I do not own Naruto; I however, own my own plot and OC.

This chapter is the start of wave. Hope it really pulls you in. I thank each and every favorite, follow, and review. I'm going to be posting some links on my user page so you can really get a good image of what the King's power can look like. Also just as a reminder, I do not own the image of what I think the King looks like. (Remember to imagine a light absorbing black crown with the black hellish fire that is Amaterasu; or don't. Your call.) ((I'm also running out of things to update or say so I'll be mostly thanking people for favorites, reviews, and answering any questions you might have.))


'Bla' –Thinking

"Bla/BLA" –Demon (summons) talk/SCREAMING

(Bla) –Author's note or misc.

SFX /Misc* BOOM! *whisper*

Chapter 4 Wave, and a taste.

Sasuke 'hmphed' as usual, but Naruto could tell he was annoyed; as could Hinata. But both Hinata and Naruto were also a bit ticked. The old drunken slob they were supposed to protect was a bridge builder, and his name was-"Tazuna you little brat and don't you forget it." Naruto had a tick mark growing, so the Hokage spoke quickly.

"You will be protecting this man from bandits and thieves; you will continue to protect him until the completion of the bridge. Is that clear?" He heard Kakashi first, and then his students. "Hai, Hokage-Sama" Tazuna brought out a liquor bottle and took a swig. "Aree you sure these ssnot nosed kids can protect mee?" (I'm not spelling wrong, he's a bit tipsy.)

Naruto would've launched at him if Kakashi hadn't grabbed his collar to stop him. "Relax Tazuna-san. These are the best Genin available, and if they're not enough I'm a Jounin myself. We'll be able to handle anything that comes our way."

Naruto settled down, and followed his commanding orders. He had a half hour to pack his gear for two weeks, and meet his team at the Northern gate to depart and complete their mission. Kakashi escorted their client to the gate and his students hurried to be extra prepared for their first mission out of leaf territory.

XxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXx X

As Naruto did one more mental check over of his inventory he walked with his hands on his head. He knew he had everything and was just starting to get a bit nervous so he quickly shook it off and decided to distract himself. Thinking about his future plans and how he could use what he was still looking for, into a jutsu.

His thoughts were interrupted by a 'yip' and felt fur on his neck. He turned his head to come face to face with his familiar's red eyes. He smiled and rubbed his head, "So you're finally back huh?" Kenji* lowly growled which resembled a purring sound, and blinked when he stopped petting him. "You can show it to me later, right now we're going on a mission." The foxes head and ear's dropped slowly with a quiet whimper. Naruto chuckled lightly, "It's an actual mission buddy, we're protecting some bridge builder guy." Kenji yipped in excitement and wrapped his tails around his arms as Naruto ran to their destination.


Hinata was with their sensei and Sasuke waiting for her other teammate. She pushed her fingers together nervously trying to think of something to make conversation with their teacher. She'd open her mouth, blush, close her mouth; and blush again. She poked her fingers together when she couldn't think of anything and she was getting a bit nervous. She inwardly sighed and thought of something to try and distract herself.

She slowly became redder and redder as she started remembering what happened after they passed the bell test.

xXxXxXx-Flash back-xXxXxXx

Kakashi chuckled a bit and smiled warmly, "You pass."

All three of them had their mouths open in shock. Kakashi's smile was slowly disappearing. 'Umm…' He was getting tired of waiting when he saw something that could turn into something hilarious. "Yip!" Naruto jumped three feet in the air and turned around with a kunai in hand. Sasuke jumped up five feet and prepared his favorite fire jutsu. And Hinata, fainted. Kenji had his head tilted to the side as if asking what he did.

Kakashi was rolling on the ground laughing, trying to talk through laughing. "R-Ha!-report-*inhale* Hahaha! Here tomorrow at hehhehee, seven" He poofed away not able to take it, but they somehow still heard his distant laughter. Sasuke was a bit ticked but none the less left to go home.

Naruto sighed and put his kunai away, he was inwardly a bit embarrassed at being caught off guard. At least he wasn't the only one to react. He knelt down to pet his familiar, he growled lowly in appreciation. He looked over to his teammate when he heard her breathing pattern change. She slowly got up in a bit of a daze, flinching she grabbed her shoulder, it was slightly bleeding through her think jacket. Naruto knew the signs of pain better than anyone and he quickly went through his supplies for bandages when a 'yip' stopped him.

He looked to see his familiar under Hinata's jacket sniffing the bloody wound on her left shoulder. He maneuvered the jacket half way off and carefully licked the wound and tried to stay steady from Hinata's giggling. "T-That tickles K-Kenji!" She stopped moving when she heard a hissing noise. Kenji jumped off as Hinata looked at the wound closing before her very eyes. 'It…feels oddly warm.' She turned her head to be met by Naruto's focused eyes, she blushed slightly at his stare. She pet Kenji in appreciation, "Thank you Kenji." The yipped and wagged his tails. She blushed a deep red when she still felt Naruto's gaze on her. "W-What is it N-Naruto?"

"That jacket seems a bit restricting, why not keep it off? You look better without it." His sincere smile was the last thing she saw before passing out and waking up in her bed at home.

XxXxXxXxX-Flash back end-XxXxXxX

She shook her head from her memories not wanting a repeat of the same thing. "Hey Hinata!" She looked up to see Naruto approaching and had a light blush, but couldn't help but smile. Sasuke opened one eye and looked between the two; he sighed and stood up from his meditating position. "About time you should up dope." Naruto seemed to be hardly affected, especially since he still had a smile on his face. 'Probably just from getting a real mission'. Kakashi looked up from his orange book and towards Sasuke. "Everyone ready? Good." He started to lead them down the road towards their very first mission outside the village.

The bridge builder looked up towards the sun and figured it was about an hour since his last drink. He pulled out his bottle before the bottom of it shattered, he stopped dead in his tracks red with anger. "Hey what's-!" He stopped mid-way from seeing Kakashi's serious face. "I forgot to mention this before, but we need you sober and clear thinking for this trip. If you were drunk and didn't know up from down, well that could turn very bad very quickly if something were to happen; especially if you couldn't listen to our orders to ensure your safety."

The old drunk grumbled but none the less listened to him and continued to walk. Kakashi lead the way in front of Tazuna followed by Hinata, Sasuke, and finally Naruto. After a few minutes of no talking and just walking Naruto got a bit bored and started thinking about what new techniques he could make.

He really liked one idea but it required a ridicules amount of chakra control, but that didn't mean he wouldn't give up. Once his mind was set on something he wouldn't stop unless he reached his goal. He smiled at one variation using his clones when Kenji started to lowly growl. His eyes scanned around and saw a small puddle off to the side of the road almost one fourth of a mile ahead. Common sense came into play before danger senses went off with red flags and he thought quickly. "Hey Sasuke, remember that time you said you like fireworks?"

Sasuke got a tick mark and was about lay into him when his memory stopped him. "You know, I've always like those purple ones" Hinata knew what they were talking about as soon as Naruto started talking to Sasuke. 'I'm really glad I'm finally able to activate my bloodline without hand signs.' She quickly activated her Byakugan and chimed in. "I thought you liked t-the green ones, o-or was it blue?" Kakashi kept reading and paid no mind to their chatter, but Tazuna was a bit confused.

Naruto saw an advantage of their environment and came up with a solid formation. "My bad, it was those shooting games you liked." Sasuke 'hmphed' and put his hands in his pockets. But all three of them almost broke character when Kakashi stopped walking and was looking at the sky. He put his book into his pouch, "I have to pee." Before they could react with a major face vault two ninja appeared from the puddle they passed quickly wrapping Kakashi in a long connected and spiked chain, and pulled; hard. "One down, four to go."

Blood and bowels sprayed everywhere and onto the two ninja, they moved straight ahead quickly. The still unidentified ninja on the right went to strike down the old man before him but was deflected by Hinata. 'I won't fail.' She struck quickly with a juken strike but the ninja evaded and was pulled into helping his partner into attacking Sasuke.

Sasuke evaded under the claw of the attacker that came at him first and used his kunai to cut the link that held the two of them together. "Idiot!" The two converged into one attack, Sasuke quickly jumped over them both and threw a shuriken and the kunai he used before. The shuriken hit its mark and pinned the chain of one ninja to the closest tree, the kunai was thrown with extra force and pinned the throwing star by its hole.

The other ninja came at Sasuke while he was still coming down a bit enraged, his claw strike was held fast by two black tails. He turned to see what was holding him when he was met with a fist and then darkness. He skidded across the ground a bit before coming to a grunted stop.

The still conscious ninja pulled hard with both arms but couldn't free himself, he stopped when he felt metal against his skin. He was quickly bound by the hands and fingers to make sure he couldn't use any jutsu to escape. The bridge builder saw all of this in what seemed like a flash of a second; his knees wobbled and gave out. He was sweating and breathing deeply after realizing how close he came to death. He was helped back up by Hinata, "A-Are you alright?" His mouth was dry so he settled for nodding.

Sasuke bound the unconscious ninja like the other one before he woke up, while Naruto picked up the still awake one. "Where are you going dope?" Naruto paused but didn't look back because his words said it all. "To interrogate him." Kakashi chose this time to come out of the tree he was hiding and was a bit surprised that they weren't. He looked back to Naruto walking towards the thickening forest, 'Maybe it's for the best that they don't see him doing that…yet.' "Good work protecting the bridge builder Hinata, and a very good use of environment Sasuke." Sasuke paused from tying their now prisoner to 'hmph' but had a small smile and Hinata blushed from the small compliment.

Kakashi wanted to stop Naruto from interrogating their prisoner but it was something that he had to learn, and Kakashi wouldn't have learned anything he already didn't.


Naruto set the still unknown ninja against a tree and folded his arms. "I've played this in my head over and over again and-" "You can't do it, can you?" The foreign ninja laughed but was interrupted by Naruto talking again. "No, I just can't choose which method is more gruesome or painful, but I'm in a hurry so I'll settle for effectiveness." The bound ninja saw his eyes and didn't see any hint of emotion, his eyes held a coldness that made him want to shiver. "Do your worst." For the sake of getting the information from him he made it believable, he smiled a maniac smile. "Go ahead Kenji." The ninja was a bit curious but his thoughts were startled out of him by seeing who he assumed was 'Kenji'.

"Is this your interrogation tool, a fox?" He started to laugh loudly when he stopped and wanted to scream in pain. He looked to see one of Kenji's tails partially in his shoulder; he wanted to mock the orange ninja and his pet but was stopped when his other tail ripped some of his sleeve off. "Watch closely." He felt searing pain and was compelled to look at what was causing it. He wanted to believe it was a dream when he saw black ooze spread from the wound, he turned back to the ninja when the all the pain stopped.

"That was just the pain from your dying and infected skin. Would you like me to move onto the muscle?" The tied up shinobi started to sweat and he started to feel another shiver coming on when he heard the fox start to growl.


Hinata just got done helping Tazuna and was about to see if Sasuke needed help. "Ahhhhhh!" She flinched and wanted to cover her ears but she knew it was a part of their job, but she couldn't imagine Naruto torturing someone. Kakashi's eye looked towards the clearing of the forest and saw Kenji and Naruto walking back, he wanted to know what he found out.

"They're the Demon Brothers, ex Chunin mist ninja. Their current objective was kill Tazuna and take out any leaf ninja they could along the way." Naruto didn't stop walking and picked up the other brother who was still unconscious and started to tie him to a tree and marked it with a 'pick up' sign. He looked back at Kakashi, "Anbu only need one prisoner, right?" Kakashi nodded and put a hand on his shoulder, "Good work."

Hinata didn't want to believe it, but it was their job and she knew it to be true. As if reading her distressed mind Naruto looked back at her and his eyes softened, he looked back to tying the prisoner to the tree as he spoke, "It was quick, but some pain was necessary for the information." His eyes wandered to see Kenji licking his fur; he didn't have the heart to tell her that her favorite animal was the one to take his life. But his familiar was a demon, and it was necessary. Necessary for information, and to also keep Kenji's strength up. If he remembered correctly, the Aburame feed their insects chakra by their own, or others they were ordered to attack. Of course Naruto could feed his familiar also, and for weeks. He was naturally curious and wanted to know what would happen if he feed him large amounts of chakra. The results were more than he could have comprehended at that time, but after practice he knew what true chaos he could rein.

He shook his head hearing Kakashi chew out the bridge builder, "-Have you any idea what danger you have brought my students into? They won't send a Chunin, they'll send a Jounin!" Sasuke had a look of indifference on his face while Hinata was a bit worried what her father's reaction might be to an abandon mission. He put his 'mask' on for real combat, his eyes frosted over to an cold ice blue. "We will not abandon the mission, as shinobi we face daily danger. Why should this be any different?"

"Look at our team, the last Uchiha, the Hyuga heiress, and a clone machine with a stamina of a Jounin. The Wave shinobi focus on the Hidden Mist-Jutsu for silent attacks which Hinata can see through. Sasuke can negate most of their Water Jutsu, and you have your heavy hitter right here." He gestured to himself with complete confidence in his team. Even his familiar yipped to include himself, his eyes burning the same as his master's.

His whole team saw his eyes, they were cold but a blazing fire was burning. Kakashi sighed and took out a scroll, writing a quick message he made it 'poof' to the Hokage's office. "Be on your guard at all times." "Hai Sensei!"


They arrived at the dock via a row boat with a very quiet motor. Tazuna hadn't been drinking since they saved his life and agreed to protect him until completion of the bridge, he couldn't think of any other way to show his appreciation.

"My home is a few miles ahead, you can rest in our spare rooms." He smiled in remembrance of his waiting family. They walked the way there with their senses tuned to the max and their weapons at the ready. Not even a fourth of the way there Kenji's ears flicked and turned and focused behind them, he growled lowly. A simple gesture from his familiar and he through a kunai with deadly force into a nearby bush on his left.

The team reacted standing strong in their formation ready for anything, Naruto readied another kunai just as a snow white rabbit ran out from the bushes he threw his previous kunai. Naruto's memories from hunting book came into play just before Kenji's ear flicked behind them again. "Get down!" Hinata pushed the bridge builder down just as everyone else dived to the ground. A huge sword flew above them spinning with deadly speed and stuck itself deep into a thick tree. As they stood up they saw the ninja who tried to decapitate them all. Naruto's eyes became even colder and calculating, "Momochi Zabuza, nuke nin from Mist; and one of the seven swordsmen."

The Demon of the Mist chuckled lightly, "I'm flattered someone as young as you knows even that much about me. Kakashi, you never told me you're teaching Genin." He dropped down bringing his sword with him, putting it over his shoulder he slowly walked over as mist filled their vision. "Have you taught them about death yet?" Finishing his sentence he poured a heavy amount of killing intent into the area freezing Sasuke and Hinata. Kakashi seemed hardly fazed, but Naruto hadn't moved and inch and showed no signs of a single struggle.

Sasuke started to have a hard time breathing and felt the full force of the killing intent that saturated the air, he slowly went for a kunai. He was stopped when he heard Naruto's voice, "You quitting teme? So I guess I'll always be better." He smirked almost hearing the Uchiha's blood simmer from anger. "As if dope." He switched his kunai into an attack position, ready for anything.

"Seven targets. The liver, kidneys, femoral artery's, lungs, heart, spine, throat." He suddenly appeared in the middle of the circle they made to protect Tazuna, "Too slow." Sasuke and Hinata tried to move in time only for the sword stop in its tracks, halted by a sleek and pitch black blade with what looked blood flowing down the crease in middle with no blood upon it. As the Demon of the Mist looked further he saw black straps wrap around the wielders right shoulder, it looked to be connected to a, '-Fox?'.

Kenji's nails dug deep into Naruto's shoulder using chakra fed to him to transform his tails into one solid weapon. He started to give Kenji large amounts of chakra, enough for a dozen of fireball jutsu's. Naruto's newest weapon glowed where enemy's blood would flow and Naruto's eyes focused into another demon's eyes and challenged him.

"Nice sword, I wonder if you can regenerate like Kubikiribōchō."

XxXxX-END Chapter 4-XxXxX

I'm sorry I have to end it on a cliff note but I have a lot on my plate, I did mean to put this up yesterday; but with everything else coming into place at the moment I can do one chapter a month. I'll try to do more and I've already started on the fifth chapter, but until everything settles this is all I can really do.

*I'm still looking for the proper Japanese translation for 'red eyed raven'