his contract seal from her since she has already seen it. Aria nodded, giving Ciel a smile. "Yup, everyone appears to be sleeping and there is no one around the mansion."

"Mm I see, well if that is all, we will all discuss the whole matter of Lord Barrymore's death tomorrow. You two are dismissed," Ciel said, waving them off as he made his way to the bed.

Aria grinned and soon Ciel found himself pinned to his bed, a smiling Aria above him, her…vagina pressed against his crotch, making Ciel's eyes widened, his entire face turning red. "Why don't I tuck you in Master?" she asked lustfully.

Ciel's entire body froze and he felt warmth spread throughout his body. "S-SEBASTIAN!" He shouted, afraid to move, knowing if he did, he'd had a very hard time moving.

Sebastian sighed and shook his head, grabbing Aria by the scruff of her top, making her yip in shock. He then looked at Ciel. "I'll take care of her Master, go get some rest," Sebastian said before carrying a whining Aria out of the room, closing the door.

Once outside, he dropped her to the ground and Aria growled loudly as he began to walk away. "Hey you can't treat me that way dammit!" she said as she went after him. Sebastian smirked, his back to her. This is going to be interesting…~

"Oh…I can't?" he asked mockingly.

"No, I am not some damn pet that you can pick up and then drop, or do whatever you want to. I am a person, and I demand to be treated that way," she growled out, her tail twitching in irritation. It bugged her how sometimes Sebastian would treat her like she was an actual animal. [STP: Even though she kinda is XD]

"But I found you injured. I fed you, clothed you and gave you a warm home. I would have named you if hadn't reverted to your human form. So yes you are indeed. A pet," he said calmly, stopping in his tracks.

"I do not belong to you nor anyone dammit!" Aria shouted raising her voice. She soon gasped when she found herself pinned against the wall, her hands held above her head as Sebastian looked at her darkly. "I believe you do belong to me Aria," he said. "I can do whatever I want to you and you can't do a damn thing about i—"

Sebastian's eyes widened when he felt something soft feeling press against his lips. He directed his gaze downwards to see his lips against Aria's. He inwardly groaned but just as soon as the kiss started the kiss ended.

Aria looked at him defiantly, a blush staining her cheeks, her lips now a bit swollen and pink from the rough kiss. "I can do that," she said, her voice a bit low. And Sebastian could see it; her eyes were starting to turn their glowing color.

Sebastian smirked and said hungrily, "And I can do this." He then kissed her once more, the kiss even harder than the first time. Aria's eyes widened and soon the fluttered shut as she found herself responding to the kiss.

Sebastian groaned. This was it. He was going to make her his, right here in the hallway. He couldn't wait any longer.

He felt something velvet-like rub against his bottom lip and growled, and he too started to rub his tongue against Aria's, both of their tongue's battling for dominance which Sebastian ended up wining. He hiked up her maid's dress, and she instinctively wrapped one of her legs around his waist, bringing him closer.

Sebastian groaned, feeling his pants becoming awfully tight as he got an erection. He broke the kiss for some air, groaning as he felt her grind against him. She was wet, and she had on no underwear? He smirked, realizing that Aria planned all of this or maybe it was that inner demon of hers?

No matter~

He grinded back against her hungrily, starting to lick and suck on her neck hungrily, leaving a trail of hickeys while Aria moaned and gasped in pleasure, arching her back as she grinded more on his clothed cock, her juices dripping through his pants.

"A-ahh…S-Sebastian," she moaned out, roughly yanking his head back up to kiss him once more, her claws ripping through his top, her hands running up and down his chiseled chest eagerly, her nails scrapping against his nipples.

The two demons never took notice of the footsteps that were coming down the hall until they head a loud gasp.

"OH MY!" Mey-Rin shouted a look of shock on her face as she held up the candle, blood gushing out of her nose.

After Finnian had run off she had retired to bed, knowing he'd be back by the morning. And she had come at the right moment just to see Sebastian having one of his hands up Aria's maid dress, Aria's head dipped back, her mouth forming an O as she let out soft moans. "You have such magical fingers Sebastian…" Aria purred out and that's when Mey-Rin had screamed.

The two whipped their heads around, there eyes glowing in the dark, their slightly sweaty bodies illuminated by the candle light. "M-Mey-Rin!" Aria shouted in embarrassment, her eyes returning back to normal, and her entire face red.

"You! Sebastian! Oh my! Oh dear, this is so scandalous!" Mey-Rin shouted, blood still shooting out of her nose a she waved her arms around frantically. Sebastian growled in annoyance, knowing they would have to continue this on another time. He reluctantly put Aria down who slid down against the wall, her legs feeling weak like jelly.

Sebastian walked up to Mey-Rin slowly, his eyes still glowing. His sculpted body revealed, his erection showing plain as day. Mey-Rin stopped shouting, the blood flow stopping also as she only shook.

"My dearest Mey-Rin…" Sebastian said softly, his eyes glowing even more. Suddenly a calm look passed over Mey-Rin's features, the red leaving from her face. "You are going to go to your room and pretend none of this had ever happened. You didn't see me, you didn't see Aria. This would seem like nothing but an odd fantasy you were having concerning Aria and I. And as for the blood, you had a nosebleed from the dream. Do you understand?" Sebastian asked coolly.

"Y-Yes Sebastian…" Mey-Rin said drone like and lowered her candle and began to walk away from them mumbling out, "Night Miss Aria and Sebastian…"

Once she was out of sight, Sebastian looked down at Aria who looked at him, her face red and the glowing color leaving from her eyes. He knew he'd have to get her when her other side was showing, for now they'd have to stop before some else came into the hallway.

He walked over to her, helping her up, rubbing her cheek softly. "Alas, our time has been cut short. So we shall continue this another time," he said gently, pressing his lips against hers once more, pulling away before he got excited again. Aria blushed, looking at Sebastian with her large gold eyes.

"Such a good kitty," he said gently, kissing her cheek before turning away from her, walking down the hall before disappearing around the corner, leaving a flushed Aria behind.

She touched her heart, feeling it pound in her chest. "What is this feeling…?" she asked out loud, her blush deepening. Her stomach felt funny, and she felt light-headed but extremely jovial. All of these emotions were too much for her to handle.

She shook her head and walked in the other direction, trying to rid of the thought that was swimming in her mind. She was afraid to even ask herself this question.

Was she falling in love with Sebastian?

What Aria didn't see was a small hole in the wall that had watched the two demons the entire time, the violet eye in the hole crinkling as if the face it belonged to was smiling. "Mm, how interesting~" the mysterious person said.

"For today's tea we have Cabinet pudding which was made using local blackberries," Sebastian said, standing next to his Master while Aria stood on the other side of him. Ciel smirked and chuckled. "You're certainly relaxed." Sebastian smirked smugly, a sly look passing over his face as his eyes ran over Aria. "I had slept wonderfully is all Master. It gave me quite a pip in my step so I should say," Sebastian replied, causing Aria's face to turn red and for her to toss a glare in his direction.

"And you to Aria, how do you sleep?" Ciel asked, looking at his maid.

Aria grumbled crossing her arms as her tail twitched a bit. She looked a bit tired, her face paler than usual, bags under her eyes but a dazed look in them. "I slept fine young Master," she said curtly. "Doesn't seem like it," Ciel said.

"Perhaps she had a nightmare? You looked as if you've been tossing and turning all night," Sebastian said with a mocking smile. Aria blushed even more, turning her head away. The bastard was teasing her!

"I said I'm fi—" Aria was cut off when Mey-Rin busted through the door. "Sebastian, Aria!" "What's the matter this time? Please do try to calm down," Sebastian said, a hint of irritation in his voice. Mey-Rin once again ruined his fun.

"We've looked all over and we can't find Angela!" Finnian said worriedly.

"Oh is that all? She said there were some medicinal herbs growing out by the field. She went there to go pick some up that's all," Bard said. "Right now?" Finnian asked. "Why would she?"

"She went all alone when there might be a demon hound out there!" Mey-Rin shouted. Bard's eyes widened. "Oh hell…"

Finnian frowned. "What was she thinking going out there all alone out there by herself?" "She said she was worried you know, about you being kind of sick and all," Bard said. Finnian's eyes widened. "For me? She went for me?" Finnian gasped and then ran back out.

Bard ran after him. "Come on Aria and Sebastian! Let's go after him!"

Aria and Sebastian remained frozen in place. "Well uh…" Aria said. And Bard turned around, frowning. "Well hurry!" Aria and Sebastian once again didn't move. And bard growled I frustration. "Fine then. Let's go Mey-Rin!" She smiled. "Sir yes sir!"

"Where's Tanaka?"

They both turned to see Tanaka dressed in some sort of hunting gear holding a rifle as he smiled, jogging in place. "Ho ho!" "That's the spirit! Okay, let's move out men!" "Sir yes sir!" "Ho ho ho ho ho." They all then ran out of the building.

Ciel calmly ate his food and then wiped his mouth. He then smirked. "At any rate, it looks as if we do need to hurry now." Ciel then sipped his tea. Aria and Sebastian sighed heavily.

"Go out there and put on a good show for me, am I clear?"

"Perfectly," Sebastian said. Aria scoffed, scowling heavily. "You know I'm a cat, right Master?" Ciel smirked, twirling his spoon in his tea in an almost mocking way. "Yes I know."

Aria sighed and then looked directly at Ciel. "THEN WHY WOULD YOU GO SEND ME TO GO AFTER A DAMN DOG?! I HATE DOGS!"

Ciel only chuckled, taking another bite of his cake before licking the crumbs off the side of his mouth in an almost provocative manner. He then looked at her, his ocean blue eyes piercing hers.

"Because you're my pet~"

Finnian was thrown to the ground by the demon hound and he let out a sharp pained cry, feeling his back collide with the hard earth. The demon hound then growled loudly, raising it's paw about crush Finnian.

Finnian gasped and closed his eyes right when the demon hound thrusted down his paw. When there was no pain he opened his eyes and gasped to see Aria holding the dog's paw easily with her dainty hand.

"Would you look at that?" she said softly, looking up at the demon hound. She had left Sebastian behind, knowing he'd catch up with her later. Ciel told Sebastian to stay a little while longer to see if Aria could go up against a cat's worse enemy; the dog.

It was completely mocking. She used to be worshipped as a Goddess! And now here she was, doing a child's bidding and about to fight a damn dog. Where did she go with her life?

"So well trained," she purred out, feeling her inner demon clawing at her from the inside to come out. "You even know how to shake hands." Her tail swished back and forth, feeling both irritated and at the same time excited.

"Y-You got here just in time…" Finnian stammered out. Aria looked back at him and gave him a smile that caused his face to go red. "I wouldn't be a maid if I didn't know the meaning of being on time, now would I?" Finnian didn't respond and Aria returned her attention back to the demon hound.

"And you, well trained or not, you're going to have to go now!" She then tossed the demon hound like it was nothing into a large boulder.

"Come, this is not the time to be playing with the dog Aria," Ciel said, finally arriving on the scene with Sebastian behind him. Aria looked at Ciel and his eyes widened when he saw her eyes flashing between their glowing demonic color and her normal eye color.

"Sebastian st—" "Master, let's see if Aria can handle this. She needs to be trained also," Sebastian said with a smirk.

"I will subdue her if she gets out of control." Ciel scowled not liking that he cut him off but knew he was interested. He hadn't exactly seen the full strength of Aria just yet….

"I know what I'm doing Master," she growled out, cracking her nails. The demon hound's eyes lost their glow as he sniffed the air. He then looked at Aria, growling loudly, his eyes glowing once more.

"Smells awful doesn't it?" Aria asked, her voice husky, her eyes glowing gold instead of their fuschia color. "The smell of a cat is simply disgusting to a dog like you. Makes you want to rip me apart."

The dog snarled loudly, snapping his jaws.

"And the only way for me to make a disgusting mongrel like you to obey, is to make you submit to me! A cat no less!" she shouted sadistically and Aria fell onto all fours, her jaw elongating, her body becoming bigger and furrier as it ripped through her maid's outfit. Everyone's eyes widened as Aria grew bigger and bigger, before soon she was just about the demon hound's size except she no longer looked like human-like. She now had the appearance of a white pather, a very large one with glowing gold eyes.

Ciel's eyes widened. "W-What?!"

"Such beautiful glistening snow white hair with eyes that could rival even the sun's beauty," Sebastian said in awe, little anime hearts floating around him. "Simply beautiful her animal demon form, just beautiful." Ciel rolled his eyes.

Damn cats…

Aria snapped her jaws at the demon hound, hissing and roaring ferociously, shaking the Earth beneath everyone's feet. "I-is that Aria?!" Bard shouted in shock and fear. Aria looked simply amazing and intimidating like that. It made him think twice if he were to ever piss Aria off.

Come on dog, fight me! Aria hissed out to the demon hound. Or are you too much of a bitch to do anything?

Shut it, cat! The demon hound snarled out and charged at Aria, his red eyes blazing angrily. Aria smirked inwardly and charged at the demon hound, both animals tackling each other, creating a loud sound that almost sounded like something akin thunder.

Aria snarled and bit down into the demon hound's neck, making him cry out in pain. Submit to me dog! She shouted. Though all it sounded like to everyone else was a loud roar.

The dog snarled and shook Aria off, head butting her in the side, making her hiss loudly pain. He then bite down into her side, making her let out a painful feline roar and causing Aria's blood to spray onto the ground. Fuck! She thought painfully, growling loudly.

"Aria!" Finnian shouted, tears in his eyes. "Stop hurting her you damn dog!"

The demon hound let go of Aria's side, her blood staining his white fur. He looked at Finnian and snarled. Mind business human! Aria smirked painfully, knowing the dumb dog was distracted. She then jumped onto him, sinking her fangs into his neck, making the demon hound howl in pain.

The dog tried to shake Aria off but that made her only dig her sharp feline teeth even harder into him, causing the demon hound to howl even louder before he collapsed to the ground. Aria pressed her body against him, removing her fangs from his neck, blood coating her white fur before she bit down into his ear. SUBMIT TO ME!

The demon hound whimpered, squeezing it's eye's shut in pain. Hurts…!

Aria laughed inwardly and grabbed the dog by the scruff of it's fur before tossing it into the air. For a dog to learn his lesson, he must be punished. She then jumped into the air, wrapping her entire body around the dog before spinning, both of them falling into the Earth creating a massive hole.

Sebastian smirked while everyone else looked on in shock. "Aria!" Ciel shouted in worry, knowing she must of went down deep into the Earth. He then turned his head to Sebastian, frowning. "Do something!" Sebastian chuckled. "Aria you can stop playing now, come on out."

A loud raspy giggle was heard. "But I was having so much fun getting everyone worried Sebastian," Aria's voice echoed down from in the hole. Suddenly the ground began to shake and then hot water burst into the air, causing everyone to step back.

"What is this? A hot spring?" Bard asked, looking at the hot water springing from the hole.

They all looked and then Finnian asked, "Where's Aria?" "This village is supposedly a resort for the Queen," Aria's voice said from the raging water. "I guess this water will be perfect for an attraction." Everyone gasped loudly except for Sebastian who only looked impressed.

The water fell down and it revealed a naked Aria who's nipples was covered by her wet hair and the lower have of her body was covered by a white-haired male she had in her arms who looked bigger and taller than her. "This is what we have here, a natural hot spring~" She was floating above the fountain like water, an amused look on her face.

She was bleeding on her side but that didn't seem to faze her at all. "That was amazing!" Finnian, Bard and Mey-Rin shouted with large smiles on their faces. Aria then jumped down, exposing her nakedness to everyone who blushed furiously while Sebastian once again only smirked.

"If I couldn't find a hot spring for my Lord, what kind of maid would I be?" she asked but then the male in her arms began to lick her cheek and Aria frowned, blushing lightly while the male smiled happily.

Mey-Rin blushed and covered her nose, blood shooting out of it. "I don't know how much more of this I can take!"

Angel suddenly appeared out of nowhere, a worried look on her face. "Pluto!" Bard then asked with a raised brow, "Pluto?" The dog jumped from Aria's arms and ran on all fours towards Angela, jumping into her embrace, licking her face affectionately.

Everyone looked at Angela and Aria only scowled, furiously wiping her cheek. "Ugh! I smell like dog! This is going to take over ten showers to get the smell out!" she whined, shaking her hair to get the water out.

The man known as Pluto continued to lick Angela's cheek and she smiled, rubbing his head affectionately. "Good boy, my good boy!"

They all were near the hot springs but Angela had joined them with a snoozing Pluto on her lap. "I'm sorry for the confusion," she said apologetically. "This is Pluto, I've got him last month." She petted his hair gently. "I've always been a big dog lover."

Aria grumbled loudly, still upset about being licked. Her side was wrapped up and she was in a simple white dress that went down to her knees, the sleeves made out of lace. Her hair was in a messy bun held by chopsticks and she wore simple white heels, a scowl on her lips. Her tail and ears once again invisible.

"And he was absolutely adorable, I had to take him in~" Mey-Rin and Finnian looked at each other. "Adorable?" "He does have a bad habit of turning into a human when he's excited.." "A habit?! You call that a habit?!" Bard shouted.

"So you sheltered and clothed him, hiding him from everyone else?" Sebastian asked.

"That's right, Lord Barrymore used the legend of the demon hound to control the villagers. But in truth, he feared the hound more than anyone else. I didn't know what would happen to Pluto if he found out…I see now I was too indulgent. I never thought this sweet boy would hurt Lord Barrymore…"

Pluto moaned softly in his sleep, rubbing his cheek even more into Angela's lap.

"I beg you sir! Please take him with you, I know it's an imposition but would you bring him to the Phantomhive manor?"

Sebastian and Aria's eyes widened to the size of dinner plates. "What?! My Lord you have to disagree!" Aria shouted, voicing everyone's thoughts. "He needs a firm hand…I think Aria can train him and teach him to be a good dog."'

Sebastian rolled his eyes and an irritated look crossed his face. Having Pluto around would be torturous. "No thank you!" Aria shouted. "I'm a maid, not one hell of a dog trainer." "Why not?" Ciel said, a smirk crossing onto his face.

Everyone looked at him and Sebastian and Aria's eyes narrowed. "Master…is this an order?" Aria asked, scowling. "It is…and Sebastian will be helping with the training," he replied and Sebastian eyes widened and then he frowned also. "I think I'll find it amusing."

Aria and Sebastian sighed as they looked at a smug looking Ciel. Their Master could be cruel at times, so cruel…

Ciel was now sitting in the new villages hot springs, sipping tea that Sebastian gave him. "This is how the Japanese drink their tea in the hot springs Master," Sebastian said with a smile.

"Mm, this village has received quite a transformation," Ciel said, looking around. As houses were being built and people were actually out on the streets selling things, making the village seem livelier.

"I imagine it'll be enough to dispel the Queen's worries," Ciel said, setting the tea on the floating tray, closing his eyes.

"Oh, what is that?" Sebastian asked and Ciel opened his eyes, looking down to see bubbles forming around him. His eyes widened. "W-What?" That's when Aria popped out of the water, naked and all, her visible tail and ears twitching in excitement.

Sebastian's eyes widened and Ciel blushed furiously, covering his noise as blood squirted out. Aria grinned mischievously, as she gushed, putting her hands on her cheeks. "Eek! Master Ciel you are so much bigger than I thought you would be! I never knew boy's your age could have flaccid cock's the size of a 5 inch pole!"

Ciel's entire face went red and he screamed, "ARIA WHAT ARE YOU DOING! GET OUT!"

Aria smirked, wagging her finger. "Ah ah ah, I have to bath that awful dog smell on me. So I'm going to be bathing with you Master," she said playfully. "And I think I want to wash you down there!"

"NO GET AWAY FROM ME!" Ciel shouted, swimming furiously away from her.

"BUT MASTER! I NEED TO MAKE SURE YOUR SPARKLY CLEAN!" Aria shouted, swimming after Ciel but was soon stopped by Pluto who jumped onto her back, licking her face affectionately.

Aria shouted in disgust, trying to get out of the dogs hold as Pluto began to lick at her breast hungrily, getting slobber all over her.

"EW! EW! EW! DOG! I HATE DOGS!" She shouted, anime tears in her eyes.

Sebastian could only watch in amusement, his nose crinkling a bit in disgust at the sight of Pluto licking all over Aria. "Seems as if we're going to have to get that dog castrated," Sebastian said a smirk.


"I'm sorry Aria, but I hate dogs," Sebastian said to her, chuckling.

"YOU FUCKING BASTARD, EW! UGH! HE'S LICKING MY LIPS! GAHHHH!" Aria shouted, flailing around in the water, her cheeks red in embarrassment.



STP: Awhhh poor Aria =3=

Aria: SHUT UP! I smell like wet dog! –tries to scrub body with bleach-

STP: -snickers- Awh come on Aria don't be that way, Pluto loves you :D

Aria: Kiss my fucking pussy Shay!

Pluto: Woof! Woof! [Translation: Master!] –jumps on Aria, licking her entire face-


Ciel: I think we shouldn't help her…-is enjoying this-

Sebastian: I think we should let her suffer more, don't you agree Shay?

STP: Mmhm! That's what you get for messing with Ciel :3

Aria: -whines and tries to push Pluto off- I HATE YOU ALL! D:

STP, Ciel and Sebby: WE LOVE YOU TOO! :D

Aria: *grumbles* R&R~