The Perfect Tutor


By Klainer0801

*I do not own Harry Potter or any of the characters* - I wish :)

So me and my friend 'themightyramblr' will be writing this fic together! This chapter is written by me, the next will be by her and then me again. So on and so forth! I hope you enjoy this story and any reviews are much appreciated! :D

"That's when he took the dragon egg out!" Harry said through his snorts of laughter. Ron yelled out and keeled over laughing as he sat in the armchair above his friend.

Hermione, who was sat next to Harry in front of the fire, looked up from her textbook with a startled look on her face, "Harry! You know where Hagrid got one of those last time… I don't think-"

"DON'T WORRY! Hagrid assured me he didn't receive the end off someone with Voldemort protruding from the back of his head this time!"

This time, both boys actually fell about laughing, causing Ron to actually fall out of his chair and onto the floor. "Harry, Harry?" Ron stuttered, his breathing uncontrollable from laughing so hard. "Do you reckon he checked? Like, felt to see if Voldemort's face was there?"

Hermione sighed and sent a disapproving look the boys' way, who were now hitting the floor and clutching their sides at each other's jokes. "Boys, we really shouldn't be making jokes like that… especially about him."

"Harry, Professor McGonagall wants to see you in her office." Neville said, starting the trio, sat around the fire in the Gryffindor common room.

Harry sighed in disbelief before turning away from his conversation with Ron and Hermione to stare up at Neville. "We're kinda busy… Can it not wait?"

Neville simply shrugged his shoulders before walking away in the direction of the library with a slight spring in his step. Raising his eyebrows, Harry turned back around to his best friends, "Sorry guys… looks like I'll have to tell you the rest later."

Hermione nodded and ushered him out of the door, telling him that he needs to become more responsible. Harry simply let her words pass over his head as always. Yes, he needed to become more responsible… he knew that. However, Harry knew that wasn't about to happen any time soon. He was only a teenage boy, yet everybody seemed to think capable of great and extraordinary things… and that scared Harry. He needed to make the jokes every now and again to take the seriousness out of his life.

Harry let his thoughts drift to his friends, who he was putting in so much danger, the upcoming exams he knew he would fail, his godfather's tragic death, the rise of Lord Voldemort threatening the world… each one becoming more and more painful to reflect upon. He pulled himself out of his minds thoughts as he reached McGonagall's office door.

Harry glanced up at the two small gargoyles in front of him, unmoving and unspeaking, but with a sinister look on each of their faces. He pulled out his wand and tapped the familiar rhythm onto the pad in front of the gargoyles. They sprung to life at once and moved out of the way for Harry to pass, but not before giving the boy a truly menacing look. Harry had never liked the statues around Hogwarts: they all seemed to be on the wrong side of good and evil in his opinion.

Harry climbed the stairs slowly to the teacher's office, trying to rid his mind of any depressing thoughts before he saw her. He found himself having to do this a lot; put on a brave face and smile through the pain. An eccedentesiast in one of its strangest forms. So complicated... so confused. Harry had a lot of pain in his life and very few things made him truly happy… the few he could name of the top of his head only consisted of Quidditch, Ron and Hermione. But he had to keep strong for everybody. They saw him as the chosen one… that meant he had a duty. Harry would always try his best to fulfil it.

"Professor, you wanted to see me?" Harry asked, causing the witch to look up from her work that she seemed to be intensely interested in.

"Ahhh yes! Harry… I have an enormous favour to ask of you!" McGonagall asked and waited for some sort of acknowledgement from the boy in front of her.

Harry kept in his sigh of disappointment. What impossible task would he have to complete now… So much he had won and survived by luck. How much more could he take? He nodded to allow the professor to continue.

"Well, as you know… your N.E.W.T.S are looming in the near future. I've heard off all your other teachers that they expect you to do wonderfully so don't stress over them too much boy! I know it's a hard time… for everybody… but especially you Harry."

Harry lifted the corners of his mouth slightly to smile at McGonagall: at least she understood how much pressure he was under. He could tell by her tone that she meant with everything, not just his exams.

"Well, to celebrate completing the exams and to relieve people of the stress and tension that is constantly hanging over us lately… we are throwing a ball!" McGonagall exclaimed as she jumped up from her desk.

Harry tried to fake his surprise and excitement for the news. As much as he knew a ball would be great for everyone, he knew it wouldn't take away any of the truth about what the Wizarding World was coming to. Besides, everyone knows how the last ball turned out..

Harry let free a small laugh as he remembered Ron in his frilly dress robes. McGonagall, mistaking this for real excitement, patted Harry on the back and lead him over to the two comfy chairs that were set out in the corner of her room, next to the grand bookcase filled with millions of books Harry had never seen before.

They sat down opposite each other in the chairs and McGonagall continued the conversation, "So about this favour… For the ball, we've had a few teachers suggest that the prefects take the first dance. This is fine of course, apart from one problem… one of the prefects is finding it, let's say, slightly more difficult than the others learning to dance. That's where you come in! You wouldn't object to becoming a private tutor would you?"

Harry raised his eyebrows and relaxed back in chair as he realised where this was going… If he got to spend quality time with his hands on an attractive girls waist then who was he to complain!? "Of course not! It would be my pleasure Professor."

"Splendid! Obviously, Potter, you danced at the Yule Ball with your date so we know you're experienced in the area of dancing. Private classes have been arranged for when the both of you have free time: Saturdays from 10am till 3pm and Wednesdays from 4pm till 7pm. I think that will give you plenty of time to teach him the basics and mayb-"

"Wait. Wait a second… he?" Harry interrupted the Professor, hoping he had heard her incorrectly.

"Yes Potter: he. Didn't I say who the prefect was?" McGonagall leant forward, a confused expression on her face.

Harry sighed to himself and placed his head in his hands. He hoped for the best as he spoke next, "Well at least with him being from Ravenclaw, he'll be able to pick up the knowledge pretty quickly eh?"

"Potter… the boy is not from Ravenclaw at all!"

"Please, Please don't make me do this…" Harry pleaded, giving up on all optimism.

"You've agreed to do the tutoring on your own Harry, nobody forced you! I know Gryffindor and Slytherin have some of sort of- silent HATRED for each other but really? Can you not push aside these 'differences' for a few dance classes?!" McGonagall said, he voice rising in volume as she stood out of her chair and walked back over to her desk.

Harry stood up slowly to follow her, "Professor, did you just say Slytherin?"

"Yes, Potter. I did. I'm glad to see your hearing abilities are up to scratch." The Professor said as she took her seat and replaced the glasses onto her nose.

"Please say Pansy Parkinson's had a sex change…"

McGonagall simply shook her head, ashamed of the boy stood in her office. She waved him away and glanced back down at her work, swishing her wand to open the door for Harry as she did so.

She looked over her glasses at the boy's disbelieving face once more, "Your first lesson with Draco Malfoy starts this week in the small hall on the third floor, next to the charms classroom. Don't be late."

Thanks guys! I will be uploading a new chapter every week hopefully! :) Again, let us know what you think! Give us a review ;)